I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 663: There is nothing better than this in life (second update)

Xia Chujian released the Shao Siming black and silver mecha and put it on his body, and then let Qilu take the lead in setting up the newly purchased housework robot.

This is a robot that has just left the factory, like a blank piece of paper.

Qi Lu was swaying freely on it.

Xia Chujian watched from the side, correcting Qilu's too "defying" settings from time to time.

"Qilu, this is the cheapest housework robot. It doesn't need to understand child psychology."

"Qilu, I just want this housekeeping robot to be able to clean the room, clear weeds, and do some simple gardening."

"Qilu, I don't need this household robot to have a cooking program."

"I can cook for myself, and it can clean up the kitchen and that's it."

"Qilu, I see this housework robot doesn't have much memory. If you program so many applications, will it run slowly?"

After Xia Chujian continued to correct his mistakes, Qilu finally completed the settings of this housework robot.

Finally Qilu said: "Master, what do you want to name it?"

Xia Chujian said: "What do you think it should be called?"

Qilu said: "...Would you like to sort with us?"

Xia Chujian was confused: "...Who are you?"

Qilu said: "Three manes, four joys, five blessings, six good fortunes, seven fortunes...Does the master want to line up from the front or from the back?"

Xia Chujian: "...".

If she said that she chose the name just to do whatever she wanted with no ranking at all, would Qilu believe it?

Well, even she didn't believe it when she saw the name she gave her.

However, Xia Chujian looked at the motionless housework robot and said, "No, we won't take it home, so we won't sort it with you."

Qilu had no objection, but there was a little more joy in his childish voice as he asked, "Master, what's your name?"

Xia Chujian thought of the numbers and names of the robots in the military academy library and said, "It's our first housework robot on Beichen Star, and it's called Beijiayi."

Qilu said: "Then Qilu will be entered."

Qilu quickly changed the factory serial number name of the housekeeping robot to Beijiayi.

The housekeeping robot's eye display flashed with snowflakes, and then became clear.

Its voice is still the electronic synthesized sound in the factory setting of the housekeeping robot, which is its unique certificate.

This voice is a simulated gentle female voice.

It said: "Hello master, Beijiayi will serve you wholeheartedly."

Xia Chujian also said: "Hello, welcome to my home."

She pointed to the living room and said, "This house will be cleaned by you from now on."

"All rooms, especially kitchens and bathrooms, are cleaned daily."

"The lawns, woods and flower beds outside should also be maintained regularly."

"You are a housekeeping robot. There is no gardening in the factory settings. I have installed a gardening module for you. After you learn it, you should be fine."

Xia Chujian knew that there were actually professional gardening robots, but those were more expensive, and Xia Chujian didn't want to spend that money.

And the yard outside here is not that big, so there is no need for professional gardening robots.

Qilu claimed that the gardening modules it installed were sufficient, so Xia Chujian just believed it.

If it doesn't work anyway, think of another way.

In fact, what Xia Chujian said has been installed in the program of Beijia No. 1 by Qilu. It only needs to work according to the program.

However, Xia Chujian still felt that it would be better to take the initiative to communicate.

And she didn’t say Qilu installed it.

Everyone is a robot. She doesn't want Bei Jia to feel inferior, nor does she want Qi Lu to be more domineering.

Bei Jiayi's electronically synthesized voice sounded softly: "Good master, Bei Jiayi will clean the house every day, especially the kitchen and bathroom, as well as maintain the lawns, woods and flower beds outside."

Xia Chujian finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then go and do your work, I want to cook."

A curved eyebrow shape appeared on Beijiayi's eye display, indicating that it was smiling, and then it slid away.

Xia Chujian put away the mecha on his body and said to the lucky cat pendant: "Qilu, are these emoticons in the factory settings, or were they added by you?"

Lucky Cat Pendant Qilu’s little mouth said: “Of course Qilu added it! These emoticons are not included in the factory settings!”

Quite proud.

Xia Chujian didn't say anything and went to the kitchen to prepare a big meal for herself.

After taking the nutritional solution for two days, she had to change her taste.

In the kitchen, Xia Chujian measured some remaining rice and put it into the rice cooker. He also defrosted a piece of wild rhinoceros pork and soaked red lion morels. He planned to stew a pot of red lion morels and wild rhinoceros pork. appetizer.

When the rice cooker started cooking, Xia Chujian also put the red lion morels and wild rhinoceros pork into the stew pot and started to stew.

In fact, these two things do not require advanced cooking skills, the main thing is the strong ingredients.

When the rice is cooked, so is the meat.

It’s pretty quick to make.

In the last minute, the juice needs to be reduced and the lid needs to be simmered over high heat.

Xia Chujian turned on the kitchen range hood at this time.

In an instant, the delicious smell was taken out of the kitchen and released into the outside air.

But after being filtered by the range hood and absorbed by outdoor plants, the smell that floats into the outside air is already very slight.

But there happened to be a young man and woman walking by with a corgi with short legs.

On the tree-lined path in front of Xia Chujian's yard, the Corgi dog that was jogging suddenly stopped.

He looked around with his round eyes, sniffing constantly, and looked at the lawn in the front yard of Xia Chujian's house.

For the sake of beautiful appearance, the villas here have no physical walls or fences in the front and back yards.

But there are electronic fences.

However, other people’s electronic fences are invisible.

But after Xia Chujian encountered the "peeping" incident that night, he revealed the electronic fence.

In other words, you can see that there is a virtual fence appearance here.

The corgi jumped up with a whooshing sound, broke free from the leash on the woman's hand, and rushed towards the path leading to the gate of Xia Chujian's house.


When the corgi hit the virtual fence, he suddenly let out a scream, then fell to the ground on all fours, his whole body twitching continuously, and he was already dying.

The young woman was startled, ran over in a hurry, picked up the little corgi from the ground, and said repeatedly: "Bagel! Bagel! What's wrong with you?!"

The young man also walked over quickly, stretched out his hand and pressed the corgi's neck, frowned slightly and said, "It was electrocuted..."

The young woman immediately raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "Being shocked? This is outside! Where is the electricity?!"

The young man looked at the villa and lawn in front of him and sighed: "...here, this family has activated the electronic fence, and it is an invisible electronic fence."

The young woman said "Ah" in disbelief and said, "Do you need an electronic fence to live here?! No way..."

The young man nodded and said, "I can't say for sure. Didn't we kill a flower thief here a few days ago? - It's in the pond in front."

He raised his hand and pointed to the one-acre pond in Qiu Shenxing's house in front of him.

The young woman also understood, came back to her senses, and said with a wry smile: "No wonder... I am too naughty as a bagel. Why do I have to run away from other people's territory?"

The two of them could only admit that they were unlucky.

After speaking, he shook his head and turned to leave.

At this moment, Xia Chujian had already taken out the stewed red lion morel mushrooms and wild rhinoceros pork and put it on the dining table.

It was a midsummer morning, and she opened the floor-to-ceiling windows of the restaurant facing the front yard, preparing to have a delicious brunch with the beautiful scenery and fragrance of flowers outside the window.

The breeze blew gently through the curtains, carrying the smell of delicious food onto the front lawn.

This is delicious food that has not been filtered by the range hood. The two young men and women who were about to leave just smelled this smell and were stunned.

The young man's hands began to tremble slightly. It was a refreshing fragrance that penetrated deeply into his heart. It seemed that he didn't need to eat it because his internal organs were all ironed by it.

The young woman could no longer control herself and wanted to walk towards that path.

The smell that comes with the wind is actually normal and not so strong that it is overwhelming.

But it is blended with a little bit of the faint floral fragrance, making the taste have a long aftertaste.

Like a summer memory, even when I am very old, I will never forget that plate of delicious food under the sun.

She had just taken a few steps when the young man suddenly came to his senses, grabbed her hand and said, "Don't go any further, there is an electric fence."

At this time, both of them understood why the Corgi Bagel suddenly rushed over just now.

It must have smelled that irresistible deliciousness before they did.

Humans can’t stand it, let alone corgis, who love food the most among dogs...

The two looked at each other and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

The corgi, who had almost fainted from the electric shock, now recovered, but was attracted by the stronger fragrance and almost became manic.

It kept barking and circling around on the ground, but it didn't dare to run over again.

Xia Chujian sat down at his dining table. He first picked up a chopstick of red lion morels, put a piece of wild rhinoceros pork into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and then added a mouthful of rice cooked with Kangzhu rice.

Suddenly I felt that life is beautiful, nothing better than this.

No matter how depressed a person is, they will smile when faced with such delicious food.

After she took two bites, the lucky cat pendant Qilu placed on the dining table suddenly said: "Master, there is a man, a woman and a corgi outside the electronic fence at the entrance of the courtyard."

"The corgi tried to run in but was shocked."

"The two young men and women also want to come in."

"Master, do you want to get a gun and be on guard?"

Xia Chujian immediately paid attention to it and said: "Qilu, you are very vigilant. You are doing a good job. Keep it up."

"I'm going to get the gun!"

She quickly rushed to the living room, opened the gun case that she had not put in the bedroom, took out the Assassin 095 pistol, loaded the magazine, turned on the safety, and walked back to the dining room from the living room.

She stood behind the curtains of the dining room's floor-to-ceiling windows, squinting in the direction of the front yard.

This is the second update. There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.


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