From the beginning of this meal, which was restrained, it became relaxed and natural later on.

Yi Yang played and sang a folk song, which naturally caused a bit of excitement among the diners. There were also two or three ladies who playfully joked a few words like "How old is your little brother?" "Does he have a girlfriend?" It's a joke, but it's unlikely to cause a sensation. In the eyes of ordinary people, Yi Yang is indeed a good singer, but a passer-by is just a passer-by. Except for a few words of praise at the time, or as a source of awkward ice-breaking conversation at the table, probably no one will remember his face after today. .

Both Zhou Porridge and Zhang Bu Shou were very good eaters. They quickly finished the few dishes they ordered and added a few more. Yi Yang noticed that Luo Luoyue secretly opened his wallet and looked at it, and sighed unnoticeably. But in the joyful atmosphere, no one noticed this.

After we got to know each other better, we all found that it was quite a pleasure to get together and chat with each other like this. The main reason is that among the people here, there are no self-righteous opinion leaders who express their opinions endlessly on one matter and force others to accept it; nor are there those people who enjoy sarcasm and ridicule others. Everyone is Tell stories and talk about feelings. At the end, everyone wants to speak. When one person tells something interesting, the other person immediately picks up: "Yeah, right... I also heard about that so-and-so, too..."

There was constant laughter and laughter.

Yi Yang smiled lightly, this atmosphere was really comfortable... and he took the opportunity to observe the different personalities of several people.

Ma Siyu spoke the fewest times. Most of the time, he sat there and listened patiently to others talking, with a strange smile. How should I put it? It was like, he had never eaten chocolate before, and suddenly one day he did. That smile that arrived.

He suddenly felt a little emotional. Ma Siyu had probably never enjoyed this kind of atmosphere.

In contrast, Zhang Bushou talked the most. He didn't know where he heard so many gossips and rumors, one after another, and even the news about Liu Donghong's sterilization was revealed. Luo Luoyue listened more and more. It was getting more and more outrageous, so I quickly said stop it, stop it.

They are the first to come and the last to leave. The cups and plates were in a mess, but everyone had an unfinished expression. Zhou Zhou said: "I didn't expect that it would be so interesting for a few people to chat together."

It's time to say goodbye.

Zhou Zhou and Luo Luoyue's homes are very close, and they can ride in the same car. In fact, taking a taxi is still considered a relatively high travel expense. For people of their age, who either take the bus or ride a bicycle and take a taxi every day, they really need to have some money at home.

Zhou porridge is quite good.

The four of them were left, walking side by side on the way back.

Ma Siyu said: "Is ours a banquet that never ends?"

Yi Yang looked into Ma Siyu's eyes and said, "Forget it, but we'll just get together next time..."

Ma Siyu smiled lightly: "Well..."

All returned home.

Zhang Bushou followed Yi Yang to Jiang Lili's home.

Zhang Bushou stared at Jiang Lili's house with his mouth open, and asked Yi Yang: "Is this the place where you said you can learn to play drums?"

Yi Yang nodded and said, "Don't be surprised later."

Knocked on the door.

Jiang Lili wore a blue dress and looked quite formal. Yi Yang felt a little strange, because when he came to her alone to make up lessons before, she dressed very casually. The most casual time was when she opened the door in her pajamas.

"Teacher Jiang, Zhang Bushou from our class, whom I told you on the phone just now, has arrived."

"Well, come in."

Zhang Bushou walked into Jiang Lili's house awkwardly, and then realized that he had not said hello yet, so he bowed quickly and said, "Hello, Teacher Jiang!"

Jiang Lili said with a smile: "I heard from Yi Yang that you are very talented in music."

" I have talent?" Zhang Bushou suddenly felt very excited.

Jiang Lili asked: "Did he say he wanted to form a band?"

"I've said it, I've said it..."

Yi Yang stood aside without saying a word.

Jiang Lili continued: "I don't have a drum set here. If you want to practice, you have to go to school. Well, I can teach you some theoretical things now."


"Don't worry, it's not difficult."

Jiang Lili said to Yi Yang, "Go over and sing the music for a while."


The layout of the room hasn't changed much. Yi Yang went to the corner where the piano was placed and sang "Duomi, Duomi, Duomi..." while beside the sofa, Jiang Lili took two sheets of printing paper and began to patiently teach Zhang Bushou the basics of rhythm.

"First of all, we need to understand some basic concepts... In a band, the drums are the bones of one person. Before learning to play the drums, we must first read the music score. Of course, what we look at is not the pitch and mode, but the beat. Today, we Just learn the basics of rhythm..."

"Teacher, what is this?"

"This is called an electronic metronome. Whether it is a guitar or other musical instruments, you must use this thing to assist practice, and a good drummer must be steady. People's emotions can change. When they are excited, the rhythm will easily become faster. So we have to practice strictly to the metronome.”

When he came out of Jiang Lili's place, Zhang Bushou still felt a little confused and his head was swollen.

Yi Yang asked: "How do you feel today?"

It can be felt that the whole process of Zhang Bushou was mostly in a fog. But what surprised Yi Yang was that Zhang Bushou said excitedly: "It feels great!"

"Awesome?" Yi Yang smiled: "How can you brag after you learn it?"

Zhang Bushou smiled proudly: "Of course! Didn't you hear that Teacher Jiang has always said that I have talent!"


"I also think I have talent. Otherwise, why would Teacher Jiang always have an expression like, wow, this kid is a genius? He keeps praising me. I have never been praised like this by a teacher in my life!"

Yi Yang was silent for a moment, thinking of Jiang Lili's gentle and always smiling face.

"Well, I also think you have talent. It seems like our band is really on to something!"

"Hehe... Hehe... That's it, that's it. After I practice for a while, we can perform on stage!"

“But don’t let your studies fall behind!”

"I know, I know this."

"What are your plans next?"

“I’ve thought about it, I must ask my dad to get me a drum set!”


"I won't hesitate even if I get beaten a little!"



The topic probably ended here. Yi Yang looked at his watch and said, "Do you want me to take you back?"

"Huh? That's not necessary."

"Then why are you still here? Do you want to spend the night at my house?"

Zhang Bushou was speechless for a while and said: "Good guy, so ruthless!"


Yi Yang went home, thinking in his mind that it would be nice to have a keyboard player from the band next...

When I got home, I opened the English book again and memorized the words several times before taking a rest.

Learning is the center, and this cannot be forgotten.

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