I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 236 What reward do you want (second update)

This nanny seems to be on a video call with someone.

She said: "Hello, I have something to ask you for help."

Then the call disappeared.

Liushun explained appropriately: "The quantum entanglement call mode should have been turned on later, so outsiders couldn't hear what she said."

Xia Chujian: "...".

She knew that this call mode was extremely expensive and required a lot of quantum optical brain work.

That woman was a nanny. Not only was she very arrogant, but she also seemed to have a lot of money.

In Liushun's words, this nanny is "a slave who deceives her master". Does Yu Wangyou know?

Because she overheard what Yu Wangyou said, Xia Chujian had a better impression of her.

And I feel very ashamed and guilty for my behavior of eavesdropping on others.

She took off her Bluetooth headset and glared at Liushun: "Liu Shun, don't do this kind of thing again..."

But as soon as the words came out, she felt that she couldn't set the standards too tightly.

Although the family across the street was very nice, the big black dog and the nanny left a bad impression on her.

My aunt said that you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others.

Xia Chujian changed his mind and said, "Don't let me listen to these conversations you recorded in the future, unless they are closely related to our family's security issues. - Do you understand what security issues are?"

The red light on Liushun's eye screen flashed and he said, "Liu Shun knows that if the content of the other party's words will endanger the personal safety of the owner, he must inform the owner."

"Not bad, Liu Shun, you have a very strong comprehension ability..." Xia Chujian said, "Not only personal safety, but also property safety is also very important, remember?"


"Then what reward do you want? Let me recharge your batteries for a while?"

Liushun: "...Liu Shun does not need special charging. Liushun has a very good solar electronic panel. Just charge it once a year."

Xia Chujian clicked her tongue twice: "Liu Shun is so worry-free. You have everything. I really can't think of anything to reward you..."

"Master, can you install those network connection hardware back to Liushun?" Liushun's slightly dull electronic synthesized analog sound belt was obviously cautious, "Liushun's program needs to be upgraded. If you can't access the Internet, you can't upgrade the operating program. , Liushun will gradually fall behind and will no longer be the best housework robot."

Xia Chujian said mercilessly: "I can't do it now. However, after I finish the college entrance examination, I can consider putting it back for you."

At that time, she would have more time at home, and she would not be afraid of the robot causing trouble.

Xia Chujian still had doubts about Liushun's situation.

But she has never used a robot before, and she wonders if all robots are like this.

For example, she was once held up by two robots at the Mulan City branch of the Special Security Bureau, and she was completely powerless to fight back.

Those two robots feel much more powerful than Liu Shun.

So she was also worried about whether she was making a fuss out of a molehill.

What if it’s not?

So not letting it go online can at least solve most of the problems.

Liushun had hope and took the initiative to say: "Liu Shun wishes the master good luck in the college entrance examination."

After finishing speaking, he added: "If Liushun can access the Internet now, Liushun can help the master get a few sets of pre-exam question answering videos. They are all famous teachers from famous schools in Beichen Star. It is said that the question answering rate is particularly high."

Xia Chujian smiled slightly, thinking that no matter how tall she was, would she be as tall as her aunt?

This robot is really dishonest and knows how to seduce her with the things she cares about most.

Xia Chujian said seriously: "Liu Shun, this is not good. We have to rely on our own strength to take the college entrance examination. How can we cheat? Okay, you go help aunt clean the house, I'm going to bed."

She stretched and said to Wufu, who was sitting on the ground and playing with toys quietly: "Wufu, go take a bath. After that, we are going to bed. Your sister and I have to go to school tomorrow..."

Wufu hurriedly put the toys back into the toy box, put them away in a neat manner, then tried his best to get up from the carpet, took Xia Chujian's hand, and went to the bathroom.

Xia Chujian went to school the next morning and met Yu Wangyou on the suspended train in the inner city.

It had been a while since they had met on this train.

Yu Wangyou greeted her first: "Good morning when I first met. You're quite early today."

She remembered that in the past two months or so, Xia Chujian always rushed into the classroom in the morning. Compared with someone like her who always came to school half an hour early, her schedule was very different.

Xia Chujian smiled and said, "Good morning, Wangyou. I went to bed early yesterday and got up early today."

Yu Wangyou smiled gently and didn't ask her why she went to bed early, nor why she couldn't get up early before. Was it because she went to bed late before?

She didn't ask any questions. She just talked about the city-wide test that was going to be held today and said, "How are you preparing for the first time? Before the college entrance examination in July, we had a total of two test tests. This is the first time. At the beginning of June There will be a second testing test.”

Xia Chujian has been studying very hard in the past two months. Literature, mathematics and chemistry have made great progress, but physics, unfortunately, is still hovering between 20 and 30 points.

Because of these results, her graduation exam results have been questioned by more people, especially her physics scores.

Xia Chujian knew, but she didn't care.

Why, just like the story her aunt told her, just because the other party questioned her, would she cut open her stomach to show them how many bowls of noodles she had eaten?

If you really ask her about this Jibao thing, she will definitely give them a big look.

Xia Chujian touched the special plastic smart pistol parts in her schoolbag, and her mood gradually calmed down.

Huo Yushen asked Meng Guanghui to give her a pistol made of this material for self-defense.

Because their school does not allow such thermal weapons to be brought to school.

There is a very advanced security detector at the school gate, which can detect all conventional thermal weapons.

Xia Chujian didn't care whether she could bring a pistol to school before, but after her trip to the South District and seeing the underground laboratory and those monsters, she had an added sense of crisis.

When she arrived at school, she still sat with Yu Wangyou.

As soon as we entered the classroom, before everyone had time to say hello to each other and gossip, the teacher had already entered the classroom.

This is their new head teacher Deng Wanqing.

She is obviously more responsible than her previous head teacher Wang Yixiao.

Because she comes to the classroom in person much more often than the school requires.

Maybe because it is the last semester of senior high school, basically teachers during this period will not continue to use three-dimensional holographic projection to teach.

Deng Wanqing stood on the podium, tapped the blackboard with his pointer, and said: "Today is the city's first mock exam. It is said that the question types are very similar to this year's college entrance examination. Everyone should be careful when answering the questions."

Then, she wrote the key points of the exam one by one on the blackboard and asked everyone to do one last review sprint.

From now to the start of the exam, it will be less than half an hour, which is really hard work...

But Xia Chujian only dared to criticize, because she saw that even the most powerful Yu Wangyou took out his electronic notebook and carefully sorted out the test points.

Xia Chujian resignedly spread out the physics test points and began to memorize them by rote.

This time's mock test, like the college entrance examination, was completed in one day, with two subjects in the morning and two in the afternoon, each taking two hours.

Xia Chujian finished two exam papers in the morning and was already so hungry that his chest pressed against his back.

She took out the lunch her aunt prepared for her from the electronic lunch box, but found that her classmate Yu Wangyou was holding a meat roll and eating it while still doing questions.

She really couldn't stand the top student's race against time. She was worried that it would affect her appetite, and the physics and chemistry exams in the afternoon would be even worse.

So she carried her electronic lunch box out of the classroom and planned to go to the pantry to have lunch.

In fact, the place there is more spacious, and it is specially prepared for students who bring their own lunch.

Niyu, the class beauty, saw her leaving, and immediately sat down at her seat with her lunch box and electronic notebook, and began to ask Yu Wangyou about the test points.

Yu Wangyou answered them one by one very carefully, and even the classmates in the seats in front and behind them listened attentively.

Along the way, Xia Chujian discovered that the students in all the classes in the third year of high school were actually the same. Whether they were in the advanced class, intermediate class, or ordinary class, they all took their lunch and ate with books.

She was big-hearted and wanted to have lunch without being affected.

She walked into the spacious tea room and found that she was not alone.

There were three people sitting inside, none other than Ji Jiayi from the next class who looked like the kidnapped girl, and her two very tall and handsome bodyguards.

The Ji family is really not the ordinary wealthy ones. The bodyguards have even followed them to the teaching building. I wonder if the bodyguards can also do homework and take exams on their behalf...

Xia Chujian thought enviously, and at the same time he was full of respect for the two bodyguards.

After all, if someone hired her as a bodyguard, and the condition was that in addition to protecting life safety, they also had to do exams, she would definitely let the person go back and eat her.

It's not enough to save your life, why should I help you with the questions?

Why don't you go to heaven? !

Xia Chujian saw Huanxi thinking, and found a seat by the window in the spacious tea room to sit down.

She opened her electronic lunch box and took out her lunch.

It was just a very simple lunch, just a bowl of egg fried rice, a few slices of unicorn beef, a small bowl of green leafy vegetables, and two golden berries after the meal.

But they were all carefully prepared by my aunt.

Xia Chujian's appetite increased greatly when she saw it.

She laid out the food, took a sip of water, and then slowly began to enjoy a delicious lunch.

Her food was so delicious that Ji Jiayi and her two bodyguards sitting on the other side of the tea room couldn't help but swallow.

After looking at the big meals specially prepared by my own chef, it seems that they are not as good as other people's simple porridge and side dishes.

Ji Jiayi sighed, closed his chopsticks, "I don't want to eat anymore, let's go."

As soon as she stood up, a burst of noise came from outside the tea room.

Xia Chujian swallowed the last piece of unicorn beef and then raised his eyes to look out the window.

boom! boom!

Two dull gunshots suddenly came from the window.

Xia Chujian suddenly changed color.

Why are there gunshots in the school? !

Their school clearly bans guns!

Xia Chujian hurriedly put away the lunch box, carried it out of the tea room and came to the corridor.

The corridors of their school are closed, and the windows are closed in winter to keep them warm and cold.

But now it is the end of March, late spring and early summer. The half-height glass windows in the corridor are open, and any movement outside can be heard.

So she quickly saw the chaos downstairs.

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There will be a new update at 05:00 in the evening!

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