I Am God!

Chapter 459 Dark Scale Giant and the Second Fusion Form

Fire-protecting city.

As soon as Anu returned to the training ground of the Guards Corps, he heard the soldiers talking and even making noises.

Anu asked someone to take care of his Warcraft companions. He came to the training ground to check the recent training situation, and then selected a captain to come out and ask.

"what's the situation?"

The captain replied: "Commander, don't you know that it has been spread everywhere now?"

Anu: "I flew back directly. What on earth did you send?"

The other party added: "There is a wave of chaos in the northwest, and many territories and cities are in chaos."

"Mainly the Moonlight Province, right..."

The other party seemed to have remembered something and stared at Anu.

"Commander Anu, aren't you from the Moonlight Province?"

There was a wave of chaos in Anu's hometown, Moonlight Province, and countless people turned into robbers and bandits, burning, killing, and looting everywhere; first they appeared in Luoye County in Moonlight Province, and then chaos also broke out in a nearby county.

When the provincial governor led the garrison to suppress it, he was killed by the rebels on the way, and the entire garrison fell apart.

Immediately afterwards, riots continued to break out throughout the province.

Moreover, according to reports, the area affected by the rebellion is getting wider and wider, and nobles from various places have to use private troops to suppress it. It can be said that everything is in flames at present.

Anu was stunned, he seemed a little unbelievable.

"Isn't there no famine this year?"

"Where did the rioters come from?"

"And over in Moonlight Province, I remember that the harvests last year and the year before were good. Even if the harvest is poor this year, it won't be like this?"

When Anu heard about the outbreak of rebellion, his first impression was that of famine.

When he was a child, he had seen people fleeing from famine outbreaks many times, sweeping in all directions like dense swarms of insects, devouring everything around them.

In the chaos, nobles and powerful people will attack each other. Some people even take advantage of the chaos to devour other people's territories or inherit other people's territories. In the chaos, those nobles who are superior will also be killed in the chaos. Even genocide.

That was the most terrifying sight in young Anu's mind.

But thinking about it carefully, Anu felt something was even more wrong.

"No, if a group of civilians and farmers become rioters and robbers due to a famine, they will at best rob other local civilians and farmers."

"How could they break through the fortresses of those nobles and the high walls of the city without powerful people?"

"Not to mention, he defeated the local army stationed in Moonlight Province and killed the governor?"

"Are you kidding me?"

It's just that the captain is just a low-level officer, so he can't figure out the reason: "Then I don't know, but this kind of thing did happen in the Moonlight Province."

Anu couldn't sit still. After returning from the journey, he came to the palace without changing his clothes to look for the king, but King Morabi was not in the palace at the moment.

Following the guidance of the guards, Anu came to the newly built Temple of Knowledge in the Fire Guard City, and finally met His Majesty the King in the trial court nearby.

After His Majesty the King and the new Chief Justice of the Kingdom finished their conversation and walked outside, they saw Anu waiting outside the door.

He didn't seem to wonder why Anu came. After getting on the carriage, he waved to Anu, meaning to let him come up too.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the King."

After Anu saluted, he entered the carriage.

King Morabi lowered his head and packed the things on the low wooden table in the carriage while speaking to Anu.

"I have already sent people to investigate the naval captains you mentioned before who intercepted merchant ships and took credit for killing good people. After several months of evidence collection, they have been basically verified."

"After several trials in the Greenfield County Court, the six leaders were finally sentenced to death by hanging a few days ago, and the other accomplices were also punished."

"Kill those who deserve to be killed, and fire those who deserve to be fired."

King Morabi agreed with Anu's report.

"Anu, you did a great job."

"Such guys with no morals and integrity should all be sent to the abyss and purgatory. There is no difference between them and those evil spirits."

Anu straightened his body and answered in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

"This is what I should do."

King Morabi used Anu's report long ago as a starting point, leading to what he really wanted to say next.

He raised his head and looked at Anu seriously: "Did you hear that there is a problem in the Moonlight Province?"

When Anu heard King Morabi talk about this, his eyes immediately lit up: "Your Majesty, this is what I want to ask this time."

Morabi nodded: "I know that Moonlight Province is your hometown."

"Although I have been away for a long time, that person will not miss his hometown."

Anu immediately said: "So I came over after hearing about this matter. Your Majesty the King, what is going on?"

"This thing is too..."

Anu didn't know how to describe it, he could only say.

"Too strange."

King Morabi told Anu about the situation in Moonlight Province, and Anu finally understood part of the truth.

Moonlight Province was changed into a province during the period of King Ossis. The kingdom dispatched a governor to directly manage it, which was divided into counties, cities, towns, and villages.

At that time, many territorial nobles lost their fiefs because of this, and chaos began to appear. However, when the ghoul disaster broke out, King Ossis forced these nobles to follow him on the expedition in the name of God.

Many of the nobles died in the war, and the military power in their hands was also organized by King Ossis into various local legions in the hands of the kingdom during that battle.

Without power, King Ossis began to further weaken these territorial nobles.

They prohibited the expansion of their territory, and even restricted the private soldiers and powerful persons recruited by the nobles through codes, restricting their rights in various ways.

However, as compensation, King Ossis assigned the commercial and trade rights of the Moonlight Province to these nobles, and also gave them franchises in some special industries.

King Ossis hoped to shift the attention of these nobles from the territory to the workshops, to the sea and trade.

After Morabi became the king of Suinhor, he also maintained the same attitude as Ossis, bent on weakening the power and territory of these nobles, and changed the various territories into counties and towns, and the kingdom appointed officials to directly manage them.

Next, another major event occurred, such as the contract between the gods.

The contract between the gods is also called the contract between the gods.

The righteous gods and the chosen gods have concluded a contract, and the world will no longer be divided into places of faith.

The barriers of the world were broken, and the world began to flow like a river opening its gates. A large number of people followed the missionaries, businessmen, and powerful people and poured into other countries.

The connections between various countries have also begun to become closer, and with this comes a large amount of trade demand. The number of ordinary workshops continues to increase, and all countries are trying their best to build their own alchemy workshops.

When King Morabi said this, he stopped abruptly.

He looked at Anu, paused and then said.

"There's a problem."

King Morabi did not talk about the current situation of the Moonlight Province at the beginning, but talked about the previous changes in the Moonlight Province. Some Anu knew these things, and some Anu did not know so clearly.

But Anu knew that King Morabi had a reason for saying this, so he asked His Majesty the King: "What's the problem?"

King Morabi: "People have gone to farm, and there are not enough workers and slaves in the workshops."

"In the Moonlight Province, you can't recruit qualified craftsmen and workers even though you spend many times more money than before. The price of a slave has increased more than ten times."

"At the same time, the prices of goods manufactured in Fire Protection City, Meiya City, Land of the Rising Sun, Thunder Kingdom and other places are constantly falling."

"Part of it is because there are more workshops, and part of it is because of the emergence of alchemy workshops and tower guards."

"In short, life has become difficult for the nobles and workshop owners in Meiya City; of course, it has also become difficult in many other places."

"The things produced by their workshops have become worthless, and because they can't buy slaves and recruit workers, they can't compete with other workshops."

"How could they not feel resentful under such circumstances?"

Anu suddenly remembered himself.

He was once sold to a leather workshop. His parents did not ask for money, they just hoped that he could have a meal in the leather workshop.

But now slaves not only want money, but the price is also constantly increasing.

Everything happened in less than ten years. Those nobles lost all their rights one after another. Now they don't even have enough slaves. How can we bear this?

Anu completely understood the problem: "So, this is not a rebellion by the common people, but a rebellion by the nobles?"

"Is it just because there are not enough slaves?"

King Morabi laughed, shook his head and said.

"Of course not, this is just the trigger of the crisis."

"The real crisis was already laid when King Ossis established the Moonlight Province and began to weaken the feudal nobles."

After King Morabi finished speaking, he also took out a series of documents.

"Look, this is an urgent report from the Moonlight Province."

"The refugees have entered Moonlight City to cause trouble, and everyone in the Governor's Mansion has died. They really died cleanly."

"So those who sent the urgent report were nobles from all over the country, and they were organizing personnel to suppress the rebellion."

At this time, King Morabi showed a playful look.


“The more we suppress it, the more the fire of rebellion spreads.”

"They kept saying they would put out the fire as soon as possible."

"It's just that I don't understand."

"Are they pouring water on it? Or are they pouring oil on it?"

Morabi motioned for Anu to read these documents, and at the same time took out another document.

"Recently, there have been a large number of slaves in the Innocence City. Guess where they come from?"

King Morabi is not someone to be fooled. He came up step by step from below, gradually becoming the palace minister, and then inherited the throne.

Anu looked sharply at what was written on the papers. After a conversation with Morabi, he gradually understood the situation in Moonlight Province.

"Those nobles incited and even led this rebellion in order to deal with you, His Majesty the King."


"What do they want?"

These people naturally refer to those people in the Moonlight Province.

King Morabi nodded, feeling that Anu had asked these questions very well and went straight to the core.

"What do they want?"

"They wanted more territory, they wanted more serfs, more slaves, they wanted the restoration of their previous rights."

"They even want to overthrow me as king and replace me with a king that is more suitable for them."

"It's just that there's a degree in between."

"The key is to see how I respond. They want to see how much concessions I can make."

"So what I do next in response can determine whether they gain nothing, gain some, or gain and divide the country."

"When I take one step back, they think I can take two steps back. If I take another step back, more people will come up and force me to take more steps back."

"Until there is no way back."

King Morabi had seen the crisis and the truth behind the rebellion, but he remained calm in the face of danger.

Everyone grows up, and he who became the king is no exception.

"The nobles who lost their territories were originally dissatisfied with me, and my deterrence is far inferior to that of King Ossis."

"God has set his sights on the entire world, devolved royal power to the human world, and will no longer interfere with the alternation of dynasties and rights."

"The only ones who can determine the fate and direction of this country are me and those who support me."

King Morabi lightly pounded the table. His movements were not sharp, but his eyes were very firm.

"I can't retreat."

"So I need someone I can trust to go there."

King Morabi looked at Anu, and it was obvious that the lizard man in front of him was the person he said he could trust.

"I decided to send you and your Guards Corps to Moonlight Province to solve the chaos and problems there. Can you do it?"

Anu suddenly felt a heavy weight on his shoulders. King Morabi entrusted him with such a task, which was equivalent to putting his throne and the safety of the country on himself.

This couldn't help but make Anu feel nervous and didn't know how to respond.

He opened his mouth and suddenly closed it again.

He asked himself in his heart: "Anu, can you bear this responsibility?"

King Morabi seemed to see Anu's nervousness and lack of confidence.

"There will always be some worms in the kingdom, some depraved and evil people, some people without morals and integrity."

"But this country is not dark, because there will be more righteous people and upright people who will stand up and be with this country and with us."

These words.

In addition, King Morabi mentioned the incident of Anu reporting the navy captain before. The combination of the two undoubtedly immediately lifted Anu up.

At the same time, it also gave Anu a strong sense of confidence. When a person is walking on the bright road, when a person is doing the right thing, no matter how many difficulties appear in front of him, he will feel fearless.

Anu raised his head and asked Morabi.

"Your Majesty the King, do you really believe me like this?"

King Morabi did not say whether he believed it or not, but answered.

"Everyone in the kingdom is looking at me and the Moonlight Province."

"If this crisis cannot be properly handled, the next disaster will not only occur in the Moonlight Province."

He mentioned the great difficulties and crises that would be faced, and then mentioned Anu's Guards Corps.

"Your Demon Knight Legion, my Guards Legion."

"It has been in the works for a while and has taken a lot of your hard work."

"Perhaps it's time to prove their strength."

Anu was happy for Morabi's praise. He had indeed devoted a lot of effort to the Guards Corps.

This legion was formed by him, and each demon knight was personally taught by him. He led the soldiers to train day and night, and at the same time led the demon knights on many long-distance raids.

He thought about his original intention of establishing this army, which was to maintain the stability of this country and maintain this hard-won stable life.

He thought of the brown bulb vine created by Master Kormis, and countless people benefited from it.

He thought of the disasters and famines he encountered when he was a child, and of his dead parents and brothers.

Anu stood up and came to King Morabi.

King Morabi placed such an important responsibility on him, and he promised the other party that he would definitely complete this task.

Anu pulled out the sword, and while kneeling on one knee, raised the sword in front of his chest with both hands.

"King Morabi, please rest assured."

"I will do it."

"I will put an end to this chaos so that the careerists get nothing."

"I will make those who are ready to take action never have the slightest hint of disobedience."

King Morabi smiled, and his eyes became pleased.

"Everything is for the stability and continuation of the kingdom, and everything is for the Suinhor people."

Anu stood up and put the sword back into its scabbard skillfully.

King Morabi looked at the sword: "It's really a good sword."

Anu loosened his serious expression, grinned and said to King Morabi.

"Lord Kormis gave it to me."


The headquarters of the Guards Corps.

After Anu came back, he immediately informed his deputy commander, who was also the first earth-traversing beast knight.

The deputy commander walked into the room, looked up at the pictures hanging on the wall, then lowered his head and saluted.

"Commander Anu!"

Anu turned his back to the other party, with a map of the Moonlight Province spread out in front of him, and he kept making marks on it with a pen.

There are also many letters sent from the king on the table, all of which are related to the recent situation in the Moonlight Province.

It's just that these situations are not completely accurate, because the current situation in the Moonlight Province is obscure, and it is up to him to judge the true situation.

Anu looked at the map and thought for a while, then said to the deputy commander.

"Immediately summon all the soldiers of the entire legion. There are 3,102 people except me. No one is missing."

"Ask them to gather at the training ground and wait for me."

There are only more than 3,000 people in the entire legion, but these are not ordinary 3,000 people.

There are dozens of powerful people among them, and the remaining ordinary soldiers are also well-trained, and they are all people who can use alchemical crossbows, alchemical cannons and various extraordinary props.

They can skillfully cooperate with monsters, monsters and various ritual formations, and each one has undergone years of training.

With three thousand people like this united, it would be useless for ordinary people to come.

I heard the sound of trumpets outside, as well as the neat formation and chants.

After a while, Anu walked outside.

He climbed onto the wooden platform and walked little by little under the flag of the Guards Corps. Everyone looked at him sharply.

Anu stood up straight and walked to the front, allowing everyone to see his face clearly.

"The king has ordered that the entire Guards Corps will set off for the Moonlight Province."

Everyone was silent. From the day they became soldiers, everyone knew that such a day would come.

Seeing that everyone's morale was good, Anu nodded with satisfaction.

He arranged the mission based on what he knew, prepared all the necessary supplies, and prepared everything that had been arranged in advance.

Finally, he set a date for his expedition.

"Everyone, get ready."

"Leave in five days."

When the deputy commander heard Anu summoning everyone, he vaguely understood that he was about to go on an expedition.

But after hearing that it was five days later, I looked at Anu again.

Why five days later?

If it is counterinsurgency, the sooner the better. If it is the fastest, we can leave tomorrow.

If they were really quick, they could even arrange for the vanguard to go to Moonlight Province today.

Anu didn’t say it directly.

As night fell, he returned to his Volcano Lord's mansion.

Not long after, other lizardmen came back from various places and came to the hall to surround Anu.

"Chief, the king really chose us to fight against the rebels in Moonlight Province. I heard that they are just civilians. Do we need to go?" They couldn't raise questions on the training ground before, but they immediately tolerated it after they came back. Can't stand it anymore.

"Yes, we can't do this kind of thing by using the extraordinary army to suppress civilians." A lizard man expressed his disapproval.

However, some expressed support.

"What kind of civilians are there? What kind of civilians are there in the midst of the riot? There are only a bunch of beasts left. They have killed people, drank blood, and massacred villages and towns. Are they still civilians?"

"If we don't solve it now, it will be unthinkable. The entire Moonlight Province will be in chaos. Do you want more places to fall into it?"

Anu looked at the other lizardmen and said.

"Did I say to suppress civilians?"

"I just said that the whole army should set off and go to the Moonlight Province."

The others looked at Anu and immediately showed doubts in their eyes.

"But if we don't suppress the rebellion, why are we going to Moonlight Province?"

Anu just said: "I will make a decision on what to do specifically after it passes. You just need to know everything and follow my orders."

"The king gave me an order to solve the chaotic situation in Moonlight Province."

"We will deal with whoever creates chaos."

Anu ended the topic, and then he immediately spoke to all the lizardmen.

"You guys prepare in the next few days, I'm going to break through the ranks."

"The entire Volcano Lord's Mansion is under martial law. Those of you who have missions will go to the military camp to arrange missions. Those who don't have missions will stay in the mansion."

This was the reason why he had to wait five days before setting off. He wanted to break through to the third level.

He has always borrowed the power of Kurmis before, and his actual status has always been second level.

And now, he wants to become the first high-ranking Demon Knight.

Three days later.

In an open space behind the Volcano Lord's mansion, a large group of lizardmen were watching. Everything needed to break through the ranks had been arranged here.

Anu caressed his Warcraft partner, and then walked into the ritual circle together. The main function of this ritual circle was not to break through, but to assist and stabilize.

Anu turned over and mounted the wind lizard.

"Riding status."

Immediately, he saw the scales on the Wind Lizard Dragon covering Anu.

The feet, torso, neck, and even the face were completely covered, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

Anu immediately followed the knowledge taught to him by Kurmis, the feathered serpent, and followed the process to break through to the third level.

"Spirit, consciousness."


"Curse seal!"

Anu himself completely instilled his consciousness into the magic crystal of the Wind Lizard Dragon. When Anu felt that his consciousness was integrated into the head of the monster, he could not feel his own existence.

The Wind Lizard Dragon's magic crystal has changed.

Strange lines emerged from it, and the power of powerful laws swept across the open space.

Finally, a special curse seal slowly condensed from the shadow.

The moment it was born, the surrounding air was continuously drawn away and integrated into the Wind Lizard Dragon's magic crystal.

The air seemed to be activated, controlled by the wind lizard dragon and the soul-melting curse seal.

Anu finally has his own curse mark.

However, he and his Warcraft partner share a curse seal, rather than both having one curse seal; it seems that the law identifies him and his Warcraft partner Wind Lizard as a whole, rather than being separated.

But Anu could feel that his soul-melting curse seal was not as powerful as Kurmis's.

Kurmis's Soul Fusion Seal can be said to fuse all things, while Anu's Soul Fusion Seal can only fuse and control ordinary air.

But there was no time to think too much at this moment, Anu immediately started the next step.

"The spirit of the curse seal."

According to ordinary powerful persons and professional advancement, the cursed spirit should be born next.

But the strange thing is that Anu did not summon his own cursed spirit.

When the power of the crystal and curse seal was activated, Anu felt that his body was burning like a flame, and the wind lizard dragon mounted by the monster under him also howled.

"what happened?"

The magic crystal emits a strong light.

Gradually, the bodies of the Warcraft Wind Lizard Dragon and Anu changed under the power of the magic crystal and curse seal, and began to merge with each other.

Change the size of the body, change the shape of the body.

This is the spiritual power that the Quetzalcoatl has used before.

"There is no cursed spirit?"

"What's going on here? Why is it different from other powerful professions?"

Anu felt that power merge directly with his magical beast Wind Lizard Dragon, and in the end they were completely indistinguishable from each other.

Eventually, he turned into a giant lizard man more than ten meters tall standing in the open space.

His body has some characteristics of the Wind Lizard, and a pair of flesh wings grew out of his back; and there is a dazzling crystal in Anu's head.

A dark-scale giant with wings almost as tall as an old castle next to him. This is what he looks like now.

The other lizardmen watching around were also shocked when they saw Anu become like this.

"How did it become like this?"

"Shouldn't the third level be a cursed spirit?"

"It seems that the Demon Knight does not have a cursed spirit."

"But this form also looks very powerful!"

Indeed, Anu felt extremely powerful at the moment.

He felt that he was completely integrated with his partner Warcraft, and he could directly control the power of the magic crystal.

He grabbed the sky, and the air nearly a hundred meters around him was evacuated by Anu, forming a vacuum zone.

He waved to the other side, and an air cannon exploded in the moat in the distance, causing waves of water.

Not only that, he felt as if he had become the master of the airflow and wind. He spread his wings and flew into the sky.

But he didn't fly very high at first, he just let himself float in the air.

He was certain that this was indeed the power of the high-ranking Demon Knight.

After the riding form, the Demon Knight has taken on a brand new form.

"Second form: Fusion form."

Anu confirmed the name of this form and controlled his body to make a half circle in the air.

Then he spread his wings.

A powerful airflow appeared out of thin air, pushing him into an afterimage and rushing towards the sea of ​​clouds at an incredible speed.

Anu appeared outside the sea of ​​clouds in the sky in the blink of an eye, and then he jumped down from the sea of ​​clouds and rushed towards a small dirt bag only a few dozen meters away.

Anu stretched out his hand at this time, and the matte long sword, a magical item, appeared in his hand.

The original long sword now looks no bigger than a nail clipper.

But Anu used his own power to activate it, and it immediately turned into a huge silver dark flame sword, burning in Anu's hands, but not hurting him at all.

Anu raised his sword high and slashed towards the sky with the power of the wind.

Silvery and smooth.

Dark flames rise.

The wind helped the fire spread instantly, turning the entire mountain into a sea of ​​flames.

After the flames extinguished, all that was seen was that the mountain was completely cut open.



The roar of the wind and the flapping of wings filled the air.

Anu transformed into a dark scale giant of more than ten meters and floated in the air with huge wings. He held a silver dark flame sword that was more than ten meters long in his hand.

The form is ferocious and terrifying, and the power is also extremely frightening.

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