Xia Chujian was curious: "Does it have to bloom to refine essential oils?"

Lucky Cat Qilu said: "Of course not. Flower Guduo can also extract essential oils."

"And the scent of flower bones itself can get rid of snakes, insects, rats, and ants."

"Master, don't you think there are so many grasslands, woods and water pools here, but there are no mosquitoes?"

"It's all the effect of the mist and flowers on this day."

"Qilu can help you extract essential oils from these flower bones and make perfume."

Seeing that Xia Chu was moved, he asked again: "What kind of fragrance is that? Doesn't it smell bad?"

When Xia Chu saw it, he felt that something that could get rid of snakes, insects, rats, and ants must smell very "offensive".

Lucky Cat Qilu said: "According to the data, the scent of Amagiri buds is very elegant, and it is a scent that cannot be replicated by current chemical engineering."

“It can only be extracted purely naturally, so it is very popular in the market.”

"Currently, Beichen Empire's perfumes include Tianwu Hanlian, but it is not extracted from the blooming petals, but from the flower bones."

"It can only drive away snakes, insects, rats and ants, but cannot prevent the remaining species."

Xia Chujian was curious: "Why is this?"

Qilu said: "Because the Tianwu Hanlian is fully developed only when it blooms, and there will be a strange spice ingredient in the petals."

"And only this special spice component that appears when it's in full bloom can prevent remnants of the disease."

"As long as there is a blooming Amagi in the pond, the pollen spores will stay in place for a long time during pollination, so the fragrance is also very long-lasting and can last for several years..."

Lucky Cat Qilu was silent for a while after speaking, and then whispered: "Master, currently, there is no record in the Beichen Empire about the effectiveness of the fragrance of Tianwu Hanlian that it can eliminate relics."

"Qi Lu was extracted from ancient materials."

"Whether it still works now, Qilu can't prove it."

"So the owner should carefully consider whether to refer to this record."

Xia Chujian doesn't usually use perfume, so she doesn't understand these things and isn't interested in them either.

But if Qilu has database data proving that it can eliminate relics, then it’s better to believe it.

She said: "Then first extract some essential oil from the flower bones and use it as mosquito repellent water."

No matter how bad it is, you can still prevent mosquitoes.

Qilu suddenly got stuck.

The Tianwu Hanlian perfume sought after by so many people, when I saw it here at the beginning of summer, it became a mosquito repellent...

Of course, mosquito repellent water is the correct way to use Tianwu Hanlian perfume, but Qilu always feels weird, as if something is wrong.

Xia Chujian just gave it a try and didn't hold out much hope.

She just thought that the pink and white flower bones floating in the clear water in the white bowl were quite attractive.

My hands were itchy for a while, so I took a few photos and sent them to Moments.

Title: "I'm new here and I came across this thing. Does anyone recognize it?"

Sanzong was actually the first to reply.

[Three Manes]: Tianwu Hanlian! It’s actually Tianwu Hanlian! Where did Mr. Shaojun find it? ! This is Amagiri Hanlian, which is native to the exotic beast forest! Later, they became extinct in the alien forest...

Xia Chujian:…….

She didn't know that Tianwu Hanlian was originally from the Alien Beast Forest, she didn't know anything about it.

Xia Chujian asked the lucky cat Qilu: "Qilu, do you know where the Tianwu Hanlian originates?"

The lucky cat Qilu seemed to hesitate for a moment. For a short time, Xia Chujian didn't realize that Qilu had already begun to answer: "Master, there is no record of the origin of Tianwu Hanlian in Qilu's database."

Xia Chu didn't think much about it when he saw it, and said happily: "Qi Lu, your database needs to be updated, it's not even as good as Sanzong!"

"San Zong said that Tianwu Hanlian was originally from the Alien Beast Forest of Guiyuan Star, but later became extinct in the Alien Beast Forest..."

"I don't know how I ended up here at Beichen Star."

Qilu didn't look surprised, and said, "Isn't it strange? The Phoenix-tailed Luan is extinct in Dongtianyuan Divine Kingdom, isn't it still alive in our Alien Beast Forest?"

Xia Chujian nodded: "What an analogy! I'm convinced by you!"

Qilu: "...".

Sanzong sent another message.

[Three Manes]: Mr. Shaojun, can you...can you...can you ask Aunt Xia to bring back two Sky Mist Flowers? Sanzong wants to plant it in the manor...

Xia Chujian replied immediately.

[Xia Chumei]: No problem! I have three flowers here, and I will ask my aunt to take them all back to you when the time comes!

[Sanzong]: Mr. Shaojun, can you video now and let Sanzong take a look at these flower bones? Because two flower bones, one female and one male, are needed to ensure subsequent planting...

[Xia Chumei]: Really? Are there also male and female flowers? Then let's see.

Xia Chujian pulled out the virtual display screen and sent a video call invitation to Sanzhao.

Sanzong quickly connected and appeared on the virtual display screen in high spirits.

Sanzong is not yet good at using this kind of video communication. His background is not changed to a virtual background, but to where he really is.

Xia Chujian saw the fields behind him and the fish-belly-white sky, and said with emotion: "San Zong, your genius has just dawned, and you've come to farm?"

Sanzong nodded excitedly: "How did Mr. Shaojun know?!"

Xia Chujian said patiently: "San Zong, I saw it. Your background is a real background, not a virtual background, so I can see the real environment over there."

"If you don't want people to know, use a virtual background instead, like this..."

Xia Chujian showed Sanzong how to change the virtual background.

Sanzong was very smart and learned it in no time.

He tried a bunch of virtual backgrounds, and finally used an animated picture of a golden rice field, saying, "Sanzong likes this! Sanzong hopes there will be a bumper harvest every day!"

Xia Chujian said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the simple Sanzong could be greedy!"

After she joked about it, Sanzhao didn't get angry or blush, and his frank look made Xia Chujian very happy.

Sanzong is also growing!

She chatted with Sanzong for a while before turning to the topic: "Sanzong, look, these are three flower buds. I can't tell whether they are male or female."

Sanzong looked carefully at the three foggy flower buds on the virtual display screen and said, "Master Shaojun, can you open a small gap in the flower bud and take a look at the stamens inside."

"The golden stamens are male flowers, and the silver stamens are female flowers."

Xia Chujian opened the seam a little excitedly, looked at Duoduo, and then said with a smile on her face: "Don't mention it, they are all golden stamens, they are all male flowers..."

Sanzong was a little disappointed, but he still cheered up and said, "Where did Mr. Shaojun find the flower bone? Can you find another flower bone with silver stamens?"

Xia Chujian didn't want to go out for the time being and said, "It's already dark today, let's go tomorrow."

Then he asked Sanzong: "Sanzong, how do you know about this kind of Tianwu Hanlian? You clearly said that all the alien beasts are extinct in the forest over there?"

Sanzong had never left Mulan City on Guiyuan Star, so Xia Chujian couldn't figure out how Sanzong knew about Tianwu Hanlian.

Sanzong said cheerfully: "When Sanzong was at the Royal Plantation in Mulan City, the manager there asked Sanzong to try cultivating Tianwu Hanlian."

"Because the original Amagiri Hanlian could only survive in the very cold forest of strange beasts."

"But after the Sanzong is replanted, the Amagi can survive in the temperature range from minus 50 degrees to plus 50 degrees."

"Sanzong once placed the flower bones of Tianwu Hanlian in Sanzong's small thatched shed, and there were no mosquitoes all night!"

"Sanzhao slept well those days!"

"But then the steward took away Tianwu Hanlian, including all the flower bones..."

Xia Chujian's focus is still on "mosquito repellent water".

She said: "Sanzong, you don't need the Tianwu Hanlian flowers as mosquito repellent water now, right? Are there any mosquitoes in our house?"

Sanzong shook his head and said, "Our family is gone. Sanzong planted many plants along the walls of the manor that can repel snakes, insects, rats, and ants. There must be no more plants in the manor."

"But Mr. Shaojun likes to go to the Alien Beast Forest. The snakes, insects, rats and ants in the Alien Beast Forest are more powerful, and ordinary plants are not as effective."

"Sanzong wants to prepare some Tianwu Hanlian flower bones for Mr. Shaojun. Take them with you. They are great at repelling mosquitoes!"

Xia Chujian was very moved: "Thank you, Sanzong! I will go look for Tianwu Hanlian with silver core tomorrow!"

"By the way, Sanzhao, can you make the Amagiri chinensis bloom? I heard that it's difficult for the Amagiri iris to bloom!"

Qilu said that Tianwu Hanlian basically does not bloom.

Sanzong shook his head: "No, the Tianwu Hanlian planted by Sanzong has never bloomed."

So Sanzong only improved the temperature adaptability range of Amagiri Hanli, but this is already very powerful!

Xia Chujian praised: "Sanzong is so awesome! I think the Tianwu Hanlian I have here must have been cultivated by Sanzong!"

Because it is summer here, but because it is in the mountains, the highest outdoor temperature is only about 25 degrees.

It's cooler at night, about fifteen degrees.

Sanzong was silent for a while and said: "Twenty years ago, when Sanzong was seven years old, he was just brought to the manager to grow some rare plants and herbs for him."

"That's when the Amagiri Hanlian became extinct from the Alien Beast Forest."

He looked at Xia Chujian anxiously and said: "...Master Shaojun, is it Sanzong's fault that Tianwu Hanlian became extinct from the Alien Beast Forest?"

Xia Chujian raised his eyebrows and said seriously: "How can you blame Sanzong for this?"

"Obviously some people are so crazy that if they own it, they will keep it to themselves and not allow others to own it. That's why we eradicated all the Tianwu Hanlian in the origin of the Alien Beast Forest on the Returning Star."

"Three Manes is not your fault, you don't have to carry it on yourself."

"This time I will find the Tianwu Helium flower bones with gold and silver stamens for you. Sanzong can take them back to the Alien Beast Forest for planting!"

The light in Sanzong's eyes lit up again, and he nodded heavily and said: "Okay, Mr. Shaojun! Sanzong will replant Tianwu Hanlian in the Alien Beast Forest!"

The two continued chatting for a while about the planting situation of Chihuamu and Jiarongcao. Knowing that they were growing well, Xia Chu saw them and felt relieved.

After ending the video call, Xia Chujian planned to go downstairs to have dinner.

At this time, she discovered that someone else had replied to her circle of friends.

This time it’s Quan and Training.

[Quan Yuxun]: When we first met, you... on the first day you moved in, you picked the flowers from your neighbor's house?

Xia Chujian: "..."

Wocao, does he really have an owner? !

Not wild? !

This is the second update. There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

PS: Today’s wish-subscribe more. ().

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