I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 468 The ambition of the Catalans

It is not surprising to pretend to be an enemy and break into the opponent's barracks. As early as 1556, a general named Frundsberg stated in the fifteen regulations for mercenary leaders, It describes in detail how to disguise one's own soldiers as enemy soldiers, sneak into the opponent's camp, and spread rumors similar to "the leader is dead" to shake the enemy's morale.

It is not difficult to disguise a group of Catalans as Spanish troops - after all, there are not many troops that can keep pace with the French standing army in terms of discipline and style - these come from Catalan nobles. The soldiers of the army are also tall and brave, full of air, as long as they put on neat clothes, cloaks, muskets and spears, they don't look much worse than the Spanish soldiers in Roussillon.

The real problem is how to convince the governor of Roussillon that the people who come are indeed reinforcements from Perpyrian.

People in later generations often have the illusion that people living in the era without telephones, railways and telegraphs, the exchange of information is very lagging, and people from one place often have to run on the road for several days to go to another place. day, or wandering in rivers and coastal waters for a long time, if someone wants to hide his identity—whether it is because of a crime, or a humble civilian who intends to jump up the ranks, as long as he is lucky enough, he can rely on Lies and pretense to wear a velvet hat for yourself (at that time, the lords all had a velvet hat, and the ornaments inlaid on the hat were used to determine the rank)

In fact, this kind of thing is almost impossible to happen, just as one class is still distinct from another class after hundreds of years. Even if the information is not circulated enough, whether a stranger is really bleeding blue, as long as the master deigns to talk to him, it will be clear at a glance.

After all, the first homework for the children of noble people is to memorize the genealogy. They may not even be able to write their own names well, but they can talk about the intricate relationship between blood relatives, in-laws, and direct descendants.

These are key issues that directly affect inheritance rights.

There are also small details such as clothing, horses, attendants, flags, and coats of arms. They are full of traps that civilians may not be able to crack in their lifetime. As long as there is a slight mistake, a terrible disaster will befall the counterfeiter.

The reason why the Duke of Orleans made such a decision was because during the original Battle of Dunkirk, the Duke of Don Juan "lived" in Dunkirk and Paris for a long time, and it took several months after the end of the war. Welcomed back to Madrid by the Spaniards—of course, he was treated in full accordance with his status, the Louvre had his rooms, servants, close female "friends", he could even receive Spain in his own room Envoys and friends.

Of course, some public and private affairs were also sent to him in order to be dealt with in a timely manner.

At that time, Louis XIV was still in the world, and the hearts of Paris were uncertain, but although the Duke of Orleans at that time could not sleep because of various reasons—mainly because the Queen Mother and Bishop Mazarin intended to elect him as the regent king, he and d'Artagnan Earl Ang's subordinates still followed the unknown rules and regulations, and copied and registered Duke Don Juan's correspondence, documents, and personnel in detail. Of course, Duke Don Juan also knew that he must be under the surveillance of the French and would not reveal any real secrets—but he really didn't pay attention to his signature, personal coat of arms, oral habit, etc.

At this time, these secret materials played a role. When the Duke of Orléans took out the bronze coat of arms of Duke Don Juan from his luggage, everyone present was shocked, and then he wrote himself a letter of appointment, and a Personal Letters from "Duke Don Juan" to the Governor of Roussillon. To tell the truth, although Father Claris had never met Duke Don Juan with his own eyes, he had seen many dignitaries and dignitaries of the Castilians, but just reading these letters, he would believe that the man in front of him was a man deeply loved by Don Juan. The Duke's trusted general.

In a letter to the Governor, the Duke of Orléans boldly stated in his capacity as the Duke of Don Juan that he had already known the name of the Governor of Roussillon by heart, and also appreciated his character and achievements, so that he would let his confidant in Torre Many adults came here before making a decision to relieve Roussillon's worries—the implication was to throw an olive branch to the governor, and it depended on whether he was willing to accept it.

Of course, the Governor, the Duke of Orleans, also knew about it. He used to be a subordinate of Patinho, but unfortunately he was not as important as the others by the Secretary of the Navy. , he took refuge in the king through the pillow wind of "Mingshu". Unexpectedly, the king who seemed to have recovered soon went crazy, and he had to bow his knees to the queen mother, but because Patinho preferred The Duke of Charles of France, and those on the Queen Mother's side, were so afraid of this man who had been Patinho's subordinate that they sent him to Roussillon.

The governor of Roussillon was angry and anxious, but looking at Madrid and Toledo, there were very few people he could serve. The Archbishop of Toledo had almost no contact with him before. Xiyong had contacted Duke Don Juan's attendants before, but for some unknown reason, Duke Don Juan did not reply to him.

Therefore, if it is not only the reinforcements, but also the envoys used by Duke Don Juan to show favor and win over, the governor will definitely be eager to welcome them to the fortress.


The Catalan traitor thought he uttered a loud cry, but in fact the guards outside the door only heard a vague grunt, and he slowly slid from the window with his head on one side, without attracting anyone's attention— He fell to the ground, convulsing, and probably didn't notice anything wrong with him until evening, hours later.

But even if he was discovered, he would only be regarded as sick without any wounds.

A traitor who betrayed his own people would certainly be hated by his former companions, but similarly, he would not get any respect and value from the enemy.

In fact, by the time he was discovered, the matter had already been settled.

Even the Duke of Orleans was a little surprised, and the whole process was even smoother than they expected. When the governor wanted to have a private conversation with the envoy, the duke easily killed him, and the governor's subordinates and officials were also present. In the fortress, they were either killed or controlled, the city gate was opened, and the Catalan rebels rushed into the city. After a night of fighting, the rebellion was finally won by the Catalans. end.

To the Duke's delight, whether it was Tamalit, Father Claris, or other Catalans, they finally put away their overly contemptuous attitude.

Of course, the Duke of Orleans has been on the battlefield and made military exploits. If it weren't for his special status, he wouldn't care much about it. The first generalissimo of France should be Philip Bourbon. But the impression he left on the world is still: he is as beautiful as a lady, has the same cleanliness as his elder brother, never tires of food and fine food, and is willing to appreciate all good things, from music to drama to famous women-in Canada When Catalonia still belonged to Spain, Catalans, from parliamentarians, priests to common people, had heard about the duke's affair.

It's just that the French businessmen talked about it with relish, while the Spaniards said it with contempt.

They agreed on the Duke of Orleans at the beginning because he was cowardly enough—no one would believe how brave a man who always competed with noble ladies was. The surname besides adds luster, or it was used to fight against the great Kong Dai, so he ordered people to publicize it.

Now, although he has not yet shown his talent on the battlefield, no one can deny his strength and bravery. In that room, besides the governor, there are two of his attendants, but who are they? He also failed to survive, leaving only two wounds to the Duke of Orleans-one on the arm and one on the shoulder.

When the city of Roussillon was finally returned to the Catalans, the Duke's room was transferred from the remote village to the highest and most noble place in the city, although it could not be said to be the most comfortable place--not in the castle. There may be a comfortable room, this room once belonged to the Governor of Roussillon, it can be seen that his attendants tried their best, the Duke even saw glassware from Lorraine, ceramics from Limoges, brocades from Paris and rose water from Versailles .

But this room means power.

Although it cannot be said that the Catalans have bowed their heads and obeyed orders, at least they have now shown due respect instead of superficial hypocrisy, and the people who appeared in front of the Duke have also been fixed there. Several people, their parliament also enshrined the Duke in the throne.

"That's the problem," said the Duke of Orleans in his room. "Although their previous attitude dissatisfied me and seemed very stupid, their eyes and expressions now make me shudder for no reason."

"What are you worried about?" Kitty said. "It's all about being arrogant and respectful."

When Louis XIV had to enter the inner world, the parent of Vanjo, Prince Theodric, once sent his clone, a blue-gray kitten, by the king's side. Later, because of Louis XIV's request, he After guarding the king's children for a period of time, this time Louis XIV was worried about the Duke of Orleans' trip to Roussillon, and he had to come to the Duke again.

The ebb and flow does not only refer to the world. When the brilliance of the Sun King inevitably shoots into the darkness, Prince Theodric or Prince Amon can no longer be as wanton as before. The mood is extremely complicated - he feels that he should not be too involved in the affairs of the table world, but when the territory of France is expanding again and again, he must make long-term considerations for the Vanjo family.

"I don't think so." said the Duke of Orléans. "By the way, I also want to thank you. I just guessed that there might be someone in this castle who would recognize me."

The kitty sighed, these Catalans... the traitors among them actually had a member of the Council of Hundreds. When the Duke of Orleans came to Roussillon, he insisted on seeing the Duke. I don’t know if he was He was ready to betray the Duke, and luckily the Duke was also prepared—he was able to leave France with only a few attendants, and even sneaked into Roussillon alone. Prince K.

The Vanjo's parents may not be able to fight an army, but it's okay to take the Duke alone if necessary.

"What happened to that person?" Kitty asked.

"Hanged with those Spaniards." Out of mercy, and because the Catalans didn't have much time to consolidate the gains, the Duke said: "But some others... just wanted to hang me. The people who were taken away seem to be still in the hundred-member council."

"After all, it's okay for them to say that they want to protect you."

The Duke was about to say something when there was a light knock on the door.

The cat quickly jumped back into the shadows and hid himself. The Duke said, "Come in."

It was Gemma who came in. After the victory, some people also mentioned that the Duke should be replaced by a maid or servant, but the Duke can accept more servants, but he is unwilling to let them drive Gemma away.

Gemma was still the same, respectful but numb.

After she left, Maozai came out from the shadows: "Can't those people guess your intention?"

"Because they guessed it, I won't let anyone touch me," said the Duke. What the Catalans thought, the Lorraines, the Alsaces, and the Dutch, but except those whose blood relatives were hanged and beheaded, after the ten-year period agreed by Louis XIV, Many young people in these areas believe that there is no harm in being a Frenchman. In addition to the growing strength and wealth of France, Bourbon is really the monarch that the people dream of.

Wisdom, compassion, impeccable beauty.

Even if they are not kings or dukes, their charm and talent alone are enough to win countless supporters and followers.

They have all seen the decisiveness, wisdom and bravery of the Duke of Orleans now. It is too easy for such a person to conquer a young man, whether it is him or her,

Those who can be trusted by them to be sent to the Duke's side are confidantes, but they themselves are not sure whether they will be subdued or intimidated by him, let alone those young people.

Only Father Clarice can guarantee that Gemma will never be shaken.

"A kinslayer walking out of One Peso Alley, she should know what she is worth." The priest said indifferently.

People who knew Yibisuo Lane laughed ambiguously.

"I'm afraid she's not worth a peso now."

One Peso Lane refers to the alley where low-class traveling girls live and solicit customers, which is where Gemma and her mother stayed. But Gemma had hurt her throat, and there was no money to be made in continuing that disgraceful trade. Not to mention that people with empty pockets are not picky, but because they are short on money, they will be careful when spending money.

Anyone who has ever heard the song that the girls often sing to make fun of themselves and their guests-"If you want to lean against the wall, it's only a peso..." means that you don't enter the room, you can do it simply Much cheaper - indeed many customers choose a peso.

She is no longer that naive girl, she can see her future at a glance, like a piece of bread that has fallen into the mud, it is getting rotten, and in the end no one can recognize that it used to have a name, yes personal.

She felt desperate, her ignorant siblings were still asking for food, they were called cold, she thought for a while, then pulled out her belt and strangled them to death.

Of course, if she had known that someone was looking for them a few days earlier...

At that time, some people thought that Gemma should be executed, but Father Clarice believed that she should pay for her sins in the world before going to hell, so Gemma was left behind.

People often have an illusion that beautiful people are more likely to be trusted, yes, in general this is true, but in more cases, people like Gemma are more likely to be accepted - she can easily Infiltrate any place where the inferior people gather, and in places where the sight of the nobles will not touch, there are many clues to catch. Not only can she help in the kitchen, she can also work in the stables, and she doesn't mind going to places where the servants don't want to go, such as the prayer room, which is the toilet of the castle.

There are rough laborers like this in every castle or mansion, and they are more inconspicuous than mice. If Gemma can't go to some places, she will use the most primitive capital to buy those who can go. She is destroyed. Dropped the throat, but it also makes people overlook this shortcoming when it's free.

But this also means that she is less and less valuable.

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