I Am God!

Chapter 487 Of course it is the power of the Creator

During the time when Lei stayed in the Principality of Matale, Wus tried every means to help Lei draw his world map.

Not only did he join in, he also summoned many scholars, historians, and craftsmen from the Principality of Matare.

He sent Lei ordinary maps of the Land of Light and the Sunfall Desert, as well as records left by Yiren scholars hundreds of years ago.


Wusi also found various maps of the Airwell Peninsula drawn by Yiren from ancient books. Although they were all from hundreds of years ago, they at least contained some records of the landforms and scope of the Airwell Peninsula.

A large number of books and carriers of written texts were moved to Lei's residence.

Books, wooden boards, pottery blocks, and scrolls piled up, gradually turning into a messy library storage room, which also housed some wingmen who helped Lei draw maps.

Lei also put his travel notes in it for comparison, and at the same time, he recorded more memories in his mind into words.

In the high-altitude mansion.

Lei unfolded a huge blank paper, then wrote a few numbers and symbols on the corners, and determined the direction.

Wus looked at the way Lei drew the map curiously and asked him: "What are this symbol and this cross-like thing with an arrow?"

Ray told Us: "To draw a map, you must first determine the scale. These symbols are numbers. The cross plus the words next to it determine the direction."

"With this, the next step is to collect legends from all parties."

Lei climbed up from the paper, took out the determined illustrations, and placed them on top.

"Thanks to your help, we have collected a lot of illustrations."

"Here is the map of the Ruhe Giant Island, this is the chart of the Sea of ​​Storms with dozens of pictures, this is the sketch of the Iver Peninsula you gave me, the map of the Land of Light, and the record of the Desert of the Fall of the Sun. "

“Adding that to my travel diary and the things I jotted down along the way, the framework can be put in place first.”

"We will slowly collect more legends and terrain records later, and we can slowly add to them and modify them."

Us said at this time: "Mr. Lei, I heard you say before that you can refine props."

Lei: "Although I am not an alchemist, I can still make ordinary props, and in some places, the final props can surpass those created by alchemists through alchemy."

"They have what they're good at, and I have what I'm good at."

"I once helped Olan, the apostle of the God of Desire and Alchemy, when he was building the Alchemy Tower."

It can be seen that Lei is still somewhat proud of some areas in which he is good at.

Us said at this time: "If it needs to be revised repeatedly, would it be better to refine the map into a prop, and would it be more suitable for preservation and dissemination?"

"It would be a pity if something as important as this was wrong or damaged due to circulation."

Lei thought about it after hearing Wus' suggestion: "Refined into a prop?"

Lei stretched out his finger and nodded repeatedly: "This is a good suggestion."

"This way it will be more difficult to damage and can be preserved forever."

"And errors found can be corrected faster, even on the go, making it more and more accurate."

Ray told Us: "I think your proposal is very good, thank you very much, Us."

"But we still sketched it out first and then finally tried to make it into a prop."

Drawing a map is not an easy task, and Us learned a lot from it.

In addition to the skills of drawing maps, there are other aspects of knowledge.

Some of the things Ray knew were, casually speaking, treasures to Us.

For example, Lei discovered that the books and scrolls that Us had brought over were all hand-copied, with a large number of typos, and then asked him: "Your books seem to be all hand-copied, and few of them are printed?"

Us told Lei: "Only myths, codes, and dictionaries are printed. Common books circulated among the people are all hand-copied."

Lei nodded: "It seems that your papermaking and printing techniques are still at a relatively rudimentary level. There have been some changes and improvements compared to when the Evel people left the Ruh Island, but not much. "

Us said: "Perhaps the Land of Light is too comfortable, too far away from the real world for too long. Our changes in the past few hundred years are indeed far less dramatic than the other side of the world."

Lei then told Us about several common printing techniques on the Ruhe Island, as well as the formula of printing ink.

Us immediately ordered the craftsmen of the Principality of Matare to follow suit and print books according to the method mentioned by Lei.

Although it is just the beginning, I think it will have a huge impact on the entire Principality of Matalie and even the entire Winged People.

The other is that when Lei was using the ritual formation, he told Us the name of the storage fairy Saint Raphael, letting Us know the core steps of making storage props.

This is not a rare piece of knowledge, any prop master on the giant island of Ruh can know it, but it is different here.

There is another thing that Wusi always remembers in his heart.

Lei said that there is a plant on Ruhe Island with a yield that is much higher than that of the fern, called brown bulb vine. He has always thought about one day being able to transplant this crop to the Principality of Matare and the Land of Light.

In addition, there are many other small impacts.

Thunder was invisible and brought various changes to the entire Principality of Matalie.

The entire principality knows that a strange metal doll has arrived in this country. It can not only speak, but also possesses magical knowledge and power. It is also the favored one of another god.

The winged people of the Principality of Matalie regard the three thunders as metal angels, flame angels and kite angels falling from the sky, and are no longer afraid of him.

When he walked out of the mansion, he would often be cheered by the people in the markets and streets.

During this time.

Lei learned the language of the winged people, and his relationship with Wus became more friendly.

Us is more like a scholar than a ruler. He is very thirsty for knowledge and very curious about the unknown.

This can be seen from the fact that he delegated his power to his son in advance and specialized in practice alone.

And Ray also likes dealing with people like this.

Because he is a technology geek who likes to stay at home making various inventions and studying things he likes.

this day.

Lei's pen ran out of ink and the pen was finally broken. Wus immediately sent someone a kind of quill pen used by wingmen.

After Lei tried it, he was very interested: "This kind of quill pen is interesting. It is easier to make and more suitable for you Yi people."

After Lei wrote several letters with a quill pen, he asked Us about the location of the rainbow tree known to the Principality of Matale. Us immediately took Lei and flew towards that location.

On the way, Ray asked Us: "Do you also communicate through the rainbow tree?"

Us nodded: "Of course!"

Lei asked him again: "Have you ever tried to communicate with the snake people on the Ewell Peninsula or the people on the Ruhe Island?"

Us said: "There were indeed many wingmen who tried before, but these attempts either failed to deliver the letters, or the rare ones that were sent received basically no response. Gradually no one tried."

Lei nodded and said, "That's probably because you haven't tried enough. If you try more, you will definitely succeed."

Us said: "Sending a letter to the rainbow tree also comes at a cost. Every rainbow tree that has been discovered is a treasure and the most valuable resource in each country."

Lei felt a little regretful: "Communicating with the outside world is the fastest way to develop."

Wusi has gradually understood this truth recently, but even if he knew it before, he couldn't do it.

But Lei's arrival brought a turn of events to the Principality of Matalie, and even to the entire Winged People.

He looked at the letter in Lei's hand and asked Lei: "Who is your letter addressed to? Is it the apostle you mentioned before?"

Lei said: "There is one letter from him, one from my other friends, and one sent to the Demon Abyss King's City."

“I hope they will send me some useful books, such as more detailed maps of the Irwell Peninsula, such as the one about Montenegro.”

"There is also a nautical chart of the Ewell route, so that I can accurately know the distance between Ruhe Island and the Ewell Peninsula."

"In addition, I also want some cloth from the silk-weaving spirit worms produced by the witch spirits, and some unique extraordinary materials to prepare me for refining the world map into props later."

Us: "I'm also looking forward to seeing you refining the props."

Us is really looking forward to the day when he can see Lei refining props. He will definitely learn a lot by watching such a master prop maker refining props.

The skills of making props are a reflection of national strength and core strength for any country.

They flew into a forest, and behind a castle, they saw a rainbow tree guarded by winged powers.

Lei put his letter into the tree hole and prayed to the fairy family of messengers in the dream.

The light shone in the tree hole, and soon the letter disappeared.

Looking at this scene, Wus suddenly thought of the conversation he had just had with Lei.

Thought: "Perhaps we should communicate more with the outside world."

"If we can contact the people on Ruhe Island, we may be able to get more knowledge and things."

"For example, that crop called brown bulb."


A ray of white light streaked across the sky, passed through the sea of ​​clouds, and arrived at the territory of the Principality of Matalie.

The light gradually converged, revealing the appearance of the angel in the sky.

Sky Commander Lomir set out from the Holy Mountain of Light and followed the traces of the strange meteor. He passed through many countries on the way and finally arrived at the farthest principality of Matarje in the west.

The Sky Angel vibrated its slender white wings, crossed its feet, and looked at the earth below.

"The meteor flew from the kingdom inherited by the good news sky messenger, and finally passed here. The people in this country must know something."

"This country was founded by the descendants of Matale, go and ask them."

The sky messenger immediately jumped down from the sky and headed towards the central city of this country.

It had been many years since the Sky Angel had arrived in the Principality of Matare. The guards on the round tower immediately rang the bell as soon as they saw the Sky Angel descending from the sky.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

When the Yiren in the city saw the beautiful Sky Angel flying across the sky, they all exclaimed. Everyone came out of their homes and kowtowed to the Sky Angel.

"It's an angel from the sky."

"The messenger from the Holy Mountain of Light is here."

"The messenger of God has come to Matale."

The current Grand Duke led all his subjects to greet the angel in the sky.

At this time, Lei and Us, who had just returned from sending letters, also heard the bell.

Us looked into the distance: "What happened?"

Lei said: "Go back quickly and take a look."

They flew towards the city.

The water channel flowing through the waterfall on the top of the mountain just went around the square in front of the palace. In the center of the square stood a tall statue of the Sky Angel, and at this moment a living Sky Angel was standing under the statue.

Us was overjoyed: "It's the sky messenger from the Holy Mountain of Light who has come to our country."

To the winged people, the identity of the angel in the sky is that of a divine angel.

Even Wusi yearns to see the other party and listen to the will of the King of Sky Angels.

Wusi immediately went to greet him.

Get ahead of the crowd and salute to the other person.

Lei walked quietly from the side and looked at the sky angel carefully as he got closer.

No matter how beautiful the Winged Man is, because he does not have a complete divine form, in Lei's opinion, it is just a kind of coquettish beauty, and it is difficult to have anything to do with holiness.

In fact, from this perspective, the same is true for snake people.

But the sky angel he saw now was different. They had the complete form of gods, but they had an extra pair of wings.

The male sky angel is very beautiful, because this is the winged human form that the Mother of Life originally wanted to create, and its roots can be traced back to the God's dream of the Creator.

Lei looked at the other party and couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a beautiful creature!"

Sky Messenger Lomir also noticed this ancient demon doll and heard what he said.

He immediately turned around and looked at him: "Who are you?"

He not only saw the powerful strength and posture from the other party, he even saw an aura that was too ancient to be described.

This aura even reminded Lomir of those ancient gods for a moment.

Lei said: "I am a demon spirit, from the giant island of Ruhe, following the goddess of demon spirits, Ms. Elena."

The sky envoy was very surprised: "There are people from the giant island of Ruhe who came to the land of light. This is an unimaginable distance."

Then, in response to Lei's last words, he said: "I didn't expect that a favored person of the gods would come to the Land of Light. The Winged Man and the Holy Mountain of Light welcome you very much."

Under Us's warm invitation, the group entered the palace.

He was very happy because after the arrival of Lei, another sky angel came as a guest.

This is an unimaginably lively event for the Principality of Matare.

The banquet to welcome the Sky Envoy was very lively, but Lomir, the envoy from the Holy Mountain of Light, was not enthusiastic. He asked everyone in front of the banquet if they had seen the shooting star.

Many people present still remembered it and started talking about it.

Lei also thought of the meteor that almost caused him an accident before, and immediately spoke.

"Are you talking about the shooting star?"

"I saw it, it was no ordinary meteor."

Sky Commander Lomir looked over immediately, and among the people present, Lei was the only one who noticed the unusualness of the meteor.

He came to Lei's side and sat down with him.

He nodded and said: "Yes, that meteor contains magical power, and I am here to find him on behalf of the Holy Mountain of Light."

"Beloved of the God of Demonic Spirits, can you tell me about the situation when you encountered it?"

Lei asked curiously: "Of course, but why are you looking for that meteor?"

Lomire said: "That meteor was so far away that it actually caused all the sand, stones and objects on the holy mountain to float. Even those of us who were there felt a powerful force pulling us up into the sky."

"And the scope of its impact is far beyond our imagination."

"We can be sure that if the meteor came closer, it might even lift a mountain peak from the ground into the sky."

"That is a stone with unimaginable power, a stone that can make mountains fly into the sky."

Lomir looked at Lei with a serious and serious expression.

"You who have passed by it must be able to feel its power. Don't you have any interest in it?"

Lei said that he did feel the power of the meteor, but he also said that he was not very interested in it at the moment.

"I can indeed feel its power, but I have seen too many powerful things and too many incredible things."

“It’s completely pointless to pursue everything.”

"I have my own goals and pursuits. I know what I want, rather than chasing everything aimlessly."

Sky Messenger Lomir asked curiously: "Beloved of the God of Demon Spirits, have you ever seen this kind of power that can make mountains fly into the sky?"

Ray told Lomire: "If you have time to go to Ruhe Island, you will definitely hear about a famous place, and the name of that place is the Lost Country."

Lomir: "The Lost Kingdom?"

Lei nodded: "For the snake people, this is indeed the name. It also has another name, but it has long been forgotten."

"That is a giant city floating in the sky. I can guarantee that you have never seen such a huge and magnificent city, and you cannot understand what kind of power can keep such a city suspended above the sea of ​​clouds forever."

Lomir was speechless for a while: "A giant city floating in the sky, is there really such a place in this world?"

Lomire's last words sounded a little disbelieving, even a little doubtful.

Lei told him for sure that there really is in this world.

"But I want to tell you even more, the great power contained behind such a mythical miracle is intangible."

"There is nothing wrong with people pursuing strength and power, but to rashly pursue those unknown and incomprehensible powerful things is to approach death and destruction."

Lomir's heart was still immersed in what Lei said about the city floating in the sky.

"Can you tell me about the lost country on the giant island of Naruh?"

Lei and Lomire then described the scene of the lost country, with boundless lakes, towering cloud mountains, and giant cities floating in the sky.

Ray doesn't say much, but he makes people yearn for it and get excited.

The sky envoy suddenly stood up and spoke.

"I suddenly understood why I wanted to chase that meteor."

"Because one day, we will also let the Holy Mountain of Light float in the sky and become a true holy mountain and kingdom of God."

"A place like that belongs to the angels in the sky."

After saying that, the sky made Lomir completely unable to sit still. He wanted to find the meteor now.

"Thanks for the information, I think I should get going."

Lei also stood up at this time and asked another question.

"Is Queen Duma on the Holy Mountain of Light?"

"I want to visit her!"

The sky angel said: "Of course she is, but the king of the sky angels usually doesn't see outsiders. Even our sky angels can't see her often."

"She is immortal and lives in the deepest part of the Holy Mountain. Most of the time, she is asleep."

"So, even if you go to the Holy Mountain of Light, you may not be able to see the King of Sky Angels."

Lei: "That's it!"

The Sky Angel didn't say anything more. After hearing the legend of the Lost Kingdom, his heart was filled with excitement.

He bid farewell to the Grand Duke of Us and Matale, and walked out of the palace in front of everyone.

When he set off, his feet left the ground and floated in the air, waving his white wings, and his body was radiating light.

He looked at Ray and nodded.

Ray expressed his blessing: "Congratulations on finding that shooting star and the power that can make mountains and cities levitate."

Lomir: "If you come to the Holy Mountain of Light one day, you can come to me."

It turned into a ray of light and rushed into the sky, and the phantoms of feathers fell down. The surrounding winged nobles all screamed in surprise and fell to the ground.

Sky Commander Lomir then embarked on a journey to find meteors.

Lei stood outside the palace and was a little confused, because he didn't know when he would find the place where the sun rose.


In Lei's temporary residence.

It took a lot of time, manpower and material resources.

A map that is two meters wide and nearly ten meters wide was finally drawn successfully.

Lei looked at the various patterns on the map and carefully observed the details.

From above you can see the giant island of Ruh, as well as the Sea of ​​Storms and various small islands on the sea.

The map marks the Ewell Channel, as well as the Ewell Peninsula and Montenegro Peninsula at the end of the channel.

Across the Ewell Peninsula, there is the place where the Yi people once lived, which has long been transformed into a huge chasm.

Across there is the desert where the sun falls, and finally the land of light.

And both sides of the map.

It is the boundless sea, and this sea is completely expressed in dark blue.

It gives people a feeling of vastness and depth.

The sea depicts various strange and dangerous places encountered on the way, various monster lairs, moving islands, and the direction of ocean currents.

After reading it, Lei said: "It's still a little rough."

Of course, this kind of map is not accurate, especially the Sunfall Desert. Not to mention the scope of the Sunfall Desert, even the approximate width can only be roughly based on the distance and time the Winged People flew, and then based on the records of their circumference. The long journey, the lost distance, the strange celestial phenomena encountered and the attacks of groups of monsters, finally calculated the approximate distance from the Ewell Peninsula to the Land of Light.

In Lei's opinion, the error must be huge.

In addition, the depictions of many places, such as the Montenegro Peninsula and the Sea of ​​Storms, are extremely rough.

Even the two places, the Ewell Peninsula and the Land of Light, have a lot of mistakes and omissions.

But this is the first map in the world that is based on the concept of the world.

The wing-man old man Wusi was stunned by the world on the map: "This... this is good enough. I have never seen such a map, and I have never imagined that this world is so vast. "

Lei said: "This is not even a world. There are too many unknown blanks."

Lei looked at the map, and the more he looked at it, the stranger it became.

He walked to the giant Ruh Island on the map and pointed in the direction of the endless sea of ​​sand: "Look, I'm starting from here, and then I'm flying towards the east."

As Ray's fingers slide, you can see that his travel trajectory is zigzag, going around and around, and stopping at the same time.

But there is no doubt that it is always towards the east.

Finally, Ray's finger reached the edge of the map.

"I flew here."

Lei's finger left the border and came to the other end of the map.

"Then, you came here, and then flew to the land of light?"

"What's happening here?"

Lei scratched the iron skull and looked at the big-brained flame demon spirit beside him: "Is this how we fly?"

At this time, the shadow of the kite demon passed in front of the window, and at the same time a light voice came: "He can't even tell the difference between east, west and north, so you don't need to ask him."

Wusi was also very confused. He looked at both ends of the map and didn't understand how Lei flew here.

"Are you sure that's how you flew here?"

"Didn't you miss the target?"

Lei was very sure and certain: "No, I went through my memory thoroughly before finally drawing this map. There should be no mistakes."

Us took the map to the hall outside and placed it on the ground.

Then he moved the map around, and finally bent it to join one end of the map to the other.

In this way, the map looks like a hollow circle.

Us pointed at the hollow circle map: "Tell me, are you going to circle around the edge of the world like this?"

Ray looked at the hollow circles placed by Us and considered them very seriously.

"If that's the case, I was actually flying in the wrong direction all along?"

"Due to some kind of power, it seems that I have been flying towards the east, but in fact I have been flying in circles. I am not flying towards the end and edge of the world at all?"

Lei shook his head: "But I always fly in the direction where the sun rises. If so, where does the sun rise from?"

Lei suddenly saw the Sunfall Desert: "With such a large desert, does the sun rise from the Sunfall Desert?"

Everyone in this era has a fixed idea that the earth is flat and the sun and moon rise from the edge of the world.

Us immediately shook his head: "No!"

"The sun cannot rise from that desert. The so-called fall of the sun is just the fantasy of the ancient winged people."

"The Winged Man once crossed the Sunfall Desert, and later on, some people occasionally entered it, but the sun never set there."

Lei had a sudden thought at this time: "Then according to your statement, it may be the case."

Ray stood the map up and connected the two edges together.

It looks like a paper tube without a bottom or lid, or a ring.

"In this case, I can fly all the way east from the giant island of Luhe to the land of light."

Wusi looked at the map that was erected, the two ends joined together to form a ring, and kept shaking his head.

"No way, no way."

"How could the world be like this, a ring?"

"This is too strange."

Lei said: "No one knows what the world is like, and I think my idea is possible."

Us then said: "What about the sun? Where does it rise?"

Lei spun around the erected ring, and Wus followed him, circling around and looking at the map.

I have to say that looking at this map from this angle is really a strange feeling.

Lei suddenly slapped his head: "Do you think the sun will be like us now, floating in the sky and revolving around the world?"

The more Lei thought about it, the more excited he became. He felt that this answer seemed to be able to explain many problems and the doubts in his heart.

"That's right."

"If that's the case, it would explain why I don't see where the sun rises, because that's how the sun goes around the world."

"In this case, it can also explain why I flew in the right direction, clearly heading east, but ended up in the west."

Although Us is a scholar, he can also accept some new things.

But he still felt that this statement broke his known world view, and he found it difficult to accept it.

He immediately found a counterargument: "If the world was like this, wouldn't everything on it fall down?"

Lei nodded: "Yes!"

Lei stood on the ground, turned his body at a ninety-degree angle, and looked at the map like this: "Standing it upright like this, this is how we live on the earth."

Lei waved his hand again and saw the ring belt on the ground floating up and changing its angle.

"That won't work either. The top one can still be stable, but the bottom one will fall off."

Ray's hypothesis can solve some of the doubts and problems he encountered, but it cannot solve other problems.

Just when he was confused again, Lei suddenly remembered the meteor for some reason.

That powerful attraction pulls everything upwards. If it gets close, even mountains can be lifted up. So what if that force is amplified?

Magnify it ten thousand times, countless times.

Lei suddenly turned his head and asked Wus.

"you say."

"Is there such a force that sucks everything to the ground?"

"Suck the earth and the forest, all spirits and mortals, everything, and suck everyone to the ground."

Us looked at Lei and slowly opened his mouth, unable to close it.

Ray must have gone crazy to say such nonsense.

Us: "What kind of power do you think can do such a thing?"

Lei said without thinking: "Of course it is the power of the Creator!"

"This world was created by the Creator, and all the rules and powers are naturally given by Him."

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