Luo Bing's words left many people present speechless for a long time. The host was the first to react, "Well-founded analysis and calculation... So, let's see if the correct answer is B?"

The next moment, the "B" option on the big screen turned green.

"Answer~completely correct!"

After listening to Luo Bing's analysis, seeing this ending now, there is no surprise.

Yi Yang smiled lightly.

Take Luo Bing with you. Even if you don't get first place in this kind of knowledge competition, you probably won't perform badly in the process. Thinking this way, I felt more relaxed. Of course, Luo Luoyue didn't act so indifferently. In her opinion, the three parties doing the questions together gave a sense of deja vu as if they were discussing swords in Mount Huashan. The first question was probably the first test of the three parties. No. 1 Middle School took the lead, but was still beaten by Luo Bing.

Now, in the first round of a small test, they are slightly better.

Yang Jia silently glanced at Luo Bing from afar. At this time, he had completely put away his contempt. This contempt was not only directed at Luo Bing, but also toward the entire first middle school students. At the same time, Gan Tian and Zhou Kang were silent for a moment, and their moods probably changed similarly to Yang Jia's.

This is indeed the case. Before arriving at this school, even though it was in the name of friendly exchanges. But in that kind of environment - the teacher would say when introducing it: "Communicate there, don't relax your studies, rely more on yourself..." The implication is that the teachers here are not very good. The classmates also looked envious: "Although your grades are not the best, but it is a dimensionality reduction attack over there... It's cool." In this kind of atmosphere, whether they like it or not, there will be some in their subconscious who look down on it. Here... no matter culture, sports, or literature and art.

In the first few days after arriving here, I kept telling myself that I couldn't look down on others, and then I met Yi Yang in the process and was taught a lesson. After playing basketball with them, I have roughly understood that no matter how good they study, the physical fitness of the students in this school is at least very good, which shows that there is always something to be said for it.

Then, it was Luo Bing's performance that really shocked them.

It is indeed shocking.

They wouldn't be surprised if the top experts in their school could analyze how to solve this problem in an understatement. Every year in No. 1 Middle School, there are some great masters who cannot be understood by common sense...the grade-skipping madman, the competition master, the junior high school class...but this is Qinghe Junior High School.

In Qinghe County, it takes nearly four hours to drive to the provincial capital. During this period, there is a section of road that has no expressway and is dilapidated and full of potholes as you drive further west. The scenery along the road cannot be said to be very beautiful, because in winter, most places are relatively desolate, and a certain section of the countryside with residents does not have the beautiful pastoral scenery as imagined. There is a car parked in front of some farmers' houses. A broken tractor, or a dog chasing a chicken at the door...

The urban area is not that good, there are no interesting buildings, and the house with the highest floor is probably just an ancient tower on the edge of the county town. Small, too small. This county is so small that it makes people laugh. There is only one junior high school in a county. This is the best evidence... I heard that more people are leaving the country every year. Even if they go to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen to work, they are not willing to do so. Stay here.

And in such a school, there was a guy of similar age who calmly spit out words like "ipv4" and "binary" that even sounded high-class to them...

It seems like knowledge that can only be accessed in college, right?

Zhou Kang suddenly asked: "By the way...what's that person's name...Luo Bing, why do you think this name looks familiar?"

Gantian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered: "That...that first place?"

The game continues.

"Second question, which of the following painters is famous for his shrimp paintings?"

"A, Xu Beihong."


The second question was not a difficult question. Luo Luoyue started to answer it like a wooden fish, but strangely, Yuan Hua snatched it away. At this time, Yuan Hua put away his previous high school expression, answered the questions seriously, and successfully scored 2 points.

The No. 1 Middle School representative team over there was completely silent. They had completely regarded their opponents as top students like themselves. They finally began to understand that perhaps 95% of the students in Qinghe Junior High School could not catch up with the average level of No. 1 Middle School, but the best students in this school could compete with them.

Next, the game got even more exciting.

The No. 1 Middle School representative team calmed down and responded calmly. When each question appeared, they immediately judged whether they could do it. If they could, they pulled Yang Jia, who was sitting in the middle, to press the sensor. After all, they are top students from No. 1 Middle School in the provincial capital. They may not be as good as Luo Bing in some physical and chemical knowledge, but in this knowledge competition, physics and chemistry only account for a small proportion...Humanities, history, social cutting-edge information, the topics cover The field of information is very broad. After all, they are people from big cities. They have access to much more information than the students here in Qinghe. The advantage of poor information has turned into a competitive advantage after a few rounds.

The three of them are among the top three or five in Qinghe Junior High School!

Tianlong Babu and Team K gradually fell into a disadvantage in this competition.

Time passed very quickly. Half of the originally planned three hours for this knowledge contest had passed, and the number of questions had reached 30. Yuan Hua’s K team was also completely widened. The 4 people below K team on the big screen It looks particularly dazzling. Taking the absolute lead was the No. 1 Middle School team with 32 points and Tianlongba team with 24 points.

The protagonists of this duel have completely become the Tianlong Eighth Army and the No.1 Middle School representative team. But so far, Tian Long Ba Bu has lost points but not lost momentum. The momentum required for this kind of competition is naturally different from that of sports competitions. The calmer and calmer one is, the more convincing the aura is. When encountering some very high-level topics, especially those in physics and chemistry, Luo Bing stood up every time and talked. His speech was slow and his voice was not loud, but he was full of power.

As home spectators, the Qinghe students below naturally supported their team without reservation. Gradually, the significance of this game is no longer a simple knowledge contest, but also a battle to defend the dignity of Qinghe Junior High School. So Luo Bing, Yi Yang and Luo Luoyue turned into a symbol in their eyes, just like watching the Chinese football team...ah, just like watching the Chinese ice hockey team against Italy. No matter how China performs, they will cheer for them unconditionally. .

It’s a simple sense of home.

Ning Zhixin and Qiu Sure enough were sitting together, and beside them were a bunch of friends such as Zhou Zhi, Zhang Bushou, Zhao Qiang, etc.

Zhang Bushou said: "I thought those in No. 1 Middle School were so powerful, but in the end they still had trouble with us..."

This feeling is like the back-and-forth between the American men's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team.

Zhao Qiang said: "Fortunately, there is Luo Bing."


The competition is getting more and more intense. Luo Bing performed very well, and his knowledge, especially the knowledge reserve related to cutting-edge technology, is impressive. This has a lot to do with the fact that he has been reading some cutting-edge scientific and technological journals all year round. Although his knowledge is not deep, as long as it is involved, he can answer... Some questions can be guessed through a little logical analysis based on the known knowledge. Seven, seven, eight, eight.

But still lagging behind.

During this process, Yi Yang basically just spent a second or two thinking clearly after the question appeared on the big screen... well, it was a question he didn't know how to do, and then he sat there silently.

He really didn't contribute much in this process.

In fact, it shouldn't have been like this. Before the game, he thought that because he had lived for 28 more years and had the advantage of knowing some things about the future, it would not be like this... But in this kind of encyclopedia game, luck also accounts for the power of victory. A huge portion.

I should attribute part of the reason for my lack of participation to luck. I silently calculated that among the previous questions, there were about a dozen questions related to physical and chemical knowledge, and then there was the knowledge of human geography. Of course, not everyone can answer it, but if he can answer it, everyone can usually answer it. If you rush to answer, you may not be able to grab it. If you grab it, it doesn't matter whether you are the one who speaks on behalf of you.

Therefore, although most of the competition topics have passed, there has not been a single speech yet.

At this time, there is no way to break the deadlock.

Speaking of which, this kind of competition still has a bit of metaphysics in it. The winner may be stronger in terms of experience, knowledge reserves, etc., but it will not be particularly absolute. The most intuitive example is that it is very likely that your knowledge level is 10, and your opponent's knowledge level is 2. It happens to be bad, and the questions are always within the range of "2"...

But generally speaking, Yi Yang doesn't care too much about the outcome of this knowledge competition.

It's just a knowledge contest.

Yi Yang was waiting patiently. There would always be some questions that he could answer but others couldn't.

The scores keep changing.

As the questions continue to be updated, the audience below is also paying attention carefully. From time to time, some people say: "Oh...choose B, choose can't even solve such a simple question." I don’t know most of the questions, but occasionally there are one or two questions, maybe I saw them on TV, or I saw fragments in a story or novel, and they turned into a little knowledge and stored it in In my mind, I happened to encounter this, and I excitedly showed to the people next to me: "Look, I can do it!" There is also an implicit subconscious: Look, I am as good as the people on the stage.

After all, this is junior high school, and most people are still noisy.

As the latter part of the game began, Luo Bing spoke less and less... Just as Yi Yang expected, it was impossible for anyone to be able to answer the questions all the time. Luo Bing has already performed very dazzlingly. He can calmly answer many of the "high-level" questions in front of him, but starting from a certain question, it turns into a rather curious piece of trivia. For example, "Among the following peppers, the hottest one is: A, Indian devil pepper. B,..." "Among the following animals, the ones that have 7 cervical vertebrae like humans are, A, giraffe, B, lion..."

Luo Bing didn't know the answer. He could only look at Luo Luoyue and Yi Yang.

Unfortunately, Yi Yang and Luo Luoyue couldn't answer several questions in a row.

During this process, it seemed that these questions hit Yuan Hua's knowledge bowl. Whenever the 10-second countdown ended, he quickly pressed the sensor and answered the questions. As their K team's score gradually increased, they were getting closer and closer to the second place. The famous Tian Long Ba Troop, the smile on his face became more and more crazier. Every time he answered a question correctly, he looked at Luo Bing.

Gan Tian has been observing Yi Yang consciously or unconsciously, and has not answered the questions, so she feels relieved inexplicably... To be more specific, she feels that Yi Yang finally behaves like a... well, little kid Students from the county seat.

In fact, it was quite contradictory. On the one hand, I was still shocked that Yi Yang had finished playing basketball and was on the stage of the knowledge competition again, and there was still a secret throbbing in my heart. But on the other hand, I hope that he should not be a boy who is good at both culture and sports. If we are looking for a similar psychology, it may be similar to: after falling in love with the campus beauty, I imagine that she has some shortcomings such as a scar on her back, a poor family, etc. It is even better to have a lower self-esteem...

While Gan Tian was in a daze, Yi Yang suddenly started answering questions continuously.

Finally, he hit his area of ​​expertise.

One is, "I want all my military officials to study in order to understand the Tao." Which emperor said this?

I just happened to read historical journals for a period of time, and I happened to know this knowledge point. Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin started emphasizing literature and restraining martial arts, mainly because he was afraid that his drama of wearing a yellow robe would be copied by his brothers. While everyone was still stunned, he answered successfully and scored 2 points.

Then there was another question about cars. Four niche car logos appeared on the screen, asking them to choose which brand was produced in Italy... This is indeed a rather outrageous piece of trivia for junior high school students. But for Yi Yang...

After winning two questions in a row, we finally entered the exciting 4-point question. The score at this time is still a little behind the No. 1 Middle School representative team, but not big. If we work hard in the fourth division, we have a chance to overtake. Surprisingly Team K also caught up.

But the start was unfavorable. The first two 4-point questions were both won by the No. 1 Middle School team, and the point difference suddenly reached 16 points!

For a moment, the audience below was silent. It seemed... that there was no hope of a comeback.

At this moment, Luo Luoyue stood up and answered three 4-point questions correctly in a row, bringing the score even closer to 4 points in an instant!

The audience's emotions were on a roller coaster.

Qiu Guoran looked at Luo Luoyue. Her eyes were firm on the stage, and her words were confident as she answered the questions, as if she was shining. Qiu Guoran suddenly said: "Luo Luoyue is so handsome..."

Ning Zhixin glanced at Qiu Guoran with a strange expression...

Qiu Guoran asked: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Ning Zhixin said: "Well...she said exactly the same thing last time when you played basketball, and she also said you are handsome."

Qiu Guoran's eyes rounded slightly, and he actually blushed: "Uh, really..."

There were many suspense and climaxes. The host did not forget to add fuel to the fire and suddenly said: "The first to third place in the competition will receive rewards of 500, 300 and 200 yuan respectively! So which team can win tonight?" Our highest reward is 500 yuan! Also, if there is a tie, the top two will be counted as first place, and the bottom two will be counted as third place!"

When it came to the last question, a very dramatic scene happened.

The scores of the three teams became a 2-point arithmetic sequence, followed by the representative team of No. 1 Middle School, Tianlong Babu and Team K.

And the topic is:

"Which of the following Chinese companies was named one of the ten most influential companies in the world by Business Week this year?"

"A, Changhong."

"B, Huawei."

"C, BYD."

"D, Gree."

The following began to discuss in a low voice.

"It should be...Changhong, right? BYD's cars are terrible. Gree, it shouldn't be Changhong. Huawei, I've never heard of this brand..."

"I think it should be Gree. I heard that Gree's core technology is still very strong."

At that time, Huawei was still a communications company, and most junior high school students had never even heard of the name Huawei. Occasionally, someone remembers that they seem to have seen this off-brand mobile's not that good.

Luo Luoyue asked Luo Bing: "Do you know?"

Luo Bing frowned and shook his head.

Luo Luoyue asked Yi Yang again: "What about you?"

Yi Yang said: "I don't know which one it is...but I know how to choose this question."

Luo Luoyue thought for a while: "What are you talking about? If you don't know, you don't know. If you want me to see it... Otherwise, if you don't answer the question, you can at least get second place. I don't think Yuan Hua and the others will." We know the answer. But if we force the answer and get it wrong, then we will fall to third place and be tied with Yuan Hua and his class."

Yi Yang said: "Believe me, I know what to choose!"

After the 10-second countdown ended, Yi Yang pressed the sensor so quickly that Luo Luoyue and Luo Bing didn't react.

Luo Luoyue was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "Forget it, let you fool around, at worst we will lose together."

Luo Bing also smiled and said nothing.

Neither Yuan Hua over there nor the representative team of No. 1 Middle School obviously knew the answer to this question. Everyone looked at Yi Yang nervously.

"Then tell me your answer!"

Yi Yang said: "I choose B, Huawei."

The host showed no expression and asked: "Huawei...well, do you know this company? Why did you choose this answer?"

Yi Yang thought for a while and said with a smile: "Well, I don't know this brand. I just like this name better. Zhonghua Youwei. Other brands don't sound good..."

"It doesn't sound good..." These three words were like the sound of a bell, ringing in everyone's heads.

The audience and even the school leaders were stunned.

The host was stunned for a full three seconds. It was no exaggeration at all. In the first two seconds, her mind should have been blank. In the next second, she began to think about how to respond.

"Are you...sure?"

At the same time, Luo Luoyue opened her mouth slightly and looked at Yi Yang with wide eyes, suddenly wanting to strangle him to death... That look in her eyes seemed to say: "You pay our 100 yuan!"

Luo Bing was also startled and looked at Yi Yang doubtfully, but felt that this guy would not be so unreasonable.

It's quite interesting to see everyone's surprised expressions.

Very cool.

Yi Yang said with that innocent expression: "I'm sure... I won't change it, just choose this one, Huawei."

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