I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 323 The Condor Project (first update, please vote for me)

Yu Fei shouted for a long time, but no one in the instructor's command room paid attention to him.

An instructor said coldly: "Yu Fei, this is a battle, this is her training. We are instructors, but we are also judges. We cannot interfere with any of the students' actions."

Yu Fei took a deep breath and thought that you said it nicely. If Xia Chujian was a noble, you would have already crawled to activate the ion cannon!

He glared angrily at the seemingly fair instructor, but Pei Zijing pressed his shoulder again.

Pei Zijing said nothing, but his eyes clearly told him to continue looking.

Yu Fei closed his eyes, feeling very uncomfortable and worried about Xia Chujian.

He was originally quite worried about Xia Chujian's ability to make trouble, and he was also worried that she would continue to cause trouble.

But ever since she saved a fighter jet with her own missile, he has been firmly on her side.

Yu Fei was about to speak again, but he couldn't see it. Xia Chujian had quickly raised her Eagle fighter plane, and at a speed of almost seventy-two kilometers per minute, she quickly escaped from the radar lock of the rebel air defense key points, as well as the opponent's anti-aircraft guns. And the strike range of smart machine guns!

Because she flies too fast!

Obviously, the surface-to-air missile on the rebel ground high ground had already "peached" before it completed the locking process!

Yu Fei took one look and burst into laughter. He clapped his hands, stamped his feet, and whistled high and loud.

One person can perform as much as a whole cheerleading team.

Pei Zijing glanced at him, raised the corners of his lips slightly, touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "...The Eagle fighter can still play like this, and the guards of each sector can really learn from it."

The Beichen Empire's army is divided into two parts.

Starfleet is an armed force that specializes in fighting other interstellar countries.

The Sector Guard is the armed force of each planet within the empire, maintaining the rule and balance within the empire.

Yu Fei said proudly: "No one else except this student can do this kind of cool operation!"

None of the instructors present knew that the pilot of the D10 Sculpture fighter was the same Xia Chujian who had broken the actual maximum speed of three types of ground fighters!

Anyone who can't reach her speed will die if they try this trick.

Everyone was silent.

At this time, Xia Chujian had already discovered the second air defense point with abnormal firepower.


Another air-to-ground micro missile was launched.


Another half of the hillside was flattened.

This is the second rebel ammunition depot to be destroyed, and it is also the second key air defense point of the rebels.


On the standings, behind Xia Chujian's name, the score became 20,000 points.

At this time, the person with the second highest score was Lu Luyu, who only scored 2,400 points.

Yu Fei looked at the name Lu Luyu and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Because all of this student's 2,400 points were obtained by killing rebels.

It means that she killed 2,500 people in ten minutes.

He is also a ruthless person.

At this time, Lu Luyu was piloting a Harrier fighter plane and dived from high altitude again, desperately killing the rebels on the ground.

The machine guns and bullets that come with ground fighters are simply not comparable to ordinary smart machine guns.

It can be said that it is the perfect combination of the size and kinetic energy of sniper bullets and the firing speed of smart machine guns.

The two of them came together to kill the rebels on the ground who had no protection at all. It was like chopping melons and vegetables.

On the high-definition display screen, splattered blood and scattered limbs flashed from time to time, all telling the cruelty of this war.

This was the first time Xia Chujian had participated in such a battle. Although she was not afraid of killing people, this was the first time she had seen such large-scale killings.

Especially, when she saw the shabby equipment in the hands of the rebels charging in the mountains at close range, and saw their ragged appearance, she couldn't press the smart machine gun firing button in their hands.

The air defense points on the circular highlands are different.

Xia Chujian observed and found that that was where the real elite of the rebels should be.

The personal equipment of the rebels on the circular highlands was no worse than that of the garrison in Whirlpool City.

Elite bulletproof equipment, from head to toe, including the firearms in hand, are all the latest models.

The Sculpture fighter plane that Xia Chu had seen passed by at low altitude from the top of the mountain again. Suddenly he found a place and poked out an Adjudicator No. 1 sniper!

When the barrel of the gun came out, Xia Chujian launched an air-to-ground missile without hesitation.


Another half of the mountain was flattened!

The sniper hiding in the mountain ridge bunker was directly blasted into the mountain by this air-to-ground missile.

The Arbitrator No. 1 sniper rifle was also beaten to pieces.

Not long after, there was a huge roar and explosion in the heart of the mountain, like rolling thunder from the sky falling to the ground, the sound was endless.

As everyone watched, the entire ridge suddenly sunk in half, and a raging fire broke out inside the mountain.

Then, behind Xia Chujian's name on the standings, there were another 10,000 points!

She alone has destroyed three ammunition depots on the enemy's air defense highlands, which are three important air defense points.

The total score was only 100,000 points. Xia Chu saw that one person scored 30,000 points. The chance of others knocking her out of the first place was already very small.

Xia Chu was also surprised to see him.

Because of the ammunition depot on this high ground, she really didn't notice it.

She hit that place simply because she found the Adjudicator No. 1 sniper rifle...

She knows how far the range of this sniper rifle is. If it is targeted by it, only the thick-skinned and fast Sculpture fighter jets will probably be able to survive. Those crispy-skinned Harrier and Hawkeye fighters will probably be able to survive. Got punched through by it.

If the engine of the fighter plane is hit, there will be no other options available. Even the pilot of the Sculpture fighter plane will have no choice but to parachute to survive.

Parachuting in such a chaotic battlefield is actually a dead end.

Xia Chujian simply didn't want this situation to happen to her, so she took the initiative.

As a result, luck turned out to be so good.

Launch four air-to-ground missiles and directly destroy three ammunition depots on the enemy's air defense points!

At this time, the rebel command also discovered that this carved fighter plane with the D10 mark was very cunning and fierce!

Just this one fighter plane has destroyed more than half of their combat effectiveness!

Therefore, the rebel command headquarters quietly formulated a "D10 Condor Shooting Plan"...

The target is the D10 Eagle fighter.

Xia Chujian didn't know yet that he had become someone else's first target.

She flew the Sculpture fighter plane and circled at low altitude over the ridge again and again, trying to attract the opponent's anti-aircraft fire as before.

In this way, all the fire can be focused on her fighter plane without hitting her comrades.

She is not twice as fast as others, so she has full confidence in using such a strategy.

Her superb driving skills and superb speed control ability allowed her to escape every time before the fire control radar of the rebel air defense system locked onto her fighter plane.

But since the destruction of the rebels' three key air defense ammunition depots, the opponent has become more cautious and alert.

She was unable to detect any abnormalities from the firepower erupting from the remaining air defense points.

This last ammunition depot must be even more hidden.

At the same time, this ammunition depot should also be the largest ammunition depot for the rebels.

Otherwise it wouldn't be hidden so deeply.

After circling the entire ridge of the mountain several times but finding nothing, she finally gave up her original strategy.

Xia Chujian quickly raised his altitude and stopped wandering at low altitude.

At this moment, the three Harrier fighter jets of the rebels quietly took off from the other side of the circular highland, covering Xia Chujian's D10 Eagle fighter jet from three sides.

But Xia Chujian was very alert.

When her fighter radar indicated that three Harrier fighter jets were approaching quickly, she immediately activated her Eagle fighter jet in a figure-8 flight mode, then accelerated rapidly, breaking through the thick clouds, and rushed deep into the night sky amidst the heavy snowfall. at.

The three snow-white Harrier fighter jets were moving through the heavy snow like ghosts, and their speed increased rapidly.

Xia Chujian could have used faster speed to get rid of the pursuit of the three Harrier fighters.

But she suddenly thought of the flaw in the Harrier fighter engine, and her heart suddenly moved.

She knew that as long as she prevented the opponent's fire control radar from locking on, she would be foolproof.

Because of the thickness of the Sculpture fighter, only missiles can destroy this fighter. Machine gun bullets can only make holes in it without causing structural damage.

Of course, you also have to prevent the opponent from hitting her engine area.

Hitting the engine part, no matter how powerful the fighter plane is, it will not be able to survive.

In this way, her strategy will have high requirements on the pilot's driving skills and flying speed.

But Xia Chujian felt that she could give it a try.

So when she accelerated next, she didn't accelerate to the highest speed all at once, but began to snake in the air.

So in the heavy snow, a dark sculptured fighter suddenly became extremely flexible. Sometimes it dived, sometimes it tilted up, sometimes it moved parallel, sometimes it did a backflip of 180 degrees, and sometimes it rolled continuously of 360 degrees. It's like dancing a ballet in the air!

It's simply a show-off style of driving.

Not only did it dazzle the rebel pilots of the three Harrier fighter jets that were chasing her, but also the instructors in the command room on the transport plane on their own side were delighted to see it.

"Record this! You must record it! I want to study carefully how this kind of trajectory flew out!"

"Oh - ah! Can you continue to roll sideways and then roll forward like this?!"

"Have you noticed that the Harrier fighter jets pursued by the rebels behind are not going at the right speed..."

"...I didn't expect that the fighter pilots on the rebel side were also hiding dragons and crouching tigers? That speed has exceeded the previous actual maximum speed!"

"Tch! What do you know?! Those Harrier fighter jets of the rebels behind are being beaten by our D10 fighter jets!"

"It's really walking! Look at the D10 in front. Sometimes it's fast and sometimes it's slow. The rebel fighter planes chasing behind it are also sometimes fast and sometimes slow. But that speed is also very fast!"

"That's right! So it's like walking a dog! For the fighters in front, if you want the fighters chasing behind you to be fast, go fast; if you want them to be slow, go slow... Tsk, tsk, you're driving like a rogue..."

"Bah! You are the gangster! Your whole family is gangster! What we call tactics! Do you understand tactics?"

Second update at 1pm. Asking for a monthly ticket!

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