I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 507 Unprecedented Provocation (Second update, please vote for me)

Xia Chujian saw that the size of the rectangular aircraft was insignificant compared to the hill-like floating fort.

The aircraft is smaller in size and more flexible in movement.

The rectangular aircraft suddenly turned over, swerved around a floating turret, sank quickly, and hid under a floating turret.


The blue-purple arc of light pursued him. The characteristic of laser weapons is that they move in a straight line.

It was simply unable to bypass the floating fort and directly hit the objects below it like Xia Chujian's cool maneuver.

So that blue-purple arc of light could only hit the floating fort without any bias!

The beam of light changed from blue-violet to silver-white, just like the rays of the sun being converted into a sharp blade.

It cuts through the air at nearly the speed of light, and also cuts through the floating turret.

The laser beam clearly hit its target, causing massive damage instantly.

The energy shield of the floating turret was suddenly penetrated, and the outer armor began to melt.

Immediately afterwards, a huge fireball flashed from inside the floating turret, and with a bang, the floating turret was blown into pieces.

Xia Chujian, who was hiding under it, had already accelerated forward quickly when the laser beam cut the floating fort, avoiding the area enveloped by the huge laser beam.

Because Qilu gave her a hint, she knew that the light source of a laser beam drawn from a place close to the atmosphere would gradually become larger from point to surface.

By the time they reached the airspace close to the ground, the laser beam had grown to a terrifying level.

It turns out that such a thick laser beam can cut more than one floating turret!

There were at least 500 floating turrets in this area just now, all of which were cut and destroyed by laser beams coming from near the atmosphere!

Xia Chujian relied on his speed that almost reached the limit to avoid this layer of "cutting".

She couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This efficiency is possible!

The success of this second "lighting" greatly increased Xia Chujian's confidence.

By the third time, she was already familiar with it.

Xia Chu realized that except for Qilu's automatic driving, it was completely operated by himself.

Because this kind of provocation against laser defense weapons sometimes requires a bit of "excessive" practical operation.

Qilu's mechanical intelligence is so perfect and high-end that it can always dodge and shield just right.

When Xia Chu met, he felt that the purpose of "provoking" the other party could not be achieved.

It is very likely that the opponent will give up the pursuit of her midway.

This is inappropriate.

Under her own operation, her small cuboid-shaped combat aircraft carried out an "unprecedented" provocation to the so-called global laser defense system.

She even actually flew out of the atmosphere at one point!

And she discovered that as soon as she flew out of the atmosphere, the laser defense system gave up and stopped chasing her at all!

Sure enough, she could escape, but it was just her, or maybe a few more people.

Anyway, her aircraft can fit it.

Interstellar airships are not good. They are too big, have insufficient energy, and cannot reach the speed that small aircraft can achieve.

So she couldn't just take herself or a few of her cronies to escape. She had more than 10,000 marines counting on her.

Xia Chujian rushed into the sky from outside the atmosphere again, causing the laser system to erupt again from the poles.

As she "led the light" again and again, the floating turret controlled by the Haidagon gradually realized the danger and began to dodge.

But no matter how fast they flash, they are not as fast as Xia Chujian's aircraft, let alone the speed of light!

Moreover, the floating turret itself is not known for its speed.

Its toughness and strength are its selling points.

This means that Xia Chujian's move directly hit their fatal point.

Of course, they were not willing to be destroyed like this by Xia Chujian, and they had concentrated their firepower to only hit the rectangular parallelepiped aircraft driven by Xia Chujian.

But Xia Chujian was now able to get rid of the tracking of laser beams, and the fire control radar on the floating turret was no problem.

By the second time, more than 5,000 floating forts controlled by Haidagon were all destroyed by her laser.

And all this only takes five minutes.

On average, every thirty seconds, five hundred floating turrets can be destroyed with laser beams!

As for Haidagon's senior officials, even before they could discuss a solution, the floating turret that they relied on the most had been destroyed as an organization.

When Xia Chu saw the aircraft operating up and down like "catching a cat and teasing a dog", he was so angry that the Haidagons wanted to commit suicide on the spot.

At the same time, the Marines who were watching nervously in the Grand Canyon behind let out thunderous cheers.

In order to share with everyone the ecstasy and shock of the aftermath of the disaster, they opened the public communication channel and shouted Xia Chujian's name together in the public channel.

They can't think of any words to express their feelings now, except this name.

In their hearts, this name already represents the final victory, represents all salvation, and represents eternal hope!

Xia Chujian heard it and felt a little noisy.

But I can't bear to turn off the public communication channel.

Because she could hear that more and more marines, like the five hundred people in the Fourth Star Fleet, trusted her without reservation and were willing to listen to her command and charge into battle for her!

Xia Chujian raised his eyes and looked ahead. The floating forts that once densely covered the entire sky, like a torrent of steel, were all cleared.

The delta drone is also missing.

The sky gradually turned white, and the night was almost over.

The opponent seemed to show no signs of continuing the attack.

Xia Chujian was also tired and was about to return home.

Suddenly, at the end of the horizon, another fighter plane took off.

Xia Chujian narrowed his eyes.

Qilu quickly scanned the appearance and dynamic magnetic field frequency of those fighters, and then typed a line of naughty graffiti fonts on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display.

[Qilu]: Master, the opposite side is full of Harrier, Owl and Condor fighters from the Beichen Empire. Judging from the model and appearance, they are all models that were eliminated fifty years ago.

Xia Chujian sneered and said: "I'm sorry that the backward weapons production capacity eliminated by the four countries in the Beichen galaxy has been moved here!"

"There are quite a lot of internal contacts from Haidagon and Shang people in these four countries!"

The wages of avarice is death.

For what purpose did those people transport those conventional thermal weapons to arm the Slayer and Haidagon?

Is it really just for longevity and flying fish?

If only the Wanshou Flying Fish is their target, then the Wanshou Flying Fish's role may be much higher than she imagined.

But what's the use?

Who was the first to discover the function of Wanshou Feiyu?

Xia Chujian was very sure that the Longevity Flying Fish only existed on Morizawa Planet, which was not suitable for ordinary people to live.

So how long have the four countries in the Beichen Galaxy been flirting with the remnants of Morizawa Planet?

The marines and students who came to perform the mission this time don't all know about these circumstances, right?

Xia Chujian thought, and her thoughts drifted to the students and instructors at the base.

If the students don’t know, does the instructor know?

If the instructor knew about it and helped the evildoers, or even selected the elites among this group of students to come here to die, that would be terrible!

Xia Chujian subconsciously felt that the instructor should not know.

Otherwise, the two instructors, Yu Fei and Yang Ling, would definitely not agree.

Pei Zijing didn't know, Xia Chujian now had a very bad impression of him.

It's not that I think he's bad, I just think he's stupid.

As the chief instructor of such a large flight base, he was manipulated time and time again.

This is not "morality is not up to par", this is "talent is not up to par", and you are still being played to death.

Moreover, one general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted.

When Xia Chujian complained about this sentence as a bystander before, he only felt that this "general" should be removed from his post.

But now, she is one of the "three armies" who have been implicated and exhausted, and she feels that such an incompetent general deserves to be beheaded as an apology!

The real battlefield is much more cruel than the venues of competitive sports, so there is no room for lies!

Xia Chu was fuming at the sight, but she also knew that with these Harrier, Hawker and Sculpture ground fighters that were light and fast, her "laser diversion" operation was not cost-effective.

By the time she worked so hard to "drain" them, those Harrier, Owl, and Eagle fighters had long since disappeared.

And even if they didn't run away, their size was similar to the rectangular parallelepiped aircraft Xia Chu saw.

It was impossible for Xia Chujian to hide under these ground fighters and avoid the laser beams from the atmosphere just like hiding under the huge floating turret!

When the time comes, even I will have to be laser cut!

Is this the countermeasure the other party had in mind?

I have to say, it was quite successful...

Xia Chujian thought and quickly retreated to the Grand Canyon position at the rear.

As soon as she came back, she called everyone to a meeting and explained the situation ahead.

Of course, the videos taken by Qilu of the dark ground fighters flying in front were also sent to each star fighter.

Xia Chujian said: "This time it is a ground fighter. Compared with the star fighter, the ground fighter is smaller in size, and its speed is within the atmosphere, which is the same as our star fighter."

The advantage of the Star Fighter is that it can fight both in the atmosphere and outside the atmosphere.

Without the influence of gravity and air outside the atmosphere, the speed will be faster.

But within the atmosphere, affected by the planet's gravity system and air, its speed is at the same level as ground fighters.

But don’t worry too much.

Xia Chujian said: "This should be all the opponent's trump cards."

"My radar scanned the three types of ground fighters sent by the opponent. Among them, the Harriers were the largest, with 30,000."

"There are 20,000 Xiao-styles, and the highest-end Carving style has 10,000."

"According to my guess, this is all the remaining wealth of the other party."

"There were originally more than 40,000 mourners, but the triangular cone aircraft mainly flown by them previously had more than 10,000 people. All of them were wiped out by us, so they should only have more than 30,000 people left."

"These more than 30,000 soldiers should be flying Harrier fighter jets."

"There were originally more than 50,000 Haidagon, but among the more than 5,000 floating turrets before, based on the four operators of one floating turret, there were about 20,000 Haidagon. I also destroyed them all."

"So Haidagon should have more than 30,000 left."

"The number of Hawker and Eagle fighters sent by the opponent this time is only 30,000 in total. They are also higher-end than the Harriers. They should be piloted by Haidagon."

Xia Chujian's analysis was sound and well-founded, and everyone was convinced.

In fact, at this level, even if she makes up some nonsense, these people will not have any doubts.

Because trust to the extreme is blind trust.

But as a general, Xia Chujian cannot issue orders based on his own will or intuition.

This is the second update. There is another update before. You guys forgot to read it!

The third update at 1 pm is an additional update for the August monthly ticket.

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