I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 517: Revenge (Second update, please vote for me)

No matter how powerful Rong Zhongruo is, the fifteen-meter-tall mecha is just a conventional mecha.

Realizing that the high-energy weapons were blocking the airspace in front of him, Rong Zhongruo immediately stopped in mid-air.

He avoided the ultra-miniature ion beam cannon and no longer flew high into the sky. Instead, he turned around and rushed towards Hui Zhifeng's aircraft.

Rong Zhongruo smiled ferociously and said, "I forgot that you still have this thing on your aircraft!"

He knew that this ion beam cannon needed to be recharged after firing a round.

Although it is only an ultra-miniature ion beam cannon, the energy storage time is not short.

Because the aircraft over there are only small combat aircraft with limited energy carriers.

The energy storage time of ultra-miniature ion beam cannons is actually much longer than that of large space ion beam cannons.

When Rong Zhongruo pounced on Hui Zhifeng's aircraft, Hui Zhifeng's ultra-miniature ion beam cannon was still accumulating energy before it could fire the second shot.

Rong Zhongruo immediately aimed at Hui Zhifeng's aircraft and fired a Heavenly Punishment 0937 electromagnetic gun!


This electromagnetic gun did not hit the power system of Hui Zhifeng's aircraft, but it hit the ultra-miniature ion beam cannon that was still charging!

Hui Zhifeng had no choice but to jump out of the aircraft.

At the same moment, a blue-white beam of light shot straight up from his aircraft.

Strong energy fluctuations were like ripples, spreading around in the air, as if a small sun suddenly appeared in mid-air.

Xia Chujian was knocked far away by the energy shock wave and fell down the Grand Canyon again.

However, the power of the electromagnetic gun after the collision with the accumulating ultra-miniature ion beam cannon is still increasing.

When Xia Chujian flew up again from below the Grand Canyon, what he saw was Hui Zhifeng's aircraft blooming and cracking in the center of the small sun.

There are also endless fireballs and broken fragments, the scene of vaporizing inch by inch in the light like a small sun.

Hui Zhifeng's aircraft was shattered into pieces right in front of Xia Chujian's eyes, burning and turning into countless stars, slowly falling down.

Not only did his aircraft disintegrate into pieces, but even Rong Zhongruo, the fifteen-meter-tall mecha giant directly in front of the aircraft, could not withstand such a huge energy shock wave.

Rong Zhongruo's mecha was even more damaged than Lin Xiaoxiao's mecha just now.

Almost instantly, the fifteen-meter-tall mecha fell apart. The high temperature caused some of the metal materials of the mecha to melt into a liquid like iron juice.

Rong Zhongruo's combat uniform, body armor, and various protective measures, including the silver sword, were all charred.

He yelled, got rid of all the mecha parts, and rose into the sky naked.

Rong Zhongruo looked at the direction Hui Zhifeng had just flown away, chased after him, and launched a mental attack on him at the same time.

Hui Zhifeng also suffered serious internal injuries.

Even though he was a genetic evolver, his body was still severely traumatized by that high-intensity energy explosion.

At this moment, he was attacked by Rong Zhongruo's extremely strong mental power.

Hui Zhifeng screamed, his facial features were bleeding, his brain was like boiling soup, and even his brain seemed to be almost cooked by Rong Zhongruo's mental attack, and he fell directly from the air.

Xia Chujian quickly rushed over and caught Hui Zhifeng, who was falling, to prevent him from being thrown to pieces.

But Hui Zhifeng was not far from death at this time.

Xia Chujian carried him back to the ground.

Hui Zhifeng rested his head on Xia Chujian's arm, looked at her, and softly said one word: "Escape..."

Then his limbs twitched, his head tilted, and he died.

Xia Chujian didn't have time to feel sad. She raised her head and saw the naked Rong Zhongruozheng, grinning ferociously and rushing towards her.

He should also be conducting high-intensity mental attacks on her.

Because she was wearing a smart bracelet on her wrist, the intensity of the electric shock was not as strong as usual.

But for Xia Chujian, this was not as strong an electric shock as the goat-headed kelp-tentacled Bunnis.

Xia Chujian didn't run away at all, but calmly raised the mechanical right arm equipped with the Adjudicator No. 2 sniper rifle, loaded it with a full load of sniper bullets, and aimed it in the direction Rong Zhongruo was coming from.

Click! Click! Click!

The sound of sniper rifles rang out, and bullets hit Rong Zhongruo one after another, but they did not hit his forehead, but hit various fatal parts of his body.

Neck, heart, lungs, spleen, lungs, femoral arteries...

Rong Zhongruo's momentum continued unabated, but the smile on his face suddenly became stiff.

The blood on his body shot out from all the bullet holes, like a leaking fishing net, and it seemed like a rain of blood fell in the air.

Then, he staggered and stopped a few steps away from Xia Chujian.

Several screams came out of his throat, and his hands slid across his body desperately, trying to cover the bullet holes that were bleeding.

But there were so many bullet holes and he only had two hands, how could he cover them?

Within a few seconds, Rong Zhongruo's blood ran out and he died.

The whole person was like a kite with broken strings, fluttering and falling to the ground, not far from Chu Jingchen, Ji Nabi and Lu Luyu.

This man finally stayed here forever and died for those two thousand male and female Marines.

Xia Chujian looked at it coldly, not afraid at all.

She took a long breath, looked up at the sky, and mourned silently.

To all the comrades who died here, I have avenged you.

If there are still those behind the scenes who have not been punished, I hope you can show me the way to them...

In mid-air, Chu Qingchen and Ji Nabi's aircraft were burning.

And the huge interstellar airship of the Qiu family was still parked in this airspace silently, witnessing all this.

At this time, it slowly opened the passage in the belly of the bottom cabin.

Xia Chujian looked back and saw Qiu Zijun's aircraft. It finally released its invisibility and flew directly over, hoping to enter the bottom passage opened by the airship.

At the same moment, when he saw the little fat Jiu Ah Quan in the aircraft at the beginning of Xia, he suddenly became uneasy.

It was wearing a bit and couldn't take it off, so it had to make a chirping sound while constantly hitting its head against the teacup dog Awu next to it.

Awu saw it from the side and stretched out his puppy paw to help Xiao Fei Jiu take off its chew.

Little Fatty Jiu immediately flew around in the aircraft, looking very anxious to get out, and at the same time kept making sounds of "Chirp, Jiu, Jiu, Ji, Ji!"

The teacup dog tilted his head to look at it, took off his bit, and said to an intercom in the aircraft: "Sister! Ah Quan said that there is a Haidagon up there, and it's about to fly..."

From Xia Chujian's headset, the milky little voice of Awu, the teacup dog, came: "...Sister! Ah Quan said, there is a Haidagon above, and it's about to fly!"

She understood immediately.

Ah Huan must be referring to the mysterious young man in Qiu Zijun's aircraft!

Because only Qiu Zijun's aircraft was in flight at this time.

Other aircraft and airships are either burning or stationary.

Moreover, Xia Chujian did not know the origin of that mysterious boy.

She made a prompt decision and raised her hand to fire an electromagnetic cannon. With a bang, she stopped the flight path of Qiu Zijun's aircraft.

Qiu Zijun piloted the aircraft and hurriedly avoided the ballistic curve of the electromagnetic gun.

She carefully shouted to Xia Chujian: "Lieutenant Xia! What do you mean?"

Xia Chujian didn't have time to beat around the bush with her and said bluntly: "The boy in your aircraft is Haidagon."

"It can't leave this planet."

"You throw it down."

Qiu Zijun was shocked and lost her voice: "How is it possible?! How could he be Haidagon?! - He is obviously a human!"

It’s not like she has never seen Haidagon’s appearance before!

Xia Chujian was too open-minded!

Xia Chujian believed in A'zhen's judgment.

After all, the Starry Sky Hatchling has been Haidagon's natural enemy since ancient times, and it will never make mistakes in its judgment against its enemies.

Moreover, Qilu said that the offspring produced by the intercourse between Haidagon and Morizawa humans would have the same appearance as humans when they were young!

Xia Chujian said confidently: "You throw it down and I will prove it to you."

"If it is not Haidagon, I will apologize to you and give you the same level of compensation."

"If it is Haidagon, I don't want you to compensate me, but you must promise the person who comes to pick you up that you will bear witness for me after you return to the Beichen Empire."

Xia Chujian pointed to several corpses on the ground.

Chu Jinchen, Ji Nabi and Lu Luyu are all nobles, not to mention Rong Zhongruo. Regardless of whether he is a noble or not, he is a high-level military official.

She beat these people to death. Even if she had video evidence, it was still not enough for some people.

With Qiu's family members as witnesses, she became more confident.

Qiu Zijun's eyes hesitated and she couldn't help but look at Ye Shijie.

Ye Shijie had already pointed his gun at the mysterious boy.

Because he believed in Xia Chujian and trusted her judgment unconditionally.

"You get down," he said coldly, "or I'll shoot."

A strange smile slowly appeared on the young man's originally beautiful and indistinguishable face.

The smile made his face twist a little.

For example, the mouth seems to be a little bigger and the eyes seem to be bulging out.

No longer as beautiful as before.

Qiu Zijun screamed.

She finally realized that she was wrong, this was not the person she was looking for!

Ye Shijie fired quickly, but the young man's movements were no slower than him, and he rushed towards Qiu Zijun in the small space.

Without thinking, Ye Shijie stood directly in front of Qiu Zijun and kicked him out at the same time.

The hatch had been opened by him a long time ago, and with this kick, the young man was kicked out of Qiu Zijun's aircraft.

The young man was in mid-air and originally wanted to jump back into the aircraft.

But Ye Shijie closed the hatch quickly.

One of the boy's arms suddenly turned into a thick mutant beast like Haidagon's forelimb, and he was about to claw through the hatch.

But Xia Chujian was not used to him.

Xia Chujian raised his mechanical left arm, carrying the Judiciary No. 2 sniper that had not been retracted, and shot the young man in the left cheek!

Regardless of whether this boy is Haidagon or something else, if he is hit in the face with a sniper rifle, he will not end well!

And this shot directly knocked the young man into dust from the sky.

He fell heavily to the ground, with a huge penetrating wound on his face, directly from the left side of his face to the right side of his face.

The next second, the young man's figure changed in front of everyone's eyes.

He is no longer a handsome young man in a white shirt, but Haidagon whose white shirt has been torn, with gray-green scales on his back, revealing a white belly and a toad head!

He is indeed Haidagon!

This is the second update. The doubling of monthly votes is coming to an end soon, dear friends, hurry up and cast your monthly votes!

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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