I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 377 The Noble Girl’s Marriage (First update, please vote for me!)

When the heroine opens her mouth, she is a so-called coloratura soprano.

As soon as the sound came out, it was like the sound of nature, with an aftertaste that lingered around for three days.

Xia Chujian felt that his skull was about to be lifted up by the high pitched sound, so he hurriedly took a bite of beef stew to suppress the feeling that he was about to float to the sky.

Quan Caiwei said softly: "...This is Mei Jiangli, the eldest brother's fiancée."

Xia Chujian: "...".

Her eyes couldn't help but fall on the woman's girdle waist and her wide whale-hooped skirt.

It doesn't look like she's pregnant...

Then she glanced at Quan Yuxun from the corner of her eye.

Quan Yuxun still had a smile as warm as the spring breeze. In fact, he wanted to catch the little look in Xia Chujian's eyes and beat him up.

On the surface, he smiled and said nothing, and gave Xia Chujian a glass of golden fruit juice.

Xia Chujian knew that his sneaky glances had been noticed, so he changed the subject and asked: "What's the name of this opera? The singing is quite nice."

Quan Caiwei said: "It's called "The Marriage of a Lady""

Xia Chujian: "..."

She listened attentively for a while and began to understand what the play was about.

Since it is "The Marriage of a Noble Girl", it is about the daughter of a certain noble family who needs to find a husband when she reaches the age of marriage.

The plot of the opera "The Marriage of a Lady" seems to be quite complicated.

This aristocratic family is very noble, and they only have one daughter. Naturally, they are spoiled by many people, and many of their choices are unsatisfactory.

But in fact, this daughter has a secret crush on the eldest son of another noble family.

But the eldest son already had a sweetheart, and he got married soon.

The opera begins with this aristocratic girl attending the wedding of the sweetheart she has a crush on.

In the first scene, she tried her best to find a chance to confess to her sweetheart.

But in this kind of aristocratic wedding, where is the chance for her to talk to the groom alone?

Not to mention a confession.

Therefore, her wish was not fulfilled until the wedding was over.

But her strangeness was noticed by the groom's brother.

This younger brother fell in love with this noble girl.

In the second act, it was the groom's brother who sent someone to propose to the noble girl.

When everyone thought that the younger brother was hopeless, the noble girl proposed that if the younger brother could kill his lover at the time, she would marry him.

This younger brother was from a noble family, but his lover at the time was not a noble, but the daughter of his wet nurse. It was not public, and even the family did not know.

I don’t know how an outsider found out about it, so it caused an uproar in the family.

The ending of the second act is that the younger brother killed his lover and took the body to the noble girl's house.

In the third act, after the younger brother dealt with his lover, the family once again came forward to propose marriage to the noble girl. , the noble girl actually agreed, and got married quickly just one month after the wedding of her secret crush.

The two lived a blissful wedding day, but not long after, the elder brother died on the battlefield of the stars.

When my brother's wife, who was pregnant and about to give birth, received the news from her siblings, she was shocked and angry, and she suddenly gave birth prematurely.

The premature baby died soon after birth, but the brother's wife was already half crazy after learning about her husband's death, and regarded the child as her only spiritual sustenance.

If she knew that the child was dead, she would definitely not survive.

So the news of the child's death was kept secret by the family and only a few people knew about it.

They looked around for solutions, and finally discovered that the sacrificed eldest brother had a lover outside, and his lover happened to have given birth to a child.

The time when he and his wife gave birth to a child was only one day apart.

Of course, his wife was born prematurely and her due date was originally three months late.

But because the news of her husband's death suddenly came, her children and her husband's lover's children were born almost immediately.

Her premature child died, but her lover's child was healthy.

So the younger brother of the family came forward and took the child away from his lover, treating it as the posthumous son of the eldest brother's wife, and sent it to the eldest brother's wife.

The eldest brother’s wife has been in a state of depression after giving birth, and the people around her are busy taking care of her body.

The nannies and caregivers who nurtured the children were all killed after the premature babies died.

Therefore, when the little baby was delivered, the eldest brother's wife and the people around her had no idea that the baby had been changed.

The ending of this opera is that the aristocratic girl who has become a younger brother and sister lives happily with her husband and has a son and a daughter. At the same time, she laments that the person she secretly loves is not so glamorous, but actually has love. People have illegitimate children...

When she saw the sister-in-law doting on the children of her husband's lover, the noble lady smiled slightly and strictly controlled her children so that they could get the best education.

After finishing the three-act opera, everyone inside and outside the box was sighing and denounced.

What is sad is the tragic experience of the sister-in-law.

What he denounced was the eldest brother’s duplicity.

Finally, some people lamented that some people are really born with a blessed destiny.

For example, this noble daughter was a blessing in disguise and found a good husband.

If she was really with her secret sweetheart, the eldest brother, then the sister-in-law's tragic fate would be hers.

Xia Chujian was very interested in watching it at first, but then he lost interest and would rather focus on eating the fragrant fruit and chestnut cake.

To be honest, it’s really delicious!

As a child who grew up eating her aunt's cooking, she has to say that this ingredient is excellent!

It is estimated that if you wrap a layer of cream on the outside of the fragrant chestnuts, she can eat it as a cake.

Quan Caiwei and the three roommates she met at Xia Chu cried when they saw it, and together with the audience outside, they cursed the eldest brother incessantly.

Quan Yuxun had been observing Xia Chujian, and when he saw that she was disapproving, he smiled and asked: "Lieutenant Xia, don't you like this opera? This was rehearsed just last month. After it was performed, the venue was full. There were already TV stations and producers Let’s start talking about film and television contracts.”

Xia Chujian shrugged and said, "It's okay, but it's not my cup of tea."

"It's not your tea? What kind of tea do you like?" Quan Caiwei wiped her tears with a tissue and asked in surprise, "I think it looks good!"

Xia Chujian thought with a smile, isn't it just the bloody gossip of a noble family?

So even though they are nobles, they are no different from common people in this regard...

Quan Caiwei must have read too few articles on Xingwang Xiaowang and has no ability to eliminate the bad and retain the good.

Xia Chujian said perfunctorily: "So I said it's okay. Although I don't like it very much, there are always people who like it. This is normal. It's not Beichen Coin, so it can't be liked by everyone, right?"

Quan Caiwei smiled and said: "When I first meet you, you always speak so humorously."

Quan Yuxun did not let her go, and said with interest: "Why doesn't Lieutenant Xia like it? Is the plot not twists and turns enough, or the twists not sharp enough? Or is the character creation not three-dimensional enough? Or is it because those people's singing is out of tune?"

Xia Chujian put down his chopsticks, wiped the cake crumbs around his mouth with a paper towel, and then said seriously: "Of course not, these are very good, but they can't impress me. That's why."

"Why can't I impress you? How can I impress you?" Quan Yuxun sat leisurely and pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Xia Chujian didn't want to say much at first, but Quan and Xun were staring at her, so they just talked about it casually and let these noble nobles who think they are noble see the power of children who grew up under the influence of small Internet articles!

So Xia Chujian took a sip of the golden fruit juice and said, "When I say it doesn't impress me, I mean that half of the plot is told and half hidden, which makes it impossible to explain the key points and makes it impossible for me to sort out the context of the story."

"Oh? What's unclear? I think it's too detailed." Quan Caiwei asked curiously, "For example, when the noble girl was proposed to by the groom's brother, she said so many conditions, which made me tired. died."

Xia Chujian nodded and said: "That section is indeed very cumbersome, and it is meaninglessly cumbersome. It seems to be just to delay the time so that the time of the three acts of the opera can be consistent."

"Yes! It seems like that!" Chu Qingjuan nodded in surprise, "When you say that, it really might be like that!"

Xia Chujian continued: "It doesn't matter if you delay. It's an opera of one and a half hours anyway. It's human nature to delay it for a few minutes. When I say that the plot is not coherent, of course I am referring to those very critical parts."

Quan Yuxun narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "What are the key points? I didn't pay attention."

Xia Chu glanced at him and said with a smile: "Chief Quan didn't even notice? - Really? I don't believe it."

Then he looked at Quan Caiwei, who was sitting on the other side of Quan Yuxun, and said, "Caiwei, don't you think it's very unexpected that the eldest brother died suddenly on the Starry Sky Battlefield? He was just newly married at the time, right? It's been half a year. ? I remember our army has wedding leave, at least a month, right?"

"Then, his wife became pregnant not long after they got married. According to the regulations of the imperial army, when the wife is pregnant, the sergeant can extend his leave, right? Of course, I only vaguely remember these two items. Whether this is the specific case, please tell me. Starfleet Ensign to confirm."

She turned to look at her three roommates on the other side.

Mao Yonggui nodded thoughtfully and said, "There are indeed these two rules. The wedding holiday is one month. After the female sergeant becomes pregnant, she has half a year's holiday."

"If a male sergeant's wife becomes pregnant, the male sergeant can have one month's leave to accompany his wife. After giving birth, both men and women have maternity leave."

"Because one of the principles of the army is that it is best for soldiers to have families and descendants. This avoids killing them all..."

Xia Chujian said: "Then my memory is correct. So under these two premises, why did the eldest brother, who is still on the wedding vacation, go to the Starry Sky Battlefield?"

Quan Caiwei added: "Yes, it is very clear in the lyrics that the eldest brother went to war less than a month after getting married."

First update in August! There are still three updates today!

Second update at 7am, third update at 1pm!

My dear friends, please vote for your guaranteed monthly votes!

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