I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 383 She indeed has a secret (Second update, please vote for me)

Xia Chujian still looked angry and said, "Since you haven't found it, what can I do?"

"Didn't you take a star map with your smart bracelet? If you export that star map from your smart bracelet, maybe it can still be used."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Then wish yourself good luck."

"I also sent you the picture I took, can you use it?"

"The resolution of the photo you sent me is too low and cannot be restored."

"Then I can't restore it!"

Xia Chu saw that three black lines were almost falling on his forehead.

Huo Yushen was still calm and composed, and said: "Some photos will be automatically compressed by the system when they are exported. If you have the original photos, you may be able to restore them."

Huo Yushen said while pressing the button on the desk.

The door of the office opened. Kang Shanxing stood in front of the door and said to Xia Chujian: "Second Lieutenant Xia, go this way."

Then, he handed a backpack to Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian pursed her lips and said to Huo Yushen sadly: "Huo Shuai, I really don't know how to drive a star cruiser. This trip will definitely be a disaster."

There was a hint of sadness in her tone: "If I can't come back, please give my pension to my aunt. My family has a large population and many animals, and the family burden is heavy. I hope the organization can ensure that everyone in my family has all the animals." , after I pass away, they can live a life without worries until the day they leave this world."

"By the way, I also need to prepare a will."

As Xia Chujian said this, he actually pulled out a virtual display screen from his smart bracelet and started writing a will on the spot.

Huo Yushen stood up at this time and said leisurely: "No need to go to such trouble, or I will go with you."

Xia Chu saw that his hands were shaking and he couldn't continue the play. He asked curiously: "What do you mean? What do you mean come with me?"

"Didn't you say you don't know how to drive a star cruiser? I can, and I'll go with you." Huo Yushen looked matter-of-fact, smiling and crossing his arms in front of her.

It was as if the iceberg was melting, but the water rushing down from the iceberg soaked Xia Chujian...

She immediately retracted the virtual display screen, waved her arms, and said as if shouting a slogan: "That's no need, Huo Shuai has a high position, and the small starry sky cruiser is overwhelmed and cannot accommodate your giant Buddha! - I'm leaving! Anyway, if I don’t come back, my boss will definitely help me get more pensions!”

With that said, she quickly walked out of Huo Yushen's office.

Kang Shanxing glanced at Huo Yushen, turned around and said, "Second Lieutenant Xia, go down this way, you are going the wrong way."

He wanted to take Xia Chujian to the huge palace-like belly of the Bat fighter.

Kang Shanxing picked a Ghost-class star fighter there and said, "You fly this and join the star cruiser over there. Your fighter model has been noted there. You are the captain and can fly in directly."

Xia Chujian didn't want Huo Yushen to know her secret, so she went straight to the Phantom-class fighter and said, "Please send me the driving manual of the Star Cruiser. I learn it very quickly."

Kang Shanxing's mouth twitched.

He also didn't understand Huo Yushen's decision, because he knew that Xia Chujian had no experience in driving a star cruiser.

It's not unusual to be able to quickly learn to fly a star fighter. After all, Xia Chu knew how to fly an aircraft before she met him.

But the star cruiser is a completely different kind of large space vehicle. That kind of behemoth is only slightly smaller than their bat fighter.

Moreover, not one person can drive the entire star cruiser.

Huo Yushen looked at Xia Chujian's retreating back with deep eyes, thinking that she indeed had a secret.

Xia Chujian angrily drove the Ghost-class star fighter and flew directly into the star cruiser from the Fourth Star Fleet.

Before getting off the plane, she opened the backpack Kang Shanxing gave her and looked at it.

There were actually some daily necessities inside, including a dozen tubes of high-grade nutrient solution, and several sets of military uniforms.

It is not the same as the uniform of the Secret Service, but the uniform of the Fourth Star Fleet.

She wore this kind of military uniform at that flight base.

Xia Chujian hurriedly took off his Special Security Bureau uniform, put it on inside, and then put on the Fourth Star Fleet uniform on the outside.

Then she looked through the Star Cruiser introduction and driving outline that Kang Shanxing had just sent her.

It turns out that the approximate level of a star cruiser is between a star fighter and a star battleship.

It is many times larger than the Star Fighter and requires a team of ten people to operate it at the same time. It cannot be driven by one person.

The captain's usual role is not to drive daily, but to provide navigation, control direction, and make strategic decisions.

Xia Chujian was still anxious and worried at first, not knowing whether he could master the driving method of the star cruiser in a short time.

After she read the introduction, she realized that her worries were unfounded.

Because there is no need for her to drive it herself!

Doesn't this Huo Yushen have a mouth? !

He didn't explain it clearly, which made her worry for a long time!

But before the smile on Xia Chujian's lips could calm down, he suddenly froze.

She was fooled!

Huo Yushen was testing her...

And Huo Yushen succeeded because she had exposed her flaws.

Xia Chujian was very upset, but she didn't show it on the surface. She just opened the cabin door of the Phantom-class fighter, jumped down from it, smiled and said to the ten cruiser sergeants who came to greet her: "Hello, I am Xia When I first met, I was temporarily transferred here to participate in the search and rescue operation. This time, the battleship driving is up to you."

Welcomed into the captain's room by these 4th Starfleet battleship sergeants who couldn't conceal their excitement, Xia Chujian sat down behind his large desk in a grand manner.

Then in front of her, the youngest-looking pilot said with gleaming eyes: "Did you really break so many fighter flight records at Kanli Star Flight Base?!"

"It took twelve hours to fly through this asteroid belt?!"

Xia Chujian said with a smile: "Well, I broke the fighter flight record, but when I flew through this asteroid belt, I had the blessing of the newly born wormhole, and I didn't fly through it myself."

"That's your achievement too! It's really amazing!" The driver puffed up his chest and revealed the sign on his chest.

Xia Chujian saw it read - Major: Susumu Yanaka, port side pilot A1 of the Falcon-class D1 star cruiser.

Xia Chujian said: "Major Gu, although luck is part of strength, we cannot rely on luck alone."

"Okay, now, do you want to introduce yourselves?"

So ten of them lined up and introduced themselves to Xia Chujian one by one.

It turns out that there are four consoles on this star cruiser, and each console requires two people to operate.

The consoles of the star cruiser are called "sides", which are called port, starboard, forward and aft.

Of course, of the two people performing the operation, one is the regular operator and the other is the backup operator.

Then there are two navigators, who are responsible for instrument observation and tracking of the waterway to ensure that the cruise ship is traveling in the right direction.

In other words, even without a captain, this interstellar cruiser can still set sail.

The captain's main role is to make overall arrangements and make decisions to fight or retreat at critical moments.

Xia Chujian glanced at the "driving outline" sent to her by Kang Shanxing and fell into deep thought.

This is really an outline, simple enough to be the size of a regular page of paper.

But having said the essence, Xia Chujian has nothing to fault.

She thinks it's actually quite suitable for her.

Somehow, Xia Chujian felt that she liked to make decisions, especially at critical moments on the battlefield. She had a little animal-like intuition about danger and victory.

Of course, she couldn't rely on intuition to command such a large star cruiser.

After gaining a preliminary understanding of the common sense of star cruiser driving, Xia Chujian felt relieved and said, "Then get ready, we'll set off in half an hour."

"Ah? Setting off in half an hour? We haven't waited for the order from the military yet..." Yanaka Jin said blankly.

Xia Chujian's face darkened: "Am I the captain, or are you the captain?"

Yanaka Jin immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Of course it's you, Captain Xia!"

"Then stop talking nonsense and get ready to go!"

Yanaka Jin immediately nodded: "Yes, Captain!"

He turned and left, and the remaining nine members looked at each other, and eight followed, leaving the last one, who looked the oldest.

His nameplate reads: Lieutenant Colonel: Qi Hongsheng, Navigator A1 of the Falcon-class D1 Star Cruiser.

He hesitated and asked softly: "Captain, this rescue operation is led by the military. Our Fourth Interstellar Fleet will set off from the Zangge planet, and the Hong Group elite team of the Special Security Bureau will set off from the Kanli star. , enter the asteroid belt together to launch a search and rescue operation. - Are you really waiting for orders from the military?"

Xia Chujian thought for a while and said, "Did the military department say that we would wait for their orders?"

Qi Hongsheng shook his head: "That's not to say, I just gave a rough plan. Also, the military department instructed that the search and rescue operation be advanced from Monday to Sunday."

Xia Chujian said: "My understanding is that our mission is to save people, not to wait. Since we can advance to Sunday... now is..."

Xia Chujian looked at his smart bracelet. The time displayed on it was 11:40 pm on Saturday.

She laughed: "In half an hour, it will be 00:10 in the morning on Sunday. We have not violated the orders of the military."

Qi Hongsheng's mouth twitched, thinking to himself, this captain is really good at taking advantage of loopholes...

But being able to take advantage of loopholes means that there are no violations.

Since there is no violation of regulations, then do whatever is convenient for you.

Why bother with the little girl?

He also stood at attention and saluted: "Yes, Captain!"

Xia Chujian nodded. After these people left, she took another look at the general structure diagram of the entire starry sky cruiser.

According to the information she saw on the badges of the pilots and navigators, this star cruiser was a Saker class.

It is the lowest level in the star cruiser series, but it is already very large. It can be regarded as an out-and-out small town on land.

This is the second update.

At the beginning of the month, I want to remind you all of your monthly tickets every day!

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

PS: I quietly went to the Qidian Book Review section to read everyone’s book reviews. It’s really well written. If you can talk, talk more. I love reading it ().

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