I am playing chat group in Genshin

Chapter 197 The Kingdom Destroyed by God

Warm sunlight poured down from the sky, passed the huge stone pillars in the sky, and covered the white mountains below.

On the mountain where the vibration was gradually weakening, Lu Qingfeng looked up at the stone pillar that was rapidly combining with the debris flying from the ground.

Looking down at the huge pothole at his feet, Lu Qingfeng slowly floated in the air and flew towards the stone pillar high in the sky.

In the howling cold wind, the canopy that originally shrouded the sky has disappeared, and the sealed space has opened again.


Landing on the top of the stone pillar high above the sky, Lu Qingfeng raised his head and looked down, only to see the land of Mond in the distance, covered with emerald green, and the huge Mond City could be seen in the distance.

After scanning the Longji Snow Mountain below, Lu Qingfeng turned his head to look at the more distant sky.

The Sky Island, which was only visible occasionally, is clearly visible at this moment, as if the island above is calling to the stone pillar below, and the defense has been opened to it.

Quickly restraining his breath, Lu Qingfeng completely wiped away all traces of himself.

Hiding in the space, Lu Qingfeng quietly watched the movement on the sky island in the distance.

After a long time, until the scorching sun in the sky turned yellow and the earth sank to the west, the sky island in the distance remained silent.

Slowly showing his figure, Lu Qingfeng felt the still very dangerous atmosphere on Sky Island, shook his head, turned and fell down.

Below the stone pillar, a small gravel disappeared into the air.


Amidst the slight landing sound, she was counting how many hairs there were on Yuanyuan's head, Keli turned her head and looked behind her.

"Brother Qingfeng!"

With a bright smile on her face, Keli jumped off Yuanyuan's body and ran towards Lu Qingfeng.


Leaping hard into Lu Qingfeng's arms, Keli hugged Lu Qingfeng tightly and said, "Keli obediently listened to brother Qingfeng's words and didn't go up the big pillar above."


Gently stroking Keli's little head, Lu Qingfeng showed a smile: "Keli is doing very well."

Looking up at the stars that are slowly emerging in the sky, the light of the stars is unobstructed in the cloudless sky.

With a smile on his face, Lu Qingfeng turned to look at Wu Geng Liuli.

"Liu Li, are you alright?"


Holding Qiqi by the hand, Wugeng Liuli stood beside Lu Qingfeng, smiling and shaking her head.

"The matter has been resolved, the group of fools don't know why they are searching for dilapidated relics in the mountains and plains."

"Now they have been defeated by us and handed over to Yura."

"Well, it seems that there are still many things we don't know about."

Holding Qi Qi's little hand, Lu Qingfeng turned to look at the giant red tree beside him.

"Then what's going on with this?"

"have no idea."

Shaking his head, Wugeng Liuli looked at Jumu with a strange expression on his face.

"Before Longji Snow Mountain suddenly shook violently, and then the ice and snow storm on the top of the mountain dispersed, and a stone pillar that looked like a nail rose up."

"Then, this big tree grew on the ground."

"It shocked us who were dealing with the fools in front at that time. After all, the cry of the King Qiuqiu Frost Armor was really miserable."

Scratching his head suspiciously, Lu Qingfeng suddenly noticed the dried up blood on the top of the tree and the snow-white hideous corpse that had fallen motionless not far away.

In addition to a wound on the forehead, there is also a large puddle of blood on its buttocks.

As soon as the chrysanthemum tightened, Lu Qingfeng stared at Wugeng Liuli, who was covering her mouth and snickering, and decided not to think about this issue any more.

"Liuli, do you feel a faint calling?"

Feeling the faint call to himself from the giant tree, Lu Qingfeng asked Wu Geng Liuli head-on.

Wu Geng Liuli, who was covering his mouth and laughing softly, froze for a moment, looked up at Lu Qingfeng and shook his head, "No."

Frowning slightly, Lu Qingfeng turned his head to look at the top of Longji Snow Mountain behind him, pondered for a while, then handed Keli to Wugeng Liuli.

"Liuli, wake me up when I see something is wrong."

Physical strength and mana began to circulate rapidly, and a layer of Lu Qingfeng's body seemed to be surrounded by a myriad of rays of light that shrouded him.

Stretching out his palm, Lu Qingfeng nodded towards Wugeng Liuli behind him, followed his intuition and pressed it on the red tree trunk.

A faint red light rose from the trunk until it completely enveloped Lu Qingfeng.

A series of images that looked like movie screens began to emerge in Lu Qingfeng's mind,

Waving to the nervous Wugeng Liuli behind him, Lu Qingfeng closed his eyes and began to carefully examine the picture in his mind.

The picture is very blurry, maybe it's because of the long time, or maybe it was withered in the past, the information conveyed by the giant tree to Lu Qingfeng is not complete.

The giant tree in the sky disappeared in a flash, and then there was a land of ice and snow.

In the past, Mond was a place covered with boundless ice and snow, and the Longji Snow Mountain was also covered by countless ice and snow.

In the unchanging scene, a group of exiles suddenly appeared. They fled from nowhere, shivering in the snow.

Under the leadership of the leader, the exiles climbed the silver mountain, looking for a cave that could shelter the tribe.

Near the top of the mountain, they found a small but long cave.

Leading the tribe, the leader of the exiles walked into it.

In the dark cave, not only did they move forward, but their bodies that were shivering in the cold wind began to warm up again, and the narrow cave became more spacious.

Until the light came from ahead, the incomparable sound of celebration came from the crowd passing through the darkness, echoing in the belly of the huge green mountain.

So far, the exiles have settled in this green and broad mountainside. They elected the leader Sar Fendonia as their king and established a new country Sar Fendonia.

The people who settled here began to multiply, and the angels from the sky brought them new oracles, and the pale old trees growing on the snow-capped mountains brought them prosperity.

The picture was blurred, and the last few portraits left were just unknown how many years later, a cold nail that fell from the sky completely frozen the emerald green mountains, and the remaining people of the ancient country died in pain in the cold.

And the last princess of the ancient country also fell in front of a mural of gods descending from the sky, still whispering softly when she was dying.

The once glorious ancient country has completely disappeared, leaving only the once cold walls and withered pale ancient trees.

And after an unknown number of years, a pair of eyes filled with anger and pain appeared. He was holding an ice-blue sword and wearing an eternally frozen ice flower on his chest.

After he put down the branch with the buds in his hand, he turned and left. The blue sword that had accompanied him in the battle was also left somewhere in the mountain by him.

After an unknown amount of time, a mournful dragon descended from the sky and fell into a valley not far away.

The poisonous blood flowing out penetrated the earth, and the gentle dragon's will contained in it awakened the withered giant tree again.

The roots all over the snow began to be activated, and the warmth from the will of the dragon slightly dissipated the cold that had sealed the ancient trees, and the new roots slowly grew again.

The black poisonous blood flowing from the dragon's body was absorbed by the ancient tree, revealing the dragon's gentle will.

The snowy mountains shrouded in endless cold grow red crystals that can provide warmth to frozen people.

Until today, the cold nails nailed into the earth have been pulled out, and the ancient tree of Nirvana has finally been reborn.

Slowly opening his eyes, Lu Qingfeng looked up at the Fengshen statue on the top of the mountain.

"So, do you have to go somewhere?"

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