I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 310 Madman, Kidney Deficiency

"Mr. Liu" is not young. He is almost fifty years old. He is almost the same age as the Republic of China. His old father once lived next door to the Air Force compound, so when "Mr. Liu" wrote essays when he was young, his quality was higher than that of Yu. Mr. Xiaolong Yu is much stronger.

When they met, Boss Zhang thought that the other party would show off, but he never expected that when the other party went out to greet him, he even kept his posture very low: "My dear Liu Yuanchao, Mr. Zhang is young and promising. Let's make friends." It’s like being a ‘friend for the whole year’.”

"You're looking for someone to keep an eye on me, do you think it's okay to just say a few nice words? I can give Mayor Wei face by having a good talk with you, but that doesn't mean I'm giving you face. I'm satisfied with my apology today, then Everything is easy to talk about and written off. If you are not satisfied, I will buy your life for 50 million, even if you hide in Zhongnanhai."


"What? Did you think I was going to tell you something? I really laughed. Do you really think I cherish my life and love my money? Whoever makes me unhappy, I will make anyone unhappy. I want twins, but you still have to give me sincerity. . Don’t let us wait and see. As long as you play the procrastination game now, I will kill you now, right here, and I will strangle you to death. If you don’t accept it, try it. Those idiots behind you don’t think they have a chance to save you. Get off you."


Zhang Haonan just stood in front of Liu Yuanchao. Liu Yuanchao made a miscalculation. Just as the bodyguard behind him was about to take a step forward, he was kicked over by Zhang Haonan. The man weighing more than 100 pounds could not withstand Zhang Haonan's kick.

This is the advantage of weight modeling...

Zhang Zhiqin, on the other hand, has already occupied his position. As long as Zhang Haonan gives the order, he will take action.

If Zhang Haonan wants to be shot, he will follow him.

The remaining brothers may be in jail for decades, but the money will not be small.

"So damn wild..."

"I'm not a fool. I don't know how high the sky is. That's why I chose to be so wild. People like you who grew up in a compound cannot play with state-owned laws. Only family rules... can prevent you from using them. Look at people through their nostrils.”

"I admit defeat."

Liu Yuanchao sighed, "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry. I, Liu Yuanchao, acted like a villain. I hope you can forgive me a lot and I will give you the compensation I deserve to express my apology."

"You're not good as a bodyguard."

Zhang Haonan swaggered in and glanced at the bodyguard who was kicked over. "What are you looking at? You will get the same result if you practice for another ten years, idiot. Be more alert when talking to your boss in the future. Never let your boss be completely exposed." In front of people.”


After Zhang Haonan entered the private room, Liu Yuanchao also came in.

This kid gave him such a arrogant blow, and the effect... was outstanding.

He never imagined that the meeting would be in such a format.

"Besides the land in the bonded zone, what else are you looking at?"

"The sea outside Yuzhou and the sea outside Gaodong County."

"No wonder..."

Most people may not think of it, but Zhang Haonan has done on-site inspections and has seen the reclamation project. An offshore terminal has been opened there. After the construction is completed, it will be okay to build an oil tank base.

The coastline of Liangjiang Province is extremely bad. It is full of muddy tidal flats. It is okay to engage in breeding, but it is really not okay to engage in port trade...

Yandu also wanted to build an offshore pier, and also tried to build an extended embankment, but the reason for the suspension of work was... lack of money.

This is where Jiankang takes advantage. Jiankang can use all ports and terminals in Liangjiang Province except along the Yangtze River in Suzhou.

Including but not limited to setting up special terminals in the name of Yangzi Petrochemical.

Therefore, if we want to carry out development projects along the rivers and coasts in Liangjiang Province, we cannot avoid the provincial capital. Liu Yuanchao is awesome, but the barking rights of dogs here in Jiankang have never been small.

Moreover, Liu Yuanchao's family mainly transferred from the army to the government, and had complicated entanglements with the Jiankang Military Region. If he came to show off, the elderly second generation in Jiankang would probably speak in authentic Jiankang dialect and complain about "Diao" "People come to Jiankang to be so arrogant." Then it's not about whose father is more cunning, but who can accurately read the policy pulse.

In short, what matters in the end is ability.

It is unrealistic to want to be the king and hegemony based solely on background connections. If that were the case, there would be no so many dynasty changes, and it would have been a long time ago that one lineage would last forever.

For Liu Yuanchao, Zhang Haonan's appearance was really... confusing.

First, Zhang Haonan inexplicably established a bunch of rural supply and marketing cooperatives along the rivers and coasts, and now Liangjiang Province is forcibly promoting the provincial "rural revitalization" project.

Although this project is still a draft, it has already been praised in the capital.

Especially for an old farmer from Liangjiang Province who has been retired for who knows how many years, how could he have no feelings for his hometown? This Liangjiang Provincial leadership team...can.

So in theory, bureaucrats can manipulate Zhang Haonan to do their own things, such as borrowing the "Shacheng Food" chicken to lay eggs on their own one-third of an acre.

Of course, the premise is that the "Liangjiang Province Rural Revitalization" project has a high degree of autonomy in local projects.


Whether a rural area is suitable or not is difficult for anyone to decide. Boss Zhang has already established very complete assessment standards within the company.

Scores are scored from multiple dimensions. In addition to local customs, economic foundation, natural endowments, historical issues, organizational relationship issues, etc., there are also the most common population composition and traffic conditions.

If it doesn't pass, it means it doesn't pass. It won't work for anyone who says hello. "Shacheng Food" has the qualifications and the strength to do this.

Your local government vetoes cooperation...will "Shacheng Food" suffer any losses?

There is no loss.

If you don't cooperate, you won't cooperate. Does Boss Zhang still have to bear the burden and move forward? It doesn't exist.

Therefore, the initiative lies with "Shacheng Food". It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a seller's market...

To be honest, Liu Yuanchao was really hungry for "Shacheng food", and he had not considered telling his old father: Dad, I want that "Shacheng food".

But... no.

Wei Gang is not dead yet.

And Wei Gang's poker, chess, and tea friends could settle old scores at any time and send his old father to the Peking Second Model Prison.

Is it okay to kill Zhang Haonan in secret?

Yes, but there is no use in killing Zhang Haonan. You have to kill Shacheng State-owned Assets Company together.

Therefore, Liu Yuanchao was very confused: Would any normal businessman take advantage of the situation to give money to the government?

Boss Zhang said that it didn’t matter. If he changed his skin and officially came to power, making legal political donations and forming a legal lobbying group, then as a "new money", he would conscientiously and honestly put the "old money" in the dock. .

But it's a pity that they can only continue to wear whatever skin they have now, even if they pinch their noses.

Faced with the shady unspoken rules and boss Zhang’s overt operations, what can you do?

What is conspiracy?

If I tell you to do it, then you will definitely do it, and you can't stop me from doing it.

So Liu Yuanchao was greedy, but he was not as brainless as a "little brother" like Rong Xiaoping.

Secondly, what troubles Liu Yuanchao even more is that because Zhang Haonan has such a clean background, the government, as an emotionless machine, especially likes to cooperate with him.

Some operations that he considers very sensitive can be directly reported in the newspapers here in Zhang Haonan, and they are also good news...

For example, the National Planning Commission of Jiankang City openly supports Zhang Haonan. If it were replaced by any one, at least the reporting would be cloudy and foggy. It would only talk about the data but not the subject. It would talk about what will be achieved in the future, what will be broken, and what will be the final thing. Let’s talk about who gets the policy dividends and who gets the various local subsidies.

But Zhang Haonan is different. When it comes to the "Zijin" electric vehicle project, the Jiankang State Planning Commission not only obtained land but also provided policies and coordinated the grassroots management of the Shensen area. At the same time, it did not impose any bullshit indicators on the "Zijin" electric vehicle.

Instead, "Zijin" electric vehicles were given electricity guarantee indicators...

Magical realism, right now.

Boss Zhang may not be very popular with the second-generation locals in Jiankang. There are many people who are unhappy with him. In addition, he is a farmer, and there are even more people who look down on him.

However, this is their individual superiority. When they are in Jiankang administration and management positions, and this sense of superiority and emotions are brought into their work, they can be eliminated early.

His career is bright, and he is even brighter personally. How can Boss Zhang, a sunny boy, not make Liu Yuanchao tangled?

However, Liu Yuanchao still made a slight misjudgment regarding Rong Xiaoping. He thought that this sunny boy's wildness had probably reached its limit.

How about killing me?

Then the sunny boy stood in front of him, one step away from him, and made it clear that if he didn't apologize sincerely, he would... strangle himself to death on the spot.

Sunshine, sunshine.


Normal business tycoons probably don't have this skill.

But when Zhang Haonan kicked over the bodyguard who was about to step forward to protect him, Liu Yuanchao knew... This is not just about being full of vitality, but only if he is alive can he have a chance to continue cumming.

It’s not that I didn’t think about going back and remaking the mistake to get the situation back.

But right on this big round table, Boss Zhang took out a "Gao Qianhui" brand reporter tape recorder from his pocket, and then Boss Zhang pressed the play button.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry. I, Liu Yuanchao, acted like a villain. I hope you, Sir, will forgive me..."

Sweet treble, accurate midrange, deep bass, in a word...transparent.

Liu Yuanchao clenched his fists at that time.

Zhang Haonan took out a box of chewing gum, opened a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, and then said: "If you can carve out a piece of land in the bonded area, you can go and talk to the governments of Suzhou and Shacheng on your own. I don't care how much profit you give and how much trade volume you promise. , but the negotiation is done, 'Shacheng Food' can cooperate with you. As for the coastal land parcels in Yuzhou, Yandu, and Chongzhou, I don't care whether you really want to store oil. You can also find the local land. Government, with your great power, it is your business to decide which top leader can come out to check the situation. If it is done, we will cooperate."

"What about other requests?"

"Don't be silly, Mr. Liu. You can handle all the local government. I'm not happy about it. What's the harm in using 'Shacheng Food' as a prop for you? You may make money with your blood, but I will never lose."


After scolding, Liu Yuanchao had to admit that this boy really had principles.

Liu Yuanchao is a typical type who cannot show off his power, so getting a few pairs of gloves of various colors is his style.

But how can I put it, it would actually be pretty good if someone could be as upright and arrogant as Zhang Haonan.

He disliked Zhang Haonan very much, but after all, as he said, no one would have trouble with money.

Especially since his power may expire in ten or twenty years, and there is no new old Liu family to take the lead in the political arena, and in the end, the wind will blow away the wind.

In ancient times, there was only one emperor and one courtier, let alone modern society.

When Zhang Haonan talks to him now, he actually just says: Mr. Liu, look at his strength.

Why are you pretending to be cool if you have no strength?

And Liu Yuanchao really had to do this.

The opportunity is rare.

Zhang Haonan may not know how terrifying the benefits are, but Wu Qinggui, the gangster, actually said it in the "Aping Hotel", because one mouth is worth one hundred billion, which sounds so exaggerated that it loses the sense of reality.

But, it's true.

What Liu Yuanchao is eyeing is the storage business of various oil products, crude oil, refined oil...it doesn't matter.

As long as a few storage bases are established in the country, it can be listed in Xiangjiang or Guiyaoke. One hundred billion in cash may not be available to him alone.

But having a market value of 100 billion for fun is still light. When the time comes, it will not be difficult to get several billion or even tens of billions for fun.

He can even operate in reverse, first setting up a listed company in Xiangjiang, and then turning back to the domestic real industry. But in that case, it is just a pure stock market operation, which is meaningless.

Just grab a handful and run away, stay in North America or Australia forever, or immigrate to Europe. This is the only result.

He wouldn't do this unless the old Liu family was in trouble.

He definitely wants a property that can be passed down from generation to generation, enough to support the old Liu family and cultivate a few evergreen political figures. This is what should be done.

If you go to Zhejiang and Minyue provinces to compete with others for food, you will probably be fooled.

He wanted to get Zhang Haonan to learn more, but after less than three sentences of discussion with Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang raised his hand and interrupted: "Mr. Liu, I am just a farmer, and I am only interested in farming. What you said I don’t know anything about oil products or not. To tell you the truth, although I am also in college, I am just a liberal arts student.”


"Okay, if there is nothing else, I will take the first step. Sincerity is here, I have seen Mr. Liu's strength. When we meet again, I hope it will be a formal occasion like the signing ceremony. This kind of place..."

Boss Zhang looked at the private room and said, "It's too luxurious Mr. Liu."

He was so arrogant that he came and left so arrogantly, leaving a messy Liu Yuanchao sitting there in a daze. After a while, he slapped the table and cursed: "You fucking bumpkin, you are so fucking disgusting!"

As for Zhang Haonan, who was returning to his car, he called Wei Gang: "Old Mr. Wei, Mr. Liu looks a little kidney-deficient, right?"

"Are you into him?"


The first time, the first time Old Man Wei beat Boss Zhang to the point of being autistic on the spot.

I was also on a business trip today. I started typing when I returned to Zhangjiagang in the evening, and finally got a chapter out.

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