I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 329 I am Sister Xia’s lackey (first update)

Zhuo Wangying's face turned even paler.

He didn't know where the intelligence went wrong, but judging from the intelligence they collected, this place definitely couldn't support so many rebels' supplies...

However, he also knew that the clear facts were now before everyone.

Not only did the rebels secretly run this highland near Whirlpool City into a base camp, but they also received so many supplies!

They all came from the military, and they all knew that raising soldiers cost the most money and resources, and the flow of money and resources could not be hidden from anyone.

So how on earth did those rebels hollow out the entire circular highland adjacent to the city under the noses of the Whistle City government and the local garrison!

Still inside, so much equipment, ammunition, and hundreds of thousands of people are stationed? !

Zhuo Wangying's back felt cold.

It's not that he doesn't understand the meaning behind it.

This means that they have a traitor among them, and among the higher-level people, there is a traitor who colludes with the rebels!

The fact that the rebels were able to become so big and keep it a secret for so long means that the traitors are not just one person, but a group of people!

Not to mention these, but when he looked at the instructors who had supported him before as if asking for help, he found that they all looked away uncomfortably and had no intention of speaking for him.

These people are also soldiers. Although they are also divided into factions around different nobles, they value military exploits more.

Zhuo Wangying had made many military exploits in the past, and everyone thought that he would be promoted to senior colonel, and then leave this special flight training base to serve in the military department of the Beichen Star Imperial Capital, or to replace Pei Zijing as the chief instructor.

And now, he has fallen into a serious trap...

Let alone serve in the military, don't even think about replacing Pei Zijing.

After the investigation of this accident, the lightest treatment was considered to be serious malfeasance caused by intelligence errors. His rank of colonel would definitely not be preserved.

If it is more strict, there will be suspicion of collaborating with the enemy.

If the suspicion of collaboration with the enemy is confirmed, he will be shot!

And depending on the seriousness of the plot, not to mention himself, the entire Zhuo family will be implicated.

Some people are even wondering whether one of the viscount titles that has not been vacant for at least two hundred years will be vacant...

Pei Zijing announced on the public communication channel: "For the students who participated in the destruction of the 150 fighter planes at the rebel base camp, your achievements have been recorded by us. We will report them to the military headquarters to ask for credit for you."

The students in the one hundred and fifty fighter planes were extremely happy, and one by one they flew towards the fighter plane Xia Chu saw.

They began performing various stunts around her aircraft to express their joy and gratitude.

Xia Chu was also very excited to see him.

This is the first time she has participated in a real battle and the first time she has taken a leading role.

She said happily: "Thank you, comrades, for trusting me! I am in the Fourth Star Fleet, it is my first time to fight, and it is my first time to be a leader and command. Fortunately, the effect is not bad hahahaha..."

Everyone who heard her words: "..."

A stream of white sweat broke out from behind.

Yu Fei even said in surprise in the command room: "This girl has never commanded a battle before?!"

"Woot! Looking at how confident she was just now, I thought she had already commanded the Star Fleet to win dozens of battles!"

This is also the voice of most students.

They never expected that D10, which had just commanded a battle calmly and casually destroyed the rebel base camp, would actually come from the worst Fourth Star Fleet!

This is my first time fighting!

Later, when the leader took command for the first time, they automatically ignored it.

Mao Yonggui said: "What's the big deal? Some people are geniuses, don't accept it!"

While everyone was marveling at the genius, Lu Luyu in the Harrier fighter was so angry that her whole body trembled.

She felt a sense of grievance in her chest and had no way to vent it. Unable to control herself for a moment, she actually flew a fighter plane towards the battlefield and fired directly at the Whirlpool City garrison detachment that was cleaning the battlefield on the ground!

Ta-ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta-ta!

Seeing the army soldiers from the whirling city garrison detachment fall on the snow one after another, and the blood stained the plain red again, she smiled a little sickly.

"Giggle, giggle! Hee hee hee! Hee hee hee hee! I'm so scared...but it feels so good!"

She wasn't happy for long before everyone discovered what she was doing.


"A Lu stop!"

"Don't kill your own people!"

The students, instructors, and Lu Luyu's friends all shouted on the public communication channel.

Xia Chujian didn't shout. She didn't understand what was the use of shouting on the public channel in this situation?

She has always been able to do things without making blind gestures.

So Xia Chujian flew straight down in the Sculpture fighter plane and no longer tolerated it.

The fire control radar instantly locked onto Lu Luyu's fighter plane, and Xia Chu saw the last missile swoosh away, aiming at the Y21 fighter plane for bombardment.


The Harrier fighter exploded and disintegrated in the air, setting off shining fireworks!

But at the critical moment, Lu Luyu successfully ejected and parachuted.

She is a high-level genetic evolver. At this critical juncture, she cannot save the fighter plane, but it is more than enough to escape with her life.

Because the rebels on the battlefield have been wiped out by ground troops, no one will shoot coldly in the air.

The Whirlpool City garrison who were killed on the ground battlefield were all our own people. At this time, they were restrained by their own officers and did not dare to shoot her in revenge.

Xia Chujian didn't care about this. She turned on the smart machine gun again and locked on Lu Luyu.

At this moment, Pei Zijing's voice rang in her earphones: "Xia Chujian, stop it! Lu Luyu killed one of her own people, the base will send her to a military court! If you shoot her, you will also be taken to a military court!"

This was Pei Zijing shouting to her through a private channel, so no one else could hear.

Yu Fei also joined Pei Zijing's private channel at this time and said to her: "Don't shoot when we meet in Xia Chu! That Lu Luyu is from a noble family, and her uncle holds a high position in the Senate. It will be very troublesome to kill her!"

Under the strong restraint of the two instructors, Xia Chujian suppressed the urge to shoot.

She said coldly: "Okay, I want to see her go to the military court with my own eyes. If she doesn't go to court, I will think of another way."

Yu Fei laughed angrily at her tone: "You think of a way? What can you think of?! For this kind of thing, the most you can do is to criticize, but what else can you do?!"

"She killed so many of her own people, just to report criticism?!" Xia Chujian was shocked, "Isn't it?! She killed one of our own students! Just now she used a smart machine gun to clean up the battlefield below. Those soldiers, are they the regular army of Whirlpool City? They are our comrades who are working with us to wipe out the rebels!"

Yu Fei was silent for a while and said: "...Xia Chu, those people are all civilians. When nobles kill civilians, they still kill them on the battlefield. They have... immunity from manslaughter."

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

Damn the noble immunity!

Xia Chujian was furious.

"Nobles still have such immunity?! Even on the battlefield? Even if they kill their own people? Even if they become traitors or defect, are they exempt?!"

Yu Fei said: "It sounds cruel to say it, but it is true. And killing one of your own by mistake is different from actually being a traitor or defecting. If she is a traitor or defectes, she will be sentenced to death. But if it is just a manslaughter, She killed one of her own, and the person who died was a low-level civilian. She will only receive a little punishment, but she will never die."

Xia Chujian punched the operating table.

At this moment, she didn't want to continue at all.

She had to stay in this position despite her aunt's punishment.

But now, she had doubts about her choice.

Auntie is right. She has only been here for a few days, but she already feels like she belongs here?

It's also too naive.

Xia Chujian even wondered whether he was more suitable for the freelance career of bounty hunter.

At least, in her case, nobles had no immunity.

She will kill whoever deserves to be killed!

Pei Zijing listened quietly and then said, "See you in the summer, let's have a good talk when we get back to the base."

"You are a soldier with great potential and talent. You are a born commander. Don't give up on yourself because of temporary setbacks. Believe me, you will be the second talented soldier in our interstellar army after Huo Shuai. ! You will even be better than Huo Shuai, you will surpass him!"

Yu Fei was stunned for a moment.

He also thought Xia Chujian was very powerful, but he didn't expect Pei Zijing to think so highly of her!

He is deceiving!

The battles led by Huo Yushen were not such small fights!

Xia Chujian was indeed shaken for a moment just now, and he didn't even know whether the army was suitable for him.

But when Pei Zijing said that she was better than Huo Yushen, he felt that he could persist a little longer.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's talk about it back to the base."

Xia Chujian looked below him. Lu Luyu, who had parachuted from the Y21 Harrier fighter jet, had already landed.

A Condor fighter jet landed near her landing point and wanted to take her off with her.

Pei Zijing said on the public channel: "The assessment is over, everyone returns."

Of the one hundred and ninety-seven students, only one hundred and ninety-six are alive now, which means there are only one hundred and seventy-nine fighter planes.

Under the command of their respective instructors, the larger Eagle fighter planes successively picked up the injured students who had parachuted before.

Everyone flew high into the sky, entered the belly of the Peng transport plane, and headed back together to the special flight training base in Garo City in the northern hemisphere.

When they arrived, they were all anxious and nervous.

Now that I go back, everyone is relaxed.

After experiencing a war, although there were casualties, the living people felt that life was more precious.

Everyone expressed their gratitude to Xia Chujian on the public communication channel.

"The pilot of D10 is Xia Chujian, right? Thank you, Sister Xia! Sister Xia is mighty!"

"What's your name, Sister Xia? She's only eighteen years old!"

"What do you know? Sister Xia is a respectful title and has nothing to do with age! Although I am twelve years older than her, I don't have the skills to be called Sister Xia!"

"Haha, you're right! The one who broke the speed record is our sister Xia!"

"The Fourth Star Fleet is so virtuous and capable! - Sister Xia, come to our Fifth Star Fleet! This is the Star Fleet created by Huo Shuai himself!"

"Oh, a bunch of flatterers! - Sister Xia, I am different from them, I never flatter! I only know that from now on, I will be Sister Xia's lackey! Whoever can't get along with Sister Xia in the future will have trouble with me, Chen Yansheng !—Woof! Woof woof! Woof woof!”

Today’s first update, am I enjoying it! Hahaha! Asking for a monthly ticket!

Second update at 1pm.

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