I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 422 No one will be missing (first update)

Kang Shanxing secretly hoped that Xia Chujian would also develop unshakable admiration for Huo Yushen, so that she would not have to worry about her being snatched away by other departments...

Unexpectedly, Xia Chujian didn't take the bait very well. She nodded and said seriously: "I hope Huo Shuai will not let down your admiration for him and my trust in him."

Kang Shanxing said: "..."

This girl is indifferent to his psychological suggestions!

Kang Shanxing said coquettishly: "You are indeed in a lot of trouble here. Now I understand why Huo Shuai insisted that I come to deal with you personally."

In fact, the implication is that you are quite difficult to deal with. Now I understand why Huo Shuai asked Meng Guanghui to be your direct boss.

Because the rough-and-tumble Meng Guanghui was completely unaware that Xia Chujian was not taught or led at all!

When Xia Chu saw it, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Colonel Kang, you don't understand and follow Huo Shuai's orders?"

"Of course, I am a soldier. I must implement the orders of my superiors if I understand them. Of course I must implement them even if I don't understand them."

Kang Shanxing said with a smile, then looked at the time, "I'll be there soon. You open the cabin and I'll take people over in a small aircraft."

Xia Chujian let out a long breath: "Please come quickly! I really can't hold it anymore!"

Kang Shanxing turned off the video call.

Xia Chu saw that they were also preparing to open the belly door on the fifth floor to let in the small aircraft from the Special Security Bureau.

Kang Shan acted very quickly.

A minute later, five small aircraft flew to the open door on the fifth floor of the starry sky cruiser Xia Chujian.

Xia Chu met to greet them.

The first person to get off the aircraft was Kang Shanxing.

He was wearing a Special Security Bureau military uniform and a pair of black thin-rimmed crystal glasses, looking particularly elegant and polite.

Xia Chujian looked at him and said with a smile: "Why does Colonel Kang wear glasses? What a pity..."

Such beautiful eyes are covered by this pair of black thin-framed crystal glasses.

Kang Shanxing thought to himself, if you hadn't said that you had beautiful eyes, which made you the laughing stock of the Bureau, who would have the patience to wear these flat glasses!

But on the surface, he smiled politely. He turned around and issued orders to his own people as if he didn't hear Xia Chujian's words.

A total of twenty-five people got off the five small aircraft, including Kang Shanxing.

He said to the twenty-four people: "The twenty of you are divided into ten groups, with two people in each group piloting an interstellar airship. Remember to load all the star fighter planes into the interstellar airship and take them away."

An interstellar airship can carry twenty star fighter aircraft.

There are one hundred and ninety-one star fighters from the base here, and ten interstellar airships can fit them all in.

Then he said to the remaining four people: "You and Captain Xia, go to the control room of the starship behind and follow the Bat fighter."

Then he looked at Xia Chujian and said, "This star cruiser belongs to the Fourth Star Fleet. Is its original pilot available?"

Xia Chujian said: "There are four people available and they are currently driving the cruiser."

She was talking about the four pilots headed by Yanaka Susumu.

Kang Shanxing nodded: "Then let's send someone to conduct a polygraph test on them first to check their safety and health."

When Xia Chu met, he saw that Kang Shanxing asked the four people who went to Starship No. 18 to go to the third-floor portside room with polygraphs and detectors.

The remaining twenty people, wearing fully enclosed defensive suits with their own oxygen, entered the fighter warehouse that was sealed by Xia Chujian and filled with inert gas.

Everyone there was forced into hibernation by her.

These people had obviously made preparations in advance, so they were not affected by the inert gas after entering.

They quickly boarded the ten base starships and began operations.

There is no need to send pilots to those star fighter planes, because within a small range, the automatic pilot function of the fighter plane can be used.

Just let these starry sky fighters automatically drive into the belly of the base's interstellar airship. There is no complicated operation.

When the four Secret Security Bureau staff members who went to the third-floor bunker to detect polygraphs came back, all one hundred and ninety-one base fighters in the fifth-floor fighter warehouse flew into the belly of the ten airships. .

Then the personnel of the Special Security Bureau drove the airship out of the belly of the star cruiser and entered the belly of the Bat fighter in front.

The belly there is taller and larger, so big that the entire Star Cruiser can even fit inside.

Of course, the star cruiser belonging to the Fourth Star Fleet cannot be taken away by people from the Special Security Bureau.

Because the military does not want to see the Secret Service meddling with the Starfleet, people from the Secret Service will not commit such taboos even on the surface.

But the No. 18 starship behind them has no such concerns.

Kang Shanxing and Xia Chujian took the four staff members into the starship in a small aircraft.

This time, Xia Chujian explained the situation to Kang Shanxing before leaving, allowing her to appear in a mecha and not have to interact with these women in their true colors.

Then Kang Shanxing and the others also took out hoods with human faces and put them on.

Xia Chujian: "..."

If she had known better, she would have asked them for a human face hood, which was more convenient than wearing a three-meter-tall mecha.

But it's too late to say anything at this time.

A group of people came to the starship. Xia Chujian first found a room and switched his mecha.

Then he met up with Kang Shanxing and the others and came to the second level of the starship.

She still said in that gentle electronically synthesized mezzo-soprano: "Ms. Chang, these are staff from the Special Security Bureau. They will help temporarily accommodate you."

"Don't worry, they will never leak secrets. Their daily job is to keep secrets."

The corner of Kang Shanxing's mouth twitched, wondering how much this girl misunderstood their work?

Their daily work is not kept secret!

Although they all need to keep it secret, that is not the main part of their job!

The four staff members who came with him glanced at Kang Shanxing and saw that he didn't say a word, so they did not correct Xia Chujian.

Once those women heard that it was the Special Security Bureau, they were not so worried.

It’s not that they particularly trust the capabilities of the Special Security Bureau, but they simply know that the people from the Special Security Bureau are really tight-lipped!

In other government agencies, I was worried that people would gossip about me and my existence would be known to insurance companies.

In the Special Security Bureau, there is no such concern.

Even if they don't know the working ability of the Special Security Bureau, they also know that keeping one's mouth secret is the first element of working in the Special Security Bureau.

So the four staff members of the Special Security Bureau entered the four side rooms of the starship respectively and canceled the automatic driving function of the starship's mechanical intelligence.

Then he drove the starship and flew straight into the bat fighter brought by Kang Shanxing!

The starship, which looked like a small town in space, entered a larger place.

It was a bat fighter that seemed to move a large city!

This is not the first time Xia Chujian has come here, but every time he comes, he will be amazed.

She looked around for a while and then said: "Colonel Kang, I have to go back to my star cruiser."

Kang Shanxing said: "...That is not your star cruiser, it was lent to you by the Fourth Star Fleet."

Xia Chujian waved his hand: "Colonel Kang, don't worry about these details. I still have some things left there, and I have to say goodbye to the soldiers there."

The corners of Kang Shanxing's eyes couldn't stop twitching.

In just over twenty hours, she had already organized a bunch of soldiers for herself? !

And it’s not like she was bragging.

Because Kang Shanxing received a report from his subordinates at this time, saying that there were indeed 500 Starry Sky Marines on the Starry Sky Cruiser, asking about the whereabouts of Xia Chujian...

They had been staying on the fourth floor and had not met Kang Shanxing and the others.

It wasn't until they discovered that the captain was no longer in the captain's room that they came to the fifth floor and saw the last few evacuated Special Security Bureau staff.

Kang Shanxing said: "Then you go there, no more than ten minutes."

"In ten minutes, I will return."

Xia Chujian nodded, "Don't worry, I won't miss you."

She flew the small aircraft herself and flew back to the star cruiser of the Fourth Star Fleet.

Entering the belly of the fifth floor, Xia Chujian found that his captain authority was still there, so he quickly released the dormant state of the fifth-floor fighter warehouse.

A large amount of inert gas filled there was quickly discharged into the space of the asteroid belt.

At this time, all the fighter planes and airships in the base had flown away, and it was empty inside.

Xia Chujian said to the Star Marines waiting there: "Everyone, I am happy to fight with you! I am going back to the base now, and my flight training has not been completed yet."

She didn't say anything about the future, because she knew that there was a high probability that she would not return to the Fourth Star Fleet.

She still has to go to college!

Sun Jiahao hurriedly said: "Captain, we are also happy to fight with you! When your training is over, you will definitely be promoted when you go back! We are waiting for you in the Fourth Star Fleet!"

Xia Chujian smiled and shook hands with him and said, "Don't worry about this military victory, not a single one will be missing!"

The highest military rank these people had was second lieutenant.

After achieving military merit this time, he can at least be promoted to lieutenant.

A few people may be promoted to captain, such as Sun Jiahao and Li Dali.

They all know that military merit is too rare in Starfleet nowadays.

Especially since they are in the ranks of the old and young soldiers who are notoriously unwilling to fight, so this military achievement is even more precious.

All the simple and honest people looked at Xia Chujian and murmured a complete word of thanks.

Xia Chujian didn't care about this. She smiled and said, "I'm going to go up and pack my things, and then return with the Special Security Bureau to the Kanli Star Flight Base."

"There are two navigators and four pilots locked up above. I will report to the above and I won't make it difficult for you."

Sun Jiahao hurriedly said: "Who dares to disobey the captain's order? They dare to disobey the captain. No fleet can tolerate such people!"

Xia Chu can't tolerate it either.

In the army, if there is no corresponding punishment for disobeying the orders of superiors, then the army will be useless.

There is no doubt that these people will be discharged from the army after returning from this mission.

And Xia Chu's meeting will ensure that they will "retire from the army".

Second update at 1pm.

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