I Am Not A Mage Lord

Chapter 180: Dialogue with the gate of truth

Lynch seemed to be standing in the kingdom of God, standing proudly, facing the world full of light in front of him.

The gap opened by countless strange and mysterious forces, constantly heard the most melodious and profound sound in the endless sky!

Every shout is a baptism of higher life.

Every call is the deposition of deep souls.

Every wave of anticipation is the excitement of the global spirit.

Lynch suddenly had the urge to kneel to the ground, crying deeply.

This very familiar, wandering and knowledge ocean feeling once again filled his whole body and swept every corner of his breath.

In the era of SARS, the school greatly advanced the original end of school time from 5:30 to early four o'clock in accordance with regulations. In elementary school, Lynch did not choose to go home in advance to do his homework, but wandered in the busiest pedestrian street.

During this period, he entered a black Internet cafe filled with memories of the time and only allowed people to enter it through camera monitoring.

He has entered one coin once, and the game arcade of Reluo and the Champion of the Three Kingdoms and the Three Kingdoms.

He went into the bustling shopping mall and chased and played with his companions.

He entered the abandoned and dark buildings and played the bold game of the brave.

Time flies, this scene rushes from the depths of Lynch's mind.


What impressed him the most was that in a certain month and year, after listening to "Ten Years" played loudly on the inferior sound on the street, he followed the elevator into a "book city" covering more than a thousand square meters.

For the first time, he knew that there were so many books in the world, and it became the place where he spent the most time in his entire childhood.

This is the original source of all knowledge in Lynch's memory palace.

Unlike many years later, he bought this kindle, after purchasing and downloading a series of famous classics, he could only become a cup lid for instant noodles.

In that gap, Lynch saw himself in the third and fourth grades of elementary school, squatting in the corner and flipping through the triptych of "The Legend of Condor Heroes". Seeing the tarnished scene, he closed the first volume on the spot, angrily. Leave.


The childhood "Lynch" slowly walked out of the gap, looked at him with a smile, and asked.

"Why did you choose Occam's Razor as your magic argument?"

The sharp contrast came, and Lynch regained his sense of sanity. He noticed that the white light around him had lost the focus of others, and he became a lone traveler in the ocean of books again.

Facing this question, Lynch also thought and thought about it and said.

"In the natural sciences, Occam's razor is used as a heuristic technique, more as a tool to help scientists develop theoretical models, rather than acting as a referee in published theories."

"Even this theory is not a logically irrefutable theorem."

"The preference for simplicity in the same science is based on the standard of falsification."

Saying that, Lynch raised his head, "But I think the same goes for spells."

"There are countless possible and more complicated variants in the accepted explanation of a phenomenon. We can attribute the error in the explanation to the special case hypothesis, so as to avoid the occurrence of the error. Therefore, it is simpler Theories are better than complex theories because they are more acceptable for testing."

The young Lynch opposite shook his head, "I don't understand what you said."

Lynch sighed, "In today's society, Occam's razor is often used to choose between two hypotheses-if there are two different hypotheses for the same phenomenon, the simpler one should be adopted."

His eyes gradually became clear and translucent.

In fact, the "simplicity" behind Occam's razor theory has always dominated the development of the entire science.

It also inspired the process of Einstein's establishment of "special relativity", "the principle of least action", "quantum mechanics" and so on.

For example, in the legend, the ether, which everyone has always believed to be "existing", was used by Einstein to remove it with Occam's razor when it was redundant in the entire theoretical model.

"That is your goal, to simplify the entire magic system?" Xiao Lin Qi asked rhetorically.

At this moment, Lynch's heart couldn't help but leaped.

"Little Lynch"'s language became more acute.

"For physics, physicists hope to find a single physical theory to explain the physical phenomena caused by electromagnetic interactions, strong interactions, and weak interactions. This is the'grand unified theory' of the physics community. It is a stepping stone to the theory of everything."

"Even one step further and the inclusion of the last ‘gravity’, one of the four fundamental forces, is the theory of everything."

"Little Lynch" looked at the real Lynch expectantly.

"Those dull mediocrities outside think that they are arguing for'Occam's Razor'. In fact, they don't even know that you are looking for the'Grand Unified Theory' for magic!"

"Look for a theory that can unify dragon magic, elven magic, and human magic, and even include the rest of the magic!"

Lynch's whole body was lost.

"Who are you?"

This thought, hidden deep in his heart, the most hidden corner, was actually called by a stranger?

Little did he know that "Little Lynch" shook his head contemptuously, and that form and charm coincided with Lynch when he was alone.

"I am the'gate of truth', I am also the'mirror of desire', and I am also the'brain in the tank'."

"I directly aroused the desire that made you see the depths of your heart. Naturally, what you see is the most tangible you, and you don't know about you."

Every sentence is like a carving knife into the woods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ deeply dug out a shape in Lynch's soul and heart.

"Because I represent the dream you gave up from the beginning."

"Little Lynch" said so.

Lynch closed his eyes silently.

He used to read the biographies of countless physicists in junior high and high school for three years. He knew everything about the brilliant twentieth century and even knew the background of every theoretical research.

At that time, the wonderful vision of the "Grand Unified Theory" was deeply drawn in his mind.

Even he knows very well that the best way out is to have a domestic undergraduate course, and then go abroad to study the PhD of Physics, and continue the cobblestone journey.

Theoretical physics, the graveyard of all geniuses.

However, his college entrance examination results were at least 20 to 30 points worse than Nantah's theoretical physics. At the moment of filling in his volunteers, Lynch finally accepted his fate.

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