I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 758 The Definition of Being Good (First update, please vote for me)

Of course, you still have to carry this thing.

Xia Yuanfang opened the small box again and said, "The bandages here can quickly stop bleeding and promote skin growth."

"The potion here can promote the growth and recovery of muscles and blood vessels after digging out the bullet."

Xia Chujian felt moved in her heart.

She knew that although her aunt didn't agree with what she was doing from the bottom of her heart, she no longer opposed it and tried her best to eliminate the trouble she might encounter.

She thought, she really has the best aunt in the world!

Xia Yuanfang was still showing her the contents of the medical kit, and then said: "There are also some ointments here. If you have cuts, abrasions, or scrapes on your face or body, they can help you heal quickly without leaving any scars. There won’t be any infection.”

Xia Chujian hugged Xia Yuanfang, rested his head on her shoulder, and said, "Auntie, you are so kind to me!"

"I will definitely protect myself and never risk my life!"

Xia Yuanfang said "hmm" and said, "I know that my family is the best when we first meet, and my aunt's love for you is not in vain."

In fact, the aunt and nephew knew very well that their definitions of "good" were completely different.

After everything was packed, Xia Chujian sent a message to Meng Guanghui.

Not long after, Meng Guanghui's aircraft stopped near the Xia family manor.

Xia Chujian left the house with her backpack on her back and boarded Meng Guanghui's aircraft.

The aircraft took off into the sky, and Aunt Chen, San Zong, Si Xi, Wu Fu, A Wu and A Quan, including the housekeeping robot Liu Shun, were all looking up at the steps at the door of the mansion.

Xia Yuanfang raised his head alone in the study room and looked at the sky outside the window. The black aircraft quickly disappeared and disappeared into the clouds.

Xia Chujian opened the small suitcase handed over by Meng Guanghui in the aircraft and took a look.

It really feels like a small sparrow with all the internal organs.

There were several sets of body armor inside, all in street camouflage colors.

Communication bulletproof detective integrated helmet, bulletproof gloves, and a disassembled sniper.

When Xia Chu saw the parts of the sniper rifle, he immediately stopped looking at anything else and said in surprise: "This is the latest Arbitrator No. 2?!"

Meng Guanghui said while flying the aircraft: "Yes, captain, do you like it?"

Xia Chujian was delighted: "Of course I like it!"

Looking up, she saw Qi Yue sitting in the back row.

He had changed into a street camouflage body armor and even put on a helmet.

Seeing Xia Chu coming over, he lowered his eyes and said, "I can't shoot, I haven't learned anything."

Xia Chujian said: "You don't need to shoot, your main task is to lead us."

Then she looked at Meng Guanghui and said, "Deputy Captain Hui, where are the others?"

Meng Guanghui said: "They have already set off first."

"Fenghai City is on the edge of Langya Sea in the southern hemisphere of Guiyuan Star. It takes eight hours at the fastest to fly there."

Xia Chujian nodded and stopped talking.

She planned to close her eyes and rest, but the quantum optical brain watch carrier began to vibrate, which was a reminder that there was news coming in.

Xia Chujian raised her hand and pulled out a virtual display screen to prevent peeping.

On this virtual display, only people in her direction can see the content on it.

At this time, what was displayed on the virtual display screen was her plan for this operation, which was sent to her by Meng Guanghui.

Xia Chujian read it from beginning to end and replied with one sentence.

[Xia Chujian]: Got it, follow my command.

Huo Yushen said that she was in charge of the operation this time, and even Meng Guanghui had to listen to her.

She did her best.

Meng Guanghui set the autopilot for the aircraft, and then said to Xia Chujian and Qi Yue: "Take turns to sleep for a while. When the time comes, we will start taking action. There is no time to rest."

Xia Chujian nodded and was finally able to close his eyes and rest.

But Qi Yue couldn't sleep no matter what.

His eyes were all red and bloodshot, and his whole body was in a state of extreme pain but was extremely depressed.

Eight hours later, at 6 pm local time, they reached the sky above Fenghai City.

Xia Chujian woke up from her sleep and saw darkness outside the porthole.

Looking down at the blue to black sea, it was already dusk.

Xia Chujian said curiously: "This is the Langya Sea in the southern hemisphere? It is darker than the sea water over there."

Meng Guanghui said: "The Langya Sea in the southern hemisphere accounts for 30% of the area of ​​Guiyuan Star, and is larger than the sea in the north."

With that said, the aircraft roared down and entered the airspace of Fenghai City.

Then we stopped at a villa on the east side of Fenghai City near the sea.

The villa is surrounded by evergreen trees like pine and cypress, which act like a fence, blocking the view of outsiders.

The yard is very spacious, and a relatively large aircraft is already parked.

Xia Chujian got off the aircraft and had already put on a human face hood.

She carried a backpack and a small suitcase and walked into the villa first.

This is obviously a stronghold of the Special Security Bureau.

I don’t know in whose name it was purchased, but there are no permanent residents here.

The living room on the first floor is large, with several sets of corner sofas.

When Xia Chujian came in, he saw that there were already people inside.

Twelve people, all wearing street camouflage, bulletproof helmets, masks, and eyepieces to cover their eyes.

Even if they are face to face, you can't tell who they are.

Xia Chujian had never seen them before, but they didn't look unfamiliar.

She strode in and said to the people inside: "Everyone! Stand up!"

Those who were swaying on the sofa and on the floor immediately stood up and lined up in the living room.

There were two rows of six people in each row, standing neatly in front of Xia Chujian.

Their stature varies, but all of them are very powerful.

Based on the team information sent to her, Xia Chujian said: "The twelve of you are divided into four groups, each group has three people, and you can configure them freely. Each team should have at least one sniper, can you do that?"

Everyone said in unison: "Yes!"

Xia Chujian nodded: "Now form a team, I will give out the number, and then wait for the signal to set off!"

The two rows of team members in the living room discussed it back and forth and formed four groups of three people in each group.

When Xia Chu saw them, he numbered them with numbers, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4.

Meng Guanghui, she and Qi Yue are in the same group.

Not long after, she received several more messages, which were several addresses sent to her by Kang Shanxing.

They all located it based on the information provided by Qi Yue.

Xia Chujian quickly assembled the Arbiter 2 sniper and said: "Let's go!"

Fifteen people came out of the villa and boarded their own aircraft.

The aircraft quickly took off, entered stealth mode, and entered the city at high speed.

Xia Chujian took a look at Fenghai City's introduction.

This is a city near the sea, and the city's main industry is fishing and processing.

Like Mulan City, they are industries at the bottom of the economic chain, agriculture and fishery.

But this city is even worse than Mulan City.

In addition to a few skyscrapers in the city center, there are about a dozen low-rise buildings with hundreds of years of history.

Meng Guanghui said: "The houses here are very old, but they are densely populated. Please be careful not to hurt innocent people when you go to perform tasks."

Xia Chujian nodded: "Don't worry."

The aircraft arrived at an address located by the Special Security Bureau. Xia Chujian first asked Qi Yue: "Do you know this place?"

A physical display screen slowly dropped from the top of the aircraft cabin, and a real-life picture of what was on the ground below appeared on it.

At dusk, the skyscrapers blocked the last rays of the setting sun.

The street lights haven't turned on yet, and the buildings in the entire neighborhood look increasingly ancient.

The color of the street is gray or black, and it feels dirty at a glance.

Moreover, there is a lot of rubbish on the street, and water accumulates on the street. The color of the water is black, and it may have become a smelly ditch.

Not far away is the bustling city center of Fenghai City, where the skyscrapers even block the sun that is about to set in the west.

Only mottled black shadows were left, shadowy in this dilapidated neighborhood.

The narrow street downstairs was lined with young women wearing cool and revealing clothes.

They wear heavy makeup, but it cannot hide the tiredness under their eyes.

Qi Yue looked at the block, recognized it for a while, and then said, "This is the building I escaped from."

"There is a dungeon below this building, and there are several floors below the first floor."

Xia Chujian also took a look.

If Qi Yue hadn't said anything, she wouldn't have been able to tell how many floors of this building there were with her eyes alone.

But after Qi Yue revealed this address, the Special Security Bureau had completed a complete survey and mapping of the place.

Generally speaking, as long as you use satellites, you can illuminate the contents of the building.

As a result, the satellite's far-infrared vision system couldn't shine into this old, dilapidated-looking building!

That almost proved that Qi Yue was not lying.

In order to avoid alerting others, the Special Security Bureau did not notify the local branch of the Special Security Bureau, nor did it contact the local Department of Corrections.

Because according to Qi Yue's testimony, none of these institutions in Fenghai City can be trusted.

They seem to be in cahoots with the Judge Organization.

Therefore, Huo Yushen decided to send an elite team over to conduct a temporary search and arrest operation.

It was the first time for Xia Chujian to direct such a special operation, and he was very excited.

After Qi Yue confirmed that it was this address, she ordered her team members: "It will be dark in half an hour. Then the first and second groups will go down first and enter the address I sent you."

"Turn on the camera and collect evidence at any time."

The response from the team members came from the aircraft's intercom: "Yes, Captain!"

Half an hour later, Xia Chujian said to Meng Guanghui and Qi Yue, "Let's go down too."

Then she pushed open the hatch and jumped in first.

Her Shaosiming black silver mecha had already been activated, otherwise she would have fallen to her death if she jumped from a thousand meters in the air.

Qi Yue was not a genetic evolver, nor did he wear a mecha. Meng Guanghui held his arm and brought him down with him.

The three of them came down faster than the first and second groups.

It was completely dark by now.

Countless bright lights have been lit up in the prosperous places in Fenghai City.

But in this neighborhood, there isn’t even a single intact streetlight.

The entire alley was dark, and although the surrounding buildings were not high, they still had seven or eight floors, like giant beasts crawling in the night.

This is the first update. There will be an update at five past twelve noon.

In early February, I asked for a wave of guaranteed monthly tickets ().

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