I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 890: that guy is nice

   Chapter 890 That person is good

  The paint man threw off the peaked cap he was wearing, revealing a head with a hood.

The    headgear covered most of his head, and only the part below the bridge of the nose was uncovered.

His headgear looks very strange, and the colors are different, but if you look closely, you will find that it is a piece of skin woven from different people's faces, but everyone's skin color is different, which makes his headgear look different. It looks different in color, but each piece of flesh is no more than five centimeters in size. With this head covered, it's hard to imagine how many people's facial flesh he used.

   The underside of the headgear is uneven and bumpy, and there is no deliberate trimming. Obviously, the paint man only sews the flesh of a person every time he gets the flesh of a person. Maybe now, this headgear will have the flesh of another person's face.

   Paint men's headgear will also be further improved.

   His emotions suddenly got out of control, and he yelled at the woman wildly, his voice crazy, but the woman silently endured the torture of his tone and didn't move.

   "Why? Why do you want to change?...Hehehehahaha~"

   The roaring paint man suddenly changed his tone in rage and laughed again. His mood was like the weather, unpredictable, and people couldn't understand what he was thinking at all.

   "Hahaha Jie Jie, very good, you have become, the way you are now makes me not at all interested, congratulations, you should go to heaven."

   The paint man's tone became dull again, and his words sounded creepy, but the woman's numb eyes glowed after hearing it.

   She finally got this day!

   She never thought that she would look forward to death, which made her unable to believe that she was still herself?

After the paint man said this, he seemed to be crazy, throwing the zombie scales he had just sprinkled on the blanket, as if he was angry about why he wanted to buy this thing, he was no longer interested, what else could he buy? use?

   The face of the stall owner flashed through his mind, and the paint man regained his emotions, with a crazy smile on his face.

   "That person is not bad, hehehehehe."

   After a few weird laughs, the paint man walked up to the woman's expectant gaze.

   "Everyone in my hands is very much looking forward to death, and you are no exception."

His tone returned to a dull state again. He bent down and stretched out his hand to brush away the woman's hair that was blocking his face, revealing a pale and bloodless woman. This woman was the "big man's daughter" that Tang Ye met at the Pingnan Base. Yang Yuexi, her father was Yang Yong, the army commander under He Jinzhan. Now that He Jinzhan died, Yang Yong also died tragically at the hands of Li Henian.

   After learning the news of her father's death, Yang Yuexi's whole body collapsed, but a few days later, she survived and decided to carry out a revenge plan.

   But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Before it even started, she ran into this man. She didn't know why the paint man treated her like this. She knew that she had no grievances with him. She couldn't figure it out, but she couldn't do anything about it.

  The end of the world is not a time of peace. Everything must be based on the law. In the end of the world, there is never wrong or right. It does not need those laws. Everything that was established in human society before the end of the world has long since fallen apart because of the birth of new humans!

  The new human beings are the hope of mankind, but their appearance turns justice in the eyes of the masses into personal power!

   With strength, you are justice!

Although this man is a lunatic, he doesn't seem to have anything to do with him. This irrelevance is not a joke, it is absolutely irrelevant. That is to say, as long as there is even a slight relationship with the paint man, Even just because of looking at each other, there is a possibility that he will be tortured by him!

   In her eyes, the paint man's hand filled with paint kept stroking his face, but his other hand picked up a piece of zombie scale armor.

   "Uh~ uh uh..."

   She opened her mouth with difficulty and uttered a few vague syllables, so that people couldn't understand what she meant. It seemed that she was afraid that the paint man could not hear, she raised her hand to her mouth.

As her mouth opened, blood continued to overflow from the corners of her mouth. She seemed to smear blood on her fingers and then write a few words on the ground, but such a simple action seemed to be absorbing her life, and the process seemed very powerless. .

   But just when her hand reached her mouth, the paint raised her hand and pressed it on her arm, easily pressing down her raised arm.

  uh uh~

   Yang Yuexi's eyes were a little anxious, and there was a look of pleading in her eyes, but it was not a desire for life. Now she just wanted to know why the paint man treated her like this, and she wanted to understand more.

   The way she is now, even if the paint man lets her live, she won't survive for a few days.

  The paint man ignored the pleading in her eyes, shook his head, and said, "You don't have to express anything, I know what you're talking about, what are you trying to say, why?"

  Yang Yuexi exhaled, the breath was full of blood, the paint man leaned his head over and took a deep breath with enjoyment on his face. It could be seen that he liked the smell, the smell of blood.

  Yang Yuexi relaxes, the paint guy understands, no need to work hard, now she is tormenting in **** even if she moves her finger, only by death can she escape from here!

"Why? Why should I torture you like this? Well... I didn't want to answer you this question, but you're about to die, nothing is worse than this, I can tell you from this. "

   Yang Yuexi's eyes flashed brightly, looking at the paint man expectantly.

The paint man stood up and looked out the window, as if he was looking at the scenery, but outside the window was a dead end, usually no one came. grey wall.

   He looked at this wall and didn't know what was attracting him. He watched it for half a minute before he looked away from the wall.

He looked up at the top of the window eaves, where the organs that were taken out from Yang Yuexi's body were hanging on them. After a long period of storage, and in this dark environment, her organs had long lost their plump and tenderness when they were just taken out. It was dry like a pile of dried excrement, and some places were still badly rotted, and it looked like someone had bitten.

  The paint man took off all the organs above, turned around and walked towards the woman. He removed the blanket covering her and exposed the entire abdomen. On the abdomen, there was a shocking scar, more than 20 centimeters in length.

  The wound was not sutured. It seems that the paint man knew that today would come, so that he could re-insert the organ in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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