I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 101 Dunkirk's Entrance Ceremony (2)

What makes people feel extremely strange is that the guard on duty also knew this lady. When she appeared young, she was Count d'Artagnan's lover here. The advantage lies in the graceful figure, especially the slender waist that seems to be broken at any time, which makes the newly promoted Earl linger. The only thing that makes him regret is that this lady is from a commoner, and she is not as expensive as the court after years of hard work. Small and smooth as a girl.

The lady showed the guards her basket, which contained only bread and berries, so the guards let her into the camp - that is, a street that was requisitioned, and they watched her walk slowly into the small building where the officer was. , while comforting the adult body and mind, she also had to tidy up the room and prepare meals for him. After all, in name, she was a hired servant——a few minutes later, a handsome musketeer came out, and his The faces and curly hair made the guards somewhat familiar, but also somewhat unfamiliar. It felt like those people who often pass in front of you but you don't know... The gentleman did not leave the street, but went to the Musketeer. They went to the place where they gathered, so the guards withdrew their sights and continued to watch the place outside the fortification with vigilant eyes.

The musketeer looked up and looked at the place only 500 feet away from her. The king's garrison was layered. The outermost was the army, and then the guards, and after the guards were the musketeers and knights. It is guarded by them like the jewels in the crown. There is a square between her and the king's room, and in the middle of the square is a fountain. Several musketeers are talking with their swords by the fountain, and the mood is very relaxed. .

The lady disguised as a musketeer stood there, leisurely turning her shoulder straps-almost all of her clothes were taken out of the Count d'Artagnan's trunk, and the shoulder straps were folded on the At the bottom of the bread basket, the front is bright red and the back is green. Even if the guard finds her, she can interpret it as a small gift for her lover. She rubbed oil on her face and then powdered it (by the way , these are the count's favorite things in the little drawer), eyebrows deepened with charcoal, thanks to the king's aversion to beards, she skipped a formality-she came closer and was spotted by the musketeers, and the fire When the gunmen asked him where he was from, she said that she was an aide to the Bishop Mazarin, and that she had come from Paris to see the Bishop on an urgent matter.

"Where's your servant?" The musketeer asked. Generally speaking, the servants around the king and the bishop are nobles, and they always have a servant by their side.

"He was left outside," she said. She had been with the count for some time, and of course she knew how they treated foreigners.

"Where's your license and identification?"

She took it out, and the certificate was carefully kept in a hard leather bag, very clean and tidy, without any trace of folding, and the fire wax on the signature was also very clear.

"Well," said one of the Musketeers, "I will take you to Monsieur Bishop."

But just around the corner of the corridor, the gentleman was knocked unconscious, and was hidden behind a statue, and then the lady turned the shoulder straps again, pretending to be the king's musketeer, and swaggered to The room most likely used by the king.

She knew she was right when she saw Buntang, the king's most trusted servant.

When the king fell silent suddenly, the bishop showed a puzzled look, and a gray-blue cat crawled out of the king's pocket, purring threateningly, the king made a gesture to the bishop, slowly Slowly opened the drawer, revealing a short crossbow inside.

When the uninvited guest, with a contemptuous smile, passed Buntang who was lying on the ground, and pushed open the door, a light shadow seized her suddenly, and she found herself unable to move suddenly, and then she saw the king and The crossbow in the hand of the king.

It might only be a second before Louis pressed the trigger, and the crossbow shot straight through the opponent's chest, and her eyes widened in surprise.

Only then did the Bishop cry out: "God!" He cried: "This is Milady, Your Majesty, my spy!"


Mr. Bishop almost switched to a secret agent. In Mr. Bishop's evaluation, there is nothing wrong with this damned Mrs. Milady, except for a bit of willful pride that women often have. She is certainly beautiful, but more What is more important is to grasp and utilize people's hearts, which is almost a talent. From the time she was a child to the next ten years, she has benefited a lot from this talent, even surpassing her original class. Although she also stumbled on it, she won more times, perhaps because of this, when the Bishop summoned her to Dunkirk to meet the king, she did not obey the order as docilely as others, behaved He was properly introduced before the king.

She meant to show herself to the king—what could be better than stepping over the king's army, guards, and musketeers, and going straight to the king, and crushing those arrogant and innocent boys underfoot? Milady was a ungrateful person, and to her even Monsieur the Bishop was but a step on the ladder of nobility.

There is also a secret that she doesn't want to tell anyone for the time being, that is, she wants to attract the king's interest in her. She has no background, let's put it bluntly, she doesn't even have the qualifications to become the king's lover or the official wife of the royal family, but In France, in front of the grown-up king, in front of a master who even the bishop must give in, who can shake his mind? no one! Milady could not help trembling with excitement at the thought that this most noble person could not help but submit to her skirts.

Uh, her idea is indeed special and reasonable, but she probably didn't expect the ending to be like this...

She was lucky enough to survive the short crossbow because of her corset and the two monks of the Inquisition in the next room. When she woke up, the first thing she said was, "Where did I show my weakness? "

Monsieur Bishop glared at her: "You shouldn't pretend to be the King's Musketeers, he knows every one of them,"

"The King's musketeers numbered one hundred and twenty," said Lady Milady weakly; "does he remember all of them?"

"Not only do you remember, His Majesty also remembers their families, wives, children and close friends." It was for this reason that Bontang never arranged for musketeers who were relatives or friends to be on duty on the same day.

Milady was quiet for a while. "Our king seems to be a very cautious man," she said.

"So," Monsieur the Bishop ruthlessly exposed her extravagance, "you made him very angry."

"He should be angry with those gentlemen." Milady said lazily. In fact, she was not as weak as others thought. She could endure pain and quickly adapt to various roles. She slid her fingers on the blanket. Glide on and enjoy the silky feel of the soft fleece.

"Do you know who the king has put in charge of you?" said the Bishop. "Come in, gentlemen."

Two musketeers came in, "I think you recognize one, of course, our Count d'Artagnan, but he is no longer the acting captain of the Guards."

D'Artagnan stared at Milady, his eyes seemed to burst into flames: "Long time no see, my love," he said through gritted teeth, "I didn't expect you to have such a prominent status."

This is obviously an irony, and Milady doesn't care, but she can't help but frown in her heart, because she has realized the king's intentions, d'Artagnan is not a good thing, she let him be punished by the king, and there is a possibility Shaken the king's trust in him, and she failed to win the king's favor, he must be a very difficult opponent.

As for the other one, "I am Henry Daramitz, ma'am, thanks to your gift, I am now your caretaker."

He was the poor fellow who was knocked out by Milady.

"This is really wonderful." Facing the two unfortunate victims, Milady not only did not feel fear or apology, but clapped her palms triumphantly: "Wonderful, two honorable captains will be my What an honor to be the guardian of this humble man!"

It is not without reason that she is so arrogant. She is in a comfortable room, not in a prison, and has two fierce guards. Annoyance, on the contrary, was like facing a rebellious hawk who was training her to be submissive.

D'Artagnan and Dalamize were more angry than that. Because of their dereliction of duty, they not only lost their positions, but also lost the qualification to accompany the king into the city. Even the most ordinary soldiers are enjoying When the battle of Dunkirk was won, they had to stay with a criminal.


"The real name of your secret agent?" Louis asked when he put on the coat that was stiff and heavy because it was inlaid with too much gold and silver, precious stones and pearls—because Milady is French It means "Madame". To ordinary people, it may be a real name, but to spies it must be a pseudonym.

"Too many, Your Majesty." The cardinal put the golden cross on Louis himself, "Fonda, Jeanne, Julie, Paulina...you just need to remember that she is Milady in front of you."

"Is she a relative of yours?" Louis asked.

"How is it possible?" Mr. Bishop took two steps back and looked at it with satisfaction: "Of course there are wizards among my relatives, but there are no devils."

"Please tell me," said the king.

"I will tell you if you don't, Sire," said the Bishop, who had not put the knife in the King's hand to make him kill himself: "I saw Milady when she was ten years old, and two Young people are fighting for her—you know, when Henry IV banned people from fighting duels for various reasons, I saw it and sent my attendants to stop it, and then..."

"Then she held up her skirt and ran over and yelled at me."

"Doesn't she know that you are Monsieur Bishop?"

"I was traveling in plain clothes, but I knew it when I threw her in jail."

"Why is she scolding you?"

Mr. Bishop showed a wonderful smile: "Because she failed to see the blood and death she wanted, Your Majesty."

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