I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 140 The King's Decision and Lorraine's Way Out

In fact, Madame La Vallière has always been jealous of the queen and other noble ladies in the court, and her status as a half foreigner also makes it difficult for her to find friends in the court, if she is not with Princess Henrietta During the years she stayed, with the talent of a werewolf, she might not be able to escape the open and dark arrows these days. The king does not love her. Her relationship with the king is more similar to a boss and a subordinate than a lover. Louis is the easiest to let What the Queen Mother and Bishop Mazaran were worried about was that he was too kind. For a monarch, this point could easily be regarded as a weakness by his enemies or friends, but they didn't know that Louis' mercy would only be invested in his son. He has always been strict with his subjects—if Mrs. Lavallière and Louise can't even solve some trivial matters of jealousy in the court, how can he rest assured that he will rule at least the werewolves in France and even Give her the task of the other world?

Yes, in the other world of Italy, there are the Duke of Colonna and the Mancini family, while in France, for some reason, those arrogant wizards have not appeared in front of the king until now, they are still in Louis XIII During the period, several astrologers and doctors around the king were wizards. Louis also asked the Queen Mother, and she said that they were all sent away by the king. From this point of view, Louis felt that the unwilling death of Duke Gaston was indeed the best ending. Louis XIII, the cause of death of a good father and a good king is not as simple as it is shown in front of people. Like his assassination at Dunkirk, with potions and curses—and what part the wizards of France played no one knew, watching Italian wizards rise to prominence at court, but until now They didn't dare to show any clues in front of the king, most likely because they couldn't answer this fatal question.

When the door was opened, Louis withdrew his thoughts a little bit. He had too many things to do now, and even the half-intervened Italian world could only be put on hold for now, let alone the French wizards Well, let this group of timid cowards be frightened. After the outer world gradually becomes stronger and more orderly, just like the darkness will be oppressed by the light, the inner world will naturally have to be exposed because of the orderly society.

Mrs. Lavallière stepped into the room. She was no longer a humble and embarrassing maid next to a princess from another country. The most beautiful long chestnut hair on her whole body was rolled into delicate curls and piled up On the top and sides of the head, there are small diamond flowers in the bun. Her face is too masculine, and it would be more appropriate to describe it as handsome than beautiful. For this reason, she carefully removed most of her eyebrows and sideburns. Because the brow bone is more prominent, two slender eyebrows are carefully drawn on it. One of her ornaments is eternal, that is a huge gemstone, which conceals her true identity as a werewolf. Sometimes it is a pin, sometimes it is a bracelet, but more often, especially today, it is hung in the place of a necklace.

She touched the gemstone, not sure if she had some kind of fantasy, of course, she was completely incomparable with Marie Mancini, the other was the cutest little rose, and Queen Teresa was elegant Like a lily, she cannot be described as a flower at all. It is not unreasonable for the ladies to laugh at her that she should stand in the king's army and serve the king with a sword instead of lying on the king's bed.

But La Vallière sometimes asked herself, after learning of her father's death, she resolutely turned to the king. How much was it because she was grateful to him for saving her father and not letting him die in the arena? Shed the last drop of blood and became a cheap material for wizards to gamble and entertain. How much is it because the clansmen have nowhere to go and need the protection of the king, or in other words, as early as when she was just a little maid, she had A terrible luxury? This is indeed an extravagant hope. At that time, even Princess Henrietta would be ridiculed and treated coldly if she wanted to become Louis' wife, not to mention her father was just a maid of an ordinary officer. According to the French tradition , She couldn't even become a recognized royal wife. She was able to have such a status because of the king's insistence, and the Queen Mother and the ministers were worried that the king and the queen were too close.

"Good evening, ma'am." Louis nodded slightly as he was still dealing with business on the desk, "Please sit on the chair there for a while, I'll be fine soon."

Louis continued to deal with two or three urgent matters, including those about Lorraine and Dunkirk, as well as General Schumberger who was far away in Spain-he and his army should have returned, or else they would be killed by Spain. People found out that it was the French who had been fighting with them happily in the past few months, so it would be troublesome. The king didn't want to explain why the French generals were fighting for the Portuguese, and the Roman Church, although it was early During the period of Philip the handsome man, the tax revenue that the church could obtain from France was withheld by the king with various excuses (subjects of the Kingdom of France are not allowed to export gold, silver, currency, weapons, and horses abroad without the king’s permission), but these King Qian needs to find other excuses to collect money. Now if the church repays the pope and bishops’ ransom every year in the name of taxes, the king can directly collect taxes from his subjects. Of course, some subtleties are still needed. Means, after all, the current France is not the king's France.

When the light beside Louis, who was immersed in his official duties, suddenly turned on, he realized that Mrs. La Vallière had gone to the candle holder and changed a new candle for him. When he was about to change the second candle, The king stopped her, "Don't order, ma'am," he said, "I'm going to rest." So Mrs. La Vallière withdrew, and the king's servants and Bontang came in to serve the king to bathe and change clothes. The front of the bed reached out to Mrs. Lavallière, who had also changed her pajamas. They lay side by side on the bed, and the king lay upright with his hands on his abdomen.

In the darkness, Madame La Vallière opened her eyes anxiously. Magic ensured that her identity as a werewolf would not be exposed, and also restricted her ability. Her eyes could easily see a falling bomb in the middle of the night. Needles in the rug, but now she could see only a gleam of bluish-white light that came in from where the drapery hadn't closed, illuminating the blurred outlines of the lilies.

"Your Majesty," she said.

"Yes, ma'am," said Louie, "I haven't been asleep yet, do you want to say something?"

"Don't you like me?"

"I don't know you very well," said the king.

"What about after getting acquainted?"

"It depends on your talent and courage."

"As a courtier, or as a royal wife?"

"I hope as a courtier."

"Because I'm not beautiful enough, am I?"

"You have a unique beauty," the king's voice was as gentle and courteous as ever: "It is very admirable, but rather than a royal wife, I really need a trustworthy and loyal courtier who can make my wishes come true .”

"But I love you." Madame Lavallière said in a trembling voice, and she could hear that she had exhausted all her courage: "Since a long time ago, Your Majesty, but then I was just a little maid."

"I don't care about the origin of the people around me," Louis said, "as long as they can serve me, madam, whether you are a noble lady or a servant, it is the same to me."

"And the Duchess of Colonna?"

Louis had to think about it before he could connect Mary Mancini with the Duchess of Colonna. In the real world, the Duke of Colonna was Louis. In the world of watches, after obtaining enough benefits, the Colonna family in Rome also Giving up this identity, but to others, Mary is indeed the Duchess of Colonna. "I used to love her." The king said with emotion: "But now it should be more of a contract and a responsibility." The contract is connected with Mary's surname, and the responsibility comes from little Lucy.

"Is she working for you too?"

"You're presumptuous, ma'am." Louis didn't know how to answer every question.

"I'm working for you too."

"Get ready to do something for me," the king corrected. "You don't think I just need you to guard a castle for me."

"Of course not, Your Majesty." In fact, guarding Wansen Castle is the reward given by the king, and her master has a comfortable home: "But can I ask for your favor? As long as you want, I can do it for you." do anything."

"Anything," grunted the king. "Light the candles, madam."

Once the king goes to bed with the queen or his wife, there will be no servants around. Mrs. La Vallière lit the candle beside the bed. This candle is covered with a beautiful glass lampshade, which makes the candle light brighter at the same time. It was not so easy to cause a fire, and she finally saw the look of the king. Although he was wearing pajamas, the king's sober eyes indicated that he seemed to have entered a state of business.

"Any is a very dangerous word," said Louie. "I don't even know when you fell in love with me at first sight."

Mrs. Lavallière smiled: "Because you have never looked at me seriously." She said that she had only two intimate contacts with the king, one was playing archery at the Red Children's Fair, and the other was with the king. Gambling games, even though they were still children at that time, the memory of those two times was as if they were branded on her heart with a soldering iron, but at that time, let alone Princess Henrietta, even Mary Mann Kini's status was also higher than hers, without their permission, she would not even have the opportunity to serve the king, let alone walk in front of him.

Even now, she is still full of inferiority in front of the king. She is not beautiful, but this kind of wild beauty has always been discriminated against in the French court. When the king opened his hand, she hesitated for a while before putting her hand on it. The slender hands and feet admired by the world are different. As a werewolf, Madame La Vallière has wide hands and feet when she is in human form. The noble ladies whisper that her hands and feet are not even comparable to the handyman in the kitchen. She can't even refute. .

"You know," Louie said, "I just wanted a friend."

"Can't my lover?" Madame La Vallière asked eagerly, "This does not prevent me from being loyal to you."

"If you want my favor, I can give it to you, as long as you don't disappoint me at work." Louis said: "But I can't make you a real woman."

"I do not understand."

"You understand," Louis said, "the children of werewolves and humans are both werewolves." He looked at Mrs. La Vallière: "A werewolf is different from a wizard. When a wizard is a baby, his abnormality can be used Magic and potion can cover up, but werewolves can't." He shook Madame La Vallière's hand: "I am the king, and every child of mine, whether legitimate or illegitimate, must be watched and probed by countless eyes , They cannot have any deadly secrets. Especially you, madam, you are my first royal wife, and you should be very clear about how many people are watching you."

"...I think..." After a long time, Madame Lavallière said, "I want to leave for a while, Your Majesty."


It was a rather long night, but Louis forced himself to sleep, and later he asked Bontang that Madame Lavallière had spent the whole night in the chapel of the chapel, and there must have been rumors at court again, But he doesn't care about these small things now. It's a bit harsh to say, but the most malicious people will still go to Mrs. La Vallière. She is a foreigner and her identity is not obvious, and his ministers still hope that he can There are French royal wives, as the king said, there are not a few people in the court staring at Mrs. La Vallière. As long as she is a little negligent, the sewage of slander and ridicule will roar towards her like waves. go.

He only hoped that this lady would not be as emotional as Mary. God, if his royal wife is like this, he will try to get a man to do the job. It's not that he didn't raise his lover or reconcile with her husband. He also decided that he would not delay La Vallière for too long. Mrs. La Vallière's age is similar to Henrietta's, even if it is three years, Or five years later, she will still be a young and healthy woman. If there are outstanding talents in her clan, the king will not be stingy with promoting them. At that time, Mrs. La Vallière will just "die of illness". The people in the book are all ghosts, and they know when to keep their mouths shut. No one will pursue why the wife of another provincial official is exactly the same as the former royal wife, as long as the king doesn't care.

The busy work quickly caused the king to interrupt his wild thoughts. Bangtang walked in and asked him if he would accept Varo Vesalius' request for an audience. The king refused. At that time, Varo was left in the inner world by him. But obviously, under the guidance of his mentor, he knew what kind of mistake he had made, and hurried back to beg the king's forgiveness, but he was not Condé, nor Turenne, and he was not connected with the inner world. After leaving Mancini and Milady, his role became negligible, so the king didn't want to waste time on him at all.

"But Mr. Vesalius said," Bontang reminded, "this matter concerns Lorraine."

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