I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 141 Gone in the Ditch【5.5K】

When the working group from No. 1 Middle School left, it was just like they came, without any fanfare. Come quietly, leave quietly. A summary meeting was held, and a group of school leaders from Qinghe Junior High School participated. It was also a small meeting. What was rare was that three exchange students from No. 1 Middle School also participated. At the meeting, Director Wu highly affirmed Qinghe Junior High School’s thorough organization of this exchange, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to Qinghe School for its various life and work guarantees over the past week...

But Yi Yang didn't know about these things. I don’t even know when Gan Tian and the others left.

It's over.

The days will probably return to the same rhythm as before.

But before that, it’s worth celebrating.

New Year's Day is here.

This is the first New Year's Day and the first turn of the year in this era.

We all had two days off, but the atmosphere on the street was not exactly warm. For the Chinese, is New Year's Day a calendar festival, or a lunar calendar festival that is more enjoyable to celebrate? Even Yi Yang feels that New Year's Day is just a change in numbers, not a real celebration of the New Year.

In the early morning, Yi Yang came back from reading vocabulary outside, and grandma said, "Let's go to the second uncle's house today."

For the elderly, when such an important festival comes, they hope that their families can get together. So I started to prepare some things. A few days ago, grandma steamed a lot of steamed buns at home. This time she brought some for the second child. They are the closest relatives, but that doesn't mean that they will always be so close without moving together. Grandma knows this truth very well. After all, they are separated families. If the two families have a good relationship, there must always be a bond. She thought that as long as she was alive for one more day, she would have to create such a bond.

Before leaving, grandma suddenly asked: "By the way, I haven't seen that girl Yue'e for a long time. Is she going back for New Year's Day?"

Yi Yang's heart moved slightly.

All in all, I haven't seen Zhao Yue'e for a long time since the last midterm. We agreed to have dinner together before school started, but then we got busy. She was busy, and so were we. There was always not enough time for both parties, so we agreed to let things go.

When grandma asked, Yi Yang said, "I'll call and ask their dormitory teacher..."

After a while, Yi Yang sighed and said, "She's still at school."

Grandma frowned and said, "Why are you still in school? There aren't many people in the school, right?"

"Well, she seems to be the only one left in their dormitory."


"I asked, and it seems that her parents have not returned to Qinghe, so they don't want to go back."

"This child...his parents are always working outside. It's pitiful..." Grandma sighed, "Let's go pick her up and let her go to the second child's house with us. On New Year's Day, she is alone in the dormitory. Alas, one day Thinking of this, my heart is filled with panic."

After all, Zhao Yue'e is Zhao Jinhua's niece. After all, the relationship between Yi Yang and his family is as close as the relationship between Zhao Yue'e and his family.

Yi Yang nodded: "Yes, and we have to go to school to pick her up."

The dormitory teacher also said something else...

When they arrived at school, Zhao Yue'e was lying on the bed, her face not looking good. The moment she saw Yi Yang, her face suddenly turned red, but because her complexion was not good, the blush looked unnatural.

Having already agreed on the phone, Zhao Yue'e got up.

It's that one again...but this time the situation is a bit more special.

Yi Yang asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Yue'e smiled: "It's nothing, let's go."

Along the way, Zhao Yue'e seemed absent-minded. She secretly observed Yi Yang, but luckily she didn't notice. There are some worries that cannot be communicated to others.

When she got her period for the first time, she bought a pack of not-so-cheap sanitary napkins because Yi Yang was there, but that was not her life.

When I came for the second time, I was at home, and my mother was also at home. Her mother took out a roll of red toilet paper and told her how to fold it, how thick it should be on the days when the volume was largest, and how to fold it so that it wouldn't get soaked easily. For the second time, you can remove the two ends of the paper that are not stained and fold them inside for the next time...

That's how mom got here.

Zhao Yue'e was silent for a long time, and then silently learned how her mother taught her to fold toilet paper and put it on herself in the dry toilet at home.

After returning to school, when her period came, she was too embarrassed to go to the bathroom. No matter how strong a person is, they will have low self-esteem in this regard. Gradually, I became afraid of menstruation, because it is not only physical torture, but also psychological torture. Therefore, it is difficult to calm down and study. The toilet paper always didn't stay where it was supposed to be. She could only hope that it wouldn't get wet... and she was called out by the teacher for being distracted. One night, the amount was so large that no one was spared, including underwear and long johns.

At this time, I was walking behind Yi Yang. I was terrified all the way, for fear that the stack of toilet paper would go somewhere it shouldn't go...

Zhao Yue'e was picked up, but Yi Yang always felt that there was something wrong with her demeanor. This involved a double blind spot in his experience and knowledge, and he was puzzled.

Arrive at home first.

Zhao Yue'e's strange behavior was discovered by her grandma. Naturally, grandma could see some clues at a glance, so she pulled Zhao Yue'e to ask some things, she couldn't hide it. Later, grandma called Yi Yang over and said something in his ear. Yi Yang was startled and nodded: "I understand, grandma."

This matter was something Zhao Yue'e was ashamed to talk about, so grandma's explanation to Yi Yang was naturally done in secret. Before setting off for Yanzi Township, Yi Yang came back dusty and dusty, with a few snowflakes still stuck to his head. He carried a big black plastic bag, which really surprised grandma.

Grandma pulled Yi Yang aside. When she opened the plastic bag, there were several large packages of twenty-piece sanitary napkins inside. She shook it and counted hundreds of sanitary napkins. Grandma was stunned for a long time and then hit her grandson. His head clicked: "Did you buy so much?"

Yi Yang said: "It won't expire anyway, it's always useful."

I'll leave the rest to grandma. He carried his things downstairs, and the snow began to fall again. Looking at the little ice crystals floating down from the top of his head, he sighed softly.

It's unbelievable. In other words, I really didn’t expect that in this day and age, there are still girls who are distressed because they can’t afford sanitary napkins. If grandma hadn't discovered it carefully, little Yue'e would probably have been... very uncomfortable during this trip.

After waiting downstairs for a while, grandma and Zhao Yuee came down together.

At this time, Zhao Yue'e's face had become much normal. She glanced at Yi Yang, lowered her head in embarrassment, then raised her head again, and said seriously: "Thank you, Yi Yang..."

Yi Yang smiled, said nothing, and went over to take what Zhao Yue'e was holding.

But the little girl shook her head firmly: "No, no, it's not heavy, just a few exercise books."

Yi Yang said: "Just because it's not heavy, it doesn't matter if I hold it. You can just chat with grandma for a while."

Grandma also said: "Let Yangyang take it."

Zhao Yue'e couldn't resist Yi Yang, so she had to give everything to Yi Yang. The three of them walked towards the direction of the driver together. Zhao Yue'e held her grandma's arm, and Yi Yang stood behind carrying two bags of things, leaving a row of footprints on the snow...


There is also snow in some places on the road. Where the sun does not shine, some sections of the road are covered with dark ice that is the same color as the road. In fact, the wheels on the newly fallen snow will not slip much, but if the car travels a lot, the snow will be compacted, and it will produce an effect comparable to that of a ski resort.

Yi Yang pointed to the ice strips on a section of the road and gave Zhao Yue'e some popular science: "Generally when heavy trucks pass by, the water will drip on the road. In this kind of weather, it won't take long for the water to freeze before it dries. Dark ice is the origin of dark ice. Dark ice is very dangerous, and inexperienced pilots can easily stumble on it..."

At this time, Zhao Yue'e had forgotten the unpleasantness about her period. She stretched her head and looked at the ice strips. The shuttle bus driver was very experienced. He gave a little direction and rode over it. The wheels would not touch the ice. Looking at this scene, she asked: "Why does the big car shed water..."

"There is a big difference between a heavy truck and an ordinary car. Because its body is heavier. Anyone who has studied physics knows that the inertia of an object is related to its mass. A car that is too heavy has strong gravitational potential energy. Slowing down relies on friction. Yes, a big car needs more friction when decelerating, and friction will generate a lot of heat... A small car can dissipate heat by blowing the air, but a big truck must use water to cool down. Why? Water is needed, because water has the highest specific heat capacity... Every big truck has a large water tank, and you will see some places where trucks add water, which is used to cool the brake discs."

Zhao Yue'e was silent for a while, then suddenly looked back at Yi Yang. She was stunned for a long time, and then said quietly: "Inertia, friction, specific heat, I'm so angry... I haven't studied physics yet."

In fact, this part of knowledge is not covered in the first volume of the second grade of junior high school. But after all, they have learned it in advance. Physics is a subject that boys are easily interested in. One big reason is that physics in junior high school can explain almost all phenomena in life. Some phenomena are meaningless. For example, before Watt improved the steam engine, he was not the only person who had seen steam boiling a kettle. But it would be very interesting to think about the physical principles behind it. Just like the thing in front of me...

Yi Yang believes that this kind of thinking habit will play a great role in his future life and study. To put it even more utilitarian, if you discover a problem, then explore the root of the problem, and then come up with a solution to the root of the problem, it may be a fortune.

And not just in physics. For example, if you discover discomfort in your cervical spine, explore the root cause of the discomfort, and then invent a targeted device, this device will hopefully be sold to people with the same problem and make money.

Unknowingly, Yi Yang found that he had grown so much. He smiled and said: "Hey... I am senior to you, let me show off in front of you."

This was a "show off" that made Zhao Yue'e feel very comfortable. She smiled and continued to look out the window.

Because of the snow on the road, the driver drove much slower than usual. It took longer than usual to arrive at Yanzi Township. Zhao Yue'e and grandma had already fallen asleep. He didn't sleep, and kept looking out the window silently, admiring the scenery. Just entering the area of ​​Yanzi Township, you can still vaguely see the traces left by the autumn that just passed. The corn stalks on both sides of the road have been packed away in bundles, and a few lonely yellow leaves are still hanging on the persimmon trees. I don’t want the fallen leaves to return to their roots... Suddenly, Yi Yang frowned and suddenly said: "Master, get off the car right here!"

The driver slowed down slowly, stopped slowly after a few seconds, pulled the handbrake, looked back at Yi Yang strangely, and said nothing.

Yi Yang woke up Zhao Yue'e and grandma and said, "We have to get out of the car."

Grandma looked at the scene outside the car window and said strangely: "What's wrong?"

Yi Yang said: "Well... we have to walk a while."

"A short walk?"

This place is already within the scope of Yanzi Township, and it is not far from the second uncle's house. Grandma didn't ask why, she just followed Yi Yang out of the car silently, and Zhao Yue'e naturally didn't say anything.

Because of the brake lag, the three of them got out of the car and walked back a little before reaching the place where Yi Yang asked to stop.

The reason for getting off the bus here was that Yi Yang knew that his second uncle should be nearby.

I didn't see my second uncle, but I saw a Wuling Hongguang mini truck. It is a kind of mini truck. It is said to be a truck, but it is actually similar to a van, except that the back is made into a cargo compartment.

The right front wheel of the pickup fell into the gutter next to the road.

Yi Yang sighed. The car didn't turn on the double flashers, and there wasn't a warning sign near the road. There was nothing we could do... In this era, some local management loopholes mean that a driver's license can still be bought for a few hundred yuan. My second uncle had driven a tractor before, so he immediately started driving this car. He didn’t understand many things...

This was a new car, but Yi Yang recognized it at a glance. It belonged to his second uncle. This car only costs RMB 40,000 to RMB 50,000, but it will accompany my second uncle for many years. As the income from the pepper garden becomes stable, the economic conditions of the second uncle's family are getting better and better. It seems that they have contracted another piece of land this year and planted cherry trees. There is also a vegetable garden behind the house where they can grow some vegetables. What I couldn't finish was taken to the county town to be sold, so I gritted my teeth and bought a car. Buying this car is a good decision. Even if you don't sell the vegetables you grow, you can collect some vegetables from the villagers and sell them in the county town, and you can make a profit from the price difference.

The key is that it really makes life a lot more convenient.

Yi Yang touched the car and was filled with emotion for a while. It is still a very healthy car, and my second uncle also cherishes it, but it cannot withstand the erosion of the years. Later, he repaired it many times, until the paint on the front was almost peeled off, but as long as the car can pass the inspection, The second uncle is not willing to replace it.

Grandma said: "Don't touch other people's cars..."

Yi Yang was slightly startled, looked at grandma, and smiled. I couldn't help but think of some bad things... Because of my naughty behavior, grandma never had the chance to see the car. Putting these unpleasant things out of his mind, he searched the car with his eyes, and then confidently said: "This should be the second uncle's car."

Grandma was startled: "Second brother's car?"

Yi Yang pointed to a Chinese knot hanging on the rearview mirror of the car and said, "This, you made it up for your second uncle last time, do you remember?"

Grandma looked at it blankly and said, "It seems..."

Zhao Yue'e's eyes were very strange, thinking to herself, how did you see such a small thing on the bus?

Some of the cars were definitely the second uncle's. Before grandma could be happy that her second uncle had bought a car, she fell into anxiety again... It was obvious that the car had driven into a ditch. She didn't know whether this was a serious matter, so she walked to the edge of the drainage ditch and took a look. It was about one meter deep, and the wheels were completely suspended.

"What to do about this?"

Yi Yang smiled: "It doesn't matter. It's quite simple to figure it out."

I just don’t know where my second uncle has gone. I don’t have the car key and can’t start the ignition. While he was thinking this, the withered and yellow field next to him was crowded with people. Yi Yang's eyes moved and he saw his second uncle carrying a few big rocks out.

Seeing the embarrassment of the second uncle, grandma and Yi Yang were stunned.

When Yi San saw his mother and nephew, he was also stunned, "Why are you here?"

Yi Yang said, "I saw your car."

Yi San threw a few stones into the ditch and said, "How did you know this was my car?"

Yi Yang smiled and said nothing, and just asked: "Why did it end up in the ditch?"

Yi San sighed: "Oh... the snow is slippery..."

Yiyang probably felt the same way. After all, it was not a tractor. The tread on the tires was very shallow and not anti-skid. Novice drivers tend to panic when the snow slips, slamming on the brakes and steering wheel, causing the car to completely lose grip.

Yi San patted the dust on his hands and said, "You are here just in time. Come and move the rocks with me."

Yi Yang asked: "What are you doing moving rocks?"

Yi San said: "Of course... get under it and drive the car out."

Yi Yang looked at the tire and saw that it was sixty or seventy centimeters in the air. It would be exhausting to fill it up enough to drive the car out. Shaking his head: "No need to bother. A small stone will do."

Yi San frowned, "A small stone?"

Yi Yang said: "Uncle, trust me and give me the car keys."

Yi San shook his head, "How can this be done? You..."


Yi Yang sighed. He knew that as a minor, there was no trace of him touching a car in his second uncle's memory at this time. As long as he is a normal person, he will definitely not give him the car keys. After thinking about it, he lied: "I can drive. I have a teacher. She often takes me to the open space outside the county seat to drive and play. I have also encountered this kind of situation. If you don't believe me, ask grandma."

Grandma blinked, "Ask me?"

Yi Yang said: "Grandma, do you know Teacher Jiang Lili..."

"Uh, I know..."

Grandma said she knew, so of course she knew there was such a person, but Yi Yang immediately followed grandma's words and said to his second uncle: "Look, if grandma proves it, you can believe it."

Before the old man could catch up with his thinking, Yi Yang had already taken off the car key from his second uncle's waist without any explanation, and said: "This kind of thing is very simple. Second uncle, please take care of it..."

Zhao Yue'e squatted down and stared at Yi Yang's sexy moves with wide eyes.

"If the right wheel like this fell into the ditch and is hanging in the air, all you need to do is put a stone in the gap between the wheel and the curb..." He said this as he did so.

Then Yi Yang climbed up and quickly got into the car. After a while, the car started and shook slightly.

The second uncle's eyes widened, and he kept scanning Yi Yang's body, and said very nervously: "You, please slow down..."

Yi Yang rolled down the window and said, "It's already filled with rocks. Put the reverse gear on. We just need to turn the steering wheel full to the right..."

Suddenly, the wheels started to rotate "buzzingly", and the stuck stone was cushioned. The car moved back a little, and the rear side of the tire just touched the curb. Yiyang gave the gas again, and the car came up.

After watching Yi Yang's operation, Yi San was stunned.

Yi Yang stuck his head out and said, "Get in the car."

Yi San came to his senses, walked over, and patted the car door, meaning to let Yi Yang get down.

Yi Yang said: "Second uncle, you just drove and your skills are not good. There is still a little snow on the way back. I'll do it, I'll do it..."

After saying this, Yi Yang saw that his second uncle was silent for a while...

Then he kicked him off.

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