I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 553 Madame Montespan bids us farewell (Part 2)

In fact, as a witch. Mrs. Montespan had more means to maintain her beauty - like Elizabeth Bathory, she bathed in the blood of girls and was still as delicate as a bud at the age of forty, but such a thing would definitely happen After touching the king's bottom line, she might be expelled from Versailles, not to mention whether Louis XIV was still willing to be intimate with her.

"I didn't call you," said Madame Montespan, "how did you think of coming to see me?"

"It is so," said Auguste politely: "Madam, I heard that you are dissatisfied with the king's decree." Under normal circumstances, he should call Madame Montespan mother or mother, but no matter Whether it was out of respect or intimacy, he couldn't decide, so he just called her Madam like everyone else - a title that Mrs. Montespan should be used to, but it sounded particularly harsh today: "I want to You know, although I know that you were so rude and made such a sacrifice for my sake, madam, I don’t think there is anything wrong with your majesty’s decision.”

Mrs. Montespan turned her head, her eyes widened. The bath water was hot, but she felt cold all over her body: "Have you not read that decree?"

"I have seen it," August said. "I will go to Montreal next year or the year after that to serve as governor there."

Madame Montespan looked at him intently, making sure that he really understood and was not ignorant and deceived, so she couldn't help but let out a sharp cry: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"Isn't it enough? Madam," Auguste said, "I have never even stepped foot on the battlefield, and I don't have the talents of Colbert or the Marquis of Lois, so I am going to be a governor."

"But that's just the governor! It's not the duchy! Your title is the Duke of Montreal! That place should belong to you!"

"Your Majesty did grant me a territory."

"A little scrap."

"...Even the Grand Condé or the Duke of Vendôme would be delighted with this reward."

"You are the son of the Sun King!"

"Otherwise?" August explained patiently: "Madam, it is precisely because I am the son of the king that I have such honor and grace."

"You have four brothers, one is about to inherit all of France, Lorraine and Alsace, one is already the king of Spain, and the Duke of Hallebour - after the Viscount Turenne returns to Paris, he is undoubtedly the Dutch There is another one who, in a year or two years, when you are sent to Montreal in embarrassment, can become the King of Italy!" Madame Montespan roared, if little Louis and She can still bear Charles - after all, they are legitimate children, and their mother is the Spanish princess, so the Duke of Halepur and the Duke of Colonna are the ones she can't stand the most!

The mother of the former is just a werewolf who can only be used as a gladiator animal and experimental material in the wizarding world, while the mother of the latter is her mortal enemy - even though Mary Mancini probably didn't look at her, Mrs. Montespan did. He was full of jealousy and hatred towards her, even when he first met her.

"This matter is a bit complicated," August said distressedly. His mother was far smarter than other women, and even some men, but her narrow vision and mind turned this smartness into a thorn. Weapons of others and one's own: "You have to read newspapers and books, mother. No decision your Majesty makes has anything to do with the country or even the entire world."

As expected, Mrs. Montespan showed anger, and then contempt: "Only a fool like you doesn't know, those things have always been the king's mouthpiece, and whatever he wants them to say," she stood up from the bathtub Getting up, Auguste quickly turned his head. When he looked back, Madame Montespan had put on a light nightgown, and the bright and smooth silk satin flowed down from her shoulders like water, gathering on her shoulders. Between her curled legs, "He just prefers...those despicable things..." She said through gritted teeth, each word being low and sharp.

Auguste raised his eyes and glanced at his mother, feeling deeply troubled and troubled. He rarely got along with Madame Montespan for a long time. It was not because the queen or himself did not want to, but because Madame Montespan was too unwilling. She is so busy that she spends several hours every day dressing up and dressing up. Then she has to entertain her guests in the salon, accept their flattery and pursuit, and of course bribes. At night, she is either Dancing until dawn in the candlelight and music, or spending a lot of money at the gambling table, or drinking champagne until she is drunk. Anyway, the only one who can make time for her is His Majesty the King - August? Isn't it enough to have a queen and a wet nurse?

Such behavior caused the real mother and son to become quite estranged. Although at the queen's request, Auguste went back to visit his biological mother every once in a while, even if Mrs. Montespan occasionally had free time to meet Auguste. When Te spoke, all they got was deeper and deeper embarrassment and helplessness - the women around August, from the Queen Mother, the Queen to the Duchess of Montpensier and other noble ladies, were all the kind who were more rational than emotional. type - after all, they have accomplished something with the support of their husbands, sons and cousins, and how can people with their own ideals and goals be short-sighted and vain?

"You don't look like my son," said Madame Montespan, adding viciously: "You don't look like your father's either."

This sentence successfully stimulated August. His background was not that honorable. It was his biological mother who hurt him. It was really difficult for him to accept. However, his face turned red and he still couldn't say anything. A bad word or a violent move, without even the intention of getting up and leaving the room.

Madame Montespan was not happy, but became more and more angry. She looked at August's face carefully. August was her only son with the king, but he was nothing like them in character and appearance. The similarity is that he was extremely cute when he was a child, but when he grew up, he was too slender, which made people feel unreliable. As for his personality, if the crown prince Louis was once worried about being too gentle, then he would be recognized as weak and slow. .

A voice that seemed to have existed for a long time sounded in Mrs. Montespan's heart. Is this really her and the king's child? Or did the queen switch him with other children? This thought almost turned into an unshakable certainty after August said his last words.

"In short..." August said sadly: "Stop disobeying His Majesty's will. I am willing to accept the king's assignment and I don't feel aggrieved at all."

After saying that, he jumped up quickly and ran away, as if he had completed an important and difficult task.


August was troubled by his biological mother's... greed and short-sightedness, so he had to get in front of her as soon as possible and said something that would make her unhappy. He had no choice but to do so.

Mrs. Montespan's previous behavior has angered everyone present, and when the rumors spread, the situation will be even more unfavorable to her - he is especially worried that when he goes to Montreal in the future, no one will be around.

Madame de Montespan thought her son was an absolute fool, but she probably didn't know that in the eyes of the people in Versailles, she was the ungrateful idiot.

Madame Montespan may be a smart person, but isn't that person in the Palace of Versailles a master of all things? When she was young, she lived with Varo Vesalius and her mother, and then spent her teenage years in a closed monastery. No matter how smart and ambitious she was, what kind of knowledge could she gain from books and prayers? What about experience? She only relied on the teachings and cold hearts of the bishops of the Roman Church in the following years.

She betrayed her former master to Louis, and Louis happened to need such a role in order to realize his long-cherished wish. However, all her previous superficial experiences were like a piece of cake in front of people like the Queen Mother and the Duke of Vendôme. A piece of thin vellum could be torn with just one poke. Without looking at her side, she had a conflict with His Majesty the King. Did the Duke of Vendôme decide to find a new royal wife for His Majesty?

Auguste saw more and heard more than Madame de Montespan, because Madame probably never looked down, her eyes were either on the King, or on someone like the Duke of Orleans or the Duchess of Montpensier. , the Duke of Vendôme, the Prince of Conti and other powerful figures, even the Queen Mother and the Queen were not looked down upon by her, and their status was slightly lower, such as the Marquis of Blakey, Jean Bart or Villars. She wouldn't even look at him.

Not to mention the attendants and servants in the Palace of Versailles. Madame Montespan regarded them as tools and livestock, but she did not know that these attendants and female officials all had surnames, and the servants were also intertwined - Champagne, Maury The sad family is the kind of family that has served the royal family for hundreds of years and continues to serve. Their power in the Palace of Versailles is not even underestimated by Bontang, and the Duke of Orleans has placed and bribed many of them. Birds".

It can be said that in the Palace of Versailles and in Paris, there are very few people who really like this royal lady. Louis did it out of respect for the lady and tolerance for his subordinates.

The Queen Mother was contemptuous, but the Queen was indifferent. As for the Duchess of Montpensier—Mrs. Montespan probably wouldn’t believe it—it was out of pity that she saw Madam Montespan’s fate at a glance, so she gave her alms. A little kindness, but unfortunately, Madame Montespan was unaware of it and thought she had the duchess under her control.

In another collective hunt by His Majesty the King, there may be one hundred and fifty nobles and hundreds of family members and servants participating, and among these people, only two may not know that the king's new royal wife has been carefully selected. , she was hiding in the carriage of the Duke of Vendome, holding her heart beating violently.

At this age, the Duke of Vendôme can of course only be a eater and a spectator, but his mind today is not on hunting. Although he was not only a good hunter when he was young, he was also very keen on chasing foxes and rabbits, but... he slightly With a smile, even seventy years ago, with such a beautiful woman in a carriage with him, his mind would not be on hunting.

This lady was carefully selected by the Bourbons. She was sixteen years old. She was the daughter of the ancient count of Lucelle. She had a good upbringing - traditional type, meaning, enough to be stupid and naive. She was still very young. At that time, it was seen that the future was promising. Just like every family with a daughter, her parents also hoped that she would become the favorite of His Majesty the King and a royal wife recognized by law in the future.

From her hair to her skin, from her nails to her toes, this lovely Ms. Angelique was almost made according to the preferences of men. There is no flaw in her body (this was personally inspected by the Duchess of Montpensier) ), what she hasn’t said yet but everyone knows is that Angelique looks a bit like Marie Mancini in her demeanor, with a fearless attitude. The Duke of Vendôme has no doubts at all. His Majesty the King will be instantly attracted to her.

The only problem is that she is not married yet, but it doesn't matter. Once the king is interested, they will let the person who should have been arranged to marry her, and then she will go to the Duchess of Montpensier as a maid, and her The husband would go to serve in Montreal and not come back for ten years - they might not even need to meet, and it would save Mrs. Montespan the trouble.

How did Madame Montespan's husband suddenly die in the prime of life... No one wants to mention it now. It would be a scandal to mention it, especially since she finally had a son with His Majesty the King. It is said that Madame Montespan's husband knew that she was seeking the position of royal wife, so he gave up his career and returned home in anger, and swore that he would never let this woman go - he was very fond of Madame Montespan. He loves and hates him, and his friends and relatives all know it.

"Is it okay for me to do this?" Angelique said uneasily, while touching the ribbon and rose on her head.

"Yes, I'm sure His Majesty the King will fall in love with you right away." The Duke of Vendôme knew why Angelique was uneasy. Looking out of the window of the carriage, the ladies outside were all dressed up like A blooming flower - As France gradually became more stable and prosperous, everyone from the people to the nobles began to dress themselves up as much as they could. Men were following the Duke of Orleans, and women's skirts were getting wider and wider. , the pleats are getting more and more, the embroidery is getting denser, and the wigs are getting higher and higher - the wigs that were originally just to cover up short hair and baldness are now used to pile up high buns, decorated with various or exquisite Or something novel...

The little falcon narrowed her eyes and let go of the hair bun decoration swept by a noble lady. She thought she saw a chief, or a great chief, otherwise there would not be such a big feather crest. The noble lady was reminded by her companions She turned around and apologized to Xiao Falcon with a smile - a few days ago, she would have pretended that nothing happened.

But things are different now. This Indian girl can be called "Mrs." in the future.

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