I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 308 Textbook-like precise operation (Second update, please vote for me)

The training of fighter pilots in the Beichen Empire is still very artificial, requiring each pilot to have extremely high flying skills and combat skills.

In this regard, no matter how good a pilot is, when he comes into contact with a new aircraft type, he will need at least one hundred hours of flying time to become familiar with and consolidate his flying and combat skills.

But it only took Xia Chujian five minutes to drive the fighter plane up to sonic boom speed, and even fired a few live rounds in the sky!

Every shot hit the target. He was more skillful and precise than the young instructor who had been flying Harrier fighter jets for five years!

The young instructor sitting in the back holding a training recorder to film Xia Chujian's operating techniques was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear!

Is this really a pilot who has never flown a ground fighter before? !

He couldn't help but ask through the headset system: "Lieutenant Xia, have you flown a Harrier fighter before?"

Xia Chujian simply answered according to his own personality: "No, what I learned from the beginning was the Star Fighter."

The young instructor praised: "Your driving skills are better than mine. You can use them to make teaching materials."

Xia Chujian smiled: "Instructor, thank you for your praise. It's because you taught well that I learned quickly."

She was actually quite surprised herself!

I didn’t expect this Harrier fighter to be so easy to operate...

When her hands were on the control stick and she was concentrating on driving, she even felt that the entire fighter plane was an extension of her five senses!

Looking at the data displayed on the Harrier fighter's operation control panel, she could not only accurately understand the meaning of these data, but also quickly adjust her control of the fighter so that it could perform at its best!

She saw on the control panel of the operating station that the actual top speed of the Harrier fighter jet could reach thirty-six kilometers per minute, but she felt that the actual top speed of this fighter jet could be improved, and it would be best to reach it. Theoretical maximum speed - fifty-four kilometers per minute.

She had just flown the fighter plane at the speed of a sonic boom, which was eighteen kilometers per minute. Therefore, she had not yet reached the actual maximum speed of the fighter plane.

Xia Chujian held the operating lever and gradually increased the engine's kinetic energy output while constantly adjusting the height.

The higher you go, the smaller the air resistance will be, but at the same time the smaller the lift will be. However, because it is a ground fighter, there is no need to infinitely raise the altitude above the atmosphere, because this lightweight Harrier ground fighter cannot resist gravity at all. It will disintegrate in the air when it reaches the altitude limit.

Therefore, she needs to find the best fit between altitude and speed so that the fighter can break through its actual maximum speed and reach its theoretical maximum speed.

And just when she was concentrating all her attention on the speed test flight, the young instructor sitting behind her, recording her operation process with a training recorder, suddenly turned pale.

Because he saw on the control panel of the operation station that the flight speed of this Harrier fighter was getting closer and closer to the actual maximum speed - thirty-six kilometers per minute!

At this speed, no pilot in all the Sector Guards combined has ever flown at this speed in the past twenty years!

Only when the Harrier fighter jet was still being developed and tested, a genius test pilot flew at a speed of thirty-six kilometers per minute...

And for that genius test pilot, it was the speed at which he could fly with his life.

Because when the Harrier fighter reached this speed for thirty seconds, the engine exploded in the air and the entire fighter jet disintegrated!

The test pilot therefore left a record in the Harrier fighter's data history book, a speed that would be unmatched by future generations for twenty years, let alone surpassed!

But now, the young instructor discovered that the student he was leading on the first day was actually approaching this speed!

He shouted suddenly: "Slow down! Slow down! You can't reach this speed! Danger! Danger!"

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't rush to the front row to grab the operating lever at this time, he would have knocked out this daring female student with one punch!

Xia Chujian was focused on finding the best fit when she was suddenly shouted at by someone behind her. The sound was directly transmitted to her ears through the Bluetooth headset, startling her.

Xia Chujian said quickly: "Don't worry, instructor! There won't be any danger, I'm very careful!"

"What do you know?! Don't rely on yourself to fly over the Ghost-class star fighter! This is the lowest Harrier fighter among ground fighters! Its performance indicators are the worst! It is not comparable to the Ghost-class star fighter! "The young instructor felt that his life and safety were under great threat. Veins were popping out on his forehead and he was almost hoarse.

"Slow down quickly! If you don't slow down! I'm calling the police on the ground control! I'm going to parachute!" he shouted, about to press the seat ejector.

Xia Chujian laughed angrily. He quickly issued a few instructions on the control panel of the operating station and took over the entire fighter plane, depriving the rear seats of their seat ejection function. Of course, he also deprived the rear seats of opening the hatch and the ability to eject the seats. Unlock seat belt function.

She is increasing the kinetic energy output of the engine and raising the speed. If the rear seat suddenly pops open the cockpit hatch and ejects the seat by itself, what will happen to her?

On the first day of training, he will become a joke to the whole base!

She could even imagine that there would be headlines in large fonts and red colors on the forum on the base's official website.

# On the first day of the new student’s flight, the instructor was forced to eject the seat and parachute to save himself! # .

If she continues like this, how can her dream be realized? !

If she can't be directly promoted to a school-level officer, how can she catch up with Huo Yushen's promotion path!

Xia Chujian said coldly through the headset: "Shut up! I am flying the fighter plane now, you are just an auxiliary! If it is on the battlefield, you are a deserter! You are the enemy's helper! Simply called a traitor!"

When the "big hat" was pulled off, the young instructor was shocked, stopped struggling, and died down.

But he was also extremely frightened.

He was still very young, born into a noble family, graduated from a key university, and still had some talent for flying. A bright future was waiting for him, and he didn't want to die in a normal teaching session like this!

Just when he was so frightened that he couldn't speak, Xia Chujian had already driven the Harrier fighter to a speed of thirty-six kilometers per minute!

Since the death of the test pilot, the actual top speed of the Harrier fighter, which has never been reached by anyone, has finally been reached.

The next second, the speed reached 36.5 kilometers per minute.

The actual top speed of the Harrier fighter was surpassed at this moment!

Each training aircraft in the base has a wireless connection with the ground console, so that the aerial training data of each training aircraft can be directly transmitted to the base console to facilitate unified scoring.

At this time, when Xia Chu saw that the Harrier fighter jet exceeded its actual maximum speed and was still breaking through to a higher speed, the base's ground console sounded the highest alert tone.

"Attention to all base personnel! Attention to all base personnel! Harrier fighter YA02 is breaking through the actual maximum speed! Please contact the pilot with the ground control! Please contact the ground control with the pilot!"

This reminder sounded over the base. From top to bottom, from the base's top chief instructor to the base sweeper, everyone looked up at the blue sky.

The fighter plane Xia Chu saw had actually flown out of sight, but when everyone looked up, they could still see a trail of sharp white smoke remaining in the sky!

Pei Zijing, the chief instructor of the base, quickly rushed to the main control room of the ground console, took the communication device from the staff, and called the YA02 Harrier fighter in a deep voice.

"This is Pei Zijing in the main control room on the ground! The pilots of the YA02 Harrier fighter, please answer! The pilots of the YA02 Harrier fighter, please answer!"

Xia Chujian now knew a lot about the performance of the Harrier fighter, and was able to devote some of his energy to communicating with the ground.

She connected to the ground intercom and said: "This is Xia Chujian, the chief pilot of the Fourth Starfleet Ghost-class fighter, currently flying the YA02 Harrier fighter. Chief Instructor Pei, please give me instructions."

Pei Zijing said: "Who is your flight instructor? Let him speak."

Xia Chujian was silent for a moment, opened another channel, and said to the young instructor who had just had a hysterical attack: "Instructor, Chief Instructor Pei wants to talk to you."

The young instructor was indeed in a state of collapse just now, but after the collapse, his mentality of breaking everything saved him.

He sneered and turned on the ground intercom and said: "Chief Instructor Pei, this is Instructor No. YA02 Yu Fei. Student Xia Chujian did not obey the command and flew to the dangerous speed area without permission. I request the Chief Instructor to order the fighter plane to return!"

Pei Zijing: "..."

This answer was not in line with his expectations.

Pei Zijing quickly read the flight data sent back by the YA02 Harrier fighter.

According to the data, the engine of this fighter jet is currently in normal flight condition.

There is no abnormality in the engine data, indicating that it is still in a stable area and there should be no accidents such as explosion and disintegration.

But Pei Zijing couldn't take the instructor's words lightly. After all, he knew his instructor better than a student who had just arrived for training on the first day.

He looked at the data and asked: "Instructor Yu Fei, is there any system failure on the YA02 fighter? Is there a special gas smell in the cabin?"

Yu Fei felt that he was saved, and immediately sat up straight, quickly took off his helmet and felt it, then quickly put it back on his head, and said to the ground intercom: "Report to Chief Instructor Pei, there is no system failure prompt, and there is no special gas smell. .”

If there is an engine problem, a special gas smell will spread to the engine room first.

And this is just a very compact Harrier fighter. Even if the operating system fails, it is impossible for the engine to have a major failure and the people in the cabin are unaware of it.

Pei Zijing pursed his lips and then asked Xia Chujian: "Xia Chujian, what do you think? Will your fighter engine explode and disintegrate because it exceeds the actual maximum speed?"

Xia Chujian said at this time: "General Instructor Pei, the fighter's engine has a maximum speed critical value. If it exceeds this critical value, the engine will definitely explode and disintegrate. But I think it has not reached this critical value yet, so, There is still a possibility of improving the speed!”

Pei Zijing feels the same way. He is also a very good pilot. He has sufficient driving experience whether it is a ground fighter or a star fighter.

Based on the data he saw, he felt that Xia Chujian could be faster...

Before I knew it, it was the end of the month again, and I forgot to ask for a monthly ticket!

Please vote for monthly votes, Xiaoxiang votes, and recommendation votes!

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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