"This is His Majesty the Emperor's handwriting. If anyone is dissatisfied, just show the handwriting and be taken away for investigation."

"At the same time, you must continue to increase efforts to confiscate such genetic evolution drugs in the black markets of various planets."

"Recently, the number of abnormal deaths among upper-class families on various planets has increased year by year. It should be caused by swallowing this genetically evolved drug."

"However, despite this, they are still willing to buy this drug, which shows that a certain number of people have achieved genetic evolution through this genetic evolution drug. As for whether this evolution has any sequelae, the results should be available soon. .”

Meng Guanghui scratched his head and said, "Those who can afford this medicine must be wealthy and powerful upper-class families."

He just missed saying the word "noble".

Kang Shanxing said: "Huo Shuai, what kind of sequelae will this genetic evolution drug have?"

Huo Yushen said: "According to the analysis of the Special Security Bureau's research institution, this drug that promotes genetic evolution is actually not stable, so the mortality rate is very high. As for the small group of people who did not die, after achieving genetic evolution, within three years Within, the genes will be completely chaotic and fused, forming all kinds of strange genetic diseases."

"Next, let our people lurk in major official and private hospitals on various planets, paying special attention to patients who have strange genetic diseases. In all likelihood, these people have taken this genetic evolution drug. people."

Meng Guanghui nodded and asked curiously: "Why are you looking for these people? Are they just victims?"

Huo Yushen said calmly: "Provide follow-up data to the Special Security Bureau's research institution to improve their research report."

Meng Guanghui: "!!!"

Cruel, Huo Shuai is still ruthless.

He and Kang Shanxing stood at attention and saluted: "Yes! Huo Shuai!"

At about the same time, Xia Chujian was struggling hard with the last hundred sets of papers.

Not only did she have to review the content in the textbook and syllabus, but she also had to redo the questions she got wrong over and over again.

Sometimes I really feel a little restless.

During lunch that day, Xia Chujian came out of the study room with a dull face and his whole body was listless.

When Sanzong saw it, he whispered: "Master Shaojun, is it so difficult to take the college entrance examination?"

"Of course it's difficult. Even if we include the worst universities, only one percent of our high school students in Guiyuan Star can get into university every year." Zhu Yingying said with emotion.

She can't take the exam this year, but wants to take the exam next year.

When Xia Chujian was eating, his eyes were straight.

Sanzong couldn't help but whispered: "Master Shaojun can farm with Sanzong... Master Shaojun is very talented..."

At least when he was farming, he felt happy to see Xia Chu.

Xia Yuanfang: "...".

She had no prejudice against farming, but it was a bit funny to say that Xia Chujian had a talent for farming.

Where does Xia Chujian have the talent for farming?

I can't even tell the difference between leeks and wheat.

Xia Yuanfang looked at Sanzong and said with a smile: "Sanzong, after lunch, come to my studio."

Sanzong said "Oh", lowered his head and started to concentrate on his lunch.

After eating, Xia Yuanfang went to his studio.

Her studio is on the other side of the hall on the first floor, opposite the library and study room on Xia Chujian's side.

San Zhao followed in.

Xia Yuanfang said: "Close the door and sit over here."

She pointed to a chair in front of her desk.

Sanzong sat in front of her respectfully and whispered: "Aunt Xia, did Sanzong say something wrong today? Sanzong shouldn't have let Mr. Shaojun farm with Sanzong..."

Xia Yuanfang smiled and said: "That's not it, but when I first saw her talent for farming, you think so highly of her."

Sanzong opened his mouth and wanted to say that Xia Chujian was good at ripening seedlings and rice ears in advance, but he felt that Xia Yuanfang wouldn't believe it because he was just guessing.

Sanzong silently shut up.

Xia Yuanfang said: "I asked you to come here today because of another matter."

She stood up, took out a tube of injection from the refrigerator in the small suite connected to the studio, and placed it in front of Sanzhao.

Sanzong was confused and looked at the cold injection. He couldn't help but hug his arms and stammered: "Xia...Aunt Xia, what is this?"

Xia Yuanfang didn't say anything, and then showed a video of her cutting off the head and tail.

In the video, it was dark at first, but soon a little leopard with horns on its head appeared, seemingly in a small space.

It is very small in size but very complete.

Then, the video starts to fast forward.

As the images appeared one after another, the little leopard with horns began to transform in that small space.

First, the horns on its head disappeared, and then its leopard head transformed into a human head. At the same time, its limbs gradually transformed into human legs and arms, its claws became hands, and then its body began to transform into a human body.

The further you go, the little leopard with horns at the beginning is a complete human fetus!

In the end, there was just a little baby being held in swaddling clothes, with big black eyes and fair and tender skin. From time to time, his little hands stretched out from the swaddling clothes holding him and waved in the air.

The back of the hand was so fat that it had fleshy dimples, and it was as moist as freshly baked steamed buns, making people want to touch it.

Sanzong looked at it blankly and said after a while: "Aunt Xia, this is..."

Xia Yuanfang said calmly: "Sanzong, do you want to change back to a complete human form?"

Sanzong raised his head suddenly and looked at Xia Yuanfang in disbelief: "What did Aunt Xia say?! A complete human form?! Do you mean Sanzong?!"

Xia Yuanfang nodded: "Yes, you are a humanoid slave. Because you were born like this, you still could not switch back to a complete human form after thirty days, so you were adopted by the royal humanoid breeding farm."

"If I told you that I might have a way to turn you into a complete human form, would you be willing to give it a try?"

Sanzong stood up in excitement and said eagerly: "Yes! Sanzong is willing!"

Xia Yuanfang said: "I would also like to remind you that I am still in the research and development stage of this potion. The video you saw before was to treat a fetus so that it can completely switch to an adult form when it is born."

"You are...an adult humanoid, and the treatment process is different from that of a fetus. It will take a long time, may be very painful, and may not be successful. Are you still willing?"

Sanzong said firmly: "Sanzong is willing! Sanzong is not afraid of pain! Even if it fails, Sanzong will be the same as now and has not lost anything! Aunt Xia, Sanzong is willing!"

Xia Yuanfang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sanzong, don't worry, I will do my best. No matter what you look like, we are all a family."

Sanzhao was surrounded by great happiness and was so excited that he almost fainted.

No matter when Xia Yuanfang took out a slender syringe and sucked the potion from the cold injection tube, Sanzhao suddenly thought of a question.

He murmured and asked: "Aunt Xia is here, how much does this medicine cost?"

Xia Yuanfang looked at him in confusion: "...money?"

Sanzong was even more uneasy. He had never been to the hospital to see a doctor. When he was sick before, he would just wrap himself in torn linen and sleep in a small shack for a few days.

But he can now surf the Internet and read a lot of strange things on StarNet, including the medical bills that many people complained about...

He said: "Sanzong has seen it on the Star Network. It costs money to treat diseases. It costs a lot of money... If someone like Sanzong could switch to an adult form, then this medicine must be very precious... It would be very expensive." …”

Xia Yuanfang smiled and said, "To be honest, this medicine is indeed very expensive. The video I showed you before was my first patient, and his treatment costs totaled millions. "

Sanzong's little pig's face fell: "... Well, Sanzong doesn't have that much money... Sanzong can't make so much money even if he farmed the land all his life..."

Xia Yuanfang said seriously: "Sanzong, we are a family, and I will not take your money. Moreover, the development of this potion was thanks to Sanzong, so not only do you not need to pay me, but I also Dividends will be given to you in proportion. This is what you get with the fruits of your own labor, not what others give you. Sanzong, you have to believe in yourself. You are no different from humans."

Sanzong's eyes were red, and he choked and said: "Aunt Xia...Aunt, do you really regard Sanzong as a family...as a human being?"

"Of course." Xia Yuanfang took the needle and walked behind Sanzong, "This needle is going to be injected into your spine. You lift up your clothes."

Sanzong hurriedly lifted up the short-sleeved coat that was convenient for work, revealing his back covered with whip scars.

They are all old injuries that have not faded away after many years.

Xia Yuanfang sighed, found the location of a certain joint in his spine, and inserted a needle.

Sanzong pursed his lips.

It does hurt a bit, but it's just like being pricked by a needle. There's no special feeling at all.

A warm current slowly flowed into his bone marrow, and Sanzhao suddenly felt a little sleepy.

Xia Yuanfang finished giving him the injection and said, "Because you have grown up for so long, I guess the dose of medicine needs to be increased. So from now on, I will give him an injection every month and see the effect in a year."

Sanzong nodded heavily and bowed to Xia Yuanfang gratefully.

Xia Yuanfang said softly: "Don't tell Aunt Chen and Yingying about this yet. Wait until Sanzhao turns into a handsome young man and surprise them."

Sanzong chuckled: "Okay Aunt Xia!"

Xia Yuanfang said: "After you go out, ask Aunt Chen to come to my place. There are still things to discuss with her in the studio."

Sanzong went out happily and called Aunt Chen in.

After Aunt Chen came in, Xia Yuanfang also asked her to close the door and sit opposite her.

Then, just like Sanzong, Xia Yuanfang also played the video again.

Before Aunt Chen finished reading, she stood up suddenly, her heart pounding.

The tone of her voice changed: "...Researcher Xia...this is...this is...what?!"

Xia Yuanfang said: "This is the result of my research, and this is what my studio does."

Aunt Chen said excitedly: "Aren't you doing reproductive assistance?! This child is already pregnant, can it still change?!"

Xia Yuanfang smiled and said: "I originally thought it was useless, but after trying it, I found that the effect is the same."

Then she looked at Aunt Chen and said word by word: "Sister Chen, I can also help you stabilize your genes so that you will no longer be unable to control your transformation."

Aunt Chen covered her mouth and said dumbfounded: "...This is okay?! Is there really such a medicine?!"

Second update at 1pm. Guys, please vote for me!

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