I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 487 How virtuous and capable she is (second update)

Xia Chujian couldn't take the ten-meter-high dome away from the ice room without anyone noticing.

But the feeling of reluctance in my heart is difficult to resolve.

She took a deep breath, swam through the water, hugged the dome and pressed against it.

Awu, who was squatting on her shoulders, suddenly jumped up, broke away from the small gun-butt seat shaped like a small Higan flower, and swam all the way to the top of the dome in a puppy-like swimming style.

Awu landed there steadily and stretched out his two small paws, revealing sharp nails hidden in the soft flesh pads.

Then, two clicks!

It dug a hole in the top of the dome!

Seeing this, Xia Chu was so frightened and angry that he didn't care about being in the water and shouted: "Don't hold your claws!"

She used the external speaker function of the helmet, and did not use the disgusting simulated voice of Otsuji. Instead, she used her own voice to order Awu.

Awu heard it, raised his head and looked at her, and then with another claw, the hole on the top of the dome became bigger and bigger.

Xia Chujian kicked off the water quickly and quickly reached the top of the dome.

Looking at the dark hole, Xia Chujian didn't know what to say.

Her heart suddenly beat very fast, and she could even hear a pounding sound in her ears, as if someone's heartbeat was ringing in her ears.

Xia Chujian used a mechanical arm to pick up Awu, who was still digging the dome, and whispered: "Awu, how could you do this?!"

"This is the last intact egg of the Starry Sky Eagle!"

"You are absolutely ruining the character of Starry Sky Bird!"

Xia Chujian scolded him, which made Ah Wu feel downcast.

It curled up its four short legs, as if it had formed a ball, and it was so cute that it made people vomit blood.

But just now, such a cute little thing destroyed Starry Sky's last hope in the human world!

Xia Chujian felt that the naughty child couldn't survive without fighting...

Xia Chujian slowly raised his left arm, wanting to pat Awu's puppy butt.

At this moment, a burst of sobbing suddenly came from inside the open dome.

Xia Chu saw that the hair on the back of his neck stood up.

She lowered her head, followed the bright light in the ice room, and looked into the dome.

Inside the eggshell, there are still sticky egg whites and yolks.

In the middle of the yolk, there is a small living thing, struggling hard.

And the egg whites and egg yolks are also decreasing rapidly.

Xia Chujian only saw the little thing, which seemed to be separated from her by a layer of veil, hazy and unclear.

I just think it looks like a young fish or a newborn bird.

Its shape, in Xia Chujian's sight, kept switching between bird and fish.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and asked Qilu softly: "...is this... a starry sky bird?"

Qilu's childish voice was excited: "Yes! This is the young life of Starry Sky Bird!"

Xia Chujian was curious: "...Does this egg also have a genetic incubator inside it?"

Qilu said: "No, this is the egg, the egg of the Starry Sky Eagle!"

Xia Chujian watched intently, and the egg whites and yolks in the ten-meter-high dome were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the egg white and yolk inside disappeared, leaving only the white egg shell.

And soon, without the support of the internal protein and yolk, the white eggshell shattered.

It is indeed not a genetic incubator, because there is no sandwich in the middle of the eggshell, there is nothing, just the eggshell.

The little creature inside had jumped up and arrived in front of Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian: "!!!"

Pupil earthquake plus super typhoon of magnitude 17!

There is no fish or bird here, this is obviously Yuxue’s cute little girl of two or three years old!

But she was naked, with only a small eggshell hanging in front of her, like a little bellyband.

She looked at Xia Chujian and called out affectionately: "Chirp! Chirp!"

Xia Chujian didn't understand what the tweet meant, but judging from the little girl's expression, she guessed that it probably meant something similar to her mother...


Oh my God!

Let a thunderbolt strike her!

She has said several times that she doesn’t want to be a mother!

She is only eighteen years old!

How could she be so virtuous? !

At this time, Awu took off his little bit and whined at the little girl.

Then the little girl looked at Awu curiously and chirped twice.

Then, her figure changed in the water, as if she was swimming between reality and reality.

Then, she became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a fat little chirping bird with a white body, a silver throat and a short tail, swimming freely in the sea water.

Xia Chujian: "..."

She had to change her name to Huo Jiujian.

Xiao Feijiu came to Xia Chu with the small eggshell she had used as a bellyband on her head, and naturally sat on the small gun-butt seat in the shape of a flower on her left shoulder.

Xia Chujian: "..."

At this time, Qilu's little child sounded extremely aggrieved: "Master! That is Qilu's car!"

"There is also a little robot head that Qilu made for himself!"

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched.

The little girl switched to a silver-throated short-tailed little fat chirp, which had already pushed the little robot's head to the side.

Ah Wu said happily: "Sister, this is Ah Quan! Ah Wu finally found Ah Quan!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

I always feel like something is wrong.

This is obviously the cub of Starry Sky, why has it become Awu’s waiting and searching?

Seeing that Xia Chu was in a complicated mood, he closed his eyes and said, "It's agreed, Awu, you'll control her and don't talk casually. I'm going to kill another Haidagon later, so don't reveal the secret to me!" "

Xia Chujian threw away countless thoughts in his heart, and his body flashed like a fish, parting from the sea water and sliding out of the ice room with a whoosh.

Then he locked the big iron door of the ice room.

Qilu's childish voice said depressingly: "Master, the program of this iron gate has been changed."

“Except for the owner’s face, no creature can pass the face-swiping process.”

Xia Chujian: "..."

She was speechless to the point of normality.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and said, "Lead the way, I'm going to the ice cave hall just now."

Qilu said: "Master wants to kill Tula?"

"Well, that Haidagon seems to be the biggest leader in Haidagon here."

Xia Chujian said: "I am only one person and can only carry out beheading operations."

Although she is not a high-level genetic evolver, wearing this Shao Siming black and silver mecha, her power is equivalent to that of a high-level genetic evolver.

So, it makes sense for her to carry out the beheading alone, right?

Under the guidance of Qi Lu, Xia Chujian returned to the ice cave hall where crystal ice lamps hung.

At this time, there are more Haidagon here.

They gathered in twos and threes in the hall, not knowing what they were doing.

Xia Chujian remained invisible and quietly walked into the hall. He originally wanted to find Haida Guntula in the direction he left just now.

After a while, Tula wearing a long cloak came out from that direction.

It walked to a raised ice block on the north side of the hall, waved and said: "Everyone Haidagon, please prepare for battle quickly."

"I received bad news. The Shangren we trained may turn against us."

"Tima and Kerry have gone to collect information and will bring you out of the sea soon to kill all the mourners!"

Haidagon in the hall put his right hand on his chest and bowed to Tula: "Lord Tula, we will definitely kill all the mourners!"

Then they marched out of the ice cave hall in high spirits.

And the Tula stood on the raised ice block. After a while, it walked down and returned to its own ice cave.

Xia Chujian took advantage of this opportunity and quietly followed it into the room.

Perhaps it's because these Haidagon have been at the bottom of Morizawa's Antarctic deep sea for more than 10,000 years, and no foreign creatures have ever disturbed them, so they have no concept of security at all.

The iron gate that holds the Starry Sky Falcon Dome may be their only effective security measure here.

And that security measure is not to prevent outsiders, but to prevent ordinary Haidagon within oneself from stealing food.

That place was obviously regarded by the senior officials of Haidagonli as their secret food store.

So Xia Chujian walked into Tula's ice cave without any obstacles at all.

At this time, Tula had already taken off his cloak and was lying on a blanket that was as colorful as the blurred starry sky with a dejected look on his face.

Before Xia Chujian could take action, the Ah'an on her left shoulder, which had been transformed into a silver-throated, short-tailed, snow-white chirp, let out an angry scream.

The cry sounded relatively weak and short-lived in early summer, but to Tula's ears, it was as if he could see the natural enemy right in front of him!

It suddenly stood up with excitement, looked around nervously, and yelled.

"Who?! Who's there!"

It also speaks the language of Haidagon. Xia Chujian's simultaneous interpretation system has included this language, so she can understand it.

At this moment, Ah'an's wings had exploded all over his body, and he was fluffy and turned into a puffy angry bird.

The color of the feathers on his body was no longer snow white, but the color of the large blanket that Tula had just been lying on.

When Xia Chu saw it, he immediately understood that the blanket in Tula was most likely part of the feathers on the starry sky chick...

No wonder Ah Huan is so angry.

Xia Chujian didn't have time to think, and quickly raised the mechanical arm. The large sniper of the Judge No. 2 was filled with sniper bullets, but she was still a step too late.

Ah'an's speed was as fast as a ray of light, reaching Tula's head in the blink of an eye.

Tula knelt on the ground holding his head, the sound waves vibrating more and more violently.

Xia Chujian heard it saying: "Don't... don't eat me!"

And that angry little fat chirp has landed on top of its head.

The bird's beak clicked on the top of Tula's head. Soon, Tula turned into a layer of skin and fell to the ground.

Xia Chujian: "..."

I almost forgot that the starlings are the natural enemies of Haedagon and feed on Haedagon.

But this is exactly the same as the way Awu eats Crocodile Dragon.

They were probably ancient beasts. Forgive her for not understanding the principles and methods of their eating.

After eating Tula, the bird's belly was bulging and fatter. Even the short tail seemed to be longer. He also burped and flew back to Xia Chujian's left shoulder. Above the shaped seats.

It seemed to be too full to sit in.

Xiao Fei Jiu spent a lot of effort to stuff his little bird belly into the small seat.

Xia Chujian: "...".

This is the second update. There will be an update at midnight.

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