After the knowledge contest ended, it was already half an hour before school was over. The classroom has naturally become empty. When we went back, only three people were still waiting in the classroom.

Qiu Guoran and Zhao Qiang were talking in the corner, and Ma Siyu sat next to him, nodding from time to time. Because of the previous gatherings, they are now very familiar friends.

After seeing Yi Yang, Qiu Guoran waved excitedly, and Ma Siyu also stood up.

Luo Luoyue looked at Yi Yang: "Do you have any other plans? I also said that the three of us would go have something to eat together after school."

Yi Yang said: "Why not the six of us?"

Luo Bing pushed up his glasses: "What are you going to do?"

"Play ball..."

"Then I won't go."

Luo Luoyue said: "I won't go either."

Forget it. After sending the two people away, there were only four of them left in the classroom.

Winter has officially arrived, and the nights seem extremely long. It is clear that the school time has not passed long, and the sky has become blurry... It seems that it will be dark soon.

Yi Yang asked Ma Siyu: "Do you want to go with us too?"

During this time, I had more interactions with Ma Siyu. Mainly when the band is rehearsing. Ever since she decided what song to sing, she was more attentive than the three band members, and often came to rehearse with them... Although she couldn't do anything, she would always watch from the side, watching everyone start and finish. .

After a few times, I became very familiar with Zhang Bushou and Ning Zhixin.

Ma Siyu said: "It's so late, where are you guys going to play ball?"

"Xinghua Plaza, right?" Yi Yang looked at Zhao Qiang and Qiu Guoran.

Ma Siyu shook his head: "The wind in Xinghua Square is too strong. In this month, it's too's too painful to play golf! I'll recommend a place to you."

"You recommend it to us?"

Ma Siyu smiled and said, "Come on, just follow me and you will know."

The four of them stood in front of the indoor basketball court, and Qiu showed an excited expression as expected: "This place is's great. There's no cold wind blowing, and the lighting inside is good! We can practice at night. But we can really go in." ?"

Zhao Qiang also looked at Ma Siyu.

Ma Siyu took out a bunch of keys, shook them, made a ding-ding-dong-dong sound, and said, "There are keys!"

This is none other than the campus indoor basketball court "sponsored" by Ma Dongxi.

As a businessman, he will naturally not let go of any profit-making opportunity, even if the construction of this indoor basketball court has some twists and turns that are not common to outsiders. It has been agreed with the school that during the winter and summer vacations, this place will be closed, and Ma Dongxi can use it for some commercial purposes... such as opening a basketball class, holding a competition, etc.

Naturally, it is not a big benefit. Ma Dongxi naturally has some considerations in doing this. It is not to make a little money, but if there are any relatives and friends around him who want to do something related to basketball, he I can rely on this small resource to send out some trivial favors... Some resources used for simple favors may seem inconspicuous and insignificant, but they may be of great use in some critical moments. For example, a certain director I know wants to make a In-unit basketball games and so on...

Spend a small amount of money to do big things, spend a small amount of money to do many things. This is the experience gained from many years of business experience.

The basketball court is not yet complete. But with the capital injection from Ma Dongxi, it is indeed much faster, and it will probably be officially put into use by the end of this semester.

The three of them opened the door and walked in.

After all, it is a basketball venue for a junior high school, so it is naturally unlikely to use high standards... The floor area is a bit larger than the outdoor basketball court, but it is very limited. There are no stands designed, and there is a row of steel-framed plastics on the edge of the court. There are seats, but most of the space is empty... When the game is actually played, you have to stand on the sidelines of the court and watch the game.

The main reason is that the walls of the arena have not been decorated yet, but it does not affect its use. Ma Siyu is Ma Dongxi's niece, so they can come here in advance to train.

Zhao Qiang said excitedly: "It's so cool to play on this kind of venue."

The situation is like this in a small county. Currently, there is only one indoor basketball court in the county, and the fee is too high. Zhao Qiang cannot afford to play, and he has only played on the outdoor cement floor. Stepping on the solid wood floor, he jumped again. He thought that when playing in a place like this, the ball would be a little stickier.

Yi Yang said to Ma Siyu: "Thank you."

Ma Siyu just smiled and said, "I'm seeing you outside."

She likes to watch Yi Yang do things. When he was in elementary school, he saw Yi Yang wandering around the school doing nothing, but now he sees him studying hard, playing guitar, singing, and playing basketball... He feels that Yi Yang is a person with a complete soul. During this time together, she I even feel that I can identify the man I like, even if he wears the same style of school uniform, he is sexier.

Zhao Qiang said: "Let's start directly!"

Qiu Guoran asked Ma Siyu: "Do you also like basketball?"

Ma Siyu shook his head: "I just like to watch other people play basketball. I think basketball is an extension of boys' strength."

Qiu Sure enough said: "It is also an extension of women's power!"

Training started.

It's training, but it's still unstructured, just random shots, layups, and rebounds. Ma Siyu sat next to them, supporting his chin with his hand to watch them play, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

After a while, Qiu Guo showed a dissatisfied expression and stopped. Zhao Qiang passed the ball, but she didn't throw it, she just stood there.

Zhao Qiang asked: "What's wrong?"

Qiu Guoran shook his head: "That's wrong... This won't work..."

"What's not working?"

"Can't win..."

When Yi Yang heard this, his heart moved slightly...

When they agreed to team up with Qiu Guoran, he and Zhao Qiang probably had the same idea... and did not expect to drag Qiu Guoran to win the 3V3 game organized by the county.

Although it is said to be a county competition, most of the people in their age group in the county are from Qinghe Junior High School, and occasionally there are a few high school students who studied early...

It cannot be underestimated. Qinghe County is indeed a strong county in sports. There are many talented young people. In addition, the local government attaches great importance to this area from top to bottom, so there are indeed many people who are good at playing... It is not to belittle oneself. If it is If Zhao Qiang joins himself and recruits a teammate like Yao Dan, he still has a great chance of winning, but the two of them drag Qiu Guoran...

After all, she is a girl. In junior high school, boys who develop earlier can basically crush her in terms of strength and speed.

In a 3V3 game, this is probably a fatal injury.

Therefore, agreeing to Qiu Guoran was more of an entertainment mentality.

I didn't expect to win.

Qiu Guoran probably understood the mentality of the two of them. She bit her lower lip and said: "I don't care, we must win... You two, please be serious!"

Zhao Qiang smiled awkwardly, blinked, and looked at Yi Yang.

Yi Yang thought of other things. He thought that if Qiu Guo attached so much importance to this game, he might have other hidden reasons. But if you think about it a little, you can guess that the plot may be a bit cliché... Isn't his father from the Culture and Sports Bureau? Organizing this kind of competition must have something to do with him. So Qiu really signed up to participate, and with such determination to win, it probably had something to do with him.

But it’s not easy to ask now.

Yi Yang said: "Then let's work hard together and win this game."

"We must win!" Qiu Guoran stared at Yi Yang seriously.

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