The re-employment of retired comrade Lu Weidong with an annual salary of one million is indeed news in itself. In fact, in addition to the TV stations and media that Boss Zhang paid for, some media units related to important ministries have also contacted Zhang Haonan and are preparing to do something. An exclusive interview.

CCTV’s Science and Technology Youth Farming Battle Channel also contacted the publicity departments of Liangjiang Province and Suzhou City to prepare an interview with agricultural figures in September.

The topic is very topical. Firstly, Zhang Haonan is only nineteen years old, and secondly, Lu Weidong is sixty-one years old. It is okay to say that there is a difference of two generations.

Normally, an entrepreneur of Lu Weidong's age recruits the talented young man Zhang Haonan, and then the story becomes famous, but now it's reversed, how can it not be shocking?

It's just that Boss Zhang is not interested in his appearance in the media, so the matter is still being discussed.

CCTV is relatively strong and wants to conduct this interview. I don’t know if there are any internal KPIs. Anyway, Liangjiang Province communicated with Zhang Haonan and said that they will not publicize their age. This can be guaranteed.

But it’s hard to tell. After all, the credibility of media outlets is generally quite low. Even if it’s a major newspaper, if there’s something wrong with ideological research, it’s just a second-rate media outlet.

At Lu Weidong's "re-employment meeting", in front of a group of "academic" officials, Zhang Haonan only praised Lu Weidong's professionalism and efficiency at work, and the branding of time-honored brands in various provinces. He did it right away, which made Lu Weidong happy. .

Yes, yes, that's it, these are just a little bit of work that I did.


No matter how much he did in the past, it was just a dowry for others, and he had a lot of nice words. When he retires, how many people will remember him?

At this age, he is aware but also unwilling.

It’s a complicated mentality, but it’s also human nature.

Lu Weidong did not underestimate Zhang Haonan. Zhang Haonan's recent pursuit and killing of Rong Xiaoping was so fierce that everyone in the small circles of Gusu, Liangxi, and Songjiang knew about it.

This Shacheng local dog was completely rabid, which made Rong Xiaoping so embarrassed that he didn't even have the courage to run away to Xiangjiang for refuge.

Because Zhang Haonan spread the word, he prepared the Victoria Bay Business Seat in Xiangjiang to entertain Mr. Rong. The Dragon King of Nanhai invited guests to dinner. As long as Mr. Rong went there, he would be an honored guest.

What does youthfulness mean? !

This is youthful energy!

In the affairs of the world, it is important to bully the old but not the young. Jiankang's local bureaucrats did not expect that the previous small conflict over the "Zijin" electric car would cause such big twists and turns.

I thought that the previous spats between local media and their dominance had come to an end, but it turned out to be just an ellipsis.

Boss Zhang is awesome.

Such a macho man is so polite to him. He can show off in appropriate situations, but that doesn't mean he can show off all the time. Lu Weidong is not thirteen o'clock and has a clear mind.

Sixty-one years old is not gained by eating chaff.

"Mr. Zhang, in terms of brand building, I hope that my outdated experience can provide you with a little help in the new century. I also hope that I can use my remaining energy in my lifetime."

Lu Weidong toasted Zhang Haonan with a glass of mediocre local rice wine. Because most of the guests were older people, and Lu Weidong himself didn't like wine, he served rice wine in the end.

You don’t need to drink all the rice wine in one go, you just need to take a sip. Most of the people here are hanging out in Liangjiang Province, and they all know that this is not disrespectful. They drank in their own cups, and then talked about the current situation of "Daqiao Food" Quotes and future plans.

Among them, Guangling City Mayor Su Runzhong and Vice Mayor Zhu Yuejin were extremely curious. They thought Zhang Haonan was just the chairman of "Shacheng Food", but they did not expect that there was also "Daqiao Food".

Xu Zhentao, the current mayor of Daqiao Town, who has an inseparable relationship with the establishment of "Daqiao Food", sits in the corner and dare not bark at the dog.

Damn it, there are so many officials and scholars, aren’t they making trouble?

Director Xu glanced at Zhang Haonan's table eagerly. Zhang Haonan arranged for him to sit there, but in the end he refused and threatened that sooner or later, he would sit at that table based on his own ability.

Even if you are just accompanying the last person, you are still a member of the audience.

A man who grows up between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time under others?

Quit drinking!

work overtime!

"Mr. Lu, now 'Daqiao Food' has mainly integrated some assets in Daqiao Town. The current benefits are still good. The fruit canning factory should expand production this year. It will not be a problem for the number of employees to exceed 500 this year. Customers in Western and Northern Europe, It has stabilized now, but the problem is still the same. There is basically no brand recognition. Some of them are like canned pineapples and citrus, mainly OEM..."

After briefly talking about the current situation, market conditions and even profits, Lu Weidong was not surprised that Zhang Haonan's profits in export trade exceeded 100%. Of course, for Su Runzhong and Zhu Yuejin, this is also okay? !

But what they don't know is that Zhang Haonan's cannery and his rubber shoe factory complement each other. Wherever shoes are needed, canned goods are sold, and the initiative does not lie with him.

He also did not send a European market specialist, nor did he plan to design this position.

Domestic sales profit margin is a bit low, but it averages 35%.

While talking about this, Wang Aihong, who was here, also talked to Lu Weidong about product classification and upstream and downstream issues. When Wang Aihong said that "Daqiao Food" has its own canning factory, Lu Weidong was shocked. This means that he does everything himself. ah.

From a business point of view, one cannot bite off more than one can chew, but Lu Weidong has never looked at problems this way. When he was building a local time-honored donkey meat brand in northern Hebei, the biggest reason why he couldn't compete with Jinmen when the signboard was settled locally was that Jinmen could transport goods from the Western Regions. Live donkey.

The train skin can be pulled at will, and there is nothing that can be done about it in Northern Hebei Province.

After all, to put it bluntly, one is that Northern Hebei Province itself has a low voice, and the other is that prefecture-level cities affiliated with Northern Hebei Province are fighting with municipalities like Jinmen. That is not called fighting each other, but it is called being beaten unilaterally.

Lu Weidong's great ability can only build the reputation of a time-honored brand first, and then determine the specifications of donkey meat products.

Again, he is engaged in product development, not administration, so he has crossed over into another industry.

However, not engaging in administration does not mean that Lu Weidong is a novice in personnel. He is not that stupid. It is just a kind of self-protection in his career.

Zhang Haonan spends one million a year to hire not just Lu Weidong, but also the connections Lu Weidong has accumulated over the years.

Even though Lu Weidong came to Shacheng alone, within a month at most, Lu Weidong would be able to gather his old departments and establish a complete product marketing and market public relations team.

He has traveled to too many places and got to know as many elites in the industry as crucian carp crossing the river. As long as Zhang Haonan doesn't care about money, he can get through the many barriers between governments and markets in many places.

Of course, outside of the food industry and government background, maybe he did have a bad idea, but it is obvious that this is impossible.

After discussing with Zhang Haonan and Wang Aihong, Lu Weidong was surprised to find that Wang Aihong still had an amazing aura.

"Caring entrepreneurs" may not be valuable, but the prerequisite is that the entrepreneur is intersex, but if they really do good things with love and are remembered by others, then they are very valuable.

A halo that cannot be exchanged for a lot of money.

But what shocked Lu Weidong the most was not that Wang Aihong took the title, but that Zhang Haonan actually took the initiative to give it to Wang Aihong.

A young man who is not afraid of "shocking the master with his great achievements".

The future generations are terrible.

The entire "Bridge Food" includes meat canneries, fruit canneries, canning plants, meat processing plants and many other factories as well as many farms, vegetable gardens, and fruit gardens. The total assets are not high, but in Daqiao Town definitely speaks the truth.

And is Daqiao Town just Daqiao Town?

It is also the Shacheng Modern Agricultural Development Zone. If it is upgraded to a provincial-level unit in the future, "Daqiao Food" will be completely different.

Lu Weidong saw far, but he never thought that Director Xu and Mr. Zhang who were not present were more ambitious than he thought.

provincial? !

What I want to do is make it a national demonstration zone!

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