I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 496 I can’t bear it (first update, please vote for me)

Then all the Star Marines began to panic.

"...My wife is pregnant. If these murderers really come to our house, can my child be saved?"

"My daughter is only ten years old! If these damned warriors really come to my house and treat my daughter as... labor, I will fight with them!"

One captain hesitated and said, "This situation needs to be explained clearly to Lieutenant Chu and others to see if they need to report it to the police."

"Our numbers are too small, and our weapons do not have an absolute advantage. We still need to discuss it with the superiors."

"If the higher-ups know this, they can send ion beam cannons directly and kill all 40,000 bastards with one shot!"

With that said, he sent a message to the airship.

But after waiting for a long time, the Shang and his accomplices who had sneaked into the attack almost came to them, but Chu Jingchen and the others still didn't respond.

If there is no response, it means that the previous tactics cannot be changed.

Even if they don't want to fight, they have to fight.

In the end, Fang Ping, the leader of the first team, said decisively: "No matter what, we can't retreat."

"Behind us is our country! Our home!"

They used to be lazy and playful when fighting, because they were fighting for some unowned resource stars and uninhabited desolate stars in the Beichen galaxy.

The other party did not directly attack the Beichen Empire, so they retreated.

Anyway, the resource stars and desolate stars that were snatched were eventually divided up by the royal family and the nobles, which did not help the common people at all.

But now, these warriors and their accomplices have made it clear that their goal is not only to sneak attack outsiders like them, but also to borrow their flying equipment to directly attack the planet of the Beichen Empire!

That was really unbearable and there was no way to retreat.

Even the five thousand Star Marines themselves didn't want to retreat anymore.

They all told their captain through the public channel inside the mecha: "Captain! We can't withdraw!"

"If they succeed, our family and friends will suffer a terrible end!"

Who can bear the thought of his cherished family and friends being raised like livestock? !

Including the two thousand female soldiers, they all clenched their weapons and said excitedly: "If you die, you will die! We have agreed that before everyone dies, they must take away at least eight enemies!"

There were five thousand of them, and each of them killed at least eight enemies, which was exactly forty thousand.

There were only 40,000 people from the other side who came to attack us.

Even if their entire army is annihilated, the other party will not be able to gain any favor!

Now that everyone has unified their thinking, several captains have redeployed their battle strategies.

"One team advances one thousand meters to guard the enemy's rear."

"The second team, the third team, and the fourth team penetrated the enemy's center and cut it into four sections."

"The fifth team launched a fierce attack!"

"At attack time, follow the orders of the captains of each team!"

The captains of each team are the five captains.

At this moment, the soldier and his accomplices, who had been sparsely forming a team for almost a mile, suddenly changed their formation.

They divided five thousand people into five queues.

There were about a thousand people in each queue, rushing towards the five interstellar airships!

When the ambush Star Marines saw this scene, even those who had doubted the purpose of the other party's words no longer had any doubts.

What these martyrs and their accomplices really want is their airship!

With the airship, they can use the airship to fly high into the sky and take over the cruiser!

You must know that there is only one driving team and two navigators on the starry sky cruiser parked at high altitude!

These captains no longer hesitated and issued the order: "Hit!"

At the same time, Chu Jingchen also saw the invading enemy in his interstellar airship and saw the message Fang Ping sent him.

He didn't respond because he didn't take Fang Ping's concerns seriously, and just said angrily: "Are these mourners crazy?"

"Even if they are a bit backward in weapons, can they beat us?!"


The five of them immediately flew out of the interstellar airship in their own aircraft and collided head-on with the soldiers and accomplices who came to attack them.

boom! boom! boom!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!

call! call! call!

The shooting sounds of various guns, the bombing sounds of electromagnetic guns, and the firing sounds of flamethrowers rang out in the silent night sky.

This time, a team composed of 20,000 warriors and 20,000 Haidagon came for the sneak attack.

When the thousand sneak attack team approached Chu Qingchen's interstellar airship, they were caught off guard by the five combat aircraft that suddenly flew out.


The fully automatic intelligent machine bullets flying out of the aircraft ruthlessly harvested the lives of those who were killed.

It's just that those Haidagons were hit a few, but to them, these were only minor injuries.

As long as you don't hit the gills on their cheeks and rely on their self-healing ability, other injuries will recover quickly, and everything will be fine for a while.

The five hundred mourners quickly died under the strafing fire from the aircraft, while the five hundred Haidagon all lay on the ground, basically intact.

After the five aircraft fired a round, Chu Jingchen immediately gave the five team captains of the Starry Sky Marines a death order: "They have already attacked! We must fight to the end!"

When the Star Marines saw the five elite pilots joining the battle, they instantly became more determined to fight to the death with the Sage and their accomplices.

The five thousand Star Marines were quickly divided into five teams, and each went to the designated location according to the previous captain's assignment.

A team quickly gathered in the marine plant forest where they were hiding, and then ran towards the rear of the mourners.

The second team, the third team, and the fourth team also finished their assembly. Taking advantage of the darkness, they emerged from the marine plant forest and immediately inserted themselves into the long queue of the soldiers and their accomplices like three pointed awls.

Divide the team of the soldier and his accomplices into four sections.

The fifth team had already rushed out of the marine plant forest, facing the vanguard of the soldier and his accomplices, and fired the first shot!


Bang bang bang bang!

Swish swish swish!

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

They all wore conventional mechas. At this moment, the mecha's mechanical arms were quickly equipped with submachine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles and electromagnetic guns.

At this time, we don’t care about accuracy, what matters is saturation strikes!

Catch the opponent off guard!

Their strategy is spot on.

Indeed, this first round of charge made the forward team of Shang and Haidagon dizzy.

Thousands of people died in an instant.

But Haidagon suffered very few casualties.

Because they move very quickly and can spit fire at every turn.

It's just that those marines are wearing mechas, and the fire-breathing has no effect on them.

So when they saw the Marines rushing over, they immediately hid behind the mourners.

Coupled with their helmets, they have a certain bulletproof effect against conventional weapons.

For them, as long as their fatal weakness is not hit, other injuries can be ignored.

So after thousands of soldiers in the vanguard died, Haidagon began to launch a counterattack.

They also have submachine guns and sniper rifles, two of them Haidagon, and railguns.

Although they are all outdated models from the Beichen Empire, their firepower is still first-class.

As soon as they counterattacked, the mechas of the thousand star marines of the fifth team were immediately damaged.

Moreover, these conventional mechas can withstand submachine gun bullets for a while, but they cannot completely protect against sniper rifle bullets, let alone electromagnetic gun attacks.

Haidagon counterattacked in the first round. Of the 1,000 star air marines from the fifth team, more than 200 were killed immediately.

There were more than three hundred mechas with holes punched out.

Once the mecha is damaged, their bodies as ordinary people cannot withstand the all-pervasive nuclear radiation.

Five minutes later, these Star Marines with damaged mechas could no longer stand up.

Their bones seemed to have melted, unable to support the weight of the mecha.

Each three-meter-tall mecha fell to the ground.

They thought that even if they died, they would drag a few more soldiers to die with their accomplices!

Therefore, when the Haidagons rushed up screaming, intending to replenish their guns and peel off the mechas from their bodies, these people used their last strength to activate the high-energy explosives hidden on their bodies.

boom! boom! boom!

Balls of fire light up, illuminating the blinding night.

Some marines were also killed directly, and those Haidaguns swarmed over and started eating crazily on the spot.

In fact, these dead people have no effect at all on Haidagon.

It doesn't help their physical characteristics at all, it just satisfies their cravings.

At this time, after eating a few bites on the battlefield, I gave up.

Just strip off the mecha and stop eating people, because there isn't that much time.

As for those ordinary starry sky marines, as long as they don't have mecha protection, they are basically dead.

The only difference is that if they are allowed to die naturally, it may take half a month to a month, depending on their physical fitness.

But now, the Haidagons dare not get close to replenish their guns, because they are afraid that if the marines pull a group of people on their backs before they die, they will directly spit fire and burn them.

Soon, all the thousand Star Marines from the fifth team, including two hundred female soldiers, were killed.

Many people in the second, third and fourth teams received the last message sent to them by the members of the fifth team.

They were all comrades-in-arms, going on missions and training together, and getting along day and night.

But since he became a soldier, no matter how lazy and idle he was, when it was time to sacrifice, none of them hesitated.

They suppressed the discomfort and grief in their hearts, and also launched a charge against the separated Sage and Haidagon.

They actually don't know what those strange humanoid creatures that follow the Shang people are, they only know that they are in the same group as the Shang people.

And these humanoids are very difficult to deal with.

There are a total of 3,000 marines in these three teams. If they have to deal with a team composed of 20,000 warriors and 10,000 Haidagon, it is almost a one to ten fight.

However, their weapons do not have an absolute advantage, and their mechas are just conventional mechas.

After being attacked by Shai and Haidagon, who were also armed with conventional thermal weapons, the mechas they attacked were soon damaged.

Even the team members responsible for cutting off the rear joined the battle at this time.

But all of them together only had 4,000 people left, and they had to deal with 40,000 soldiers and Haidagon.

The other side also has conventional thermal weapons, and the other side is not afraid of nuclear radiation.

Under such circumstances, the Star Marines of the First Star Fleet were attrition very quickly.

The battle lasted only five minutes, and of their five thousand Star Marines, two thousand had already died, and more than a thousand had lost their ability to fight because their mechas were damaged.

There are less than two thousand Star Marines left whose mechas are not damaged.

Only two of the previous five captains, or captains, are left.

The two captains looked solemn and discussed tactics while shooting at the humanoid creatures wearing helmets with sniper rifles.

Dear friends, double monthly tickets have started!

The teacup dog Abe is rolling around, please vote for me! (′\u0026amp;`).

There will be an additional update for the big chapter monthly ticket at 1 p.m.

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