I Am God!

Chapter 548 Found Master of Life!

Temple of Miracles.

"Clatter!" A group of alchemist apprentices stood in the corridor outside the temple, watching the torrential rain in the sky worriedly.

"What's going on, it's been raining non-stop for almost half a month." This rain is so rare and so strange.

"It's going to be a disaster if it continues like this." It's not good if it doesn't rain, but it's not a good thing if it keeps raining like this.

"Don't worry about the rain, our troubles haven't been resolved yet." One of the snake men looked into the depths of the temple with a fearful expression instead of worry.

Inside the temple, the chief god attendant led the high-level people of the temple to carefully pray to the statue erected on the side of the main hall.

"O Great Lord of Happiness and Wishes!"

"Forgive our..."

They trembled and reported to Oran.

He told about the stoppage of the gamer alchemy tower and the disappearance of the tower spirit.

And the worst thing is that they didn't know what the problem was after all the investigation for so long.

The vanished Tarling was never found, nor was the hateful traitor found.

Although the movement from top to bottom was huge, they achieved nothing. It can be said that they completely showed their incompetence, but they did not dare to conceal and deceive the gods, nor did they dare not tell the gods.

To lie to the gods is the stupidest thing in the world.

Even if it succeeds, it doesn't mean that God doesn't know, but that God just doesn't care.

And the Lord of Happiness and Wish arranged an alchemy tower here, which must have a deep meaning, even a certain plan and layout about the gods.

The prayers are over.

They prostrated themselves on the ground, with their heads pressed tightly against the ground, waiting for the Lord of Happiness and Wishes to reprimand and punish them.

Suddenly, the idol shone with light, illuminating the entire hall.

A huge shadow emerged, as high as the hall, looking down on everyone.

God heard their prayers and answered them.


Everyone became even more nervous, the floor tiles were wet with sweat on their foreheads, and they could even faintly hear the sound of teeth colliding.

Everyone present didn't know what their next fate would be.

But in the end, the phantom of the god just looked at them.

Said: "I know."

It just disappeared.

After a while, everyone looked up.

It can be seen that their expressions were stunned, bewildered, and then turned into bewilderment.

I see?

What does this oracle mean?

Is it reprimand, dissatisfaction, or something else?

What they don't know is that the tower spirit they are looking for is shuttling between the streets not far from the temple at this moment, but the other party emits a power similar to a field, even if ordinary powerful people see him Will ignore him and treat him like an ordinary person.

The man is walking in the streets, trying to find some familiar memories or places he knows.

But the man can't remember anything and often sees visions.

I saw some people appearing beside me, talking to me.

Sometimes, he would see an old man.

The old man was always chattering: "It's okay, God will protect us, we must believe in God, and give everything to God."

Sometimes he said in despair: "We are called believers, but we are actually a bunch of fools who don't understand the true meaning of God."

Sometimes I see a girl yelling loudly: "Heretic, what do you want?"

Sometimes, I will see a god-like man standing beside me and say, "You think you did the right thing, but in the end it led to the worst result."

His head hurt again, and he stumbled in the rain.

"who I am?"

"who are they?"

The man fell into the water. He looked up at the endless rain and the dark clouds in the sky.

His face changed in an instant, and he said with a trembling jaw.

"I seem to have seen such a heavy rain!"

"That day, it seemed to be raining so heavily."

"That's right."

Then he contradicted himself.

"No, bigger than that."

Something appeared before the man's eyes.

But that time, he was not standing on the ground, but on a boundless and endless lake.

Thunder roared and rain poured down.

The whole world was shrouded in darkness, and there seemed to be something terrifying in the sky and in the distance.

"Heaven, what's in the sky."

"very scary."

The man trembled, he vaguely recalled some terrible memories.

He had once witnessed a terrible thunderstorm in which countless people lost their lives and had an ending worse than death.

"is God."

"It's God looking down on us from heaven."

He looked at the other people on the street and said loudly.

"Run, get out of here."

"Don't look, don't look at the sky."

He remembered something terrible, and wanted everyone to run and escape from here.

He is also able to see visions when he looks at other people.

One or even several shadows will appear on each person, constantly telling him his inner thoughts and the pictures he has seen.

Men seem to be able to feel the emotions and thoughts emerging from everyone. This is an innate talent and instinct.

But he crossed the street, but everyone else just regarded him as a lunatic and avoided him.

So he ran on the street, shouting.

Finally, he came to a stop under the street lamp at the end of the street.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, it was the phantom of the god-shaped man he saw before.

The shadow looked at the lunatic man and said to him.

"If it's that scary, don't think about it."

"Can't you forget about it?"

The man looked over, and what he thought was the "illusion" appeared again.

The man was indeed very scared, but after thinking for a while, he said to the "illusion".


"It's even scarier if you don't remember anything."

The other party sighed after listening.

Then point to a direction far away.

"If you want to retrieve your memory and the past, go over there and find a girl with white wings, she will retrieve your memory for you."

"There, say goodbye to the past!"

"Phantom" stared at him, and said with a slight smile.


"A new era has arrived."


A very powerful witch doctor came from the Green Vine Medical Fort in Moonlight City. It is said that he can treat some very difficult and difficult diseases, even terminal diseases.

In a short period of time, its reputation spread in the city.

Many god servants, nobles, and big businessmen in the city lined up in front of the gate of the green vine medical castle, wanting to invite this witch doctor to see a doctor.

Even if it is raining heavily, you can still see many carriages parked at the gate of the Medical Fort, and many dignitaries are lining up.

in the room.

A patient was lying on the bed, moaning in pain constantly, and couldn't help but want to cover his stomach.

Matafus summoned the paper sky angel, scanned the body of the snake man in front of her, and nodded.

Then she took a few paper strips from the paper sky angel's body, melted them in water, took out a few bottles and poured a few drops of medicinal liquid into them.

Finally, sprinkle a piece of bone meal and read a spell.

There was a bang from the bottle, and a puff of blue smoke came out.

A bottle of medicine exuding a smell was created like this.

Someone at the side fed the patient and drank the medicine, and at the same time assisted him with other means.

After a while, the patient vomited out a basin of filth, and when he got up, the abdominal pain finally stopped.

This caused the people present to exclaim: "Wow~"

For ordinary physicians, this scene is truly miraculous.

Witch doctors appeared on Ruhe Giant Island later. At present, witch doctors can only be seen in the capitals of several countries. For Moonlight City, it is still very rare.

A group of doctors surrounded Matafus, asking her various questions.

Matafus had a smile on her face and a confidence that was not usually seen. When she was treating patients and teaching, she seemed to be a different person.

"It doesn't matter how you can cure a disease if you don't know how to make magic spells. Ordinary doctors only need to know how to identify diseases, and then buy witchcraft to prescribe the right medicine."

"How do you get the witch medicine?"

"Usually where there is a witch doctor academy, you can buy it."

"However, I suggest that you still go to the Witch Doctor Academy to study for a while, so that the steps will be clearer."

"It doesn't matter. The Witch Doctor Academy also recruits ordinary doctors. Most of the time, witch doctors don't directly treat patients, but research various diseases and create new witch medicines."

After being busy for a long time, Matafus finally found time to rest for a while.

But just after sitting down and taking a sip of water, Matafus suddenly felt something and looked towards the entrance of the medical castle.

I saw a familiar figure walking in the passageway into the interior.

It has no tail and wears a strange silver smock.

She stared: "It's that person."

Matafus recognized it immediately, isn't this the strange man she saw on the street before?

And the man also saw Matafus, or he was coming straight to him.

In the man's eyes, Matafus seemed to be surrounded by several Matafus. They didn't wear the cloak that Oran gave them, so their white wings could be seen.

"It's that guy." A Matafuss pointed at the man and shouted.

"What is he looking at me for?" A Matafus was at a loss.

"He's walking towards me." One panicked.

"Should I run?" a timid one trembled.

At this time, Yin seemed to sense the other party's arrival, and suddenly appeared beside Matafus, standing with her.

The appearance of Yin also gave Matafus a backbone.

Seeing the man walking in front of her, Matafus asked him, "Who are you?"

The man shook his head: "I don't know either."

He thought for a while: "I seem to remember someone calling me Gamel, maybe it's because of that name!"

Matafuss felt that the name was a little familiar: "Gamel, why do you seem to have heard of it?"

Yin reminded her: "Gamel Alchemy Tower!"

Matafus immediately remembered, isn't this the landmark building she and Yin wanted to visit before, but isn't this the name of a tower?

For the time being, they don't understand whether this is a coincidence or some other secret.

Matafuss then asked, "What do you want to do here?"

The man said, "I want to be cured."

Healing diseases is Matafus' forte.

Her expression became much more relaxed, and she looked the man up and down: "Are you sick?"

The man hesitated, and asked Matafuss, "Is amnesia a disease?"

Matafus shook her head: "Amnesia is just the final result. Whether it is a disease, or what it is, can only be known after an examination."

The man nodded: "Then please help me!"

Matafus found the chief physician of the Medical Fort and asked him to help arrange and postpone today's patient.

The great doctor obeyed, even though he was the master of this medical fort, if he could hug the thigh of such a powerful witch doctor, it would be nothing.

Because of the special nature of the man, and because he could tell that the other party was very powerful, Matafus asked the doctor to find a very empty hall at the end of the medical castle.

A bed was placed, a curtain was drawn, and the other party was asked to lie down on it.

This is not some kind of honorable treatment, but a set of experience summed up by the witch doctors who treat the diseases of the powerful. The more powerful the powerful, the more difficult the disease will be, and the more problems may erupt once they get out of control. .

The process of staying away from the crowd, arranging the ceremony, and opening the enchantment was gradually settled down.

can be seen.

As the other party lay on the bed, many thin, shining silk threads under the smock shrank back.


At this moment, both Matafuss and Yin realized that the man's smock not only lacked a tail, but also did not have feet.

It's a bunch of roots, not like the roots of a tree.

More delicate and more beautiful.

The silver smock is not a piece of clothing, but a flower cup of some kind of flower of God turned down, it just looks like a smock.

Matafusi's eyes lit up, because the picture she saw so far proved her previous guess.

This man is indeed not a snake man, nor is it any other ordinary intelligent species, but a strange cup of desire.

Combined with the man's name, Matafus guessed something again.

She asked the man: "You won't be the tower spirit of the Gamel Alchemy Tower?"

The man froze for a moment, then shook his head: "What tower spirit, I'm a human, a snake man."

Matafus asked him with a smile, "What about your tail?"

The man instinctively thought that he was a snake man and that he had a tail. Then he looked at his body and was suddenly stunned.


"Where's my tail?"

"How could I... how could I become like this?"

The more he thought about it, the more the man's head hurt, and even a strange force began to spread.

Matafus immediately opened the enchantment and comforted the man at the same time.

"No, don't mess with your power."

"Your amnesia is very powerful, you have forgotten how to use your power."

The man stopped slowly, and Matafus looked into his eyes and felt that he had indeed accepted the status quo.

Then she summoned the paper sky angel and scanned the man's body.

It took a long time before Matafus put away the paper sky angel.

She looked at the man and said with certainty.

"This body of yours is indeed the cup of desire, there is no doubt about it."

"And in your body, the strength has reached a critical point, and you have reached the peak of the third order."

"At the same time, during the inspection just now, I found that someone once arranged a divine grace ritual in your body."

"You are already in the process of transformation, and you are about to enter the fourth level."

"However, your situation is very strange. Your memory seems to be incomplete and chaotic, as if it has been disrupted or there are errors, and your personality and emotions are constantly bursting into chaos."

"This makes your apostolic ceremony stuck and unable to fully start, it must be sorted out."

Although Matafus is only a third-tier power user, she not only knows the divine favor technique, but also knows the secret of the road to becoming a god.

At the same time, she also knows about the Cup of Desire and the Tower Spirit of the Tower Keeper.

This allowed the man's secret to be seen in front of her eyes.

"But I have a way to regain the power of memory for you."

"And when your memory returns to your body, you should become a true apostle."

The man looked at Matafus expectantly: "Really?"

Then thank you again: "Thank you."

Matafus, who is a witch doctor, has received this kind of thanks many times, and waved her hand very standardly and skillfully: "It's okay."

After packing up her things, Matafus asked the man, "When are you going to receive treatment?"

The man couldn't wait: "Of course, the sooner the better."

Matafus nodded: "Well, let's do it today!"

The man couldn't wait, and in fact Matafus was a little too impatient.


Matafus took Yin out to prepare the things that needed to be prepared next.

Yin didn't leave, but asked a very concerned question: "What did you... mean when you said that to me earlier?"

Yin then asked, "How do you know I'm afraid?"

The man told Yin: "You told me yourself."

Matafus immediately whispered to Yin: "It really is the cup of desire, the flower of God. This kind of flower of God has the super talent of being able to hear other people's emotions and voices."

The man raised his head in panic, then whispered.

"Don't you feel it?"

"The gods are watching the world, looking down on us from the sky."

"Listen, the sound of the wind is God breathing."

"That thunder, that is the roaring and shouting of the gods."

Yin looked at the sky: "You said that the storm and rain were brought about by the gods watching the world?"

The man's words were a little confused, and he shook his head in fear.

"The god is the sun."

"The sun is neither near nor far away."

He grabbed Yin's clothes and told her.

"Don't speculate on the will of the gods, and don't use your ignorance to pry into the magnificence of the gods."

Yin didn't ask any more, the man in front of her was obviously not normal, and she didn't know which of the other's words were right and which were wrong.

Yin walked out with Matafus, and when she turned the corner, she suddenly said something.


Matafus and Yin are very familiar and know what Yin is asking.

Yin didn't understand why Matafus wanted to help that man, especially when he saw that he was going to become an apostle.

The other party obviously has a lot of secrets, and it is likely to be the arrangement and secret hand of a certain god. Recklessly intervening in such a thing may bring danger and accidents.

Matafus smiled innocently and pushed her glasses.


"It may not be a coincidence that we met this person."

"No, it must not be a coincidence."

"I'm sure that Mr. Oran guided us here. He let us come to Suinhall Kingdom, knowing that we will meet this person here."

"On his body just now, I could feel the breath of Mr. Oran."

Yin understood a little bit: "He was in the Ten Thousand Snakes ruling country at that time, so he had already anticipated our current situation?"

Matafus thinks so: "Mr. Oran is the lord of happiness and wishes, and he is a very great existence."

The two of Matafus left the medical fort and walked towards a small building in the distance under umbrellas.

That was their temporary residence, and they were going to take some things from there, because the next treatment was no longer the usual treatment.

Matafus had to be fully prepared, it was a tough fight.

"Mr. Oran allows us to cure this man's disease, and it is also an opportunity for us to truly understand the power of desire."

"Be more aware of the secrets of desire and personality, and know how to use this power on our astrology planet."

Silver: "Are you sure?"

Matafus nodded confidently.

"Isn't there a planet, through the power of the planet, we can analyze his memory."

"Just take a look at his problematic memory, and then try to reorganize and sort it out."


On the streets of Moonlight City.

It was not completely dark at dawn, it should be dusk, but because of the heavy rain and dark clouds, the whole city was already so dark that there was no light.

On the busiest commercial street in the city, many shops have already hung gas lights at the door.

Light up the dark and greet customers.

At some point, a figure in a white robe suddenly appeared on the dark street.

The white robe was spotless, and his figure was tall and slender.

Compared with this world, the other party seemed so abrupt and out of place, as if clouds and light had fallen into the world.

What was even more abrupt was that there was a dragonfly with a big head parked on the opponent's shoulder.

This seems like a very weird combination.

One person and one dragonfly stand quietly under the hanging lamp of a bookstore, admiring the pedestrians in the rain on the street.

Look at the aristocratic gentleman holding an umbrella, the workshop worker running straight into the rain, the girl whose clothes are soaked through, and the street vendor rushing home with a trailer.

All kinds of scenes in the world form a painting that belongs to this era.

Although he just stood on the side of the road, standing in this world.

Ordinary people can't see that figure, and they don't dare to see that figure.

Even the warm light shining on the opponent's body finally only penetrated nothingness, without casting any silhouette or shadow on the ground.

No matter how much he wants to get closer to this world, what finally arrives in this world is just a phantom.

"Hurry up, it will be darker if it is later."

On the side of the road, two beautiful girls with umbrellas ran past one after the other.

Matafus's voice was a little excited, because she met a very special patient and was undergoing an unprecedented treatment.

Silver, on the other hand, always walked so unhurriedly.

For her, as long as she is on the road, as long as she is moving forward, as long as she has a goal and an end point, then that's fine.

It would be even better if there are still people walking on the road together.

Yinwei lifted the umbrella and looked at the sky while walking; "The man said that the gods are watching us from the sky, do you think it's true?"

Matafus ran fast, panting and said: "Whether it is true or not, we have no way to prove it."

"Yin, we can't find many answers, so we don't have to think about it now."

Yin put down the umbrella and stopped looking at the sky: "That's right."

Just running, Matafus suddenly felt the movement behind her stop.

She immediately turned her head and looked at Yin suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

Yin held up an umbrella, staring at the lights and bookstores in the distance in the rain, motionless.

Her eyes looked at that corner, but her eyes seemed to be looking straight at the moon or looking up at the starry sky. The focus of her sight was pulled to the end of the sky in an instant, and her pupils were dilated and blurred.

"Did you see it?"

"There are people there."

Matafus looked in that direction and asked suspiciously, "Someone, where is it?"

But before she finished speaking, Yin interrupted her: "No, what is... what?"

in the eyes.

Everything in the world disappeared, only the corner of the street remained.

Yin seemed to see the outline of a figure, but also felt as if he saw the moon. In the end, the whole world in his eyes was filled with endless light and turned into star-white.

She stood there blankly, unable to comprehend the scene she saw at all.

She could only blankly describe her feelings.

"So bright!"

"What a nice view!"

Her special eyes seem to be able to see things that mortals cannot see.

This may be lucky, or it may be a kind of unlucky.

But the moment she saw the light and silhouette, she also pulled the eyes of the whole world together and focused on Moonlight City.

For a time, the abnormal celestial phenomena in the whole world were stagnant.

The wind, frost, rain and snow are all frozen in an instant.

Lines of sight descended from the sky, converging in this city that is like a point to the mainland, and finally focused on the bookstore that is also like a point to this city.


Suddenly, a violent thunder exploded in the sky. The light of the thunder pierced the world like a sharp blade, and the sound of the thunder made everyone's ears seem to be torn apart. They couldn't hear any other sound for a long time.

The wind swept across the mountains and forests, and the thunder illuminated the whole world.

This is not a natural celestial phenomenon, but the mighty power of the gods.

Just like what Gamemel said just now, the wind sweeping the world is their breath, and the thunder is their words.

And at this moment, what the voice said was.

"found it."

"found it."

"I found it... I found it... I found it."

All the voices gathered together, reverberated above the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, and reverberated throughout Ruhe Giant Island.

"It's the Creator!"

"is God!"

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