I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 224 Am I so important in your heart? (Second update)

Xia Chujian rarely posts to WeChat Moments, but she did once today.

What she posted was the back of a puppy and a child.

A person and a dog are sitting on the ground, in front of them is a robot that serves as an intelligent electronic learning board.

The cylindrical body of the robot became an electronic screen, displaying mathematical problems such as how much does one plus one equal?

The lyrics are: You two young and ignorant little ones, you still have...five thousand four hundred and seventy-five days before the college entrance examination.

Then there was a cat with arms akimbo, laughing wildly.

Amid the bloody execution pictures that fill the screen, her circle of friends is a breath of fresh air.

I couldn't help but give her a like and leave a message.

[Zong Ruoan]: I hope this world will always be as peaceful as your life.

What he didn't know was that Xia Chujian was currently on the Star Network, frantically collecting gossip about the emperor's execution of the clan.

Her own social media account constantly forwards news and pictures that Zong Ruoan considers bloody and cruel.

And the Moments she posted about Xiao Sixi and Xiao Wufu earlier were just to cope with her aunt's essay review...

Almost at the same moment, the quantum optical brain placed by Xia Chujian's bed began to vibrate crazily.

It wasn't Zong Ruoan's message that caused it, but Huo Yushen.

After the execution, he finally had some free time to eat and rest, and to read messages from the quantum optical brain or call invitations.

The first thing he saw was the message Xia Chujian sent him.

[Xia Chumei]: Inspector Huo, I met a new classmate at school today.

Then came two photos that seemed to have been taken secretly, and a video that seemed to have been taken secretly.

Huo Yushen didn't expect that Xia Chujian would meet another girl who looked very similar to his sister, or might very well be his sister.

Judging from the candid photos and videos, the appearance was exactly the same as the mechanical intelligent drawing that Xia Chu had given him before the meeting, and the appearance of the human face hood provided by Quan Yuxun.

And this one is even better.

Because the human face hoods are only similar in appearance. For example, when Xia Chujian was wearing one, even if they had exactly the same facial features, their temperament was different from the ones in the photos. He could tell at a glance that they were not real people.

The girl in this candid photo has exactly the same temperament as shown in the photo.

The content on the video is even more obvious, as if the sister is walking out of the photo alive.

Is it really her? !

Huo Yushen watched the candid video of less than a minute over and over again.

Looking at her dress, her appearance and temperament, it is easy to conclude that her living environment has been superior since she was a child.

And it's not an ordinary superiority, it's the kind of superiority that comes from growing up in the upper class.

Otherwise, I would not develop such elegance and calmness that are engraved in my bones.

Although Huo Yushen came from an ordinary background, he had worked his way to the top of the empire and had met many nobles and royal family members who had grown up in a privileged environment.

He felt that this girl's manners and manners were no worse than any noble daughter from a top noble family, and could even be compared with members of the royal family.

But he also knew that the reason why he thought so was because he had a filter called "sister".

His impression of her actually still stayed when she was in her mother's belly...

In the blink of an eye, she was not only born, but also grew up.

After Huo Yushen was shocked, his rationality gradually returned, and he began to think about the logical chain behind the matter, and suddenly realized that there were many things wrong.

If this girl is really his sister, then she is also the girl who was kidnapped by the judge organization.

After the girl was rescued, the person who took her away then carried out a crazy cleaning operation.

Everyone related to that case, including the twenty-three boys and girls who were abducted at the same time, were silenced.

Er Xia first saw that their team had not been silenced.

The other party also knew that Xia Chu met their team and saved the girl.

If the girl in the video is really his sister, then why did the person behind her let her come to Xia Chujian's high school?

It was obvious that the person behind her wanted to kill the team of night hunters that Xia Chujian saw.

It was just unlucky that he was killed in reverse.

But is the other person someone who will give up easily?

If so, then this girl would not be allowed to come to Xia Chujian at all.

If not, is it a test for them to put a girl like this next to Xia Chujian?

Test whether she recognizes the girl she once saved?

This is probably the opponent's biggest vulnerability.

After this analysis, Huo Yushen felt that this girl might not be his sister.

After all, if you really want to identify your relatives, you can't just look at photos. You also need to do a paternity test and verify the DNA.

Therefore, he really wanted to talk to Xia Chujian and wanted to know what was going on. Even though it was already midnight on Guiyuan Star, he sent several messages and video call invitations.

He just hoped that Xia Chujian was a night owl, still surfing the Internet at this time and not sleeping...

He guessed correctly. Xia Chujian was indeed surfing the Star Network like crazy, so she didn't have time to answer his video call invitation.

After Huo Yushen waited for half an hour, he was sure that Xia Chujian was not a night owl. She was sleeping and could not reply to his inquiry immediately.

He had no choice but to be patient, squeeze the time, and wait until 7 o'clock in the morning on Guiyuanxing to send another video call invitation to Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian had just gotten up and was washing up from the bathroom, preparing to have breakfast.

Huo Yushen's video call invitation was sent, and she answered it casually.

"Good morning, Inspector Huo."

Huo Yushen looked at the dark night outside the window behind him, thinking that he didn't use a virtual background. Didn't Xia Chujian see that it was night here?

Of course, it's also possible that Xia Chujian never thought about what time it was on Beichen Star.

She just said hello according to her time.

These thoughts just flashed through Huo Yushen's mind, and he quickly asked: "What's going on with that photo? And the video? Were they all secretly taken?"

Xia Chujian clicked her tongue: "I thought Inspector Huo didn't care about this matter anymore, but I didn't expect that he was quite concerned about it."

Huo Yushen said coldly: "Do you think I don't have other jobs? I wanted to ask you yesterday, but you didn't reply."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She remembered that she ignored Huo Yushen's video call invitation last night, and immediately changed her attitude. She said with a smile: "I went to bed early last night and didn't see any news from Inspector Huo. I was just using a metaphor. Please don't think too much about it."

"I told you to speak straightforwardly, and don't use similes, metaphors, metonymy, exaggeration and other roundabout ways. Do you think your knowledge base can support you in using these complex rhetorical methods?" Huo Yushen said displeased, "Or Tell me about that classmate of yours."

Xia Chujian coughed slightly and said, "I'm going to school soon, so I'll keep the story short."

"This classmate's name is Ji Jiayi, and he just transferred from Luoxu Prefecture this semester. If you want to investigate this girl, you can go to Luoxu Prefecture."

"Well, what else?"

Xia Chujian shrugged: "No, I just saw her for the first time yesterday, how much news can I have?"

Huo Yushen said: "As a special agent of the Special Security Bureau, you must be highly vigilant about the surrounding situation. Especially in this special situation, you have to be careful who is coming for you."

The corner of Xia Chujian's mouth twitched: "Come on me? You think too highly of me. Do you know how wealthy Ji Jiayi's family is? They are transported to and from school by high-end aircraft. There are butlers and robots in the aircraft. How well behaved he is. , at first glance, it looks like it was soaked in a small pile of money, and I will not mistake the aroma of money."

Huo Yushen: "..."

He said quietly: "I have only heard of the 'smell of copper', but I have never heard of the fragrance of money."

"Then you heard it today. It doesn't matter. If you hear it in the morning, you can die in the evening..." Xia Chujian said secretly.

Huo Yushen raised his eyebrows, "You won't forget how many people were silenced by the person who took this girl away, right? Also, it's not that he didn't attack you, you were just lucky enough to escape."

Xia Chujian was unconvinced: "I wasn't hiding, I was fighting back. There is a fundamental difference."

Huo Yushen: "...Are you quite proud?"

"Why not?" Xia Chujian was puzzled, "I'm not exaggerating. I really fought back!"

Huo Yushen wanted to ask a few more questions, but the emperor's summons came again.

He had no choice but to say to Xia Chujian: "Don't rush to verify who this person is. Wait and see for a while. If she comes to your school, she will definitely cause trouble, and it will probably be against you."

"Inspector Huo, am I really that important to you?" Xia Chujian was really confused. What happened to Huo Yushen?

Why do you think there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm this girl?

Huo Yushen: "...".

What kind of brain circuit is this?

Huo Yushen stopped nagging her and gave a straightforward order: "From today on, you must also wear a bulletproof vest when going to school. If you cannot bring a gun to school, just bring a tactical dagger. Later, I will ask your immediate superior to give you a pistol made of special plastic material. The components can be quickly assembled and cannot be detected by instruments, but they are equally lethal."

Then the call stopped.

Xia Chujian stared at the carrier of his quantum optical brain watch. He always felt that Huo Yushen was making a fuss, but he was quite happy to get a new type of pistol.

She ate breakfast in a hurry, picked up her schoolbag and rushed out of the house.

This time, she went out earlier, and her neighbor across the street, classmate Yu Wangyou, hadn't come out yet.

She first boarded the inner city floating train waiting at the gate of the community.

When she calmed down, she pondered over Huo Yushen's words again.

This time, she vaguely understood why Huo Yushen said that.

If this Ji Jiayi is the girl who was saved by her, then the person behind the girl should know about her.

Because their mission of the Dark Night Hunters Association was publicly announced and accepted without any confidentiality measures at all.

So that person was able to quickly locate and send killers to hunt them down, not once, but twice.

But the Special Security Bureau only knew about it once, and they didn't know about Feng Qianzhan's time yet.

Xia Chujian was in the suspended train, sitting by the window, leaning on the window and thinking silently.

So why did that person let Ji Jiayi come to her school?

Do you want to recognize her and thank her for saving your life?

Don't be ridiculous, that Ji Jiayi didn't recognize her at all.

That's certainly not the reason.

Is it a coincidence?

It happened that Ji Jiayi needed to transfer to another school, and it happened that she transferred to her school.

What a coincidence, she can buy Xingwang lottery tickets.

It's definitely not a coincidence.

This is the second update. Remind everyone of your recommendation votes! There are also recommendation votes on Kuakou Reading! Can you guys out there give this book a ten? o(╥﹏╥)o.

There will be an update at 0:50 p.m.

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