I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 435 Return (Part 2)

I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune. For the "death" of the king, all those in power in Spain at this time stayed in the old palace. Although Patinho and the archbishop were anxiously waiting for an answer, Duke Don Juan did not leave. Hearing the reports from the panicked attendants and female officials, Carlos II not only did not die, but also rushed out of his room like a strong and savage beast, and ran into the Queen Mother's room.

Duke Don Juan immediately jumped up from his bed. He was fully dressed. After all, it is said that the medicine provided by the archbishop is quite immediate. They will welcome the cry of "the king is dead" at any time-wine, coffee and bacon are at hand After falling to the ground, his attendant quickly raised his cloak, but he waved his hand. After thinking for a while, he said, "Bring me my short spear."

This short gun was distributed by Louis XIV to the best of his musketeers and guards. Because it is the latest revolver flintlock, it has not been released in large quantities. The source of this short gun is unknown. Too famous, relatively, it is definitely not an approachable price, but as the people of later generations said, there are many things that cannot be done because the price paid is not enough.

This musket, which can fire seven pointed bullets at once, is the favorite of Duke Don Juan. He has tried to use it on wild boar skin and thin armor, and the effect is amazing, but even he rarely uses this gun. In addition, just because the bullets of this gun are not the usual round bullets, but tapered long bullets, this kind of bullets is also issued in limited quantities to the original owner.

But today he has a feeling - he's afraid to use it.

When the valet brought the gun over, the Duke shook his head, "You take it." He said, "If... something that neither of us wants happens, you have to shoot." He saw the valet wince visibly, Those who assassinate the king will be regarded as traitors. Such criminals will burn their hands, gouge out their entrails and quarter their bodies. "Don't be afraid," Duke Don Juan said, "They will never let outsiders know that the king is not safe dead in bed."

After he finished speaking in a hurry, he rushed to the Queen Mother's suite with his attendants.

He met the archbishop, Patinho and others on the promenade, and the three of them separated as soon as their eyes touched, and their expressions were terrible.

The distribution is the same as that of all the royal rooms. The closer the king is, the more noble the person is. The queen's suite is next to the king's suite, and the queen mother's suite is also on a long corridor with them. The distance of only a few hundred feet is a mess. The window curtains were torn off, the glass was shattered, the candlesticks, vases, and picture frames were all turned into murder weapons. Most of the female officials and attendants had run away, only two or three of the strongest and most loyal servants were still waiting outside the door tremblingly.

Patinho remembered these people at a glance. These people would not be able to survive, and their loyalty became their talisman. Seeing them coming, these people seemed to see great hope , the gleam in the eyes made people sigh, "Go and save Your Highness!" They shouted: "He is beating His Highness!"

Duke Don Juan glanced at the attendant beside him, who lowered his head tremblingly.


It is really a big joke to say whether the Queen Mother knows that Queen Antonia lives in fear every day and may be beaten and tortured by her husband at any time.

But so what, Carlos II's fist did not fall on her, she lived a pampered life, the only trouble was that the men did not allow her to get involved in power outside the court. Not only did she turn a blind eye to the scars and cries of Antonia and other noble ladies, but she did not even allow people to say those "unpleasant things" in front of her. The female officer went to inform the queen in advance to cover up the bruises and scars-"so as not to make people laugh at the Habsburg princess for her lack of manners."

She never thought that as the most noble woman in the Spanish court, the mother of Carlos II, the Queen Mother, she could at least extend her hand to protect the queen a little, even if she couldn't make Carlos II a qualified husband ——It wouldn't make him a sinner who takes pleasure in killing innocent and weak people, but for the Queen Mother, she doesn't think it's good for her.

On the contrary, if she wants to protect the queen and noble daughter, she will face Carlos II. The queen mother must admit that she was afraid of her son. When he was a deformed and weak child, seeing him was like seeing God's punishment. Her marriage was purely for political needs, but for a devout Christian , is simply a sin that cannot be atoned for in any case.

When Carlos II was just born, she cried bitterly on the delivery bed. When Carlos II was "resurrected" in that utterly evil way, she never looked directly at him or stayed alone with him, as if this would prevent her from being robbed of her soul by the devil.

And when she saw Antonia, she couldn't help being jealous of her youth and dignity. On the surface, Carlos II was much better than the original Philip IV, and because of Carlos II's problem, the Archbishop of Toledo The ministers headed by Patinho were full of pity for her, and did not hate the foreign queen too much.

Even the flamboyant Duke Don Juan said that although the little queen was plain in appearance, she had a gentle disposition, was kind to others, had a commendable purity of conduct, and should be respected both inside and outside the court.

Leaving aside how much sincerity there is in it, when this statement was recognized by most people, it also made the Queen Mother feel bitter. She completely forgot that the Spaniards opposed her at the beginning because she was for Carlos II. During her regency, she vigorously promoted policies that favored Austria rather than Spain, and became hostile to France, resulting in two bankruptcies of the Spanish government during her four years of regency, a major defeat to France, and the loss of Portugal (Portuguese independence ).

Although Antonia is also an Austrian princess, it is too early for her to interfere in politics. Of course, people will not be stingy with kindness, but the Queen Mother is like a demon, jealous and hateful. Knowing that she has been tortured, she still feels comfort.

She still said in her heart that she was beaten a few times, so what can she do? She was also beaten by Philip IV back then.

It's just that the Queen Mother probably didn't expect that all these things are like a spring being pulled tightly. After being pulled to the extreme, her cowardice, jealousy and escape are now pouring on her like a torrential rain .

Queen Antonia, as well as those noble ladies, attendants, and ladies all fled. Facing Carlos II, she could no longer find a suitable shield.

Carlos II still broke open the door, grabbed her by the hair, and dragged the screaming queen dowager out.

He has already lost the most basic sense of judgment, and he can't recognize who is in front of him. He only knows that his headache is about to burst, and every tiny sound will make him burst. He just wants to eliminate the source of this sound—— For a person who is accustomed to using violence, when he loses his mind, the only thing he can and can do is undoubtedly destroy.

The Queen Mother never knew what it felt like to be beaten by Carlos II—she was slapped by Philip IV, but Carlos II's fist made her feel like a boat shaking in a storm, and she was dizzy Followed him around, using her cheeks, neck and nose to meet the hammer-like fist, her head was roaring, her hands and feet were as soft as boiled noodles, her heart was screaming to run away, people But I can't even recognize the direction.

When the archbishop ran in, he saw that Carlos II was holding the Queen Mother by her hair, and smashing her head against the wall, on the table, on the bedpost, and on the ground—he let out a roar, But it was too late to prevent Carlos II from throwing the queen mother on the ground, and then jumped up and stepped on her stomach.

The Queen Mother's body jumped up in a weird and comical way-only the shoulders and feet moved, and there was no sound anymore.

The archbishop heard Patinho shouting something behind him, but before he could grasp the meaning, he was knocked out by a mad bull - literally reminding him of the chase in a bull race. The big bulls leading the crowd, each weighing more than two thousand pounds, have a pair of big horns that may not be able to hold with outstretched arms, and can knock over a thick rammed wall in one fell swoop.

He flew out, and then Carlos II swooped up and pressed him tightly, biting his ear!

When Carlos II started to shake his head, the archbishop hissed and screamed, and his screams made Carlos II's head hurt even more, it hurts, it hurts! Why no one came to save him! Why are there so many people shouting! Damn them all! They should all be sentenced to death! He's going to burn them, tear them up... eat them alive!

Patinho was only one step behind the archbishop. He was a soldier. Of course, he could see that the current king was beyond his comprehension. Sure enough, the queen mother and the archbishop also became victims. Instead of using the dagger or musket at his waist, he stretched out his arms, grabbed Carlos II's shoulders, and pulled him back, but he felt like he was pulling a bronze bull. Carlos II Shi's whole body was hot, and the heavy weight made him exhausted, but he was still helpless.

The archbishop's screams had turned into a muffled moan. Carlos II was impatient enough for not being able to silence the noise that made him suffer. The blood pouring into his throat even aroused the vicious nature flowing in his veins. , after the archbishop lost an ear, he ushered in a more intimate "contact" - Carlos II swallowed the meat and cartilage, and began to bite the archbishop's lips and thick soft cheeks that spoke on behalf of God.

Patinho yelled, but it was useless. Duke Don Juan's attendants glanced at their master in panic, but the Duke did not give any instructions - Patinho and his attendants used force on Carlos II together, But it didn't work. Carlos II and the Archbishop stuck together tightly, like two balls of dough kneaded together.

Seeing that the archbishop was almost unable to yell, Patinho tried again, collected himself, and pulled out the dagger from his side.

He was not crazy enough to stab the dagger directly into the king's back, but just used the hilt of the dagger—the Spanish dagger produced in Toledo has the alias of "Blade Breaker" and is often used to break the enemy's long sword. So there was a large round gauntlet, with which he struck that noble shoulder, as one strikes a wild dog with a stick to make it let go of its prey.

"It seems to be useful..." murmured Duke Don Juan, wisely standing at the farthest place from the vortex, as were the attendants beside him.

Carlos II's attention was turned away from the archbishop. Although he lost his mind, his strange and strong self-esteem did not leave. A voice told him that someone was humiliating and hurting him, humiliating and hurting a king—— His head was still hurting, but he let go of the archbishop and turned to see who it was... Pattinho took a step back unconsciously.

The current Carlos II doesn't look like a king... he doesn't even look like a person.

Habsburg's big chin destroyed his facial bones, and epilepsy often made the muscles on his face distorted, loose or tense. Under the dual effects, the honor of Carlos II can be imagined. , and this ferocious face was now completely covered in blood, only a pair of small eyes were shining, he was panting, showing his yellow teeth and purple gums.

Not unlike a bloodhound whose head has just been pulled out of its bloody belly.

"What kind of medicine is that..." Patinho murmured, and a few seconds later he seemed to suddenly think of something—could it be that the young man he trusted felt that it was better to let Carlos II die in his sleep? Not enough to appease his hatred?

The appearance of Carlos II also made Patinho's two attendants so frightened that they relaxed their strength, and the result was——Carlos II broke free from their restraints, rushed to Patinho, and grasped the latter Still holding the short sword in his hand, he gave him a sword backhand!

He was not a real beast after all, and he beat the Queen Mother with his fists, and the Archbishop with his teeth, because he could not find the weapon for a while, but as soon as he saw Patinho's short sword, he took it immediately, Then he stabbed his minister and benefactor.

With one click, the dagger pierced into Patinho's abdomen.

Patinho only felt a bit of coolness—the kind that goes deep into the bone marrow, and then the warm liquid surged out, wetting his skin, and then the sharp pain.

More than ten years of military life and long-term training allowed Patinho to react correctly before the pain took over his mind. He backed up and then rolled on the spot, avoiding the second stab. He watched from the corner of his eye. Seeing that his attendants were rushing over to make up for their mistakes, Carlos II might have really become a devil. He just raised his hand and overturned one of his attendants, while the other hand pierced the latter's companion—— The man was wounded in the chest, and he collapsed immediately, obviously dying.

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