I am Quaresma

Chapter 486 He Can't Jump Up

Van Nistelrooy's departure caused great repercussions. Such a level of transfer can be regarded as a heavyweight in world football.

Although Van Nistelrooy's transfer fee is not high, his ability is still regarded as a top center in world football, so it is impossible not to attract attention.

After digging out the inside information, the media began to analyze the pros and cons of Van Nistelrooy's transfer and its impact on the situation in La Liga.

It seems that Real Madrid's strikers are full of talents, but it seems that no one can really provide a stable scoring rate.

Soldado and Higuain are immature, Saviola has lost his spirituality in Barcelona, ​​and only Raul is barely a top scorer. In this way, Real Madrid's season goals may be sharper to a certain extent. reduce.

In contrast, the La Liga championship situation is getting more and more chaotic.

Van Nistelrooy went to Villarreal!

There are actually only a few teams in La Liga that are qualified to hit the championship.

Real Madrid and Barcelona are definitely the two powerful players, while Valencia, Sevilla, Atletico Madrid and Villarreal are the second echelon and have the opportunity to pose a threat to Real Madrid and Barcelona.

Counting, Atletico Madrid has Forlan and Aguero, Sevilla has Kanoute and Fabiano, Valencia has Villa and Morientes, all have very good forwards.

However, only Villarreal has no real strikers. Neither Franco nor Rossi can be regarded as first-class strikers.

However, Villarreal's strength in defense and midfield is almost the strongest among several teams. The only thing that restricts them is the striker configuration.

Now that Ruud van Nistelrooy joins Villarreal, Huang Qian's biggest problem can be solved at once.

This is simply the transfer that stirred up the situation in La Liga!

And some so-called football stars also stood up and expressed their views.

The godfather of Barcelona, ​​Cruyff, is now eyeing Real Madrid. Whenever there is any trouble in Real Madrid, he will stand up immediately, trying to use public opinion to trip Real Madrid.

"Real Madrid driving Ruud van Nistelrooy is definitely the most unwise choice!"

"No team will just drive away the top scorer of last season! Is it just because Ruud van Nistelrooy didn't score in a few games,

Do you think he is worthless? "

"In the late stage of Galacticos, Raul has proved that there is no way to provide the team with a stable scoring rate. Without Ruud van Nistelrooy, do Real Madrid still count on Soldado or Higuain to attack the city?"

"But this is also very good. Let Ruud van Nistelrooy go, Real Madrid's competitiveness will drop significantly, and Barcelona will have more chances to win the championship. As a Barcelona native, I am still very happy!"

"Perhaps Real Madrid will regret it in the future and drive away Ruud Ruud for the sake of Quaresma. Time will tell!"

By this time, Van Nistelrooy had resolved the remaining issues and reported to Villarreal. At the press conference of the yellow submarine, Van Nistelrooy finally stopped being silent.

"The transfer has been completed. From this moment on, I will represent Villarreal in La Liga!"

"Regarding this transfer, many people may have learned the inside information, but I still don't want to vomit here!"

"I was not happy at Real Madrid at all. The dressing room in Real Madrid is impersonal. I and other players have never become real teammates who can fight side by side!"

"And what really made me leave Real Madrid was the conflict between me and Quaresma!"

"He only shows off his skills, he never passes the ball, and he doesn't even think about passing the ball!"

"Football is a team sport, no one can beat an opponent by himself!"

"But Quaresma doesn't understand this truth at all, and his arrogance is simply disappointing!"

"In the few games I played with Quaresma, I never got a pass from Quaresma, not once!"

"As a striker, what's the point of having a striker if you can't get the support of your teammates on the pitch?"

"And when I had a dispute with Quaresma over passing the ball, Real Madrid kicked me out without hesitation, as if they were throwing away garbage!"

"I am furious because they will only compromise like the euro!"

"Yeah, Quaresma spent Real Madrid's 1.6 billion euro transfer fee, how could Real Madrid not treat him as a treasure!"

"But I can only become a victim. I feel that this is not football, but politics!"

"Anyway, now that I have escaped from Real Madrid, I will dedicate myself to Villarreal!"

"At the same time, the next time I meet Real Madrid, I will definitely use a goal to tell Real Madrid what you did wrong!"

"I will make Real Madrid pay the worst price for their mistakes!"

Ruud's accusation made the situation explosive again. Everyone was discussing his speech and paying attention to the next development.

When Quaresma saw the news, he didn't know why, but he just wanted to laugh.

It felt like Fanny's tone was exactly the same as his former self.

When he left Barcelona, ​​he accused Barcelona in this way.

Did Fonny peek at his own speech?

However, a sneer soon appeared on the corner of Quaresma's mouth.

People are different!

Hasn't Fonny realized this yet?

I was kicked out by Barcelona, ​​and since then I have regarded Barcelona as a deadly enemy, and what I never forget is revenge.

Since he is the protagonist, revenge will naturally not fail.

In the first season at Arsenal, he directly kicked Barcelona's champion and knocked Barcelona down from the altar. This is the best revenge.

Fanny has a protagonist aura?

Obviously not, otherwise he would never be so mixed up that he couldn't even stay in Real Madrid!

In this way, it will not be so easy for Fanny to take revenge!

I can drive him into the abyss in minutes!

I don't know where he got his confidence from!

Do you think you can do it again?

Quaresmarco has never been a humble guy. Whenever someone provokes him in front of him, what he does is to step on it hard, and then crush it until the opponent is crushed to powder.

Perhaps, my performance in Real Madrid is not shocking enough, then, use Ruud van Nistelrooy as a stepping stone to ascend to the throne completely!

"Indeed, I have deep conflicts with Fanny, and there is no way to reconcile them!"

Quaresma was also interviewed. During the interview, he still had a cynical smile, as if he didn't take this matter too seriously.

"Who is right and who is wrong, everyone has their own perception, but what you know may not be the truth!"

"My playing style is like this. I create opportunities on the wing and use my ability to win for the team. Maybe many times I will choose to solve the problem by myself, but at the same time, I will not refuse to cooperate with my teammates!"

"If you use data to illustrate the problem, it seems easier to understand!"

"I have read the special statistics, and now I will list them for everyone!"

"In the previous three rounds of La Liga, not to mention the goals. In addition to the goals, I also contributed two assists for the team. This is also the highest data in the Real Madrid team!"

"In each game, I have about 30 passes. After all, I am not an organizational player, but in the average 30 passes, there are probably 4-5 threatening passes, which means What, I think everyone understands!"

"Another point I want to explain is that in the three games, I hit the ball in the penalty area more than 10 times, and Van Nistelrooy also grabbed it several times, but he failed to seize the opportunity. This shows that the state Poorness is the root cause of his inability to score goals, not the so-called no pass to him!"

"Opportunities are always won by yourself. If you always complain that others don't pass you the ball, then you should think about your own problems first!"

"Right or wrong is not important now, the important thing is that Ruud van Nistelrooy has challenged me and Real Madrid, there is no reason for us not to take up the challenge!"

"The next match is between Real Madrid and Villarreal. I will let Ruud van Nistelroo know why Real Madrid kicked him out!"

Quaresma didn't back down at all, his words were harsh, and he didn't save any face for Fanny. Every word he said seemed to be tearing off the fig leaf from Fanny's face, and continued to insert the wound on his chest. Knife, hit and hit!

Like Quaresma, other Real Madrid players refuted Ruud's remarks one after another. Although Real Madrid's dressing room is indeed a bit more complicated, how could it be as impersonal as Ruud said?

This time, all eyes were focused on the next round of the battle between Real Madrid and Villarreal. The fight between the two sides was so fierce that only in the game can the fighting spirit be truly released.

On the sidelines of the training field, Pepe sat there holding Quaresma's shoulders, with an expression of resentment.

"At that time, you shouldn't have pulled me and let me teach him a good meal!"

Quaresma couldn't help rolling his eyes, and sighed that Pepe is simple, and don't beep if the problem can be solved with powerlessness, which is in line with his usual style.

However, once Pepe really fights Ruud van Nistelrooy on the training ground, I'm afraid things will be really serious. The Real Madrid club alone will definitely punish Pepe.

And it was really broken by Van Nistelrooy, and Pepe might be at risk of being sued.

It is a difficult problem to solve the ban on chivalrous martial arts.

"For Van Nistelrooy's sake, it's really not worth putting yourself in again. Now that Van Nistelrooy is gone, isn't this a good result!" Quaresma smiled and comforted Pepe.

"I just can't bear the look of him being a victim in front of the media, shameless!" Pepe is still angry.

Quaresma couldn't help but pat Pepe on the shoulder. No matter what, Pepe is venting his anger for himself, so what can he say!

But looking at Pepe's current state, Quaresma is really worried that in the game against Villarreal, Pepe will shoot Ruud van Nistelrooy.

In terms of experience, Pepe is not as good as the experienced Van Nistelrooy. If Van Nistelrooy's tricks are tricked and Real Madrid hits one less player, the situation may be difficult to deal with.

"Don't worry, I have everything, he can't jump up!"

After coming to the away game, the press conference still revolved around Ruud Ruud's question. Compared with it, it seemed that the game itself had nothing to watch.

When Quaresma and his teammates entered the Love Song Stadium to warm up, they could already feel the terrifying atmosphere of the away game.

There is an acquaintance on the opposite side!

Quaresma feels that his connections in football are really strong now, it seems that wherever he goes to compete, he has his own acquaintances.

Pires at Villarreal.

The Frenchman and Quaresma have been teammates for a season, and they have a good relationship, but at that time, as long as Quaresma was on the left, Pires would be a substitute for Quaresma. I think it was because Pires left Arsenal s reason.

But Pires is enough!

In the French national team, both the World Cup champion and the European Cup champion have been won;

At Arsenal, he also won the British Championship and the Champions League;

In terms of honor, Pires has almost no pursuit. He just wants to play football happily. This kind of mentality is the reason why he can maintain a good state on the court.

Not only Pires, there are many familiar faces from Quaresma on the opposite side. In terms of lineup strength alone, I am afraid that Villarreal is only slightly inferior to Barcelona.

The goalkeeper is Diego Lopez bought from Real Madrid. Godin and Sigan are on the back line. Sigan was also Quaresma's teammate at Arsenal, but because he didn't have many opportunities at Arsenal, he and Pires Joined Huang Qian together.

In addition, the left back Capdevila is a Spanish international and the main player. When Spain swept the world later, he was the only Spanish player from a small club. You know, the other ten players are all From Real Madrid and Barcelona.

In the midfield, Cazorla, Senna and Pires are all well-known fighters, plus Ruud van Nistelrooy is at the forefront, the lineup is not bad no matter what.

And this set of not weak lineup, compared to them, is where they have the confidence to challenge Real Madrid.

In the player tunnel, Quaresma and Pires had a cordial conversation. The wandering life will always produce more emotion, and the mood will be better if you communicate with old friends.

It's just that the atmosphere between the two teams is quite tense now, perhaps because Huang Qian wanted to challenge Real Madrid's supremacy, or because of Ruud van Nistelrooy's transfer problem, even in the player tunnel, you can feel the tension in the air. The smell of gunpowder.

Seeing this, Quaresma and Pires couldn't talk too much, so they could only go back to their respective teams and prepare to enter the arena quietly.

Van Nistelrooy kept staring at Quaresma, the resentment in his eyes did not need to be hidden at all, as if he wanted to eat Quaresma alive.

Quaresma frowned slightly, displeased with Fonny's provocation.

Perhaps, when he was driven away by Ferguson, Ruud also hated Ronaldo to the bone!

Quaresma is too lazy to bother about Ruud, man, let's talk about the game!

Quaresma doesn't mind giving Ruud a good lesson in the game, let him know why Real Madrid chose him instead of him!

He must also let Van Nistelrooy know what a real striker is!

( = )

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