I Am God!

Chapter 603 The conditions for ending reincarnation in the vat?

After the meeting, the first ancestor of the tree people still stayed in the temple like a temple of giants in a daze. Perhaps standing there without thinking every day was what a tree should look like.

But in the hall where the crowd dispersed, he suddenly saw a figure passing through the side passage and walking towards the depths.

There is the entrance to reincarnation.

The first ancestor of the tree people immediately stood up and chased the shadow, and finally came to a fluorescent underground spring pool underground.

This place is no longer what it used to be. It has been transformed into a sacred ritual altar, and it is also the place where all the undead enter reincarnation.

There are ancient story scenes everywhere, basically belonging to this world.

There are all kinds of people in the painting, with different races, but everyone has the mark of life on them.

The origin of all stories stems from the arrival of a large ship from outside the world.

It was an alchemy ship called the Platinum.

Carrying a group of adventurers exploring the end of the world.

The first ancestor of the tree people found the figure here, it was the male mermaid who roared at the meeting before.

The other party was floating on the water, with only his upper body exposed.

You can see that he inserted his hand deeply into his back and dug out the symbiote mark that was connected to his blood.

He knows what the other person is doing.

He's not the first to do this either.

He wants to give up his identity as a life symbiont and give up the past.

The first ancestor of the tree people didn't stop him, he just said something.

"Maybe it will be better next time?"

"We are immortal, we can keep doing it, we can keep waiting."

"One day, we will wait for the paradise we want."

The mermaid in the spring pool slowed down slightly when he heard the sound. He shook his head, as if to say that this would not be a problem next time.

"you say."

“Are we really waiting for that paradise?”

“Is everything we do really meant to make the world a better place and make the future more worth looking forward to?”

Said the first ancestor of tree people.


"This is the promise and dream we made together."

"We will take our respective races and move toward the future we want together."

The calmness in his words was full of undeniability, as if he had always believed in it.

The mermaid turned her head, with a smile on her face, but her eyes showed no emotion or warmth.

“In the beginning, we lived by our dreams.”

"Later, we lived by race and companionship."

"Later on, we lived by looking forward to and longing for the so-called civilized paradise and the future."

"We look for the reason for our existence again and again, and then until that reason fades away, we look for the next one."

As he spoke, he turned his head back little by little.

"First mate!"

"In each reincarnation, our dreams are exhausted."

"What race? Haha, we are a group of snake people. We initially turned into tree people, mermaids and dwarves just to survive."

"We don't long for paradise, that's just an excuse."

He paused and added.

"Maybe it wasn't an excuse at first, but in the end, it became an excuse."

At this time, the male mermaid finally caught the mark running around inside his body.

Then his face showed an expression of extreme pain, but he still grabbed it out with all his strength.

He tore off the dense threads connecting his origin, completely forced out the life mark on his shoulder bit by bit, and cut off the connection between himself and the other party.

He stripped off the mark of life on his body and gave up his identity as a life symbiosis person.


A group of bloody shadows caught the life mark he threw, and then rolled outside.

The male mermaid was walking towards the depths of the pool little by little. He wanted to give up his memory and self and throw himself into the endless reincarnation.

The water was up to his chest and up to his shoulders.

At this time, he raised his head and looked at the large ship sailing from a distance above his head, looking at the figures on the ship.

His eyes finally changed and he said something.


"It's not Paradise we've been waiting for, it's the ship."

"The ship that brought us here is waiting to take us back again."

"It seems to be called... Platinum Number? Right?"

"It's just now that I don't want to wait any longer."

He turned his head and looked at the first mate.

"First mate!"

"When the ship comes one day, there is no need to take me away."

"Because the person I was at that time was no longer me."

He lowered his head and dived into the water.

The mermaid swung its streamlined tail, passing through the ripples and falling into the world below.

The ancestor of the tree people quietly watched the male mermaid fall into reincarnation, and did not speak again until the end. He watched it completely dissipate in the water, and his consciousness was pulled to an unknown end by the laws of the world.

Finally, there was no more sound.

He might become a fish, a bug, or another person.

One day he might even wake up from this world and return to that ship.

He may never be able to remember that he is a snake-man or a fish-man.

Or a bug, a fish, or a heartless tree or a stone.

Because compared to a snake man, he has been a living being for a longer time. Compared to a snake man living on land, he may be more accustomed to the sea and to standing there motionless like a tree. .

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Because he has already become a living zombie.

But at this time, the god sleeping in the Kingdom of God slowly started to move.

The god who was always immersed in sleep and knew nothing about the outside world started gibbering at this time.

The tree man has heard it many times before.

Most of them are happy things, such as what I ate today and what beautiful clothes I wore today.

And this time, she said yes.

"Mom said."

"First, we never really die in a glass jar."

"Second, ending can only be chosen when a new species emerges from the choice."

"Third, the species chosen in the end will be born in the nest of life."

The first ancestor of the tree people lowered his head and looked at the majestic shadow revealed by the light penetrating the ground.

Hearing what the other party said, he looked at the shadow of the big ship on the painted wall above his head.

It was like waking up from a big dream, eyes and mouth wide open.


The shore of the scarlet sea.

The borders of the ramparts of the Kingdom of God.

This is the spine of the world, and you can overlook the entire land from it.

The first ancestor of the tree people was standing here at this moment. He was bathing in the dazzling sun shining down from the heights. The face under the canopy looked at the outside world with a vicissitudes of life expression.

As far as the eye can see.

The world's golden light is dazzling and vast.

It is desolate and barren, but it seems to hide infinite possibilities.

The dark and narrow cave beneath their feet contained wisdom and civilization, but at the same time it was heading towards its end little by little, with no hope or future in sight.

He didn't know what to do to graft the hope of that world into the paradise at his feet.

The Creator spanned 250 million years before the environment in another world evolved to a point suitable for the existence of life and created the Second Age.

But they do not have the power to span 250 million years, nor the perseverance to wait for hundreds of millions of years.

Gradually, he turned around.

Looking at the sea of ​​blood behind him, he shouted a name with a title.

"Captain Breman, are you still in there?"

The tree man went deeper into the depths of the red sea step by step, and finally fell directly.


He fell into the deep sea and headed downwards.

His consciousness kept pulling into the distance, and he descended into the deep sea.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a scene like a scroll from hell.

What he saw was a pile of weird flesh and blood forming a mountain of deformed corpses. There were insect corpses, humanoid corpses, and all kinds of strange limbs.

There is an altar enshrined on the Mountain of Corpses, and a huge three-leaf seed emits light.


Captain Briman was sitting at the foot of the altar, his entire lower body embedded in the mountain of corpses.

The oldest person on the corpse mountain raised his head and looked at the tree man who had experienced thousands of reincarnations.

Briman stretched out his hand and said hello: "You're here again."

First Mate: "Your condition is getting worse."

The tree man ignored the horrific scene, walked through the corpses, came to the altar, and came to Briman's side.

Briman saw what Shuren was thinking: "My first mate, what decision do you seem to be making?"

The tree man also spoke: "Captain."

"I just suddenly remembered something that happened a long, long time ago."

Briman: "What happened?"

The tree man closed his eyes, as if he wanted to find some touch and passion from his memories.

"I saw you standing on the Flower of God, as great as a god, and your voice penetrated into my heart like sunshine."

"You tell us, say."

"You can make a longer-term plan, a more ambitious goal, something you have thought about but dare not achieve."

"You will have what seems to you an almost endless amount of time to realize them one by one."

Breman smiled. It was the beginning of the era.

"Oh, you remember?"

"I thought you had forgotten. Even last time I called you first mate, you were still stunned for a long time."

The tree man seemed to want to laugh, but he couldn't. Even he had forgotten this.

He could only hold the swaying tree crown and looked at the Ancient Captain on the side.

"Lord Breman."

“How far is the long term to you?”

"Grand, how big is it?"

"I don't think about it because I have things to do and just do what we're supposed to do," Briman said.

The tree man nodded: "I suddenly understand why I always feel that I am different from you and the dwarves."

Briman asked him, "What's the difference?"

The tree man said: "We are always looking for the reason for our existence, but you don't."

Briman: "Don't you have your own reasons for existing?"

Treeman: "It's different."

Briman: "Why is it different?"

The tree man seemed to have a lot to say, the first time in many years that he had so much to say.

"You know what you're coming in for, but we actually don't."

"We stepped into this world happily, thinking that we owned this world and had endless time. Our group of adventurers finally found the most precious treasure in the world."

"We have eternal life that is endless to squander, and dreams that are endless to realize. We can transform the world according to our wishes."

"And actually."

The tree man paused for a while, looking deeply.

"The world doesn't need us to do anything, and we've never changed it."

"It will one day give birth to all kinds of species, and there will be others without us."

"Civilizations will be born and then they will perish."

"Then new groups will appear and then decline."

"Step by step, alternately advancing between destruction and reincarnation."

"There is no problem with this, because the world is like this. Life will die and everything will decay. This is a law of nature."

The first mate, the tree man, seemed to be examining his own reincarnations and paying attention to everything he had ever done.

"Everything we do is just to accelerate the change again and again, and to try to retain what is destined to disappear."

"We are happy when we get something, and we feel pain when we lose something."

"Then again and again, in this irreparable disappearance and transformation, it became desperate and silent."

"We seem to be changing the world, but we are still just changing with the years and being carried downward by the torrent of fate."

The more the first mate tree man talked, the more clearly he seemed to see the difference between himself and Breman.

"From the beginning."

"We just don't know what we really want."

"The long-term we are talking about is only a thousand or ten thousand years, but for the world, millions or even tens of millions of years are just a moment and a blink."

“What is grand in our eyes is as small as dust to this world.”

"We don't have such great ideals or eternal obsessions to achieve. We are just a group of ordinary people. We are used to living with the flow."

"So when the river of time washes away, our true colors are revealed, and we become an empty shell, a lonely soul floating in the time."

The tree man stood up and walked outside.

"You are a fragile short-lived species. Even the blessing of eternal life seems like punishment."

"A person who has an eternal body but does not have an eternal heart."

"In the end it will only fall into endless darkness."

He didn't make any request to Breman this time. It seemed that he really just came to chat with Breman.

Briman looked at his leaving back and suddenly asked him.

"What do you want to do?"

But there was no answer.

After going back.

The tree man held a meeting again, and this time he decided on the next plan in front of everyone.

"The resources of the paradise are limited, but each time they are consumed in useless and chaotic racial battles, and dissipated in internal strife."

"Although competition can promote the advancement of civilization, the paradise is obviously unable to accommodate the simultaneous development of three races."

"So I propose that there will be only one race in the next world."

"We will use the entire paradise to give the world and civilization a different direction."

After everyone listened to this proposal, a huge debate broke out, but many of them seemed to think that this was a direction worth trying.

In the end, the proposal was passed by a majority vote.

On a round table, the fate of the world and civilization is simply decided.

Finally, the tree man announced.

"Let's enter the human world together, and each can use all his abilities and methods."

"Merfolk, dwarves, tree people."

"To decide who is the best and who is the future protagonist."


Napleo left home and entered Anchor Town.

From here we can see that this is a very developed civilization. After all, its civilization has lasted for thousands of years.

Dwarves seem to be born craftsmen, and every one of them is an excellent stonemason and blacksmith.

They can create all kinds of buildings, smelt all kinds of metal objects, and brew fine wine.

Napleau saw neatly arranged streets and small buildings, tall chimneys, shops and hotels, and metal-bound signs.

But compared with the snake people's houses, these buildings are much smaller.

His gaze followed the houses and streets into the distance, seemingly with no end in sight. His gaze extended all the way to the sky. He held his head high and stared at the "moon" in the sky.

The light source in the sky changed from a blazing yellow-white light to a silver-white clear glow.

in this world.

It plays the role of both the sun and the moon.



He dragged his shackles and strode forward with his mouth wide open. His mouth seemed to be shouting something, but no one could hear it clearly.



He once leaned against the wall and the window and listened to people outside mentioning this place countless times. He could even know the names of some shops on the street and what kind of people were inside the shops.

He heard people say that there were delicious food, intoxicating wine, and a gentle countryside that he couldn't quite understand. They always laughed happily while talking about it.

He was very curious when he heard it, and he had an infinite yearning for this place in his heart.

The sky slowly dawned, and people began to come out of the town. There were more and more people on the streets, and the whole world became noisy and noisy as the day dawned.

Soon, Napleau was sighted.

Dirty and shackled, he stood out among the crowd.

"Look, this guy is wearing shackles."

"A slave."

"Where did you escape from?"

"Catch him."

"Guard, where are the guards?"

A large number of people pointed at him, and the guards in the town rushed towards him. He had never seen such a large number of people and chaotic scenes.

He ran away nimbly, his body was thin but he seemed to have tenacious vitality. He could jump two to three meters high in one leap, and he could climb easily by holding onto a wooden pillar and using both feet together.

But soon, the murder he committed was discovered, and someone from the workshop discovered his true identity.

"People are dead, many people are dead."

"It's not a slave, he's the monster called Napulo hiding in the basement."

"He killed several people and escaped from the underground!"

"We must catch him and not let him escape."

The short and stocky dwarf guards with big beards arrived carrying strange long-barreled weapons.

That's a musket.

They took off their muskets and aimed them at Napleau on the roof.



Napleau was frightened by the gunfire, but the other party's shooting skills were indeed not very good. Several people fired one after another but failed to hit him.

He took advantage of the opponent's reloading of ammunition and ran away quickly.

At Wanfu's finger, Napleo fled the town in a hurry and headed into the distance.

He knew that there was no place for him here.

this day.

He came to a brand new city, broke the shackles on his feet, stole a piece of clothing, and washed his hair.

It seemed like he became like a human being.

This city is bigger, with more shops and more people than in my hometown of Anchor Town.

What's more, no one here knows about him.

It seems that he can live here.

At least I can taste the food here and feel the happy life that those people say.

But after he entered the city, he immediately discovered that without money, he had nothing, and without money, he had no place to live and could only live on the streets.

He squatted on the street corner, looking into the distance with a dull expression.

At this time, a boy who was older than him came over, and he seemed to have been observing him for a long time.

"Are you new to this city?"

Napulo looked at the other party, opened his mouth and nodded: "Ah~"

The other party also immediately discovered the strangeness of Napleo: "Can't you speak?"

He understood what the other person said, but his mouth was speechless, so he nodded again.

The young man put his hands on his knees and bent down with a sincere expression.

"I'll take you to a place where we are all a group of people without identity or status."

"Weak people like us cannot survive alone in this world. We can only survive if we stick together."

"We have a common place to live, where we can rest, have hot food and quilts."

When Naplow heard this, he realized there was such a good thing.

He nodded quickly: "Ah~"

Seems to ask, really?

The young man smiled and walked forward.

Seeing Napulo still staying in place, he immediately waved his hand: "Follow me!"

Seeing the man's sincere smile, Napleo no longer hesitated and walked forward with him.

He was also looking forward to having hot food and a warm bed. It had been a long time since he had eaten or had a good night's sleep.

In the blink of an eye.

He was taken to a remote and gloomy neighborhood.

There are many ghostly figures here, and their eyes are full of evil intentions when looking at Napleo.

Napulo immediately stared at them fiercely, bared his teeth, and screamed strangely.

Even though he was put on clean clothes and tidied up, he still seemed to be a monster deep down.

He followed the young man to a strange and mysterious building, looked at the other person and a figure in a black cloak and whispered.

"That rascal."

"How much money can be sold?"

The young man thought he spoke softly, but Napleau's ears were very keen.

He suddenly looked at the other party and suddenly understood something.


There was hatred in his eyes, and he knew what betrayal was.

Even if his trust was only for a short moment.

For the first time, he knew that the most hateful thing in the world was not enemies, but being deceived and betrayed.

He jumped up, threw the young man to the ground, and bit his neck fiercely.


After he finished biting, he let out a roar and then rolled over.

His mouth was full of blood, and like a stimulated beast, he bared his teeth crazily and roared at the people around him.

The young man covered his neck with his hands and looked at Napleo in disbelief. He couldn't imagine how such a huge power could burst out of his small and skinny body.

Finally, he collapsed to the ground.

This wasn't over yet, a white shadow slowly floated out of his body and floated towards Napulo.

The people around him were not frightened by the dead man, but they were shocked by this scene.

"What is this!"


"What is that transparent shadow?"

This time, although his strange ability scared others, it also attracted the attention of the people in the mysterious building.

"Dong dong dong dong~"

I saw a large group of guys in black armor lined up and rushing out of the building.

Napulo repeated his old trick, killing the armored guy immediately and extracting his ghost.

But what he didn't expect was that the intelligent blood in the armored guy's body turned into a ghost and was extracted, and it was still moving.

He threw Napleo to the ground, one after another, making him unable to move.

At this time, the powerful figure deep in the building finally came out.

He looked at Napleo curiously, as if he had never seen such a "monster" before.

"Your ability is very strange. You can kill others and then turn them into a transparent and illusory spirit body."

"I have never seen it before. It would be very powerful if it could be used."

Napulo screamed and wanted to kill the guy in front of him.

But that man was different from his previous brother. He was a powerful person.

There are many abilities and methods that can prevent Napulo from touching him, not to mention that he is pinned to the ground by the weird black-armored warrior controlled by the other party.

Napulo could only look at the other person helplessly, took off the helmet of one of the black-armored warriors, and put it on his head.

The next step was to put on each part of the armor for him.

Napleo immediately felt that a large number of threads extended from the black armor and poured into his body.

His body no longer belonged to him in an instant, but was controlled by others.

The man waved his hand and he stood up immediately.

He tried his best to resist, but he could only walk in front of the other party step by step.



He yelled, but he could only kneel down on the ground little by little and salute to the other party.


"Submit to my will, I am your master."

The other party looked down at him from above, ignoring the hatred in his eyes. This was the case for all these big shots.

It doesn't matter what you think, what matters is what I think.


"starting today."

"You are my black warrior, belonging to the Black Hell Legion."

Napulo's body and head were stuffed into the helmet and armor, and he stared at the guy in black robe through the narrow gap.

His broad vision was once again obscured by the dark helmet.

He didn't expect that he had just escaped from a small room and got into an even smaller armor.

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