I Am God!

Chapter 461 Lustful Love (Thanks to Tang Yi and the Global Cold Weather Leader)

The manor of the Lucci family, a castle that has been passed down for thousands of years.

It was drizzling outside, and the strong wind kept blowing into the window.

The middle-aged man with brown curly hair came to the woman in the black skirt and told her.

"I can let you go."

"But I need you to help me destroy the entire Guards Corps and kill that damn lizard man."

"I am willing to dedicate the entire Moonlight City to you and hold the ceremony you mentioned before, and I have prepared everything for the ceremony."

The woman turned around completely, and you could see a magic gold collar around her neck, with the other end tied to a pole.

She is a prisoner.

Complex ritual formations are carved on the pillars, transmitting the power along the chains to the woman's body.

But the woman didn't seem to hold any grudge against the man in front of her who was imprisoning her. Instead, she looked at the middle-aged man with curly brown hair with tender eyes and talked to him with a voice of infatuation.

"Let me go?"

"I don't need you to let me go. I stay here voluntarily and be with you voluntarily."

"I don't need you to dedicate Moonlight City to me either."

The man immediately said hurriedly: "Then dedicate it to Meld, the King of Fallen Angels of the Abyss."

In his anxiety, he actually shouted out that taboo evil name.

He didn't care what sacrifice was given to whom, he just wanted Anu and those in the Guards Corps dead, and didn't want the murderer of the previous governor to be brought to the royal capital.

The woman showed a pious smile: "The King of Fallen Angels does not need to sacrifice, she just gives."

"She just gave the power of the abyss to every mortal, and revealed everyone's original sin."

"Everyone has original sin and everyone has desires, but those so-called gods are suppressing our desires and nature."

The woman opened her arms with a gentle smile on her face.

At this moment, she is not like a fallen priest from the abyss, but more like a saint who guides the light in the world.

"But it doesn't matter in the abyss. Everyone can find their true self in the abyss and release their nature and desires to their heart's content."

"Fall into the abyss, and remain with original sin."

"Release desire, ugliness is everyone's true face."

“We don’t have to fear sin, we don’t have to fear the desires of our hearts, because that’s who we are.”

The woman lowered her head and held the man's face.

"Don't say anything so terrible about killing people. You didn't kill anyone."

"They won't die either."

"You just gave everyone in that city the chance to find their true selves, freeing them from the shackles of the world."

The man looked into the woman's eyes, and the expression on his face gradually turned into obsession.

As if he really believed her, he murmured.

"That's right!"

"That's not a sacrifice, that's a relief."

"They will still exist in another form."

But soon, he immediately turned his head and his eyes regained clarity.

He showed a fearful expression and pointed at the other party in horror: "You are bewitching me again."

After being confused by the other party before, he knew that this underground cage could no longer imprison the other party, but since then he couldn't help but come here again and again, as if he was out of control.

The woman still looked at him with a loving expression: "I'm just showing you your true inner thoughts."

The man didn't dare to look at her. He gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind.

At this point, he had no other choice.

And he didn't know why, but deep down in his heart, he chose to believe in the woman in front of him, as if he really loved her.

"I am releasing you in the hope that you will keep your promise."

The woman looked at him tenderly: "Of course, I won't hurt you."

The woman was still stroking her belly and said softly.

"I still have your child in my belly, we are a family!"

The man opened the ritual magic circle, and the existence that had been imprisoned in the darkness was released.

As it passed along the passage, the seal pictures and carvings on the walls continued to melt, as if they were burning.



The woman in the black dress walked out of the tightly guarded dark room. She tied the extended chain around her neck and dragged it on the ground, making a sound. When she reached the exit, someone unlocked the chain for her.

The woman in the black dress was once a fallen chief priest of the Abyss Religion, a very powerful third-level powerful person, and was even qualified to compete for the position of the high priest of the order.

It’s just since the God of Original Sin fell into sleep and the Abyss Order split.

The entire Abyss Cult fell into internal strife.

And it was defeated miserably in the internal fighting.

The Lucci family caught and sealed her power by chance, but instead of killing her, they secretly imprisoned her.

One is eager to use her powerful power, and the other is to use this powerful woman to give birth to a descendant with extraordinary blood. Even if this descendant may have some problems, it cannot stop people of this era from yearning for power.

The woman walked outside little by little and entered the main castle hall outside.

You can see a painting hanging along the way, and the story of the first generation ancestor of the Lucci family is also painted on the wall.

That was the story of the era of King Alpans, and Suinhor had just established a dynasty amidst blood and fire.

At that time, the snake people did not have surnames. The era of the Fire Keepers had just ended. King Alpans had just established a kingdom to accept the allegiance of the swearers and divided them into four directions for development. They were also the first generation of nobles.

The picture depicts the northern beast-herding tribe leading their troops southward, and Prince Smerkel leading an army to intercept them. The ancestors of the Lucci family also followed them on the expedition.

Because the ancestors of the Lucci family fought tooth and nail in Moonlight City and held off everyone at the cost of their lives, Prince Smerkle finally defeated the Beast Tribe and won a glorious victory.

This is a family with a long and glorious history.

Even the poem "Divine Blessing" contains records about the ancestors of the Lucci family.

Because he sacrificed Lucci to win, Smerkel has been having nightmares since then; after an encounter with the gods, King Smerkle saw Lucci's dream with the help of God Iva, and was finally freed from the nightmare.

The story of Lu Qi and Prince Smerkel has also been sung forever along with the ancient poem "Divine Blessing".

But his descendants have now betrayed their former glory.

Everyone in the hall was waiting anxiously, and happened to see the woman in black dress walking out. Especially the Ouroboros logo on the woman's clothes immediately made the eyes of everyone present shrink.

"This is?"

Then everyone exclaimed: "People from the Abyss Order."

Someone else felt the power of a woman: "A third-level powerful person?"

Everyone was scared and looked at the patriarch of the Lucci family. Everyone knew what he was going to do.

It's just that they didn't expect that the method the other party said they had prepared long ago turned out to be this method.

Having reached this point, the patriarch of the Luqi family no longer concealed anything, but asked the people present in a tough manner.

"afraid of what?"

"If we don't take action, we will be the ones who die next."

"Why did Morabi send that lizard man monster here? That guy who was cruel and disrespectful of noble etiquette killed so many people as soon as he came."

"Because he was sent by Morabi from the beginning to kill us."

"Should we sit back and wait for death, or should we fight hard?"

"Are you still hesitant at this point?"

The patriarch of the Luqi family was extremely fierce, with ruthlessness in his eyes.

"Summon the power of the King of the Abyss and wipe out the entire Guards Corps and that damn lizard man."

"After everything is over, we will push everything to the Abyss Order. We are just the heroes in suppressing the rebellion."

Some people also asked: "What if someone comes to check?"

The patriarch of the Luqi family: "No matter how hard King Morabi searches, he can't find us. Everything is caused by the chaos, and everything is secretly promoted by the Abyss Religion."

"And after he failed this time, he didn't have the energy to check on us again because he failed."

"He needs to prove that he has the strength to rule this kingdom, and there will be an endless stream of challengers to challenge his position."

"And we will take back everything that belongs to us, and take back the entire Moonlight Province."

"Our enemy is not a god, let alone a temple, he is just a mortal."

"Just a mortal king."

"What's there to be afraid of?"

Others asked, “What if God noticed?”

The patriarch of the Luqi family was a little anxious, and his voice became fierce.

"Who do you think you are? The Evil God of Original Sin?"

"God cares if you die."

The patriarch of the Luqi family took out an oath document, and with the help of the power and power of the fallen officiant and the pressure brought by Anu, he coerced everyone present to press bloody handprints on it.

"Everyone swears an oath to keep it secret."

After everyone signed, someone took it away, and took it out of the manor. No one except the patriarch of the Lucci family knew where this thing would be hidden.

At this point, the plan of the patriarch of the Lucci family was more than half successful.

As long as he can wipe out the power of the Guards Corps, he can then control the entire Moonlight Province and become the master here.

"From now on, we are all a group of people who share life and death, and there is no way out for anyone."

Finally, everyone went underground.

A ceremony has already been arranged here. The entire ceremony used the Lucci family's thousands of years of accumulation and used countless extraordinary materials.

The sacrifices alone include the hearts of seven peak revenge fire zombies, the brains of three rotten winged demons, a large number of cores left by stone demons, and various precious sacrifices.

the most important.

There is actually a core of the extinct fire demon that was taken from who knows where.

The woman stands in the center of the ceremony, receiving the power of the ceremony.

The ceremony started.

An invisible brown-black light beam, hidden in the darkness and drizzle, rushed into the sky.

Her consciousness, which had been imprisoned for many years, finally connected to the country deep in the dream world again, and returned to the home she longed for.

Finally, she saw the swamp turn into an abyss world, and the terrifying black mud turned into huge waves and rolled in overwhelmingly.

At the end of the abyss, in a sacred and ruined temple, a tall eight-winged fallen angel set his sights on the world.

One side of the opponent's wings is white and the other side is black.

She is the true embodiment of desire, the lord of the original sin of lust.

There was a flush on the woman's face, and it seemed that even women could not resist the charm of the King of Lust.

"The great king of fallen angels."

In the ritual formation, the woman's power continued to expand.

Streams of black smoke continuously poured out from the ritual formation and passed into the woman's body.

To be precise, it is passed to the embryo in the woman's abdomen.

The woman's belly began to bulge slightly, and then continued to expand.

The black lines continue to spread from the abdomen to the whole body, to the neck, tail, and back.

The entire ritual formation began to float off the ground. A large amount of extraordinary materials and sacrifices were shattered and turned into black lines printed on the woman's body.

At first glance, it looks like a special totem or tattoo is branded all over the other person's body.

But it does not hinder the beauty of the other party at all, and the temperament exuding desire and taboo.

At this moment, she herself was the ceremony itself.



A sound like a big drum came from all directions, as if the space was vibrating.

Everyone present felt an indescribable panic, as if something extremely terrifying was about to come to the world.

As soon as it appears, disaster strikes.

At this time, the patriarch of the Luqi family looked at the woman in the ritual formation, looked at the woman's abdomen with some fear, and asked.

"What else to do?"

He knew that the ceremony required the child in his belly as a price. Although it was also his child, he had no mercy at all, just some pity.

Originally, the Lucci family wanted this child to be born and then cultivated into a powerful person.

However, the situation has changed. With the strong arrival of Anu and the Guards Corps, the plans of the Lucci family are of course changing accordingly.

The man was asking what else to do, which was actually urging her to do it quickly.

The woman looked at the patriarch of the Lucci family and said.


"It's no longer needed, just leave the rest to me."

The woman stretched out her hand and explored him, still wearing the same obsessed expression.

"I love you!"

"I gave myself to Lord Meld and our children to the abyss."

"But the only thing I can't let go of is you. How can I leave you alone in this world."

The woman raised her hand, and strange black mud suddenly poured out of the ground. It seemed to be alive and gathered into a ball, heading towards the head of the Luqi family.

"Come on, we can be together forever."

"Dedicate yourself to the great Lord of the Fallen Angels, Meld, to the eternal abyss."

At this time, the patriarch of the Lucci family was completely scared out of his mind. He knew that the woman in front of him was a lunatic, but he did not expect that she could be so crazy.

He wanted to obliterate the Guards and the lizardman Anu at all costs, but the price did not include himself.

The patriarch of the Luqi family watched Hei Ni running towards him, turned around and ran away.

"You madman, you madman..."

"I don't want to die..."

"I am the patriarch of the Lucci family, and I am the master of the Moonlight Province. I don't want..."

The woman tells him: "Not death, but presence with the abyss."

Before the man could run a few steps, he was swallowed up by the black mud.

"You crazy person!"

"I want……"


The terrifying black mud entangled him, and then poured into his body from his eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouth, blocking his curse words.

In the end, the curly-haired man turned into a terrifying snake demon little by little, and could no longer look human.

The woman took out the magic gold collar that had locked her for many years, finally put it around his neck, and then led him outside.

The snake demon, which had lost its wisdom and was only left with crazy desires, was held by her like a pet.

"This...this...this..." Others were frightened.

"Let us go, we are willing to surrender to you." They thought the woman was going to kill them too, or turn themselves into monsters, and they lay on the ground in fear.

"Don't kill me." They were shaking all over, and some were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground and couldn't move.

The woman did not touch the other nobles in the hall. These people had something to take advantage of and would be used by the Abyss Cult in the future.

The only thing she wanted was to be the patriarch of the Lucci family.

The man she "loved deeply".

Yes, this is the love of lust followers.

She walked out of the castle alone, and the moment she stepped out of the castle, the rain in the sky changed.

It turned into dirty black rain, and the black clouds in the sky continued to gather and expand.


the other side.

At this time, Anu had just confirmed that the person he had captured was the commander of the garrison he wanted, and was arranging for the lizard people to immediately take him to the capital Fire City.

At this time, the rain outside was getting heavier and heavier.

"Hua la la la la~"

The rain was pouring down, making it even more irritating.

Anu seemed to feel something, and walked outside feeling a little uneasy.

Although it was dark outside, he could see the water stains on the ground with the help of the light.

"Black rain?"

Anu stretched out his hand, and a drop of rain fell on the back of his hand. Immediately, a group of stains spread, quickly spreading around.

Anu's expression suddenly changed: "The pollution power of mythical spirituality."

The power inherited by the Demon Knight is the power of the Quetzalcoatl Kurmis, and he is particularly sensitive to the power of spiritual pollution.

The long sword on his waist also reacted at this time, and a ball of flame passed down his arm.


In an instant, the black power was burned away.

Anu looked at the sky, and he suddenly remembered that among the stories Kurmis told him, there was a story about black rain.

Anu immediately rushed to the back and shouted to the two lizardmen in the corridor who were getting on the wind lizard and leaving Moonlight City for the Fire Guard City.

"Stop, you can't go out."

The lizard people were at a loss, but they came down immediately.

"What's wrong?"

"Chief Anu, what happened?"

Anu did not explain, and immediately ordered all the people in the Governor's Mansion to come to the hall, and no one was allowed to run around.

"Everyone is here and no one is allowed to move."

"There is something wrong with the rain outside. You must not get involved in it."

Anu himself immediately rushed to where his Warcraft companions were.

While running along the corridor, he also looked up into the distance, as if searching for where the problem came from.

He could see dark clouds gathering, storms falling, and the air filled with a stench of decay and depravity.



And some people in the city have begun to transform into snake demons, roaring and whimpering in the distance, accompanied by frightened screams.

Seeing this scene, Anu was even more convinced that this was the Black Rain of the Abyss.

"Is it the Evil God of Original Sin?"

"No, it's impossible."

"He is already asleep, severely injured due to punishment from the giant god."

When he said this name, Anu's heart suddenly trembled.

Anuko had heard Kurmis tell the story of the Evel people. When the Abyss was first born, the Gate of Myth fell from the sky.

The black rain of the abyss covered the entire world, and the towering mountain peaks were washed away. The Winged Man's Fenbukein Mountain, which means an insurmountable mountain, finally turned into a bottomless abyss.

What a terrible sight it was.

If the hero Avian hadn't sealed the abyss into the depths of the dream world, the Aiwel people in the new world would cease to exist.

And now this black rain is barely able to cover the entire Moonlight City. There is no such power as if the doomsday is coming.

Anu immediately guessed the truth: "It's the king of the black mud abyss, the eight-winged fallen angel Meld."

"Someone is communicating with the power of the Black Mud Abyss."

Meld, the King of the Black Mud Abyss, may not be much stronger than the other Abyss Kings, but the Black Mud Abyss is the most filthy and terrifying abyss.

Because the abyss was originally created by Meld, the king of the black mud abyss. She polluted the spiritual god from the ancient times. Her original power is also the most filthy and root power in the abyss.

Most of her followers are not like other believers of the King of the Abyss, or the ceramic villains who are servants of the God of Original Sin, making sacrifices and plundering divine blood.

But wherever she appears, everyone will turn into monsters of the abyss and degenerate into abyss species.

This is the scariest thing.

It is more terrifying than being sacrificed, than being killed, and than being plundered of divine blood.

Because you will fall into the abyss forever and transform from a snake-man or a wing-man into a terrifying monster, even those monsters will not be spared.

Anu came to the edge of the corridor, and at this time, a huge wind lizard dragon came towards him and collided with Anu.

Under the light of spiritual power, Anu roared.

"Second Demon Rider Form."

Immediately, he saw Anu transform into a dark scale giant more than ten meters tall, waving a huge dark flame sword in his hand, spreading his huge soft wings, and the flames spread throughout his body.

He mobilized the power of the wind and suddenly shot up into the sky.

Black rain continued to fall, but before he could get close to Anu, he was evaporated by the flames attached to his body.

Anu, in the form of a dark scale giant, was floating in the air, looking around.


He saw a shadow coming from a distance, and the black rain covering the entire city came from the shadow as its center.

As she continued to get closer, various monsters continued to appear around her.

Anu looked at each other: "Abyss Cultist!"

Anu rushed over without saying a word.

With a wave of his hand, the air in the surrounding sky was instantly evacuated.

Throwing it out, a huge air cannon hit the ground, and then bombarded the ground with a violent explosion.


The blow hit hard, but Anu didn't stop at all.

While the dark scale giant swooped down from the sky, it kept repeating this action and bombarded the ground again and again.

"Boom boom boom~"

Continuous air cannons destroyed the entire street, and the stone statue in the center of the street also fell and shattered.

After getting close, he stretched out his dark flame sword without stopping and slashed towards the target.


He didn't feel it when he bombed with the air cannon, but when the sword slashed up, the faint feedback made Anu feel as if he was slashing on a steel plate, without shaking the opponent at all.

Sure enough, a figure walked out of the aftermath of the explosions.

The other side is intact.

The chain in her hand held a huge snake demon that was more than ten meters tall, and her power was continuously poured into the snake demon's body, refining it into a special cursed puppet.

The six arms of the snake demon were gathered together, and it was it that blocked Anu's sword just now.

Anu's face turned ugly. Although he had anticipated the other party's difficulty, seeing this situation really made him feel nervous, and he immediately prepared other means.

The other party came with wind and rain, raised his head and looked at Anu.

In the dark night, Anu could vaguely see the other party's appearance.

That's a woman.

The woman also sees Anu and knows his identity.

"Lizard Man Anu?"

"My lover asked me to kill you."

"But I am reluctant to kill you, so let you follow me into the eternal abyss!"

Upon hearing the other party's words, Anu immediately understood that the villain in front of him did not appear accidentally.

According to the Abyss Oath, as long as you pay a high enough price, even the Gate of Original Sin can be summoned, but such a ritual cannot be arranged hastily.

There are people who have wanted his life for a long time, and Anu can guess who these people are.

Anu thought that those people had no bottom line, but he never thought that these guys were so crazy.

As a Suinhor, as a noble of the Moonlight Province, he actually colluded with the Abyss to sacrifice his own people.

Anu was furious, which made Anu even more disgusted than meeting the abyss evildoers and the evil god's sacrifice.

Anu drew his sword and fought with the six-armed snake demon held by the woman.

"You rats in the darkness, the original sin evil god has been punished by the giant god, and you still won't stop."

The woman laughed and told Anu.

She held the chain and floated gently, standing on the six-armed snake demon's shoulders.

"My master is Meld, and I follow her will."

Anu looked around while fighting fiercely with the woman.

"Where are those guys?"

The woman replied: "You can survive, but those people can't."

"If you become a species of the Abyss, then those people will become the believers of the Abyss in the future and will walk with you."

"So what's the point of asking now?"

Anu brandished the dark flame sword and kept slashing at the six-armed snake demon.

"It's full of nonsense."

He cut off two of the opponent's arms one after another, but the opponent still had four arms that kept waving chains and weapons to attack Anu. At the same time, black mud in the sky turned into falling rocks and hit Anu.

Anu wanted to cut off the other four arms of the opponent, but one monster after another kept rushing forward.

Anu turned his sword and killed another monster. The air cannon in his hand also fired at the strange monster flying in the sky.

At the same time, the six-armed snake demon actually grabbed the two severed arms and rejoined them.


The snake demon burst out with a roar and returned to its full strength to fight with Anu.

At this time, someone could be seen rushing out of the house and rushing towards Anu. They were soldiers under Anu, wanting to come to his aid.

But before he could reach Anu, he was already corroded by the black rain and turned into a monster.

Anu's eyes were splitting when he saw this situation.

"Everyone stop, no one can come out."

In this black rain ceremony, the powerful people and ordinary people at the apprentice level were simply sending cannon fodder to each other.

Even those low-level powerful people who are extremely powerful in the eyes of mortals can't help Anu in this situation.

Seeing that the whole city is full of chaos, new monsters are constantly being born, and those monsters are still causing chaos at the same time.

Anu gets furious.

A voice kept echoing in my heart.

"Kill her!"

"Kill her."

"No, we should kill all those damn nobles, Lu Qi, Luo Ye..."

Anu seemed to have never been as angry as he was today, not even the last time he participated in the battle against ghouls.

The more his anger surged into the sky, the power of the dark flame sword in his hand continued to grow and became stronger and stronger.

Anu used all his strength to attack the female Abyss cultist, no matter the cost.

He is trying to find a way to force the other party out of Moonlight City, because the other party itself is a carrier of the ritual, and there are only two ways to destroy the black rain.

One is to kill the other party, and the other is to expel the other party and wait for the power of the ritual to be exhausted.

However, the opponent controlled a large number of monsters and charged towards Anu one after another, insisting on staying here.

Anu felt even worse.

"This ceremony is not over yet?"

"What other purposes does the ceremony have?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Anu suddenly felt that the function of this ritual might not be to summon Black Rain to come.

The speed in Anu's hands became faster, and he waved the dark flame sword crazily towards the six-armed snake demon, seemingly falling into madness.

Just when the female abyss evildoer was completely attracted to her eyes and attention, Anu suddenly used a change of tricks.


The state of Anu and Wind Lizard being untied and fused changed from one person to two people.

This is also the diversification of the combat mode of the Demon Knight.

The wind lizard dragon immediately grabbed the six-armed snake demon, and Anu turned into a lizard man again, holding the matte sword alone and turning it into a light and shadow and rushing towards the six-armed snake demon's shoulder.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, and no one had ever seen the Demon Knight use this kind of power before. Of course, the woman was unprepared.

Therefore, there was a hint of surprise in the woman's eyes before she could open her mouth to say anything.

Anu had already rushed in front of the woman and penetrated the woman's chest with a sword.


The lizard man roared, his eyes turning red.

The woman looked down at her chest. Although she was a little surprised, there was no look of panic or despair.

She just rubbed her belly and looked up at Anu.

Said something.

"The time has come."

The woman closed her eyes, and then a terrifying force descended from the sky, coming from another world.

Anu saw the boundless realm of darkness spread from around the woman's body, and boundless black mud surged out from under the earth, rolling up huge waves.

The woman died, but gave birth to endless darkness. This was her purpose.

A door leading to the black mud abyss.


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