I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 311 Hitting the wall (first update, please vote for me)

Xia Chujian and Yu Fei were sent away by ambulance.

Mao Yonggui, Chu Qingjuan and Sang Yadi looked at each other and decided to go to the medical room to see her.

Yu Fei was considered the instructor in their dormitory, and now that he was even in the medical room, they went to Pei Zijing to ask for leave.

"Instructor Pei, Xia Chujian is our roommate, and Instructor Yu is our common instructor. Can we go see them together?"

Pei Zijing looked at them and said, "Get in the car, I want to see them too."

As the chief instructor, he indeed bears a large responsibility for this fighter plane accident.

He hoped that the two of them would be okay, otherwise, he was afraid that the merits he had made would not be enough.

Mao Yonggui, Chu Qingjuan and Sang Yadi quickly got into Pei Zijing's car, crowded into the back seat, and drove to the medical room together.

The medical room is actually a separate three-story building. It is fully equipped and can even perform minor surgeries.

Of course, if the injury is serious and requires major surgery, you have to be sent to a major hospital in Garo City immediately.

Xia Chujian and Yu Fei followed the ambulance to the medical room.

Yu Fei underwent a simple physical examination and was immediately sent to the first-class medical cabin.

He did have some physical problems. He sprained his foot while skydiving. He was so nervous at the time that he didn't notice it himself.

It wasn't until he got out of the ambulance and fell to the ground that he realized that his feet were swollen into buns.

This was actually a minor injury, but it was still uncomfortable. The male doctor used this as a reason to let Yu Fei enter the medical cabin.

When Xia Chu came for an examination, the male doctor with the rank of captain gave her a simple physical examination, then frowned and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Xia Chu saw a slight discomfort in his left shoulder, but nothing else.

It was my first time skydiving, so I felt a little dizzy.

But after I was given oxygen in the ambulance, I didn't feel the faintness at all.

She just felt energetic at this time and had no problem staying up all night.

When the doctor asked her, she looked at the doctor's unkind eyes, pursed her lips, and said softly: "I was a little dizzy before, but I got better after taking oxygen in the ambulance."

The doctor then showed a slight smile and said: "That's right, I see your physical examination data, you are healthier than most people in this base! The little girl has a good physical condition, and she is just like a normal person when skydiving. No wonder she is The chief pilot of the Ghost-class starfighter!”

Xia Chujian: "..."

Although there was nothing wrong with what she said, it just sounded uncomfortable to her. Moreover, her left shoulder was a little painful. She didn't know what the problem was, but she still wanted to check again.

Xia Chujian said calmly: "No matter how good my health is, I just parachuted down from an exploding fighter plane. Why don't you check me carefully in the medical cabin to see if there are any hidden dangers or sequelae?" ?”

The doctor's smile that just opened faded again, and he sharply asked: "How else do you want me to check? Can I guarantee that you will be free from illness and disaster for the rest of your life?"

Xia Chujian was sure that the doctor did this on purpose.

As a doctor, do you talk to people like this?

She looked at him deeply, stood up and said, "I shouldn't have parachuted if I bothered the doctor, and I should have troubled the doctor to diagnose and treat me."

Then turned around and left.

She did not leave the emergency room, but stood alone in front of the emergency room door, looking straight ahead.

She knew she was a little impulsive, but it was her first time to skydive from a high altitude today, which made her nerves stretch to the extreme. It felt like there was a fire running around in her heart, making her uncomfortable.

Thinking this way, my shoulder seems to be getting more and more painful.

She wanted to scream, fight, shoot, and vent!

But she also knew that there was nothing she could do.

This is a military camp and she is a soldier. She cannot discredit her family or the Special Security Bureau.

So I could only stand straight next to the door of the emergency room to express my silent protest.

When Pei Zijing came over with Mao Yonggui, Chu Qingjuan and Sang Yadi, he saw Xia Chujian standing alone at the door of the emergency room.

"First meeting! Why are you standing here?!" Mao Yonggui ran over in surprise, took her hand, and looked her up and down, "Are you not hurt? Why don't you go in?"

Chu Qingjuan also said anxiously: "Is there someone inside? Do I need to queue up? Do you want to talk to Chief Instructor Pei and let you check first? After all, your situation is quite urgent."

Sanyadi was so anxious that she couldn't speak, so she just held her other hand.

Pei Zijing frowned and said, "Are there many people inside? I'll go find someone."

He walked in and saw no one in the emergency room.

Pei Zijing walked to an office in the emergency room and found that there was only one doctor there.

He asked: "Doctor Wang, why don't you examine Xia Chujian?"

Doctor Wang raised his head and said angrily: "Brother Pei, that girl embarrassed you in front of so many people, and you still want to treat her injuries?"

He was present at the time and saw and heard everything.

Pei Zijing had a headache and said, "That's my business. Why did she embarrass me? It's just that the little girl was scared and kept talking."

Dr. Wang threw away the pen in his hand and said angrily: "You are so generous! Let me be the bad guy! Besides, I have seen her physical examination data and she is in good health! I heard her heartbeat just now, it's okay!"

"Then why is she standing in front of your emergency room?"

Doctor Wang was surprised: "She hasn't left yet? Still standing at the door of the emergency room?"

Pei Zijing nodded and said, "She is still wearing the military uniform she wore when she skydived. Anyone who looks at her will know that she just had an accident."

There was an accident and no treatment, but he was standing at the door of the emergency room. Anyone who saw this would know that it was the doctor's responsibility.

I can’t tell that this little girl is pretty good at giving people eye drops despite her young age...

Doctor Wang complained in his heart, his face turned pale, he rushed out and said anxiously to Xia Chujian: "I said you are fine, why are you still standing here! I am not someone to be bullied!"

Xia Chujian had a cold face and didn't speak at first. When there were more people watching, he said word by word: "Doctor, my fighter plane exploded and I just parachuted. You only saw my physical examination data. Tell me whatever you want." After a beat of my heart, I forced myself to say it was okay. I asked if there would be any hidden dangers or sequelae, but you criticized me and asked if you would guarantee that I would be free from illness and disaster for the rest of my life!"

"I shouldn't have parachuted, I should have died in the fighter plane just now, so that I wouldn't have troubled you, and I wouldn't have asked you to guarantee that I would be free from illness and disaster for the rest of my life!"

Xia Chujian felt so wronged that her eyes were red, but she couldn't squeeze out tears.

But this look is like a fragile child maintaining her final stubbornness.

The onlookers couldn't bear it anymore, and cast their condemning eyes on Dr. Wang.

Doctor Wang's face was ashen and he said quickly: "Don't talk nonsense! I checked you! I'm sure you're fine!"

"Check? Even if you check the heartbeat, you're fine? You won't even let me go in the medical cabin to lie down, so you're sure I'm fine? Besides, I'm talking nonsense, and I'll be killed when I fly a fighter plane in the future!" Xia Chujian said angrily , "If there is surveillance in the emergency room, I ask for the surveillance to be adjusted!"

The onlookers immediately exploded.

Doctor Wang's attitude was not very good to begin with, and he was always only willing to treat instructors and students from noble backgrounds. He usually ignored those from civilian backgrounds.

In the past, the instructors and students who were civilians did not dare to start a fight with him. Unexpectedly, they dared to start a fight with him when they met at the beginning of the summer.

Dr. Wang also felt aggrieved.

He usually does not treat civilians, even genetic evolvers.

This time, for Pei Zijing's sake, it would be nice to give Xia Chujian, a civilian who is not a genetic evolver, a physical examination. Do you want to enter his first-class medical cabin? !

Besides, he was present and could hear clearly what Xia Chujian said when he first landed after skydiving.

Pei Zijing might be punished this time...

Dr. Wang was on good terms with Pei Zijing, so of course he had a bad feeling for Xia Chujian. Giving her only small shoes was a small punishment but a big warning, so what could she do?

He just didn't expect that Xia Chujian would dare to be so aggressive in front of so many people!

Pei Zijing understood the whole story and just sighed in his heart.

Doctor Wang was trying to defend him at the time, but Xia Chujian said that in front of so many people, which caught him off guard.

But he also knew that he was not responsible for this matter.

At that time, he really only thought about letting Xia Chujian continue to break records, and did not think about the engine problem.

Fortunately, Xia Chujian and Yu Fei successfully parachuted. As long as no lives were lost, the loss of a training aircraft was nothing.

Besides, this training aircraft also set a new record, so his achievements are definitely indispensable.

The onlookers all shouted at this time: "Doctor Wang is so arrogant! As a doctor, he refuses to treat us. He also wishes that if our people died, we wouldn't need to check. Then why are we still doctors? Why don't we just go back and lie down? better?"

"Exactly! The doctor at the special training base still has the rank of captain, but he has no medical ethics at all to save lives and heal the wounded!"

"Come on, I'm still saving lives and healing the wounded. Thank God if I can't be cruel behind my back..."

"Let me guess, that instructor Yu Fei is a noble, right? So he went to the first-class medical cabin. Is this student a civilian, right? Haha, civilians deserve to die like nothing, and they still want to enter the medical cabin? What are you thinking? What's going on!" Someone who was watching the fun didn't take it too seriously and revealed Dr. Wang's true psychology.

This is because Dr. Wang usually has too many grudges with people. No wonder someone came out to add insult to injury at this time.

At this time, Dr. Wang also realized that he had aroused public anger, and couldn't help but turn his attention to Pei Zijing for help.

Pei Zijing remained calm and said, "Doctor Wang will take care of Yu Fei first. I will take Xia Chujian to the chief physician for examination."

Of course Dr. Wang is not as good as the chief physician.

Dr. Wang hurriedly returned to the emergency room office, closed the door, and refused to listen to the discussions outside.

Pei Zijing took Xia Chujian to see the chief physician.

The chief physician of the base is a middle-aged woman in her forties.

She was wearing a white coat and had a serious look on her face, but she very seriously asked Xia Chujian to lie down in the medical cabin and give her a full body examination.

This investigation actually found something wrong.

"There is a bone fracture in her shoulder. It should be that when she was skydiving, the parachute bag was not tied in the correct position, and the parachute was in the wrong position, causing the shoulder injury. It is not serious, but if it is not treated in time, it will indeed become more serious. "

The chief physician said that he had already set up a treatment program for Xia Chujian.

The treatment in the first-class medical cabin only took half an hour. Xia Chu saw that the slight bone fracture on his shoulder was completely healed.

During this period, Pei Zijing and the three roommates Xia Chu met did not leave, they only stayed here.

Yu Fei came out of Doctor Wang's medical cabin and came over.

He entered Doctor Wang's medical cabin first. His sprained foot had completely recovered, and he also learned about what had just happened from his own people.

He just sighed in his heart, this time Wang kicked the iron plate, and he might be unlucky in the future...

Today’s third update is asking for monthly votes! There will be a second update at 7am. Third update at 1 p.m.

Today is the last day, everyone, please vote for your monthly Xiaoxiang vote!

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