Standing next to Yi Yang, Zhao Qiang squinted his eyes and looked at him for a while, then suddenly said excitedly: "Have you become shorter?"

Yi Yang sighed and said, "I know, I know, you have grown taller."

Zhao Qiang has exceeded 1.8 meters, and even visually estimated to be 1.8384 meters, which indeed looks very tall. Although Zhao Qiang usually seems to be a boy who talks relatively little. If we get along for a short time, he even gives people a calm feeling. However, this is just because the boy is introverted. Generally speaking, he is still immature, and he will still be exposed from time to time. Childish elements.

Although they seem to be only about one year apart in age in the second and third grades of junior high school, in the most critical years of life development, the one-year gap is already very large when reflected physically. If Yi Yang remembered correctly, Zhao Qiang would be 1.9 meters tall by the time he was in the third grade of junior high school. In such a non-sports-specific junior high school, it was simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

But compared with junior high school students, the average height is still much shorter.

In the third grade of junior high school, a large number of students have decided to specialize in sports. Daheiniu and several other physical education teachers also opened special sports training classes to pave the way and lay a foundation for students who are interested in special sports. Of course, if you really meet a very good sports talent, you will naturally find a way to send them to a better place to receive specialized training, but most students just can't study's a way out.

Therefore, many students in the third grade of junior high school have begun to receive special sports training. In addition, they are generally one year older and have better physiques than those in the second grade. We can see a clear gap: they are taller and stronger, and many are over 1.8 meters tall. On the other hand, in the second grade of junior high school, there are even children who cannot change their voices.

Basketball is a wonderful sport. In any social situation, it is difficult to be as efficient as the basketball court. Those who are good at playing basketball in the same grade will basically get to know each other after playing one or two games. If they are the ones who play particularly well, the core members of each class will have a kind of sympathy for each other and are both enemies and friends. It feels... it sounds a bit silly to say it. It would be very refreshing to know that the other party has similar feelings. There is a wonderful feeling that I am Ximen Chuixue and the other party is Ye Gucheng.

In the past, we would challenge each other as a class. Over the past half semester, we have basically competed against all the classes in the second grade of junior high school. Naturally, Yi Yang's three-pointers left a deep impression on all the students in the same grade. It can be said that Yi Yang is the "Ye Gucheng" in the eyes of the person who played the best basketball in other classes in the second grade of junior high school...

And now, Ye Gucheng is joining forces with Ximen Chuixue, which is quite exciting just thinking about it.

Of course, not every class has students who can play. In some classes, the overall strength is indeed too weak, and it is impossible to choose a tall one among the short ones. Those who can come are all players with certain talent and strength.

The two backboards on the court were divided into two groups of people, one group was naturally from the second grade of junior high school, and the other was from the third grade of junior high school. Both sides chose a basketball stand to shoot layups and warm up. There weren't many people watching on the edge of the court. Therefore, everyone was surprised when so many students came from Class 21 at once.

There may be some people who don't need an audience, but they are definitely a small minority. A person who is particularly good at playing must hope that when he passes the opponent's defense or makes a buzzer-beating shot, there are countless female classmates screaming and shouting on the sidelines...

Only those who are seen as handsome will last a lifetime.

But it is true that not everyone has such organizational capabilities. After all, basketball is something that only a few people are interested in. Even some little girls like to join in the fun and are embarrassed to come to the court without many people because of their shyness. So when almost the whole class came to cheer, it suddenly became the focus of the players in the second and third grade of junior high school.

To be honest... I'm a little envious.

After envy is over, only jealousy remains.

"Let them embarrass themselves in front of the people in their own class!" The junior high school student thought viciously.

On the second day of junior high school, everyone knew Yi Yang and Zhao Qiang and greeted each other. Most of them weren't very relaxed at first, just shooting to warm up. Yi Yang didn't intend to show off at first, and just stood by silently. Zhao Qiang went over to grab two rebounds and passed them out. Yi Yang caught them and threw them out at will. One went in and the other missed.

There are still some noisy guys in the second grade team, such as Yao Danjiang from Class 5 who they had played against before. He called everyone over and began to lay out tactics. Yi Yang naturally wanted to laugh when he heard this. He seemed to be talking logically, but in fact, it was generally illogical and unprofessional. It was probably basketball that students took for granted... maybe he read about it in some basketball magazines. , showing off here. Naturally, the others couldn't listen, except for a few who were a little more introverted, and a few who were a little more arrogant and just took the ball and left to shoot.

After all, they have never experienced professional basketball training.

In comparison, the students in the third grade of junior high school seemed much more professional.

"Fight according to the way Teacher He trains. They are a group of sophomores who don't understand tactics. Later we will defend in a joint defense, two and three, to make them confused."

"They are shorter than us, so we have to defend in a zone and break through and slap each one to death. It won't take long before we have doubts about life."

"The key point is to kill Zhao Qiang. He is the sports committee member of his class. I didn't expect his appeal to be so strong. Almost everyone in the class came to cheer him on. Let him be in front of the class... Hey."

They were all grinning.

Of course, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other viewers. Naturally, there are a few good friends from each class who come to play, or junior high school girls and teenagers who like to play basketball come to join in the fun. There are two grade zero and zero totals, and there are not many spectators on the court.

Not long after, Da Heiniu, the second grade physical education teacher, also came. For the sake of fairness, a physical education teacher was invited to call the referee. Dahei Niu himself is also quite keen on this kind of thing. He put his hands behind his back and smiled after arriving at the scene: "It's really good to play more games."

Yao Dan communicated with the junior high school students and got ready to start the game.

Of course, not everyone in the first class of the second grade of junior high school came, but most of those who didn't come were boys, including Luo Bing. On the contrary, girls are actually more willing to come to the basketball court than boys. Although they don't understand basketball, as junior high school students, the most handsome boys are all on the court... Girls at this age are still very naive. Most of them only look at whether they are handsome or not. Occasionally, Look at your grades, family conditions, etc... What is that?

Ma Siyu stood on the edge of the court and looked at Yi Yang. Sun Peng squeezed over and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Do you also like basketball?"

"No, I like handsome guys who play basketball."

"Oh...hehe. You can draw?"

"Well... don't talk to me. The game is about to start. Come over and block me."


Sun Peng stepped back a little and sighed quietly.

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