I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 504: Being lured deep into the enemy (Second update, please vote for me)

Xia Chujian suddenly turned on the electromagnetic interference system of his combat aircraft, and then input the shape data of the triangular pyramid-shaped aircraft in front of him into the database of the fully automatic intelligent mecha.

Then pressed launch.

The fully automatic smart machine gun can chase this type of aircraft based on the pattern recognition system and perform saturation shooting.

At the same time, Xia Chujian aimed at the largest of the triangular cone aircraft, locked it directly with the fire control radar, and then fired a missile!

The electromagnetic interference that Xia Chu saw did have a great impact on those triangular cone aircraft.

Most of the pilots sitting in the triangular cone aircraft were Shangren, and a few were Haidagon.

In fact, they all rely on the autopilot functions of these aircraft to fly into the war.

In fact, if they were to drive it themselves, they wouldn't even be able to understand the names and data on the console.

Xia Chujian saw obvious traces of mechanical intelligence in the flight patterns of these aircraft.

Just like that time when she had a whim, she combined her and her roommate's three fighter planes, and completely let the machine operate intelligently, so that the four fighter planes could fly simultaneously.

What was the flight mode of those delta-cone aircraft she just saw, if not synchronous flight?

And they are not connected with fiber optics yet, they are all wireless connections.

Then electromagnetic interference can play a big role.

Sure enough, those triangular-cone aircraft suddenly fell into disarray and began to fly around like headless flies.

Without Xia Chujian's fully automatic smart machine gun locking and firing, he would be knocked to pieces.

Coupled with the saturation shooting of Xia Chujian's fully automatic smart machine gun, those triangular cone aircraft suddenly fell in front of her like hail falling from the sky.

A series of triangular cone aircraft roared into the marine plant forest on the ground, bursts of fire and explosions were heard from time to time.

The biggest explosion sound came from the largest triangular cone aircraft locked by Xia Chujian's fire control radar!

It made a loud cracking noise in the air, and finally with a roar, the entire aircraft disintegrated directly in the air.

There seemed to be more than one pilot inside, but none of them escaped.

On the contrary, among those fallen aircraft, two or three Haidagon occasionally flew out.

Because they have membrane wings, they can escape directly without a parachute.

But A'qun is here...

Xia Chujian originally thought that Ah Huan would not be able to fight.

Unexpectedly, Haidagon brought food to it again.

If you don’t eat the food delivered to your door, you will be struck by lightning!

However, the situation outside was still very chaotic. Although the triangular cone aircraft were in a mess, some were still trying to correct their directions, and they also began to fire at Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian's combat aircraft was now controlled by Qi Lu, and it was easy to dodge the shots from those triangular cone aircraft.

Xia Chujian said: "Qilu, turn the aircraft 180 degrees upside down, bottom up, and land quickly."

"I want to harvest those Haidagon that flew out."

Ahead, six Haidagon escaped from the fallen triangular cone aircraft.

Qilu immediately said: "Okay, Master!"

As she spoke, her rectangular aircraft suddenly flipped 180 degrees in the air, with the bottom facing up and the top facing down, and then fell rapidly.

When it came under a Haidagon, it suddenly opened the bottom hatch.

There was a gravitational pull in the cabin.

The falling Haidagon suddenly fell into Xia Chujian's aircraft.

As soon as it entered, Ah Quan chirped happily, then flew out from his seat and began to absorb its energy essence from the top of the Haidagon's head.

Before Haidagon, who had fallen in dazedly, had time to react, he was frightened to the point of being motionless by the cry from his natural enemy, and was then sucked into a piece of skin by A'quan.

Just as Ah'an was absorbing the essence of this Haidagon, more Haidagon fell in one after another.

Ah'an's speed was so fast that white afterimages were drawn out.

It quickly dealt with the six-headed Haidagon.

However, it is obvious that these six-headed Haidagon are not high-quality goods.

After it finished eating, it was as if it had not eaten at all. It sat back in its little Higanbana gun-butt-shaped seat without feeling tired at all.

Then it chirped twice, and the bird's beak took the initiative to pick up the small chew.

Awu climbed out of the seat on the other side and came to Ah Quan's side. He picked up the small chew with his two puppy paws and put it on Ah Quan's beak.

The snow-white little fat Chiu patted the white teacup dog affectionately with its wings.

When Awu returned, his little puppy legs were almost bent.

Xia Chujian ordered Qilu to turn the aircraft over, and looked ahead. The densely packed triangular cone aircraft were still coming, but their speed had obviously slowed down.

You must have been scared because you saw your side falling down like a dumpling...

Xia Chujian thought proudly, and at the same time sent the latest combat methods to the starry sky fighters behind him.

"The forward delta-cone aircraft is fully mechanically intelligently operated, just like us."

"But our mechanical intelligence operates independently of electromagnetic interference, they don't."

"When shooting, first release electromagnetic interference, then input the shape of the triangular cone aircraft into the fully automatic smart machine gun, and at the same time pick out the ones that are not pleasing to the eye and actively shoot them."

"Compared with the larger triangular-cone aircraft, just mount the missile!"

Xia Chujian's combat method was sent to those starry sky fighters, and everyone implemented it immediately.

More than 10,000 star fighter planes chased after them one after another, and they came into close contact with those triangular cone aircraft, and soon started fighting.

Xia Chujian didn't stop. He was already driving his own aircraft, whizzing forward and diving into the group of triangular cone aircraft that continued to fly in front of him.

But those triangular cone aircraft seemed to be afraid of her, and they all gave way to her.

Xia Chujian accidentally penetrated the opponent's formation and went directly behind the enemy lines.

She was excited.

But when she saw the scene ahead clearly, she couldn't get excited anymore.

Oops, was she "lured deep" by the enemy? !

Because what she faced in front of her was floating forts!

The fort is covered with thick armor and layers of energy shields.

The fire control radar and aiming device on the turret were all locked onto her aircraft!

Xia Chujian took a quick look and saw at least ten floating turrets, all aimed at her aircraft.

Is this being caught in a trap?

Xia Chu saw that his mind was spinning and he immediately said: "Qilu! Keep increasing the speed!"

She knew Qilu could bring out the best in the aircraft.

Anyway, it has been dug through, so keep digging!

Before the electromagnetic railguns of the ten floating turrets were charged, Xia Chujian's aircraft had already increased its speed and flew directly above their heads!

At this time, the ten floating turrets had just finished charging their energy, and it was too late to cancel the set launch procedures.

boom! boom! boom!

A burst of silver-white fire and dark black smoke rose into the sky at the same time from where Xia Chujian's aircraft had just left.

She escaped, but the hundreds of delta-cone aircraft that followed her in pursuit happened to make up for it and were fired upon by her own people...

Those who command the floating forts are Haidagon.

At this time, he was so angry at the arrogant operation of the rectangular aircraft opposite that one Buddha was born, and two Buddhas ascended to the sky, incompetent and furious.

Green flames shot out directly from inside the floating turret, almost setting the console on fire.

Xia Chujian, who had already driven straight behind the floating fort, was also frightened.

So there are so many floating forts in Haidagon? !

It is estimated that there are at least 5,000 seats...

With such huge aerial firepower, their fifteen thousand star fighter aircraft were like paper in front of these floating forts.

It couldn't withstand the bombardment of the opponent's two guns.

This is how to do?

Xia Chujian was thinking quickly while releasing electromagnetic interference.

Electromagnetic interference can indeed have an effect on tens of thousands of densely packed triangular cone aircraft, but it has no effect at all on floating turrets.

Qilu said: "Master, those floating forts are not mechanically intelligent and self-driving. They are driven by Haidagon himself."

Xia Chujian frowned and said, "What if I ask Ah Huan to go out and scream twice?"

Qilu said: "The floating fort is not only soundproof, it can also protect against electromagnetic signals."

"The electromagnetic signals released by Qilu are all blocked outside."

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

She knew that there was no use getting angry at this time.

We must find a way to severely damage the floating turret.

Qilu whispered: "One shot of the space ion beam cannon can disable the floating turret. Two shots can directly destroy it physically."

Xia Chujian sighed and said, "If I had a space ion beam cannon now, would I still have to rack my brains?"

On the ever-changing battlefield, she could rely on Qilu to fly the aircraft and avoid those ballistic curves, but she could not completely rely on Qilu to formulate combat methods for her.

She must think of an idea immediately, and then let Qilu provide her with the means to implement her battle plan.

Haidagon was huddled in the floating turret and could not come out, so Aqun would not be able to hunt Haidagon in a targeted manner.

Moreover, the floating turrets are scattered in the air. In each floating turret, the number of Haidagon is probably limited.

The risk of sneaking in at great risk is outweighed by the reward.

Xia Chujian was thinking as he shuttled back and forth among the aerial artillery groups composed of floating turrets.

Looking at the radar device protruding from the floating turret, Xia Chujian locked it with the fire control radar and fired a missile.

There was a loud crash, and the radar device was blown to pieces by her missile, but there was only a sunken pit on the top of the thick-skinned floating turret.

Xia Chujian muttered: "What material is this floating fort made of? Why is it so strong?"

Qilu said: "...otherwise, how can we call it a floating turret? It's just like an armored vehicle on the ground."

Xia Chujian: "...An anti-equipment sniper rifle can penetrate armored vehicles!"

At this moment, she thought of the black and silver bullets of her Shao Siming Mecha!

Could that indestructible thing be the nemesis of the floating turret? !

It's just that these Haidagon have built thousands of floating forts, and she only has a hundred black and silver bullets in total!

Even if one bullet destroys a floating fort, it can only destroy a hundred, and then the price will be one million Beichen coins...

Xia Chuji instantly calmed down.

No, you can't fight like this.

Qilu whispered at this time: "Master, the floating fort is a product of the Southern Cross Principality. The Southern Cross Principality produces a kind of ore. After smelting, it is extremely hard."

"Unless you use a space ion beam cannon, you can solve the problem with one shot."

"If you blast it with an electromagnetic railgun, it will take hundreds of rounds to make a hole."

When Xia Chu saw it, he realized that he only had so many electromagnetic railguns, and he couldn't even store them with just light.

This won't work either.

So what to do?

This is the second update, including monthly tickets worth 3900+ in July.

The monthly pass for July has finally been paid off!

There is another update ahead!

Please give me your guaranteed monthly pass!

There will be a third update at 1pm.

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