I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 330: Using soldiers like clay

Vegetable soup consists of steamed buns and mixed rice. People who are used to doing heavy work eat this way, and Zhang Haonan is no exception. You can eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, and you can also stuff steamed buns with pickles, as long as you are full.

However, what surprised Zhang Haonan was that Wang Xi's current posture of holding a plate and pouring soup into the rice bowl was indeed very smooth...

There is no shortage of suffering.

Shaking off the cheeks means seizing the time to fill the stomach.

In the meantime, Zhang Zhiqin brought two boxes of wine, one box was left with the hotel owner, and the other box was for Wang Xi to take back to Andong County for entertainment.

A decent social event and drinks can also show your strength.

Although it is a bit vulgar, this is the logic of the fringe power scene these days.

"If I take over Dongqiao Township next year, I would like to open a few larger primary schools. Can you help the Wujiadai Primary School in your hometown?"

"I suggest setting up a central primary school first. The principal must be trustworthy... Let's put it this way, it's best to be one of our own. Is there a suitable candidate?"


"If there is, it will be easy to handle. We can build a super central primary school with a school size of several thousand students."

"Damn it, what kind of operation is this?!"

Wang Xi, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, was shocked. He drank less than half a kilogram, and now his face was red, his neck was thick, and his whole body smelled of alcohol.

"Direct investment in each village makes management inconvenient and education is not centralized. It is easy to be delayed in resource allocation. Since you want to be in power, you must have great power."

Zhang Haonan is different from Wang Xi. He is a cold-blooded animal. In essence, he is cruel because he does not recognize his relatives, so he speaks very directly, "I am not interested in how many villages there are in your township, but as long as the children in the village want to receive a good education, my parents will do it." You have to obey. Otherwise, you will be kicked out of the central primary school and go back to the village to play in the mud. The school is yours, and you are God, because you have hundreds and thousands of hostages."


"You may consider that transportation is inconvenient and it is difficult for children to go to and from school. This is not a problem. With the school as the center, parents will pick up and drop off by themselves within two kilometers, electric tricycles will pick up and drop off five kilometers away, and agricultural vehicles will pick up and drop off ten kilometers away. A pick-up and drop-off point will be set up in two villages. The village security director or women's director will arrange to pick up and drop off the security officers."

"It all costs money."

"The car is not the problem. The real money is spent the same way. The agricultural vehicle driver's salary and gas money can be paid from the school's finances. Don't forget, I'm talking about the Super Central Primary School. We are rushing to transfer a large number of It is done for the purpose of annexing small villages. Even if each student pays ten yuan for books, it is enough to support three or four drivers and pay for gas."


"The road is not easy to walk on, so agricultural vehicles can't pass it, so they can walk on the tractor. The method is dead, but the people are alive. At this time, 'substitute teachers' can also be gathered together for training and reemployment. If the establishment cannot provide them, they can live in dormitories with electricity and fans. , that’s better than having shit in the countryside and being covered in mosquitoes. At any time, starting from people’s needs, there won’t be too much of a mistake.”

"I'm a little afraid..."

"If you want to do something, make it bigger. As long as the project is big, it can scare some people who are used to reaching out. If you build ten village primary schools, people in the ten villages may reach out, but if you build a super central primary school, At least nine villages have been trampled by you, leaving only a few who have appetite. At this time, just kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. You have the power of life and death, and you will not have the guts to send a few people to step on the sewing machine. no?"


Although I have known Zhang Haonan for only three or five days, there are differences in personality after all. After all, Wang Xi has a more refined family background and is not as ruthless as Zhang Haonan.

"In addition, building such a super central primary school can also establish a 'reward and punishment system', because your small-time workers must be from the local area, and people from Niuligang Village will go first. Regardless of work points or wages, as long as you earn money by working If you get the benefits, people will naturally cry out about hunger, and if they cry out about hunger, they have to go to their parents to shout. If you say it at this time, the remaining people in the dozen or so villages will listen obediently."

The cigarette butt shortened slowly, and the ashes fell from time to time. Wang Xi pondered Zhang Haonan's words. When working in the countryside, in addition to comparing one's feelings with one's own, one also needs to pay attention to a combination of kindness and power. This "power" does not necessarily mean being majestic, but cannot be soft.

Wrapped in bandages, he set foot in Niuligang Village again. The scholar was still the same scholar, but no one would think he was weak.

Only those who are tough and ruthless are qualified to speak loudly in rural areas.

"But if we build a super school, the land, facilities, teachers, management, etc. all need to be coordinated. This investment..."

"I count you as the township head for five years."

Zhang Haonan took out another pack of cigarettes, tore it open, shook out one and refilled it for him, "Five years, step by step. In the first year, first get the land, and first settle all the villages within two to five kilometers of the school. At the same time, you Based on the labor force in Niuligang Village, we will organize construction teams, whether they go out to work or work in the local area, and establish a complete recruitment organization system."

"If the school building cannot be built, we will build a bungalow. If the area is not enough, we will borrow it. We have to fight to get the land."

"I personally focus on school management and education. If the number of 'substitute teachers' cannot be solved, we can improve their living conditions. Separate dormitories and teaching areas. If you can build a septic tank in Niuligang Village, you can also build it in the school."

"Weak teachers also have weak tricks. Whether they are borrowing money or cheating, they take turns recruiting fresh graduates and even old students who want to transition to middle school teachers and kindergarten teachers. When they come, they fool them first. I think you know how to fool me by now. Add If you don’t have money, add carrots to pie. If you cheat for half a year, you will change a batch. Every year, you will cheat every year. When you are done with Chuzhou Normal University, you will go to Yandu to cheat. When you are done with Yandu, you will go to Pengcheng Normal University. As long as you survive the environment. The day it improves, there will be no need to continue cheating.”


"Don't think I'm a bit cold-blooded when I say this. That's how things are done. If you don't have money, you have to play without money. If you have money, just like me, you can hire famous teachers from outside for hundreds of thousands, and you can get gold medals in competitions. If you have money, you can play. For quality education, if you don’t have money, try to squeeze out all the resources you can get.”

"In the first year, bring in three to five villages to expand the land first and then build houses. Organize small 'substitute teachers' in each village. You have to take the initiative to draw the pie, and then make the teachers' dormitories decent, as long as they are clean and bright , people can visit it.”

"In the second year, on the basis of the first year, whether the land is borrowed or rented, the school building can be followed up. Let us consider it as the 'Super Primary School Phase II Project'. In the first year, you took the cake and added After visiting the other "village primary school teachers" who have been fooled, they can leave the village and go to work in the countryside. Personally, it is a great improvement. The most important point is that the meager salary every month can be a little more stable. Village primary school teachers Salary depends on luck, and you know this.”


Wang Xi nodded with a serious expression. Every puff he took at this moment was filled with suffocating smoke.

He would use all means of deception and abduction. He was mentally prepared, but he was not as open-minded as Zhang Haonan. In other words, he wanted to lose face... but in fact he couldn't lose face.

"In the second phase of the project, if you organize small workers at this time, you can jump out of Niuligang Village. Do you know who to use?"

"Those villages connected to schools in the first phase of the project."

"That's right, because you abolished the small schools in those three or five villages. The people in these villages will sit down and listen to you no matter what because they want their children to study. You said that you want to organize a construction team and need small workers. The ones who were willing to go first Regardless, those who are reluctant will be willing at this time. And what you have to ensure next is that they, like the people in Niuligang Village, get paid for their work."

Zhang Haonan is a complete devil, "You must hold on to these two things. Even a small team leader of the small labor team will ask you to check it; for wages, set a line. If you cross the line without your signature, it is waste paper. So next year you have to There are three types of people to take with you, one is the driver, the other is the secretary, the third is the accountant, and the rest are irrelevant."

"I will cooperate with you. For some highlight facilities, such as the computer room and the plastic track, I will let 'Shacheng Food' donate it in the name of the company, and I will also hold a donation ceremony. The rest will be cheating, abduction, and stealing, and I will use any tricks. Use it."

"I originally thought that you would donate a primary school to Niuligang Village."

"That's useless. Agricultural counties can only concentrate resources to do big things. Niuligang Village can raise its own funds to build a better village, but that is based on the needs of the village itself, not the entire township. Aibing It is right to act like a son, but there is nothing wrong with using soldiers like clay. Don't have naive ideas."

As he spoke, Zhang Haonan smiled and waved to the fellow villagers who were unloading the agricultural vehicles, and then continued, "There are two to three projects that can stand the test, including industrial investment, agricultural output, science, education, culture and health. Your township chief's promotion to county management is also a response to the national call for younger cadres. Once you reach this position, the school will not sit idly by and do nothing. At this time, more alumni will come to help, no matter what the reason is. What purpose."

“I really didn’t expect to start from this direction.”

"Because this kind of thing is the most troublesome and difficult, but in fact, after you peel off the cocoon, you will find that the difficulty is all in manpower, and the thing you are most indispensable is manpower. Of course, teachers still need to be deceived and deceived over a long period of time, but as long as you can make people If you organize yourself, you will have more leverage.”

Organizing the rural labor force to go out to work, from training to employment, the entire channel and even the establishment of relevant departments, Wang Xi is worthy of being the "grandfather" of the entire county. Until the day the department is abolished, the entire department system will be at his beck and call.

To improve and rectify rural education conditions and reorganize the rural primary education environment, the "substitute teachers" who leave the village and go to the countryside will first have a stable salary. Although it is still very meager, if the market trend is upward rather than downward, then you will definitely recognize Wang Xi and not Liu Xi or Ma Xi.

At the same time, it also started with primary education, which in turn expanded the scope of rural labor organizations, further strengthened the original business advantages, and then in turn saved a lot of resources by focusing on primary education.

Whether it is migrant work or children going to school, both are focused on the future, grasping future expectations, and grasping the present. Only then can Wang Xi's work be performed smoothly, at least at the level of ordinary people, there is no problem.

After solving the problem at the lowest level, it is nothing more than a matter of official authority and personal appeal at the grassroots level to clean up the old fritters who are occupying the toilet.

To put it at the extreme, if Wang Xi can't even summon the people of a village to overthrow unqualified village cadres on New Year's Eve next year, there must be something wrong with his intelligence.

As for the saying "one emperor, one courtier", after Township Chief Wang left, Mudleg had no backing, and Hu Hansan came back, then we have to see whether Deputy County Magistrate Wang or even County Magistrate Wang has anyone to support him. .

If there are people, the policy will continue, but if there are no people, it will naturally be "people die and the government ceases." This can be regarded as a law of nature.

None of this matters to Boss Zhang, except that it will be more beneficial to him that President Wang will become Township Mayor Wang, County Mayor Wang, or Mayor Wang in the future, so he will increase investment.

He was not interested in any village other than Wujiadai, but since Chairman Wang wanted to bring the living environment standards of many villages to Wujiadai Village, Boss Zhang became interested.

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