I Am God!

Chapter 456 Ruhta, the Witch King of Haiti and the Ship of the New World (thank you for being the le

Under the mountain where life originated.

The Temple of Life in Pans.

Merter, dressed in dark clothing, entered the palace whose history can be traced back to the time of Pans, the ancestor of the snake people. He knelt on the ground and looked up at the statue of the god that refracted the golden light in the sun.

This is a statue made entirely of gold. It was erected by the ancient Aiweier people as the creator and life master of the snake people.

In order to cast this statue of the god, the ancient Aiweier people could say that they spared no effort and spent almost all their efforts to build it, but in the end they did not get the protection of the gods.

In the past nearly a thousand years, no snake-man country has ever received a response from the master of life.

It wasn't until they learned about the existence of the giant god Ruhe that they finally knew that the Lord of Life had left behind their protector before leaving; that the great giant had been silently carrying the continent and guarding the garden of the Lord of Life.

Thus, the current Earth Witch was born, and finally brought the blessing of the giant god Ruhe to the ruling country of ten thousand snakes.

The Earth Witch slowly read out the myth passed down from ancient times, the story of the beginning of the era.

"The Lord of Life blew the trumpet, and the giant island of Ruhe appeared in the middle of the sea, and there was life and green between heaven and earth."

This is the first half of the story, and the second half has been added in recent myths and sacred scriptures of the Temple of Life.

"He asked seven giant gods to support this giant island, support our world, and provide for us to thrive."

"The earth, the sky, the volcanoes, the glaciers, the starry night, the desert, and the moonlight are their names."

"Seven gods protect the world, and all spirits shout Ruhe, and the name of the world was born."

And it wasn't until she became the Earth Witch that she truly learned some of the secrets of the gods.

She discovered some more terrifying truths.

Those ancient gods came from the ancient times. Before the birth of the snake people, there was an even older era. The world was ruled by a group of gods with the blood of god kings.

The magical props that the snake people on the Ruhe Island have always excavated are not things that fell from the Kingdom of God, but those left by older beings on this land.

In the eyes of those ancient existences, gods from ancient times.

The Mother of Life is not the Creator.

Just one of the supreme gods.

In fact, Myrtle had vaguely discovered some truths a long time ago. For example, the Temple of Knowledge of the Aiweier people not only enshrines the god of truth and knowledge, but also must have the image of a crown. All Aiweier people regard it as the god of truth and knowledge. The source of wisdom.

For example, in the Miracle Temple in the Land of the Rising Sun, the Lord worshiped is the Lord of Dreams, who is the supreme god of dreams.

And recently she finally got the answer.

Especially in the contract of the gods, everything she saw and the conversations she had with the creatures from the ancient times were all vaguely telling her the truth about this world.

Although the Earth Witch did not get an answer from the Ancient One and the Ancient Doll Demon in the end, no answer sometimes equals an answer, and at least the other party did not deny it.

The Mother of Life is indeed the founder of the Second Age, and the creator of most life in the world such as the Snake People, the Winged People, and the Winged People.

But He is only the Creator of life.

All wisdom originates from another Supreme Being, a God-King from ancient times.

The earth witch Myrter looked up at the glowing golden statue, looked at the majestic goddess, and murmured to herself.

“Who is the source of wisdom?”

"Who are the supreme gods?"

"If the Lord of life is not the Creator..."

"So who is the true Creator?"

Mortals are getting closer to myths and ancient truths, but no matter how close they are, it is difficult for them to truly touch the eternal existence in those eternal years, and truly uncover the mysterious veil hidden behind time.

Myrtle doesn't know the answer, and may never know the real answer.

She knows it herself.

Kneeling like this in the temple for a long time, the panic in Myrter's eyes receded little by little as he prayed devoutly, and his chaotic thoughts gradually calmed down in the quiet temple.

Because she gradually came to understand that no matter who was the real creator, it could not change that it was the Lord of Life who created them.

Myrtle bowed deeply to the ground, begging for forgiveness for his panic and helplessness.

"Whoever the true Creator is, you are our supreme god."

"He is the creator of the snake people."

"It is our Creator."

At this moment, I gradually felt relieved about the truth learned from the stone carvings of "Descent of Royal Power".

If the lineage of the supreme god is a whole, then it does not seem surprising that the parent and son of another supreme god has the power to control the giant god Ruhe.

She is just a mortal, a snake-man born in the Second Age.

It is really ridiculous to speculate on the bloodline of those god kings and the power of the supreme gods from one's own perspective.

"I am a believer in life."

"Just a believer in life."

“My faith and everything are dedicated to the Supreme Lord of Life, and I will use everything I have to repay my Creator.”

"Other existence and greatness have nothing to do with me."

The Earth Witch finally let go of everything, stood up and walked out of the temple. Her whole body became much more relaxed, and she no longer clung to those things that were beyond her reach.

Outside the hall, a snake goddess attendant from the temple had been waiting for Myrtle. When he saw her coming out, he immediately stepped forward and said.

"Your Highness Myrtle."

"All the guests from all over the world have arrived and are living in the embassy in Pans City, waiting for your summons."

Myrtle put down his burden and seemed to have undergone a transformation.

"Get ready, and then meet them in the side hall of the giant god Ruhe."

"There should also be a new witch born in the human world."

Merter met with the believers of other giant gods in several side halls dedicated to the seven giant gods of Ruhe.

These people are the chief divine attendant from the Kingdom of Yellow Sand, and the chief of the North Wind Tribe from the junction of the Fire Demon Swamp and the Frozen Plateau.

In addition, there is the Moonlight Temple, an organization of believers of the Moon God from Moonlight City. The chief of the Thunder Temple came from Thunder Swamp, and has been exploring and pursuing the secrets of the Starry Night Mountains for hundreds of years. Meeting leader.

Came last.

They are from Suinhall Greenfield County, a group of members of the devastating natural disaster organization who always preach that the end is destined to come.

They claim that the world will be reduced to ashes under the fire of lava volcanoes, and only by believing in the lava giant can salvation be achieved.

There are a mixture of dragons and snakes among these people, but the believers of the giant god Ruhe on Ruhe Island are indeed gathered here at this moment.

They may have various reputations outside.

But here, they all saluted the Earth Witch very devoutly and regarded her as the spokesperson of the giant god Ruhe.

Because it was the appearance of the other party that allowed mortals to truly communicate with the giant god Ruhe.

Even the craziest followers of the Destroying Disaster Organization were lying on the ground and kissing the ground excitedly.

He said it in his mouth.

"Your Highness the Witch!"

"Good day!"

After some discussion and testing by the witch, everyone performed the awarding ceremony in the main hall of the Temple of Life on the last day.

Standing under the statue of the god, Myrter prayed seriously, then turned around and said.

"Seven witches are destined to be born in this world."

"The Titan carries the world and sleeps under the earth."

"And we are the eyes of the giant god Rukh, watching the world for the great god Rukh."

The Earth Witch looked at all of them and knew that there were some small thoughts among these people, but she didn't care.

Because under the will and power of God, no thought can cause trouble.

"Your current teachings and beliefs will be different from Ruhe's will, because you are not apostles and have never received guidance from God."

"But when the witches are born, they will lead you to the right path instead of the gods."

"Let you truly hear God's will."

"Anyone who dares to disobey the will of God and go against God will suffer the most severe punishment from God."

The witch stared at everyone present with her terrifying demonic eyes. Everyone immediately felt a force going deep into their blood, as if they were about to be wiped out of human form in an instant and turned into a mindless monster. Stupid monster.

That feeling made them tremble involuntarily.

The witch guided her last words into their hearts so that they would never dare to forget them.

"The giant god Ruhe is one of the most powerful gods, and he will never tolerate any deception or fooling."

After some warning, the Earth Witch gave them six metal balls engraved with Ruhe's brand.

The metal balls come in different materials and colors, but they look like special eyes.

Believers from all over the giant island of Ruhe were lying on the ground, holding the metal eyeball excitedly and enthusiastically.

"Your Highness the Earth Witch!"

"Thank you, thank you for bringing the faith and power of the Titan Ruhe to the world, thank you for bringing the protection of the Lord of Life to the world."

Earth Witch Myrtle: "I am also looking forward to the birth of a new witch, and looking forward to being reunited with the other six witches on the mountain of the origin of life."

The eyes of all the leaders of the power organizations that believed in the giant god Ruhe also shone with light, and that was not the case for them.

Only when the witch is born can these forces be said to be truly recognized by the gods and have the background of the gods.

Myrtle finished talking about his expectations, and then talked about his arrangements and plans.

"The City of Life was brought back to the Kingdom of Creation by the Lord of Life, but the snake people's faith is still there."

"There is no more City of Life, no more Tower of Babel."

"But we are still waiting for our Creator to come again."

"I am going to use the power of the seven witches to re-build a magnificent building on the mountain of the origin of life."

"A tower unique in the world, dedicated to the supreme god."

"The tower in the City of Life was once called the Tower of Babel, but now it's called the Tower of Ruh."

"In the future, witches can hold a gathering at the Ruhe Giant Tower every year, pray to the Ruhe Giant God and explain all the things that happened on this continent this year, and tell our piety to the supreme god."

Myrtle looked at the others, and the voice came from under the veil.

"The Tower of Babel is the tower that connects the divine world and the human world."

"And the Ruhe Tower is the tower that welcomes the arrival of the supreme god."

"This is Ruh's will, the will of man, and we will prove it to the supreme God."

"We are the lifeblood, we are followers of Ruh, we are his creations."


"Never forgot all this."

Everyone shouted: "After the witch is born, she will definitely come to the holy mountain where life originated to build the Ruhta for the supreme god."

Everyone left with hope, as if they thought they could cultivate a new witch by getting the Mark of Ruhe.

But this is not an easy task.

For example, the Kingdom of Yellow Sand obtained the Ruhe Mark of the Desert Worm, but whether they can finally select the Sand Witch they want depends on whether there is a truly suitable candidate.

Unless they can get the power of the Altar of Life and the power of the Eye of Deformation.




The wings flickered, bringing with it the sound of wind.

A wind lizard crossed the glacier, covered with ice and snow.

It only took a moment for the gods to leave the giant island of Ruh, and their will directly arrived and left across thousands of miles. It only took a short moment for the apostles and the chosen ones to leave the frozen plateau.

But Anu was different. It took him several days just to fly out of the frozen plateau.

He flew alone between the pale sky and the earth, and the wind lizard dragon was his only companion in this world.

Because it was too cold, he had to let the wind lizard fly at low altitude and slowly, and even had to huddle up with the wind lizard to find shelter at night.

This damn place is so cold that even the powerful can't stand it.

But Anu was still very happy. He had witnessed the existence of the contract of the gods with his own eyes.

"The God of Demonic Spirits also has a pyramid."

"I also saw the legendary King Alpans with my own eyes."

"Will my name be mentioned in future legends and stories?"

A few days have passed, and Anu is still excited.

Finally, he left the boundary of the frozen plateau and flew to the glacier fortress established by the Aiweier people in the past.

It is said that Xiubeng, the divine attendant of the Aiweier people, defeated the allied forces of the King of Snakes here, and then attacked Pans City and killed the King of Snakes at that time.

Anu had only heard these stories from others, but now he actually saw those ancient ruins.

Anu asked the Wind Lizard to fly lower and wanted to visit the Glacier Fortress, but he actually saw some people in the fortress repairing the city.

Among them were craftsmen, farmers, and many soldiers.

They had just migrated from far away places and were the first people.

This kind of bitter cold place near the frozen plateau is generally not inhabited. It was only because of the dangerous terrain that the Aiweier Kingdom built a fortress here. However, the Aiweier Kingdom has long since disappeared, and no one will come here again.

Therefore, Anu was also very curious to see these people migrating here.

Anu asked them: "Where are you from?"

The snake people were a little scared when they saw the lizard man's appearance, but they told him after seeing that he also spoke snake language.

"We are Ewellians and we are rebuilding our country."

Anu was very surprised; "Haven't all the Aiwel people left the Ruhe Island?"

The snake man told Anu: "We are the Aiwel people who stayed on the island of Ruhe."

Anu asked again: "Is the country of the Evel people the Wasteland Witch Country?"

Anu knows this country, and it is said that a large part of the country is composed of Aiweier people.

However, this country is not very eye-catching on the giant island of Ruhe. Most people know that it is famous for its witch spirit scrolls from the Wasteland Witch Country.

The snake man said: "Not the Witch Country of the Wasteland, but the Witch Country of Haiti."

"Our Witch King led us here to establish a new country, in the territory where the Kingdom of Aiweier once was."

Anu left the Glacier Fortress and flew to the place where Aiweier City once was.

I don’t know when this place changed from a place where a group of savages lived, to a city and a large number of coastal villages and towns.

Several docks on the sea have been rebuilt, and more Aiweier people are coming here from afar on ships. They should be from the tribes and wastelands in the north of the ruling country of Ten Thousand Snakes.

The city lights are on at night, giving people a sense of civilization.

Anu also saw the lighthouse on the seaside emitting firelight in the darkness, guiding distant ships to return.

The once destroyed Ewell Lighthouse was rebuilt.

"Since when have there been so many people here?"

"It really rebuilt the country."

Anu was very curious. He entered the city and found the person who changed the place, the Witch King of the Haitian Witch Kingdom.

The Wind Lizard stopped under the palace, and Anu asked someone to report that a Witch Spirit King came out of it.

Anu stepped forward and performed a standard knightly ceremony of the Kingdom of Suinhor.

"Dear Witch King of Haiti!"

"My name is Anu. Please forgive my intrusive visit."

"I once met Master Sukob and received his teachings and guidance. I have always been grateful."

"When I passed by here this time, I didn't expect that someone had re-established a witch kingdom in the former place of the Kingdom of Ewell, so I was very curious and wanted to come and take a look."

The Witch-King of Haiti replied to Anu: "Have you met Lord Sukob?"

"I am Lord Sukob's student and an Ewellian."

"I originally lived in the wilderness, and I took my companions to travel across mountains and rivers to come here to re-establish this country."

"Because this is the land of our ancestors, we should take it back and rebuild it."

The Witch King of Haiti looked at Anu very warily. He had never seen a lizard man before.

"You are not a snake, what are you..."

The lizard man Anu told the other party: "I am a lizard man, from the volcanic forest under the lava volcano, a believer of the Quetzalcoatl god Kurmis."

Hearing that Anu came from the legendary lava volcano, the Forbidden Land of Death, and was a believer in a god, the Witch King immediately became cautious.

Anu then took out the brown bulb vine and told the other party how to grow this crop.

The other party was very happy, he had heard about this crop.

But it only exists in Suinhor, and it has not been widely planted even in the King's Court of Ten Thousand Snakes and the Land of the Rising Sun. How could it spread to remote places like them.

And after seeing the brown bulb vine, the Haitian Witch King immediately remembered something.

"I heard that a powerful being called Kurmis created a brand new life and plant under the legacy of the Lord of Life."

"Plants are this brand new crop, and you lizard people are that brand new life, right?"

Anu nodded: "I didn't expect that you, the Witch King, would also hear about it."


The Witch King of Haiti warmly invited the lizard people to live there, and also allowed them to visit this city and country that were in desperate need of development.

However, Anu only stayed for two days, recorded his experiences and prepared to leave.

Because he still has a lot to do, and the lizard people on Suinhall's side are still waiting for him.

But in the early morning of the day he left, there were sudden exclamations one after another in the city, and a large number of snake people rushed towards the west coast, as if something had happened there.

Anu also headed west. He stood on the city wall and watched a fleet coming from afar. It was a large ship specially used for ocean voyages. The leading main ship sailboat was still glowing with the enchantment.

The ship docked at the abandoned pier under the lighthouse, and within a short time a large group of people gathered.

The Witch King of Haiti led his soldiers and powerful people to negotiate with the arriving fleet.

Then everyone knew.

That was not the fleet of Ruheju Island, but the ship from the New World Ewell Peninsula.

Ships from the New World.

The news came from the dock and immediately spread throughout the city.


"The Evelians are back."

"They are the Evelites of the New World."

"It's the Aiweier people who left hundreds of years ago, and they're back today."

The whole city was cheering, everyone was in disbelief.

Even the lizard man Anu was shocked. He looked at the fleet coming from the west from a distance on the city wall, the ships crossing the stormy sea.

"The Evel people who left the giant island of Ruh hundreds of years ago?"

"Is there really a new world?"

"Besides the giant island of Ruhe, is there a wider world?"

Anu had heard that the Elvirs had found a new world, but that was just hearsay after all.

But at this moment, he really saw ships from the new world, a fleet from another continent.

He saw the Aiweier people, who had been away for hundreds of years, returning to Ruhe Island again.

These ships arrived just after the contract between the gods was concluded, and there was no doubt that they were guided by the gods.

And for a moment, he suddenly thought of a deeper problem.

"Is the channel opened?"

"The door to a new world is open to us."

"In the future, everyone will be able to freely enter and exit Ruhe Island, and can they travel to the new world?"

When Anu saw this scene, he suddenly couldn't help but tremble all over.

Since this time.

He signed a contract with the gods, he met the legendary gods, and he saw the secrets of the previous era and the gods.

But he always felt in a trance, as if he was dreaming.

All this gave him a sense of unreality.

Because those things were too high and too far away from him.

But at this moment, he truly saw the changes brought about by this power in the human world.

I saw the changes brought about by the contract of the gods and the changes of the times to the country and ordinary people.

The lizard man leaned on the wall, and the strong wind blew across the sea, inflating the sails on the sea, and then blew on him.

He couldn't help but said loudly: "Look, this is a new era."

"This is the age of the gods, this is the age of Lord Kurmis."

"This is also...our time."


He flew south along the coast and arrived at the Witch Country in the wasteland.

The lizardman Anu entered the Scroll City to rest and replenish supplies. He saw the witch spirits in the Scroll City of the Wasteland Witch Kingdom divided into several teams, preparing to leave the wasteland and go in different directions.

He entered the Temple of Knowledge and asked these wizard spirits where they were going.

"We have received an oracle and will go to Suinhor and the Land of the Rising Sun to preach." The temple had already arranged where they would go.

"We are going to the Kingdom of Yellow Sand and the Kingdom of Thunder." These two teams were much smaller than the former.

"I heard that Suinhor has a long history and has a lot of books and knowledge." The wizard who went to Suinhor was full of expectations.

"I'm going to take a look at the Land of the Rising Sun. It's said to be very prosperous there. I want to build a temple of the God of Knowledge there, and then recruit a group of potential witch spirit apprentices." The witch who went to the Land of the Rising Sun The spirit was also very excited.

Just as these missionary powerful teams left, Anu also saw the alchemist and his students coming from afar into the Scroll City.

These alchemists did not come from the Land of the Rising Sun, but received a letter from the Land of the Rising Sun while traveling in the Ten Thousand Snakes Ruling Kingdom, so they came to Scroll City.

The other party wanted to observe how the wizard spirit made scrolls, exchange knowledge with the Temple of Knowledge, and also want to use the power of the silk-weaving spirit worm.

Then stay here and become the alchemist of this country.

"There are already many alchemists from the Ten Thousand Snakes Ruling Kingdom fighting for it. I can't compete with them, so I might as well come to the Wasteland Witch Country."

"I think the people here definitely need alchemists."

The alchemist and Anu holding the lamp said so.

Anu nodded: "Although the Wasteland Witch Country is a little poorer, it still has great potential."

After leaving the wasteland, Anu flew south on the wind lizard.

When he arrived at the Ten Thousand Snakes Ruling Country, the commotion here became even more intense.

Almost all the temples and shrines, large and small, received the oracle's message, and those divine attendants who were unwilling to be left alone began to prepare to set off almost without any urging.

To open up virgin lands of faith in distant places, and to take God’s faith to farther places.

If they stay where they are, they are just ordinary servants of the gods. If they go to a distant place, they can open up a new place of faith.

"God is guiding us." Someone held the temple's holy book high and gathered his followers to set off together.

"The age of the gods has arrived. Believers of the giant earth god, follow me to the distance; we will never return, and we will be rooted in other countries like the faith of gods." Someone knelt under the statue of the god and swore devoutly.

"Witch spirits who believe in knowledge, people who believe in contracts and laws, prove that our time has come." In front of the Contract Law School, a large number of powerful apprentices gathered.

The world that was originally like a pool of stagnant water began to flow again.


Anu returned to the fire-protecting city of Suinhor.

The official residence of the Volcano Lord.

As soon as the Wind Lizard Dragon landed, the servants in the mansion immediately surrounded him, and the entire mansion immediately became lively.

"Lord Anu is back."

"The Lord is back."

Anu jumped down and patted the wind lizard.

The servants carefully brought food to the Wind Lizard, and then washed the Wind Lizard's body with clean water.

Inspired by the various sights and excitement on his way back, he couldn't wait to summon all the lizardmen as soon as he returned.

The lizard people knew what Anu was going to do, and they shouted when they saw Anu when they entered the conference hall.

"Lord Anu, congratulations." Some people were happy for Anu. Anu witnessed the conclusion of the contract of the gods on behalf of the gods, and all the lizardmen celebrated for him.

"Chief, have you really seen the gods?" Someone was very curious.

"You can't ask casually, that's a god." Someone next to him immediately punched the lizard man who asked the question out of curiosity. Such secrets should not be asked casually.

Anu did not talk about the experience of concluding the contract with the gods this time, but told others what he had seen along the way.

"The ship from the New World arrived at the giant island of Ruhe, the alchemists boarded the wasteland, and thousands of believers rushed to all directions under the guidance of God."

He slowly walked to the mural of Quetzalcoatl and raised his hands high.

"My countrymen and brothers."

"The age of the gods has completely arrived, and Lord Kurmis is destined to become a god."

Anu pointed to the distance and said passionately.

"I will build the temple of Lord Kurmis in Meiya City and Lime City."

Anu had been thinking about the name of the temple for a long time, but now he finally settled on it.

"It's called the Harvest Temple."

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