I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 402 She was their accident (first update)

When he first heard this voice, Chu Qingchen's face turned green in surprise!

It was like being slapped in the face!

It’s so embarrassing!

This summer, we met for the first time, but he didn’t disappear? !

He thought that those fighter planes that were not found by the base's airship were in danger...

But he was not allowed to think too much, other students had already called him out...

"What?! Did I hear it wrong?! I just heard Xia Chujian's voice!"

"Am I hallucinating, right?! That's a public communication channel?!"

"I miss our sister Xia so much...I must have heard wrong...Sister Xia, sister Xia! Where are you?!"

Many students and instructors became excited and asked in their groups if everyone had heard it.

As if he had escaped from death, Yu Fei directly shouted excitedly to Xia Chujian on the public communication channel.

"See you in the early summer?! Is it really you?! You're not missing?! Did you really bring the Falcon-class star cruiser of the Fourth Star Fleet to rescue us?!"

The students here are all elite pilots of Starfleet. Of course they know what kind of weapons and equipment the Falcon-class star cruisers in Starfleet have!

Although the Falcon class is only the lowest level among the starry sky cruisers, compared with these starry sky fighters, it is a geometrically superior weapon!

Just like the difference between conventional weapons and space-based weapons!

The Star Thief ships opposite looked about the same size as a star cruiser.

But no matter how powerful the Star Thief is, how powerful is the regular army? !

Xia Chujian came with the star cruiser of the regular army!

Everyone's morale suddenly rose.

Xia Chujian heard Yu Fei's voice and immediately said: "Instructor Yu, I am Xia Chujian, and I am not missing. I have arrived at the interstellar terminal of Zangge Planet a long time ago. I learned that you lost contact in the asteroid belt, and I automatically Please come in and meet you."

"We have limited time now, so we must keep the story short. You follow my instructions."

"First, please all of you, please cede control of your fighter planes and airships to our starry sky cruiser's mechanical intelligence to take over."

"Second, if you refuse to give in, leave immediately. I will not rescue such people."

"Third, I will not accept any rebuttal. If you have any objections, you can sue me in a military court when you can return alive. Over."

When Xia Chujian came up, he used three axes to knock people out.

There was nothing she could do.

Because among the students and instructors opposite, there were traitors from the Star Thieves.

She couldn't give them time to contact the Star Thieves.

If the Star Thief knew that the regular army was coming and ran away immediately, how could she pretend not to know the Star Thief's plan and annihilate them all!

And without the cooperation of more than 190 battles and ten interstellar airships, she was not sure that she could deliver a devastating blow to the Bodhi Leaf Organization.

She didn't even dare to tell them that she only brought one star cruiser...

After all, there are eighteen ships on the Star Thief side. If those people knew that she only had one ship, they would probably not be willing to take risks with her.

After Xia Chujian said these three things, no one objected, but those prickly heads just now did.

"Sister Xia is awesome! Now that Sister Xia is here, we don't need to install a brain-computer interface anymore, right?!"

As soon as these people took the lead, the students who had been forced to agree before also expressed their unwillingness to accept the installation of the brain-computer interface.

Xia Chujian had actually known about the brain-computer interface from Qilu for a long time, but at this time, she could only pretend not to know and said coldly: "The situation is so urgent now, how can I have time to install the brain-computer interface?!"

"Stop talking, I'll count to three, and you all will transfer control of the fighter planes and airships. The mechanical intelligence on the cruiser will quickly take over. If anyone refuses to transfer, please leave immediately!"

Last time, Xia Chujian only united 150 fighter planes. Those nobles and their supporters did not accept Xia Chujian's command.

But this time, Xia Chujian couldn't let any fighter plane escape control.

After all, the Bodhi Leaf Star Pirates have three true star cruiser-level starships, as well as a total of six space ion beam cannons that can be fired!

And she has only two space ion beam cannons here...

After Xia Chujian finished speaking, he started counting.

In fact, this is just a cover.

Just when Xia Chujian spoke, Qilu had already followed the electromagnetic field of the public communication channel over there and quietly took over the one hundred and ninety-one star fighter planes and ten interstellar airships.

And luckily Qilu took over early, because it really discovered that someone in an instructor's interstellar airship was trying to send a flare!

Qilu destroyed the signal flare program on the interstellar airship, so that the other party's signal flare failed to be sent successfully.

If it's just one second late, the Star Thieves will get the news, and maybe they'll retreat immediately...

Xia Chujian didn't want to let such a big pile of "military merit" escape from her after working so hard for so long!

Xia Chujian's lunatic style of "doing what he says" in the base before has a certain deterrent effect on the nobles and noble supporters.

Even Lu Luyu, who she had the least dealing with, gave up control of the fighter plane when she counted to three, no matter how reluctant she was.

And the one hundred and fifty students who had placed great trust in her before had given up control as early as she counted one.

Chen Yansheng even shouted excitedly on the public channel: "Sister Xia! Sister Xia! I am your lackey Chen Yansheng! Let me tell you, there may be a traitor among us! Don't trust anyone!"

Xia Chujian was originally thinking about how to hint to everyone that there was a traitor among them, but she didn't expect that Chen Yansheng directly handed her the ladder.

Chen Yansheng's words are actually what many students are saying, but they have no evidence and are just a little suspicious.

When Xia Chu saw it, he immediately climbed along the pole and said loudly: "Ah?! Then I have to be more careful!"

"Now change the second article! Anyone who refuses to give up control of the fighter plane or airship will be directly treated as a star thief traitor and shot on the spot!"

Then he turned off the communication channel there and ordered Qilu alone: ​​"Separate the fighter planes of Chen Yansheng who just called out and give them special protection."

She was worried that Chen Yansheng would be retaliated by Star Thief's traitor.

And although she asked Qilu to take over everyone's fighter planes and starships, Xia Chujian was still a little uneasy when she took over so many at the same time.

If there is a sudden problem with Qilu's computing power, allowing some fighters to take advantage of the loophole, there will be trouble.

Qilu's childlike voice became serious, and he said solemnly: "Master, don't worry, Qilu can control these fighter planes and airships!"

When Xia first saw it, he regarded it as a child and praised it casually: "Good boy."

Unexpectedly, Qilu was like taking a shot of chicken blood. He immediately compiled a plan for Xia Chujian, mainly on how to use the one hundred and ninety-one fighter planes and ten interstellar airships to completely annihilate the eighteenth star pirate organization Bodhi Ye. starship.

It puts the general process on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display.

Xia Chujian glanced at it and thought it was reliable. He nodded and said, "I will use your plan after I destroy the opponent's space ion beam cannon."

As she spoke, she gave orders to the two hundred mecha warriors she brought through the communication system in the mecha.

Five seconds later, two hundred mecha warriors instantly divided into several groups and flew to their respective destinations.

Xia Chujian hung quietly at a high place, checking the direction in which those people were running.

Ahead, the eighteen starships of the Star Thieves organization were still unnoticed and arranged neatly in a spherical shape.

At the top is the largest and most complete ship among the eighteen starships.

Below it are two slightly smaller ships with complete functions arranged left and right.

Then there are the ten starships that have been converted from scrapped cruisers and can only be used as transport aircraft. They are here to make up the number.

They form the widest side strip of the encirclement.

Below them are the five obsolete old-model cruisers converted into starships. They are stronger than the ten scrapped cruisers and are equipped with some space weapons, but they are far inferior to the top three regular cruisers. A modified starship.

But no matter how bad it is, they are still eighteen starships of the starry sky cruiser level.

It was as if eighteen mountains stood in the empty void of the asteroid belt.

Compared with them, the two hundred six-meter-tall mecha warriors looked like moths flying into the flame.

But Xia Chujian was full of confidence and kept in touch with the captain of the two hundred people through Qilu.

The one hundred people who flew the fastest were coordinated by the captain, and the rest were divided into nine groups of eleven people each, and silently stepped onto the starships numbered from nine to seventeen.

This is nine of the ten starships that were converted from scrap cruisers and have no combat effectiveness at all.

And the No. 18 starship was the Star Thief ship that Xia Chujian had already packed up. She didn't send anyone there and planned to keep it for herself.

And because Qilu had already controlled the mechanical intelligence system on the 18th starship, the star thieves on the other starships had not even discovered that something had happened to that starship.

They just thought that the magnetic field of the asteroid belt affected the communication system again, which also happened frequently. In short, the starship was still suspended there normally without any changes, so they were not worried.

Also because their current location, even in the asteroid belt, is very remote, they really are not worried about any accidents.

Because they have always been accidents to those starships, and I never thought that someone would be their accident...

When the Star Marines of the Fourth Star Fleet penetrated into the gravitational fields of the starships according to the directions given by Xia Chujian in advance, they stood on the top deck and sent signals one by one.

"Report to Captain, Team 3, Group 1/Group 2/.../Group 9, have arrived at the target ship. Report completed."

Only then did Xia Chujian issue the mission: "Place explosives and blow up the power systems of these ten starships."

Then the locations of the starship power systems modified from these ten scrap cruisers were transmitted.

Each starship has four gunwales, and the power system is in the center of the gunwale.

For these scrapped cruisers that can only be used as transport aircraft, these four side compartments are their most important structures.

So this place must be heavily guarded.

Xia Chujian had no specific arrangements for what to do.

She gave them enough trust and freedom.

These people are ordinary soldiers who cannot evolve genetically, and may not be of much use in a starship battle in space.

But when they board a starship for close combat and wear mechas that can defend against a certain amount of mental power, then even high-level genetic evolvers can still fight.

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

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