I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 450 Please respect yourself (first update, please vote for me)

Therefore, Xia Chujian gave orders to everyone on the Star Cruiser through the intercoms on each floor.

"This is the captain's announcement. Please note that we have detected an unknown virus on this planet."

"Everyone who lands on this planet must wear full mecha."

"Anyone who takes off any part of the mecha inside the planet will not be allowed to return to the interstellar airship."

It is impossible to return to the starship, and of course it is impossible to return to the star cruiser.

It's even more impossible to go home.

Only in this way can those careless Star Marines not only listen, but also not dare to slack off at all.

Qilu immediately typed a response.

[Qilu]: Master is right! The master is so awesome! But you can also let everyone wear combat uniforms inside the mecha!

[Qilu]: The combat uniforms of the Beichen Empire Star Fleet are made of very high-tech materials. They not only have certain bullet-proof functions, but also have strong anti-nuclear radiation and anti-gas functions!

[Qilu]: Although generally speaking, the defense level of combat uniforms is not as high as that of mecha materials, but when the mecha is accidentally damaged, it can still prevent nuclear radiation for a certain period of time.

[Qilu]: At critical moments, this can save lives.

Xia Chujian thought this was a good idea and issued another order, asking everyone to wear combat uniforms under the mecha.

Although most of the Star Marines were already wearing combat uniforms under their mechas, some were not.

After Xia Chujian issued the order, he also went to the bathroom of the small suite, first taking off the combat uniform outside, and then the Shao Si Ming mecha inside.

Taking this opportunity, she quickly asked: "Qilu, you seem to know a lot about this planet. Is there anything else that needs attention? Can you tell me?"

Qilu's childish voice said cutely: "Master, Qilu has some information about this planet, but those information are from more than 10,000 years ago, and I'm afraid they are already out of date."

"It's useless if the master knows. It may interfere with the master's judgment."

"When the master gets the latest data on this planet, Qilu will update his database!"

Xia Chujian snorted and said, "Okay, I'll spare you this time. After our operation is over and we go back, you can show me a comparison of your old and new information."

Qilu agreed.

As Xia Chujian spoke, he had already changed his combat uniform inside, and Shao Siming's mecha outside, and switched to regular mecha mode before coming out of the small suite.

At this time, in front of the captain's main console outside, Sanyadi had already uploaded various data continuously detected through the drone.

Although there is no Internet on this planet, using drones as base stations can set up some temporary local area networks to maintain instant communication for everyone.

In addition, everyone's mechas also have their own communication equipment.

Mechas in the same team can turn on the interoperability mode, so that they can communicate with each other as long as they are within a certain range without going through the drone base station.

This is very useful when mecha warriors fight on a large scale.

When Xia Chu saw this, he got started very quickly.

Because for her, this mode is like directing a team battle in a game. As long as she can talk on the phone, she can keep her orders flowing.

Xia Chujian gave everyone five minutes to prepare for landing.

At the same time, he also gave orders to Sanyadi.

[Captain Xia Chu meets]: Lieutenant Sang, please return. Go to the captain's room as soon as possible after returning home.

[Sang Yadi]: Received, will return immediately. complete.

After Sang Yadi came back, Xia Chujian told her the decision she had just made.

Sanyadi knew that no abnormal viruses were found in the data she personally tested.

She hurriedly asked: "Captain, is there really an abnormal virus on the planet here?"

Xia Chujian said: "No. I am trying to scare those Star Marines."

"After all, there are five thousand people. There is no guarantee that everyone can obey orders."

Sanyadi was surprised: "What's going on? You wouldn't give this order for no reason, would you?"

Xia Chujian said: "Yes, I will not give this order for no reason."

"The real situation is that the environment here contains radioactive isotopes that are thousands of times higher than normal levels."

"These are extremely radioactive isotopes that can cause serious genetic diseases."

"And our mecha can completely protect against this amount of nuclear radiation."

"That's why I gave this order."

Sanyadi understood completely.

She saluted and said, "Copy... Got it! I... I'll keep it a secret!"

Xia Chujian waved his hand: "You can tell Second Lieutenant Mao, Second Lieutenant Chu and Second Lieutenant Chen, and forget about the others."

"Let them be mentally prepared."

Sanyadi agreed.

She returned to where she lived and sent a message to Mao Yonggui, Chu Qingjuan and Chen Yansheng about what Xia Chujian said.

They were all surprised and did not expect this to be the reason.

But this reason makes them pay more attention to it.

Because no one wants to get a genetic disease.

But for some ordinary Star Marines, genetic diseases cannot scare them immediately.

Only by talking about abnormal viruses and strict regulations across the board can they serve snacks.

Because high doses of radioactive isotopes were detected in the air and soil of Morisawa Planet, Xia Chujian sent this news to three other star cruisers.

They had just arrived over Morisawa Planet at this time.

These three star cruisers all accepted the base's suggestion and planned to stop at the equator of the planet.

However, the base was only a suggestion, not an order, so Xia Chujian's choice not to dock at the equator was not considered a disobedience to military orders.

When she sent this news to the other three starry sky cruisers, both the D235 starry sky cruiser where Lin Xiaoxiao was on and the D337 starry sky cruiser where Xu Teng was on received great attention.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng immediately changed their plans and sent people down to measure the data while opening the cabin so that the Star Marines, who were ordinary people, could also learn to use mechas.

The main reason is that they have enough mechas in the cabin. Unlike in the previous starry sky fleet, the number of mechas was still limited relative to the entire fleet, so ordinary starry sky marines had no chance to come into contact with mechas.

Of course, another reason is that Xia Chujian has asked all the Star Marines on her fleet to use mechas.

With the first person taking the lead, it will be easier for others to follow.

However, because of this reason, both Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng decided to postpone the landing operation and give their Star Marines twelve hours to practice.

Only Chu Qingchen’s D499 star cruiser clearly refused.

Chu Jinchen said to Xia Chujian in a cold voice through the intercom: "Captain Xia, this is the second time. Please do not interfere with other people's military command."

"You are only the captain of your own cruiser, not the commander-in-chief of all cruisers."

"Please respect yourself!"

After saying that, he angrily turned off the intercom.

It seemed that Xia Chujian was very angry at Yue Zu as his substitute.

The corner of Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, thinking who is this!

She had good intentions, lest the Star Marines on his side only wear military exoskeletons, which would cause genetic diseases!

Xia Chujian asked Qilu quietly in a fully enclosed helmet.

"Qilu, do you think that if these Space Marines are exposed to high doses of radioactive isotopes, how long will it take for a genetic disease to break out?"

Qilu said: "Judging from the detected doses, ordinary people without genetic evolution will have problems with the bases of the gene chain within three to six hours."

"Within six to nine hours, the base affects the function of human organs and loses the ability to move."

Xia Chujian couldn't help but worry: "It's so serious?! Is there any hope?"

Qilu said: "...with the medical capabilities of the Beichen Empire, other diseases or injuries can be cured. As for genetic diseases, if they get even a little bit, these people will have to bear it on their own."

Xia Chujian was puzzled: "You've already got a genetic disease, how can you survive?"

Qilu said: "According to historical data, they cannot bear it."

"Because normal humans have no possibility of mutation under such a high radiation dose, and their lives cannot be saved. How can they mutate over time?"

"The reason why those mourners mutated like this is because they were not normal humans in the first place. Their ancestors were a hybrid of the sea diver Haidagon and humans."

Xia Chujian couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the forms of the slain people he had seen.


But this kind of state where life is worse than death cannot be achieved by normal humans.

By then, the Marines on the D499 Star Cruiser will probably have no choice but to die.

Xia Chujian pursed her lips, touched her helmet a little nervously, and asked Qilu quietly: "My Shao Siming black and silver mecha should be better able to protect against this kind of nuclear radiation, right?"

Qilu's childlike voice suddenly said with a little pride: "Master, don't you remember? Qilu has upgraded the master's Shaosiming black silver mecha to a medium type."

"Even nuclear bomb explosions can be prevented. With this amount of nuclear radiation, it's just a waste of water!"

Xia Chujian was relieved.

But I was still secretly vigilant: "I must not have any damage! In the future, I need to find someone to get a set of body-proof body armor that can be worn closely, and it must also be able to protect against nuclear radiation..."

This kind of thing is invisible and intangible, but it is pervasive in the bodies of ordinary people who are unprepared.

Such a large amount of radioactive isotopes on Morisawa Planet can directly act on the bases of all biological gene chains!

Xia Chujian prepared himself mentally before activating the Shao Si Ming mecha and flew to the fifth floor of the star cruiser.

Here, five thousand Star Marines were already wearing mechas and standing neatly on the conference venue in the belly of the cabin.

Four elite pilots, Mao Yonggui, Chu Qingjuan, Sang Yadi and Chen Yansheng, stood on the protruding terrace in the air on the fifth floor, waiting to see Xia Chu.

Xia Chujian came to the terrace.

Her mecha is already an ordinary mecha that was switched from Shao Siming's black and silver mecha.

With a figure of three meters tall, his whole body shone with the color of cold black iron.

She also wore a fully enclosed helmet and dark eyepieces.

Everyone couldn't see her slightly childish face, but the equipment alone seemed to carry the chilling air flowing from the sea of ​​blood in the mountain of corpses.

Everyone couldn't help but stand up straight, and no one dared to violate the provocative mentality.

Xia Chujian glanced at them and said, "Everyone has seen my order."

"For the first landing operation, I will first bring a Carp-class interstellar airship down as a forward."

"A carp-class interstellar airship can carry a thousand mecha warriors."

"Sun Jiahao, please gather a thousand mecha warriors and follow me down to explore the way first."

"Mao Yonggui and Chu Qingjuan are accompanying us."

She left Chen Yansheng and Sang Yadi on the star cruiser, and they jointly acted as temporary command.

Of course, the four thousand Star Marines must also temporarily obey the command of these two men.

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

Hey guys, hello (ω)

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