I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 820 Seven Suns (First update, please vote for me)

During the Chinese New Year, Chen Yanjun ate a meat pie sent to him by Xia Chujian.

It was a delicious food that people had never experienced before, and it almost caused their family to fight during the Chinese New Year!

And now it’s the buns!

Big meat buns!

He hasn't eaten it!

Xia Chujian turned around and twitched the corner of his mouth, saying, "...just a meat bun."

Chen Yanjun came uninvited, walked over directly, picked up the bun, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then, his whole body froze, as if he had forgotten how to chew.

I just want that mouthful of delicious food to stay a little longer, a little longer!

Xia Chujian understood why he was so gloomy.

Because during the Chinese New Year, the meat pie she sent to Chen Yanjun was stuffed with horned beef.

But this bun is stuffed with fresh wild rhinoceros and pork!

The level of deliciousness has directly increased by several orders of magnitude.

Chen Yanjun, who had never tasted such delicious food before, felt as if his sense of taste had been hit by a nuclear bomb, and he was so happy that he felt stupid.

Xia Chujian stopped urging, drank his high-grade nutritional solution, and asked Chen Yanjun: "Are you going to eat or not? If not, give it to me..."

Chen Yanjun then began to chew slowly, then took small bites and finished the entire meat bun with great treasure.

After eating, I was still unsatisfied and licked my fingers several times.

Xia Chujian said cautiously: "This is my last meat bun, you can't eat it again if you want."

In fact, it's not the last one. There are thirteen more in the zipper bag of her backpack.

But she didn't want to share it with anyone.

Chen Yanjun looked at her suspiciously and said without much belief, "Captain, you only brought two meat buns with you on this trip?"

This number is not very reasonable. Generally speaking, you either don’t bring it, or you definitely bring a few more.

How can anyone bring only two?

Xia Chujian said stubbornly: "It's just two. They were leftovers from school. They were put in a plastic bag and I forgot to take them out."

This makes sense.

Chen Yanjun shook his head regretfully: "Captain, when I get back, can I go to your house and eat these meat buns until I'm full?"

"You don't know that the meat pies you sent me during the Chinese New Year were not as delicious as this."

"Of course, it's delicious, but not as good as this meat bun... But in our family, it almost led to a sexual tragedy!"

"Everyone almost got into a fight just to get one more bite of meat pie!"

Xia Chujian was amused by him and said, "Do you want to be so exaggerated? Okay, after the mission is over, I will treat you to a meal at my house."

“But we can’t keep enough of these meat buns because the raw materials are too scarce.”

Although Chen Yanjun regretted that he could not eat such delicious meat buns until he was full, but when he heard that Xia Chujian was going to treat him to a meal, he immediately felt like returning home. He wished that the mission would be over soon and he could go back and enjoy the food prepared by Xia Chujian. Dinner!

In Chen Yanjun's eyes, starry sky treasures and the like were far less attractive than a meal cooked by Xia Chujian himself.

After Chen Yanjun left, Fan Ruisi came out.

She had woken up a long time ago, and was woken up by the meat buns she saw in Xia Chu.

Such an overbearing and delicious fragrance made her hungry to the point of being unable to sleep again.

When she got up, she found that Chen Yanjun had arrived and had eaten the last meat bun.

She was embarrassed to come out, so she found a tube of advanced nutrient solution in her backpack and drank it, so that she didn't feel hungry.

But still hungry.

Vanessa wiped the sweat from her forehead and said sheepishly: "Captain, can you include me and Mai Aotuo in your treat from now on?"

"In return, we can treat you to the best restaurant in Beichen Star!"

Xia Chujian said with a smile: "When the mission is over, everyone will go to my house and I will treat everyone to dinner."

In fact, Vanessi is not very interested in food. In order to control her weight, she eats very sparingly.

But this time, the powerful smell of meat mixed with the aroma of wheat from the meat buns shattered her will to diet.

She wiped her sweat again and said, "Thank you, captain, I'm so greedy that I'm sweating. I really hope we go back right away!"

Xia Chujian also felt at this time that the temperature in the room had increased.

Not only has it risen, it has risen very quickly.

She also wiped her forehead and found sweat on her hands.

Xia Chujian narrowed his eyes and said, "Something's wrong, the temperature has risen again."

It turned out that she had killed the demon yesterday, and the temperature returned to normal in the second half of the night.

Why is it so hot again this morning?

Could it be that there is still a demon here? !

Before Xia Chujian, he thought that something like the 魃 was unique.

But after last night, she knew that if there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three.

If there are three, there will be many, many...

Xia Chujian said, "I'm going to change clothes and go out for a look."

She walked into the bedroom and released Shao Siming's black and silver mecha, including the fully enclosed helmet.

Then the mecha's internal circulation system started, and she immediately felt less hot.

Xia Chujian walked out of the bedroom and said, "If you're hot, go to the lobby on the first floor. It's cooler there than the floors above."

Vanessa said: "I'll also change my clothes before going down."

Xia Chujian walked out first.

It was still early at this time, the corridor was quiet, and most people were still sleeping.

The adventure robot Xiaofei has been guarding the door.

Seeing Xia Chu come out, Xiao Fei immediately said: "Good morning, Captain Xia, the current temperature is forty degrees, which is twenty degrees higher than an hour ago."

"The temperature is rising abnormally."

Xia Chujian said, "I'm going out to take a look. I don't know what's going on."

When she walked out of the castle and looked up at the sky, she found that there were two suns in the sky where there was only one sun.

And it's just as hot and dazzling.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath, activated the Shao Si Ming black silver mecha, and flew into the sky.

Sure enough, as you fly higher, you can see that the two suns are still different.

One of the suns is obviously a normal sun.

The other sun is smaller than the previous one.

The two suns are in the same position in the sky, but at different heights.

So from her perspective, it looked like a big circle with a layer of smaller circles inside it.

Xia Chujian used the camera on his helmet to take several photos of the two concentric suns before flying down.

After she came down, the temperature outside had already reached fifty degrees again.

It's obviously too hot.

People who don't have second-generation mechas can't get out of the castle at all.

Xia Chujian originally planned to go out with everyone to explore the road today, but had to give up.

Another day passed, the temperature rose again by ten degrees, and a third sun appeared in the sky.

This third sun is smaller than the first two.

Now there are three circles in concentric circles.

Then came the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh days!

There are already seven suns in the sky!

The temperature outside the house rose to seventy degrees, and inside the castle it was also fifty degrees.

All the plants on the island, including the big trees, shrubs, grasses and wild flowers, were withered to the point of spontaneous combustion.

In such a hot weather, if these people were not genetic evolvers, they would have died of heat a long time ago.

Fortunately, they are basically genetic evolvers.

The only two people who are not genetic evolvers are Xia Chujian and Zong Ruoning.

However, Xia Chu saw a second-generation mecha that was not afraid of the heat.

Zong's military industry produced a comprehensive heat- and water-insulating protective suit for its eldest son.

The principle of this thing is somewhat similar to the second-generation mecha, but the materials are definitely far inferior.

However, it is also possible to maintain a self-circulating air system.

Just like the Shao Siming black silver mecha seen in Xia Chu, it has a fully enclosed air self-regulation system.

Her outer armor was insulated, waterproof and radiation-proof, and there was a complete air-conditioning system inside, so she didn't feel particularly hot.

But this mecha is a bit boring to wear fully armed all the time.

Because even if there is oxygen-generating equipment in the mecha, human beings are not people who live in condoms.

Naturally not adaptable.

For others, even if they are genetic evolvers, they no longer want to stay in the castle.

Everyone put on their diving suits and went straight to the sea to soak.

Because the area of ​​​​the water in Shanghai on the Green Star is too large.

Therefore, although the temperature on this small island is like boiling water, the temperature of the sea water is still relatively normal.

The highest temperature was only over 20 degrees, and it did not turn into a pot of boiling sea water.

Everyone had no choice but to put on diving suits and soak in the sea water every day in order to live more comfortably.

In the past few days, Xia Chujian did not follow his teammates in the sea water.

She stayed alone in the castle and asked Qilu to check a lot of information about astronomy for her.

After studying for seven days, when the seventh sun appeared in the sky, Xia Chujian had an idea.

At this time, the students could no longer bear to soak in the sea water every day.

As the commander-in-chief, Tantai Raoming couldn't stand it even more.

He tried hard to contact the starry sky exploration ship and wanted to return to the starry sky exploration ship outside the atmosphere.

But for some reason, he couldn't contact the star exploration ship outside the atmosphere.

Tantai Raoming initially thought that there was something wrong with the temporary base station he had set up here, so he hurriedly called technicians to repair it.

But the technician only checked the basic data and said with a pale face: "...the trace elements in the air have corroded all the hardware equipment."

For temporary base stations, if the hardware equipment is no longer functional, it is useless.

Tantai Rao Ming's face suddenly turned pale.

He was stunned for a long time, and then had Deputy Commander-in-Chief Guigu and Inspector Zong Ruoning called over, and told them about the missing contact.

Zong Ruoning said: "Don't let the students know about this for now. Let's first let the technicians try to see if they can assemble a new network communication device by themselves.

And this news was not hidden.

Soon, all students and staff knew the news.

They lost contact with the starry sky exploration ship outside the atmosphere.

Unless the starry sky exploration ship sends people down again, they will never be able to contact the people on that ship again!

This news plunged the already helpless students into despair.

On the evening of the seventh day, Xia Chujian walked out of the castle.

Still wearing the full set of Shao Siming's black and silver mecha, she came to the beach and said to her classmates who were soaking in the water: "Are you going to just do nothing and stay here all the time?"

"It will be dark soon..."

Chen Yanjun popped his head out of the water and said loudly: "Captain! The temperature will drop a little before dark, let's go back!"

"What can we do if we don't hang out here during the day?!"

"It's not like you have second-generation mechas..."

Xia Chujian said: "I don't think you are a genetic evolver. With this temperature, will you really get burned?"

This is the first update. There will be a second update at five minutes past twelve noon.

At the beginning of the month, I will continue to remind my children about their monthly tickets!

Today is also Monday, so I’d like to ask for some recommendation votes!

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