I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 498: Compassion does not command troops (first update, please vote for me)

Xu Teng was still a little hesitant and said: "There are only 10,000 mourners and 10,000 Haidagon here."

"I have a lot of electromagnetic cannons on my airship. If they are all used up, at least half of them can be eliminated."

Xia Chujian didn't bother him, and immediately said: "These are just some of the Shang and Haidagon."

"There are at least 50,000 Haidagon and 40,000 soldiers behind us. Are you sure you want to rely on your 5,000 Star Marines to fight them?"

Xu Teng really didn't know that there were more Shang and Haidagon who didn't play.

After knowing it, he immediately said: "I will do the same immediately, let's evacuate together!"

They had agreed that Lin Xiaoxiao's five interstellar airships and Xu Teng's five interstellar airships would take off together.

But at this moment, they discovered that there seemed to be a problem with the engine of their airship.

"Lieutenant Xia! Oh no! Our interstellar airship can't take off!"

This was Lin Xiaoxiao's frightened voice.

Xu Teng's shocked and angry voice also came out: "I have five interstellar airships here. I don't know what the engines are, they are all covered up!"

Then I heard him shouting: "Mecha! Mecha! Everyone put on mecha!"

Qilu quickly sent the footage from the surveillance camera on Xu Teng's airship to Xia Chujian for a look.

Xia Chujian only saw a thick layer of white mesh wrapped around Xu Teng's airship engine outlet.

If this thing can affect the starting and operation of the engine, then this interstellar airship will not be able to take them back to high altitudes.

Now, Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng couldn't leave even if they wanted to.

They must fight!

But once the fighting starts, these people will most likely be wiped out again.

Xia Chu saw that she was in a hurry and thought of the battle video sent to her by the starry sky marine Chu Jingchen.

After the Marines were almost completely wiped out, they launched a brilliant counterattack. They took advantage of these soldiers and Haidagon's attempt to seize the interstellar airship and blew up their own interstellar airship...

Xia Chujian couldn't think of any other safer way at this time.

In order to reduce one's own casualties, one can only sacrifice equipment.

Let's use these interstellar airships as bait to lure the enemy deeper!

Anyway, she still has four starships and airships that she hasn’t brought down yet…

Don't be afraid!

Xia Chujian immediately said to Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng, "You also saw Chu Qingchen's Starry Sky Marines' combat strategy just now, right?"

"I think you might as well follow the example."

"You abandon all the starships, plant remote-controlled explosives, and then let them go."

"Anyway, the airship's engine system is out of order and they can't fly."

"I'll bring my starship over to pick you up."

"When we gather together, we don't have to worry about each other breaking through!"

Lin Xiaoxiao obeyed Xia Chu's words and immediately said: "I will do it right away! This is my coordinate location!"

Lin Xiaoxiao sent his coordinates to Xia Chujian.

Xu Teng also agreed to this approach and also sent his coordinates.

Xia Chujian looked at it and saw that it was not far away. At her current speed, she could arrive there in ten minutes.

She said to Lin Xiaoxiao and Xu Teng: "You act quickly, plant remote-controlled explosives, fly high into the sky and hold on for ten minutes, and I will be there."

"As long as you fly beyond the effective range of rifles and submachine guns, you'll be fine."

"Haidagon can fly, but their membrane wings are not very powerful and their flying speed is not very fast."

"You mainly aim at Haidagon and shoot, and you will be able to stop them."

"As long as you hold on for ten minutes, I will definitely arrive."

With that said, she cut off the video call.

Then he said to Qilu: "Qilu, immediately send a message to Sang Yadi and Chen Yansheng on our star cruiser and ask them to prepare quickly and put down the other four interstellar airships."

At this time, Mao Yonggui and Chu Qingjuan should not have arrived at the starry sky cruiser, and they were still driving a small combat aircraft on the road.

Qilu quickly increased the signal strength of the temporary base station in the interstellar airship and contacted the star cruiser in the high altitude.

Sang Yadi and Chen Yansheng were very nervous when they saw the message from Xia Chujian, and quickly asked to speak to Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian thought for a while and finally got through to them. To make a long story short: "Something happened here. The marines on the D499 Star Cruiser were basically wiped out."

"Chu Jingchen and the other five don't know the situation. Maybe they are gone, or they may have run away. I am going to rescue now and integrate the remaining two teams."

Both Sang Yadi and Chen Yansheng knew that Xia Chujian was talking about Lin Xiaoxiao's D235 number and Xu Teng's D337 number.

They also went down with five thousand Star Marines each.

Xia Chujian said: "According to the news from the marines at Chu Jinchen, the purpose of the soldiers on this planet is to seize our airships and cruisers, and then invade our Beichen Empire to seize the livable planet. .”

Sang Yadi and Chen Yansheng couldn't believe their ears.

Chen Yan said angrily: "No way?! These barbarians with sticks and stones dare to even think about our flying equipment?!"

"Captain, don't stop me! I want to go down with them!"

"I want to show them some color!"

Xia Chujian said: "This is what the marines over there said. Basically all of their five thousand people were killed. Looking at the surveillance video at the time, I have to believe it."

"And they're not primitive people with sticks and rocks, they have our weapons and they can manipulate them."

"The first goal of those Shang and Haidagon is to seize the interstellar airship."

"If these marines hadn't planted remote-controlled explosives long ago, these soldiers and Haidagon might actually be able to follow their plans."

"And Chu Qingchen's interstellar airship was driven away by the Shang and Haidagon..."

Having said this, Xia Chujian said to Chen Yansheng: "Second Lieutenant Chen, I have a mission now, can you accept it?"

Chen Yansheng immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Captain, your orders!"

Xia Chujian said: "Basically all of the five thousand Star Marines brought by D499 were killed. Even if there are some alive, there should not be many."

"But I don't know what happened to Chu Qingchen and the others."

"Can you find a way to find Chu Jingchen's D499 star cruiser? See if they have gone back, or are... occupied?"

"It's okay if Chu Qingchen and the others return to their starry sky cruiser, but if it is occupied by the Shaman and Haidagon, I authorize you to shoot down the D499 starry sky cruiser immediately!"

In fact, with Xia Chujian's current position and rank, as well as her team relationship with this base mission, she had no right to shoot down Chu Jinchen's D499 star cruiser.

But Xia Chujian also knew that when the matter was urgent, he would obey the authority.

It is different from those hierarchical disciplines in peacetime.

On the battlefield, there is only one discipline, and that is to win the battle!

You can retreat if you don't do anything else. As long as you fight, you must win!

Because only the winner can negotiate terms.

And this time, it is closely related to the survival of all humans in the Beichen Galaxy.

Xia Chujian felt that this risk could still be taken.

Sang Yadi felt that she shouldn't be so reckless, but Chen Yansheng accepted the task without saying a word and said, "I'll take a combat aircraft to take a look right away."

"We have the coordinates of the other three star cruisers here."

This time they came with four star cruisers to do the mission together. They knew each other's positions in space.

Xia Chujian nodded and said to Sang Yadi: "Second Lieutenant Sang, Second Lieutenant Mao and Second Lieutenant Chu are on their way back. I originally asked them to bring two interstellar airships down."

"Now the situation has changed, we need to bring all four ships down."

Sanyadi immediately said: "Yes, Captain."

She spoke concisely and to the point, and immediately sent messages to the smart bracelets of Mao Yonggui and Chu Qingjuan.

The two of them were almost at the D1 Star Cruiser, and they were very anxious when they knew that the situation below had changed.

After Xia Chujian arranged the task, he cut off contact with Sang Yadi and Chen Yansheng.

Then he said to Qilu: "Turn on the intercoms and display screens on every floor. I want to mobilize before the war."

She came down with a thousand marines.

These people followed her and hadn't really fought much yet. They just went to salvage loot with her a few times before.

The Star Marines of the First Star Fleet were unlucky and followed the wrong people, and almost all of them were killed.

But Xia Chujian couldn't say that he was a qualified military commander.

Because she knows that as long as there is a war, casualties are inevitable.

Compassion does not control soldiers, and righteousness does not control wealth.

Now, she has to work hard to become a qualified military commander.

Soon, Xia Chujian's figure appeared on the virtual displays on each floor of the interstellar airship.

Her voice also passed through the intercom, echoing throughout the starship.

Xia Chujian was still wearing his mecha and his own fully enclosed helmet, and said to everyone: "Dear marines and soldiers, the situation on Morizawa Planet has changed."

"I just received news that the vast majority of the five thousand Star Marines of the First Star Fleet have been killed."

The marines on the starship exploded when they heard it.


"Five thousand people! Do they have mechas?!"

"Mechas will die in battle? - I don't believe it!"

Sun Jiahao and Li Dali's faces suddenly became serious.

Because they believed what Xia Chujian said.

Xia Chujian said those people were killed in battle, so they were really killed in battle.

The question now is, what happened?

Although they had a deep understanding of the harsh natural environment of this planet and were mentally prepared for the dangers of this mission, they still did not expect that things would be so dangerous.

The Marines of their Fourth Star Fleet have not experienced a battle of this level for many years.

However, when they were in the Fifth Star Fleet, they had experienced battles more intense than this.

It's just that four or five years have passed, and the memories of the past have gradually become blurred, and even the blood has turned cold for a while.

Now following Xia Chu's meeting, they discovered that they could still get their blood boiling.

Sun Jiahao raised an arm to stop everyone's chattering.

Then through the intercom in the cabin, he asked Xia Chujian: "Captain, what happened to the five thousand marines of the First Star Fleet?"

Dear friends, double monthly tickets have started! Quick pitch, quick pitch, quick pitch!

There will be an additional update of the monthly ticket chapter at 1 p.m.!

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