I Am God!

Chapter 343 Do You Know Witches?

Su Kebu led the witch spirit apprentices to communicate in Pence City. The magic scrolls they brought were very popular in the city. All the forces in the city wanted to order a large number of witch spirits, which can be used by ordinary people. Extraordinary items.

Su Kebu himself was invited by various forces, including General Dark Moon, who had just taken control of the royal court, and the blind female prophet of the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes.

as well as.

Those behind-the-scenes people who want to deal with General Dark Moon, the ambitious people who are secretly ready to move.

But these invitations, Su Kebu rejected all,

But on this day, there was no way for Sukob to refuse a grand ceremony held on the bright side.

In the royal court's palace, well-dressed dignitaries came one after another.

at the banquet.

Everyone talked about poetry, about the glorious past of the Ten Thousand Snakes, and about the magnificent achievements in the family history.

And the protagonist that everyone surrounds is General Dark Moon.

General Darkmoon is an attractive looking man who still looks quite young.

Tall and heroic, with sharp eyes.

Standing in the crowd, he narrated his thoughts to everyone, how to lead everyone to create a situation next.

Even if what he did was considered outrageous in the eyes of ordinary people.

But to be able to get to this point, he still has a lot of fans.

"I plan to follow the example of the White Tower Alchemy Alliance and divide the central territory of the Royal Court into several provinces. At that time, this country will need everyone's help to govern these provinces for His Majesty the King of Ten Thousand Snakes."

"The bureaucratic system in the past has no way to control such a large country. We need a new system."

"The royal court needs a large number of officials and a certain degree of innovation."

General Dark Moon paused for a moment, then spoke seriously and seriously.

"This country needs someone who can stand up and take responsibility."

Everyone looked at General Dark Moon, thinking he was talking about himself.

He raised his hand: "This person is all of you here."

"As long as everyone is willing to stand up, they will be able to save this country and make it strong again; there will never be a situation where even the barbarians in Lei Ze dare to humiliate us."

Everyone burst into cheers, and some people thought that General Dark Moon's words were really inspiring.

But among the crowd, there were also some disdainful glances.

Breaking the old order and establishing a new system will inevitably usher in a powerful counterattack from the old forces; how can those nobles under the old system and those with vested interests allow General Dark Moon to implement the provincial system of the White Tower Alchemy Alliance.

At present, the central control area of ​​the royal court is divided into provinces, so what about the future?

Is the whole royal court going to be divided?

The territories of those great nobles are each a country within a country, and the provincial system has been implemented in this way, and they have been divided in this way. Are the territories still ours?

But the previous big cleansing had killed many people in the city with fear.

Those who dared to resist General Dark Moon have almost been killed; many of the rest were killed from the army following General Dark Moon, naturally they are strong supporters of what he said .

In the palace, Su Kebu looked at General Dark Moon.

"To change a country, it is still a country with a vast territory like the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court."

"Is it really possible?"

It can be found that General Dark Moon should have been to Suinhor and the Land of the Rising Sun, and he is very familiar with the situation and problems in these countries.

He also saw the internal problems of the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court, and was also trying to find a way to solve this problem.


Su Kebu is not optimistic about him.

It is not optimistic that he can carry this already fragmented kingdom.

Perhaps the words he said were beautiful and the situation he described was correct, but this was not something he could do alone.

Su Kebu believed that what he did was to speed up the demise of the kingdom; the already precarious kingdom ushered in a man who pushed the power to lift the king, and carried out drastic reforms.

What he welcomes will not be rebirth from the ashes like the White Tower Alchemy Alliance, but will only burn the entire earth to nothing.

The second half of the banquet.

When General Dark Moon tentatively mentioned that he was going to move the capital of Ten Thousand Snake King Court to the west, to Moon Eclipse City.

There was an uproar among the crowd.



"I don't want to leave here, to leave Pence City."

"Eclipse City? The palace there has long been abandoned? Where does His Majesty the King of Snakes live?"

"And how much will it cost to move there? Isn't this a waste of nothing?"

The Court of Ten Thousand Snakes had two capitals a long time ago, one city of Pansi and the other city of Eclipse.

Pence City is to the east, at the foot of the Mountain of Origin of Life.

Eclipse City is closer to the west and the sea.

However, as the kingdom became stronger and stronger, relying on the Shepherd's River to carry it, enough supplies could be continuously obtained, and the Moon Eclipse City was abandoned.

And now that General Dark Moon proposed to move the capital, it was not just about changing the concept of the capital.

Now, many people can't sit still.

Someone immediately stood up and expressed fierce opposition.

It can be seen.

This is General Darkmoon preparing for his state policy and total power.

Once the transfer of the capital is successful, the old forces will be completely broken; the power will be reshuffled, and General Dark Moon can really formulate his own national policy according to what he thinks, and turn the situation of the entire country little by little.

More importantly, the lunar eclipse city in the western capital is closer to the south, which is more convenient for the royal court to control the southern territory.

If the capital was in Eclipse City, those out-of-control territories and nobles in the south of Ten Thousand Snake King's Court might not be so comfortable.

The benefits seem many.

However, there is one very serious problem.

This means that they have to give up the sacred place of the Mountain of Origin of Life.

This is absolutely unbearable for many people.

Among them, the most embarrassing thing for General Dark Moon is the prophet of the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes.

The prophet stood up and challenged him: "The mountain of origin of life."

"Is that enough?"

"The descendants of Pence have given up the holy land opened up by our ancestors."

"The descendants of ten thousand snakes left the place of creation of the gods like this?"

General Dark Moon: "The gods are eternal, and the holy land will last forever."

"Whether we do it or not, whether we go or not, it is sacred and eternal."

"It's always here."

"However, we are only mortals, so naturally we have to consider and prepare for mortals and this country."

General Dark Moon very much hoped that the Prophet would back down. The woman in front of her might not be particularly powerful, nor might she be extremely powerful.

But her opinion and will are more terrifying than power and strength.

The blind prophet didn't back down at all. She believed that General Dark Moon's move would not only violate the faith, but also cause the entire Ten Thousand Snakes Court to fall apart.

"Dark Moon!"

"Have you thought about it?"

"If the mountain of the origin of life is no longer the capital, if there is no this holy place, if there is no prestige of the city of Pence."

"Is the king of ten thousand snakes still the king of ten thousand snakes?"

"You can still be like this..."

"Is it domineering?"

The voice of the blind prophet became louder: "Leaving this holy mountain, the entire Ten Thousand Snake King's Court will completely lose the main heart to connect everything."

"There is no place where the offspring of Ten Thousand Snakes can be linked together in this way."

"There is no force that can deter everyone like this."

"leave here."

"The Court of the Ten Thousand Snakes is no longer the Court of the Ten Thousand Snakes."

General Dark Moon paused for a moment before speaking.

"I believe that it is not only this mountain that supports the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court, but also other things."

The blind prophet looked up, her eyes dark.

What can be seen is the fire of the rhythm of life surging in the darkness.

In her eyes, General Dark Moon's fire of life is blazing and bright, not only his strong body shines, but also his will and determination.

What surges in his body is his urgent desire to change the world and this country.

Or rather.


The Prophet didn't know why, but he was terrified by the burning desire and ambition of the other party.

This raging fire may illuminate the darkness, but it may also burn everything into ruins.


During the banquet.

A waiter came to Sukob and invited him to the side room.

Su Kebu saw this powerful Dark Moon General, except that he didn't directly put the crown on his head, this is the uncrowned king of the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court.

General Dark Moon saw Su Kebu and respected him very much.

"Sukob, a man of God's favor."

"I have traveled many places, and I have been to Suinhor's Fire Protection City, but unfortunately I have not been able to meet the King of the Scarlet Goddess."

"I have also been to the City of Lights in the Land of the Rising Sun. Unfortunately, the giant statue of God Iva has collapsed. What is even more regrettable is that I also did not see the Apostle Oran."

The front is full of regrets, but the turning point is ushered in later.

It is precisely because of these regrettable foreshadowings that it seems that this ordinary meeting has become different.

These ordinary words were also used to set off General Dark Moon's admiration for the person in front of him and the importance he attached to this meeting.

"But this time."

"I have finally fulfilled my dream, because a living God's Blessed One is standing in front of me."

General Darkmoon is very funny, and he doesn't look like a battle-tested general at this time.

Although his words are very respectful, Su Kebu feels.

What he respected was not Sukob's status as a divinely favored person.

It is the power possessed by Su Kebu, or the power possessed by the gods behind him.

After some words of praise to bring the relationship closer, the general said straight to the point.

"You must think I'm an ambitious man, a man who is desperate to seize power, a man who bullies orphans and widows and took over the country."


The general looked at Sukob just when one might think he was about to defend himself.

He said.

"That's right, that's who I am."

"I am an ambitious man, I am desperate to seize power, I just took this country from the hands of an orphan and widow."

"But what I want to say is that what this country needs is not a good person, what it needs is not a moral saint."

"The Ten Thousand Snake King's Court has reached a precarious moment. He needs a person or a group of people to support it strongly. The previous king has proved that he can't do it, and a child can't do it."

"So I stepped up."

"As long as it can be saved, as long as it can be good for the country."

"No matter what method is used, no matter what method is used, I will do it."

Su Kebu once again affirmed his previous judgment. This is indeed a charismatic general, and his every word can move people's hearts.

Even when he said those unethical remarks, it made people feel as if he was right.

Although there is definitely a high-sounding part in the words, it feels completely different when a person really says that and does it.

But Sukob is not interested in all this: "General!"

"I'm just an outsider, a witch spirit who is separated from the world. We never interfere in such things."

"So what do I think, what do I see."

"it is not important."

General Dark Moon saw that Su Kebu didn't answer, and felt that the old man in front of him was difficult to deal with.

He asked the waiter to serve wine and snacks, and then filled Sukob himself.

After the atmosphere had eased a lot, they directly started talking about the country.

"The King of Ten Thousand Snakes established the country very late, at least much later than Suinhor. The era of tribal disputes lasted for hundreds of years. It was the King of Ten Thousand Snakes who unified the entire plain of animal husbandry and established this great nation."

"Think about it, it's been more than five hundred years now."

"There were not so many people hundreds of years ago, there was no paper hundreds of years ago, there were not so many varieties of crops hundreds of years ago, and there were not so many powerful people."

"People a few hundred years ago could not have imagined what is happening now."

"They can't imagine that the snake artisans and workshops can produce things that they could not imagine before, and they can't imagine the geniuses emerging from generation to generation in Suinhall, making all kinds of tools, and writing all kinds of books. Such a great book, bursting out with such a brilliant civilization."

"I can't imagine generations of alchemists moving forward, I can't imagine that the looms and spinning machines of the White Tower Alchemy Alliance are constantly turning, producing cloth like flowing water, and I haven't seen hundreds of alchemy workshops producing piles of Cargo at the port."

"But what about the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes?"

"The system from hundreds of years ago, even the things left over from the tribal period, we are still using today."

"The former king would never have imagined how depraved his descendants would be."

Speaking of this, General Dark Moon seemed a little excited.

"The Court of the Ten Thousand Snakes?"

"It's no longer a royal court, it's just a decaying corpse."

"It's rotting, smelly, wormy."

"Stupid, stupid, conservative."

"We don't do anything, we don't change anything, the whole world is moving forward, only we stop and linger."

"Countless civilians at the bottom are wailing. No matter how much they farm, no matter how they graze, no matter how much they fish, they can't get enough to eat and can't survive."

"Famines and rebellions break out every year. The old people are driven to the wilderness to fend for themselves, and the newborns are drowned in the river; Go to the battlefield and kill."

"What kind of world is this?"

General Dark Moon came to Su Kebu and looked at the old man.

"It's time to change."

"If there is no change, the country will be finished."

"I've been fighting wars, sending young men to wars, and quelling rebellion after rebellion."

"But the more this happens, the less hope I see."

"A few years ago, I went to Soinhall, and then took a boat to the Land of the Rising Sun."

"Although Suinhall is also in decline, its background is incomparable to ours; but the changes in the White Tower Alchemy Alliance show me an opportunity."

"I saw the same situation in Suinhor, which gave me some insight; but only in the White Tower Alchemy Alliance, I saw something different."

"So I'm back and I know what to do."

General Dark Moon looked at Sukob expectantly: "Mr. Sukob!"

"You must feel the same way, don't you?"

"This country has problems and it needs to change."

"I heard that you were born in a small village above the wasteland. I don't think anyone can understand these problems and pain points better than you, right?"

It is clear.

General Dark Moon said so much, just hoping to win Sukobra to his side.

But Su Kebu looked at General Dark Moon and just responded.

"You are right, General Dark Moon, I come from a small village in the wasteland."


"I'm an Evelian!"

General Dark Moon froze for a moment: "People from Aiweier, some familiar names."

Su Kebu didn't shy away from it: "A country once broken by the Ten Thousand Snakes' Court, hundreds of years ago, the Evelians were massacred, enslaved, and exiled until they were hard to see again."

Only then did General Dark Moon realize that the Evelians were the ethnic group that had disappeared for hundreds of years.

A group that has long been forgotten.

General Dark Moon was suddenly a little embarrassed, everything he said seemed to be winking to a blind man.

In other words, he did not expect that the other party turned out to be an ethnic group that had a long-standing hatred with the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court. After all, there were no Evelians on the giant island of Ruhe, and most of the Evelians had almost integrated into other ethnic groups. I don't remember their past.

General Dark Moon set a new price: "That happened hundreds of years ago. We can't judge or modify the past, but at least we can look forward to the future."

"You are the favored person of the gods, don't you want to pass on the beliefs of the gods in this country?"

"This country is very big, why can't it accommodate a few more temples?"

Su Kebu did not agree as readily as General Dark Moon imagined, and shook his head to look at the other party: "What a blasphemy!"

"Aren't you afraid to anger the gods in the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes?"

General Dark Moon spread his hands: "Gods don't care about these things."

"Isn't it?"

"The gods don't care, why should we care?"

"The gods don't care, why should we speculate whether they will be angry; why can't a country believe in multiple gods? Is this blasphemy?"

"This so-called blasphemy is just the imagination of mortals."

Sukob: "The arrogance and stupidity of mortals!"

"The gods don't care, because they don't need it, because they are above the mortal world; what mortals do may or may not be meaningful to them, but in any case, it cannot affect the magnificence of the gods."

"But in this world, in the human world where everything comes from the gift of gods."

"Do mortals have the right not to care?"

"Are mortals capable of bearing the possible wrath of the gods?"

General Darkmoon fell into deep thought.

He had met many devout believers, and also met many despicable people who used the name of gods to do dirty things, but he had never heard anyone analyze the relationship between gods and mortals from this perspective.

Su Kebu didn't say anything, turned his head and left.

General Dark Moon came to his senses, and said to Su Kebu: "You are not only a blessed man, but also a wise man."

Su Kebu opened the door and said only one sentence: "My God is the God who holds truth and knowledge."


Su Kebu sold out all the magical scrolls he brought, and purchased a large amount of needed materials.

There are rare books, experimental tools, and alchemy props.

There are also many supernatural materials that witch spirits use for research.

The most precious part of it is the extraordinary items that Sukob intends to use to break through the apostle rank, and the materials for drawing the ceremony.

This is also the reason why Su Kebu came to Pence City. These extraordinary materials are probably only available in Pence City in the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court.

Although the stability in Pence City was still maintained, Sukob faintly felt that the undercurrent under the plane became more and more intense.

It can explode anytime, anywhere.

Sukob was about to leave.

Two days before leaving, Sukob came to the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes.

The building of the temple is very large, and the whole is a city within a city.

Looking up, you can see the flames burning on the holy fire platform.

It is said.

It was a fire demon that had survived for hundreds of years.

The guards in front of the temple stopped him.

"I want to go to the temple library to take a look, and I have already got permission."

As a Witch Spirit, follower of the God of Truth and Knowledge.

When you come to Pence City, you can't miss the oldest library in the legendary Ten Thousand Snake King's Court, the library of the temple.

Under the guidance of a divine attendant, Sukob entered the temple.

There are many buildings in the temple, and the corridors are vertical and horizontal.

Su Kebu came to a relatively remote place in the depths, and entered the library that was widely rumored outside.

There are indeed a lot of books here, but they are not as exaggerated as in the legend.

But Su Kebu was still very excited, the witch spirit's desire for books and knowledge was burned deep in the soul.




"Everything about the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court is recorded here."

Sukob felt that writing is one of the most important things in the world, because of writing, there is civilization.

Because of writing, people are called people, and they are different from beasts.

Even after thousands of years, many things have disappeared, and the text still records the past.

The old man Su Kebu threw himself into the sea of ​​books all of a sudden, with a smile on his face.

Su Kebu read a lot of books, and did not leave after dark.

He was prepared to see the day he left.

In addition to the books, he also saw some broken clay tablets in the corner with words engraved on them.

"Ancient clay tablets? Couldn't this be hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

Su Kebu picked up a piece of the clay tablet carefully, for fear of breaking it, although it itself was broken into pieces.

After watching for a long time, Sukob sighed.

"Unfortunately, I can't read the words clearly."

A voice came from behind: "Too long years are enough to consume most of the things in this world."

"These books, these clay tablets, and many things here, including the people here."

"After thousands of years, it will cease to exist."

Su Kebu looked at the person who came, it was the prophet of the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Her voice was somewhat pessimistic, even desolate.

The Prophet was very young, and she bowed to the elder Su Kebu: "It is very presumptuous to disturb you."

Su Kebu replied: "No, it is also Su Kebu's honor to meet the prophet of the temple!"

"Thank you very much for allowing me to come here to view the temple's collection of books."

Although the strength of the opponent is not strong, the meaning of the representation is different.

In a sense, she is also a favored person, with a god behind her.

It's just that the prophet himself doesn't know who the god behind her is, and who's power is used to see the pictures she saw.

Subsequently, Sukob responded to what the Prophet had just said.

"Although these books, clay tablets, objects, even you and I will disappear with time."

"But text will not disappear, it will always record everything about us and tell people in the future."

The blind prophetess is blindfolded, and her delicate face can be seen through the light.

Although she lost her eyes, but for some reason, people still feel that she can see herself.

Even directly see through his own heart.

"I came to see you at this time because I have a doubt and an invitation."

Su Kebu probably understood what the invitation was, and he asked directly.

"What is doubt?"

Blind female prophet: "How can we save this country?"

"How can we delay the disaster from coming?"

Su Kebu didn't want to get involved in such troubles, so he could only pretend to be confused.

"How to save?"

"Isn't it good now?"

Blind female prophet: "On the night when the king died, when I was praying to the gods, I saw the gods cast their eyes on the world."

"I saw the apostles walking on the earth, and I saw the disaster befall this country."

At that time, the prophet also saw the scene where Sukob was summoned by the God of truth and knowledge.

The blind female prophet looked at Su Kebu: "There must be something big about to happen, isn't it?"

"The apostles went to the world one after another. This must be a secret related to the gods."

Sukob didn't speak. This question was even more unanswerable than the previous one.

The blind prophetess stood under the dim light of the lamp, and the faint light shone on her fair and smooth skin, which had a ceramic-like luster.

If a young man is faced with such requests and inquiries from a blind woman, he may be overwhelmed.


Sukob is a seasoned old man.

What he prefers is to keep silent and wait and see what happens.

The blind female prophet didn't get the answer she wanted, so she went on to talk about her request.

"Dark Moon!"

"He thought what he did could change something, he thought he could save everything with his own power."

"But what he's doing will only push the country into the abyss."

"I want to ask you to help us, help us save this country."

"He doesn't know anything, and I can't see the future clearly."

"We've all seen the storm coming from afar, and the big ship about to capsize, but we don't know why the storm is coming."

Su Kebu did not expect that the blind woman in front of him would make such an abrupt request.

"How to help?"

"kill him?"

"Can killing him save everything? Will the country not fall into the abyss without him?"

"O Prophet of the Temple of Ten Thousand Serpents, it wasn't the coming storm that overturned this big ship, and it had nothing to do with the gods."

"It's this big ship."

"It's already riddled with holes."

The blind female prophet was silent, and she continued after a long time.

"I have no idea!"

"I really don't know what to do!"

"But I have a premonition, a premonition of disaster."

"I can't do anything, I have no power."

"So I want you to come and help us."

The blind snake girl: "I don't want to kill anyone, and I don't know whether Dark Moon is right or wrong."

"But I know that when disaster strikes, we are powerless to resist."

"Whether it's Dark Moon or me."

"I just don't want to just sit and watch..."

"The foreseen picture has arrived."

Su Kebu understood what the snake girl probably wanted to say.

The Land of Sunrise has the blessing of the God of Alchemy, so everything is controlled within a controllable range, and the most critical transition has been completed.

Suinhor also has the Scarlet Goddess, although this is also an old broken ship, let alone what plans the Scarlet Goddess will have in the future; but when it is about to capsize, there will be gods who will come out to help it reveal all the details.

Only the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes.

The gods did not respond, nor did they have the power of an apostle.

This is the only blank space. Once there is a problem, all kinds of monsters and monsters may come out to take a bite, pushing the disaster to an uncontrollable level.

In particular, we are now in a window of changing times.


The animal herding plain governed by no gods, the most central part of Ruhe Giant Island.

Just like the center of the eye of the storm, ordinary people may not feel anything, and it is impossible to know such information; but the blind woman in front of him may feel or see something.

The blind prophet didn't express it very clearly. This is a woman who has always lived in the depths of the temple, a believer who sacrificed her eyes to become a prophet since she was a child and lives in darkness.

She is not as eloquent and inspiring as General Dark Moon,

Su Kebu could feel that she didn't use any scheming and tricks against herself.

At the same time, he also felt the helplessness and hesitation of the prophet from the words.

Sukob was very sympathetic to the Prophet, perhaps because of a young girl who lost her eyes since she was a child and has been imprisoned in the depths, perhaps because of her words.

However, he was still not prepared to intervene in this matter: "I have been a believer in God for the rest of my life."

"I never think too much about it, I just follow God's will."

Su Kebu used very euphemistic words, but very firmly rejected the prophet.

"I will do whatever God tells me to do."

"If God didn't say it, I wouldn't do it."

The blind female prophet raised her head: "What if the gods above never pass down oracles?"

Sukob was silent, and he thought of the legends and stories of the Evil people long, long ago.

I thought of the hero Xiuburn who saved the Evil people, this believer who firmly believed in the dominion of life, but in the end he became the favored person of the god of truth and knowledge.

Even so, the master of life has never cast a half eye on him.

The blind female prophet lowered her head, her face a bit downcast.

"We have no protection from God."

"When the storm came, we hesitated."

"After the storm, what is left of us?"

Su Kebu hesitated for a while, and he finally revealed some news because of the blind woman's affection for letting him into this ancient library.

Although he was not prepared to intervene in this matter, as the prepared apostle of the God of truth and knowledge, he knew more information and knowledge than ordinary people thought.

And sometimes, this knowledge and information can change a country or even an ethnic group.

"The master of life is one of the most powerful gods."

"Creator of life."

The prophet looked at Su Kebu suspiciously: "However, God does not protect us."

"I want to seek guidance from the gods, but I don't know where the guidance is."

Sukob: "It may be that you have not found a real asylum."

"The dominant god has long given you shelter, but you don't know how to use this power, and you have been begging hard."

"In other words, the asylum is always in front of you, but you can't see them."

Sukob: "This piece of land where we are, the entire Ruhe Giant Island."

"It is a kingdom ruled by life, the back garden of this great god."

The Prophet froze for a moment, she still didn't understand what Sukob meant.

Sukob opened his mouth and said in a somewhat hoarse voice.

"you know……"

"A witch?"

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