I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 472 Phoenix-tailed Luan and Bird (First update)

Qilu showed Xia Chujian a picture of the deep diver Haidagon.

They have membrane wings on their backs, heads like seahorse heads, long horns, thick limbs, gray-green scales, white bellies, very long bodies, and fire breathing from their mouths.

But if you look at it so close, it looks like a toad's head...

In the video transmitted by the detector, the figure standing in the sea a little further away was exactly the same as the picture Qilu showed her!

But there was no fire coming out of his mouth.

Just when Xia Chujian was thinking about it, suddenly, a red fire came towards her face, as if it was going to burn through the camera all the way to her body!

Xia Chujian was startled and leaned back suddenly, as if to avoid the fire.

When Chu Qingjuan and Sun Jiahao met, they didn't find it funny.

Sun Jiahao said solemnly: "...We were also shocked at the time. Then the detector lost its signal. We don't know what it was."

Xia Chujian originally wanted to say it was the Deep Diver Haidagon.

But then I thought about it, if these people asked her where she knew it, how could she make such nonsense?

Lying felt good for a while, and she didn't want to try it again after lying about the lesson of the crematorium.

Xia Chujian changed the subject and said, "Is that fire? They can actually make fire under the sea?"

In fact, she knew that it was Haidagon who breathed the fire.

Chu Qingjuan spread her hands and said, "We don't know how they made the fire."

"But judging from our many years of combat experience, it is not easy to find a creature that is not afraid of fire and can also play with and control fire."

Xia Chujian thought, of course it is not simple.

Only intelligent creatures can control fire.

And the deep diver Haidagon can not only control fire, but also breathe fire, and he can live forever...

Before Xia Chu met, he thought that after 10,000 years, all humans on Morizawa Planet would be extinct, and the deep diver Haidagon would definitely not be able to survive.

Because they feed on humans.

Of course, maybe they developed other foods and humans were no longer their staple food.

However, if humans let them encounter them, they probably would not let go of this opportunity to "eat"...

Xia Chujian's eyes were slightly stern.

She suddenly discovered that this mission was a death-level mission!

But they were given the rank of school-level officers!

Is the military stingy with military honors, or is it a consolation prize?

Can they really all go back alive?

Xia Chujian felt confused for the first time.

When Xia Chujian fell into confusion, Huo Yushen was walking on the street in Izumo.

Izumo is the largest city on the Tibetan planet of Higashikatahara Divine Kingdom.

Huo Yushen has been here for three weeks.

During these three weeks, he walked around the field personnel stationed by the Special Security Bureau without anyone noticing.

Without exception, these people disappeared.

It seems that the information that was sent before is indeed correct.

Wen Renzhao, the former chief executive of Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, really did something big this time.

The ability to catch all the field personnel sent by other countries is indeed a "miracle".

Huo Yushen was wearing an ordinary hunting suit, with a full beard and sunglasses that covered half of his face.

Carrying a shotgun and a worn-out special plastic bag containing game from the mountains, he walked on the busiest street in Izumo as if there was no one else around.

The buildings on both sides of this street are no more than five stories high, because they cannot be higher than the ancestral residence of the chief executive Wenren family.

On both sides of the spacious and clean streets, there are many theaters, bars, teahouses and restaurants, as well as museums, libraries and memorial halls.

Pink and white cherry blossoms can bloom all year round. This is a famous species specially cultivated by Higashi Tengahara Divine Kingdom.

Huo Yushen walked into a restaurant that he had been to several times and said to the waiter there: "Here are the newly harvested Phoenix-tailed Luanyouniao."

"This time is very rare. All three are annuals, very fresh and tender, and the price is a bit more expensive."

The foreman of the restaurant was extremely happy and said: "Mr. She, you are so awesome! The Phoenix-tailed Luan is a very hard-to-find bird, but you were able to catch three at once!"

Huo Yushen said: "It's also a matter of luck. I just lost a bet a while ago and need to make some quick money to pay off debts, so if the boss's price this time is less than this amount, I won't sell it."

The foreman hurriedly said: "I'll go find the boss right now!"

He hurried to the second floor of the restaurant, found the boss who was settling accounts there, and said, "Boss Tian! What the hunter brought this time is a phoenix-tailed phoenix!"

Boss Tian suddenly stood up, his eyes widened, grabbed the foreman by the collar, and said viciously: "Did you see clearly?! Is it really a Phoenix-tailed Luan and a bird?!"

"Didn't wild birds dye their tails to trick us?!"

The foreman was so breathless that he coughed twice before saying, "This time it's definitely true!"

"Because that color can't be dyed at all!"

Boss Tian let him go suspiciously: "...There are still colors that can't be dyed? You probably don't know how awesome mechanical intelligent dyeing is!"

But as he spoke, he followed the foreman downstairs.

When he saw the phoenix-tailed phoenix and bird in Huo Yushen's old bag, he was dumbfounded and said repeatedly: "Mr. She, just ask for the price! No matter how expensive it is, I will buy it!"

The phoenix in the bag is another bird, and its long tail feathers are a particularly rare purple.

This color can change into different colors when the precious light flows under the sunlight and light. It is said that it is a color that cannot be drawn by mechanical intelligent drawing.

Moreover, all the catering bosses in Izumo know that the chief executive of their Higashi Tianyuan Kingdom, the current daughter of God Blessed, Wen Renzhao, loves to eat the soup stewed by Phoenix Tailuan and Bird the most. Decorate her hat and dress with the tail feathers of a phoenix!

This kind of flowing purple is the color of the tail feathers of the Phoenix-tailed Luanyou bird that Wen Renzhao has publicly said has not been collected!

Huo Yushen looked impatient and said, "I lost 20 million Dongyuan coins the day before yesterday. Can I sell it at this price?"

The exchange ratio between Dongyuan coins and Beichen coins is ten to one.

That is, ten Dong original coins can be exchanged for one Beichen coin.

Twenty million Dongyuan coins sounds like a lot, but in fact it is only two million Beichen coins.

Boss Tian immediately said: "No problem, no problem! I'll give it to you right away! Do you still want cash?"

Huo Yushen said impatiently: "Of course it's cash!"

The maximum value of Dongyuan coins is 100,000 yuan.

Twenty million Dongyuan coins are just two hundred Dongyuan coins worth 100,000 yuan.

Boss Na Tian quickly took a small handbag from the second floor and handed it to Huo Yushen.

Huo Yushen opened his handbag and counted the money carefully.

He is very skillful and knows immediately whether the money is real or fake.

After quickly counting two hundred Dongyuan coins with a face value of 100,000, Huo Yushen nodded, smiled and said: "Thank you, boss! Boss is so generous!"

Then he threw the old bag directly to the boss, turned around and left.

His figure was out of sight, and the foreman quietly asked Boss Tian: "Boss, is this guy okay?"

Boss Tian said with a smile: "We are so close to the residence of Goddess Zhao, and the light of the gods is always bathing above our heads."

"If there was something wrong with this person, God would have warned him long ago."

The foreman breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "That's right. Goddess Zhao was really awesome a while ago!"

"Arrest all spies and spies from all countries!"

Boss Tian chuckled and said, "Not only human spies, but also bionic robots, under the light of the gods, they can't hide!"

"Okay, stop gossiping and quickly pack up these three phoenixes. Stew the meat into soup. After processing the tail feathers, send them to Goddess Zhao together."

"It's been a long time since Goddess Zhao has eaten the soup stewed by Phoenix Wei Luan and Bird! She will be particularly happy this time!"

The two of them were talking happily and didn't notice that Huo Yushen had changed his clothes and came back swaggeringly. He was sitting not far from them, preparing to order food.

This time, Huo Yushen turned his hunting jacket inside out and wore it in a very casual, high-end outfit.

He changed into a hood with a human face, and of course the beard on his face was gone, replaced by a very ordinary, very cowardly man's face.

He keeps his head down and is submissive when ordering. Compared with the arrogant and promiscuous hunter just now, he is completely different.

When Boss Tian and his foreman walked past him, they sneered contemptuously.

As men, they look down upon such unmanly cowards the most.

Huo Yushen kept his head down while ordering and eating slowly.

After he finished eating, he saw the owner of the restaurant going to the ancestral home of the Wenren family with a stew pot in hand.

The ancestral home of the Wenjin family occupies one-tenth of the entire Izumo-ri territory.

The entire population of Izumo is 120 million.

From top to bottom, including the servants, there are less than three thousand people in the Wenren family, which shows how spacious the area is.

Looking at the ancestral home of the Wenren family from the door of this restaurant, we can only see large expanses of green shade and flowers.

The magnificent palace buildings are hidden among them.

This is the Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom in the Beichen Galaxy, formerly known as the Dongtianyuan City-State.

They formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the Principality of Southern Cross and the Cimanelli Federation, and they looked down on the Beichen Empire from the bottom of their hearts.

When Huo Yushen thought about this, he just felt ridiculous.

Because these three countries claim to have more advanced political systems.

In fact, although the Chief Consul, the supreme head of state of the Higashi Tianyuan Kingdom, came to power through votes, no one outside the Wenren family has been elected in thousands of years.

This position is actually hereditary in the Wenren family.

But now, the city-state of Dongtianyuan has directly changed its name to the Kingdom of Dongtianyuan. It is not even willing to play the superficial game of voting. It is obvious that it will go the route of Wen Renzhao being crowned as the queen.

The Grand Duke, the supreme head of state of the Southern Cross Principality, has always been hereditary, and even the superficial work of voting is not spared. What is the difference between him and the emperor?

There is also the Cimanelli Federation. Their highest national institution, the Federal Council, has ten major families occupying all positions.

Whichever family below wants to rise to power, the ten major families will unite and exterminate the families below.

Huo Yushen always believed that the political system of the Beichen Empire was rubbish. This did not mean that he thought the political systems of the other three countries were better.

In his opinion, the political systems of the other three countries are simply rubbish among rubbish.

But it was this rubbish among the rubbish that caught him off guard.

Huo Yushen finished paying the bill and walked out of the restaurant slowly.

The sky outside was getting dark, and an indescribable pressure once again fell from the sky and swept over the city.

But basically no one feels the existence of this pressure, even high-level genetic evolvers with 3S mental power level.

Except Huo Yushen.

He did not act rashly, but silently felt the pressure of mental power that was like a radar scan from time to time, then lowered the brim of his hat and walked slowly on the street.

At this time, Boss Tian had already delivered the phoenix and bird soup he had just stewed to Wen Renzhao's dining table.

This is the first update. Second update at 1pm.

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