I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 963: bizarre death

   Chapter 963 Bizarre Death

The biggest difference between male voices and female voices is the difference in voice. Male voices have a heavy throat voice, while female voices are made by the pharynx. It can make people clearly understand that which voice is made by a woman, and that is voiced by a man. out the sound.

Although this is the biggest difference between a female voice and a male voice, there are still many differences that people ignore. Whether it is a man or a woman, when they speak, they will use the breath of speech that both men and women use. , why is the sissy a woman, but when she speaks, it makes her listen very angry? It's just because he speaks that he is charming, but speaking in a man's voice will only make goosebumps all over the body of a homosexual with normal sexual orientation.

   Just now, my friend spoke like this, but the other party spoke very naturally, so I didn't realize what sounded wrong for a while.

   "Made, a complete pervert."

With a low scolding, he continued to walk towards the height of the anti-corpse wall. He was obviously a big man, and suddenly he spoke with a woman's voice, which made him, who was used to the other party's rough and heroic voice, only felt sick all over his body. The tone of voice made him feel like a weak girl standing in front of him, but he opened his eyes to see that it turned out to be a big man with a beard, no one could stand it!

Without thinking about this question, he silently went to the platform on the anti-corpse wall, but the voice of the comrade-in-arms just now kept echoing in his mind. After a long time, he couldn't help repeating it, and later he felt that the girl's words seemed to be the same. Such.

   "Fuck you Mad, you're really a jerk!"

   Discovering that something was wrong with him, he hurriedly cursed, sat on the table casually, and fiddled with his weapons, trying to eliminate his strange psychology.

It was a dark night. I don’t know how long it has passed. The most anticipated time has finally arrived. I glanced at my watch. It was time for a shift change, and the soldiers who were vigilant on the corpse wall could finally go back to the dormitory and have a good night's sleep.

   Whenever the last ten minutes came, he always felt that this time was the slowest.

Today is no exception. This winter is very cold. The sun rises late and sets fast. At this time of normal, the darkness outside is almost the same as at 2:30 in the morning, but today, a dazzling golden thread appeared in the sky. , it was dawn, and it meant that winter would soon be over.

There was a loud noise coming down from the anti-corpse wall. He thought it was approaching the shift time. Their commander was calling for them to gather, but after listening carefully, he found that this was not the case. The soldiers below and another team were ready to hand over. The soldier seems to be busy.

   "Quick, quick, stretcher!"

   "It's almost too soon, lift people up."

   "Nima's, come now, people are already dead!"

"What happened?"

   "What's the situation? People were fine yesterday, why did they suddenly die?"

   "Don't talk about it, we're all still confused."

   "I saw someone lying here a long time ago, I thought it was too sleepy and fell asleep, but I came over and saw that the person was dead."

   "What's this person's name and number?"

   "Number: 2-20779, name is Meng Huxiu, cause of death is unknown, seems to have died suddenly."

   "There are no wounds on the body and no internal injuries, so why did he die suddenly?"

   "Isn't it a sudden death?"

   "You fart!"

   "I know this person, he is a new human, why would he die suddenly?"

   Hearing a few words sporadically, he seemed to have heard the name of his comrade-in-arms from yesterday, and hurriedly ran down to inquire about the situation, only to find that it was the him from yesterday, who died inexplicably.

   "What's the matter, how did he die?" As soon as he came, he grabbed a medic in a white coat and asked.

"Who are you?"

   "My name is Yu Xingxing, I am a friend of Meng Huxiu, my number is 2-17812."

   "Yu Xingxing? You share a dormitory with him?"


   "Okay, then let me ask you, does he usually have any disease? Like heart disease or something?"

   "I don't know about this, and he is a second-order new human being. He can't die suddenly if he is sick, right?"

   "Then we don't know about this. We checked the deceased, and there was no dark disease on the body, no trauma on the surface, and no damage to the organs. We need further examination."

   "Then, let's do it."

   Chatted with the medical soldier for a few words, until the other medical soldier and another medical soldier carried the body of his comrade on a stretcher and left. Looking at their backs, his heart seemed to be shrouded in a haze.

  Recalling the tone of his speech yesterday, that feeling, and he was completely like two people, and today, he died suddenly, without any warning! And judging from the few conversations he heard from the soldiers below, this comrade-in-arms who shared the dormitory with him has not just died, but has been dead for a long time, and it was not discovered until now.

   All of this is full of weirdness. A comrade-in-arms that he knew in the past suddenly died mysteriously, which made him feel that this originally very familiar world was instantly full of unknowns, which sent chills down his spine!

   As if the fear when the apocalypse had just arrived, he finally adapted himself to the environment of the apocalypse, but suddenly suddenly arose in his heart.

  The unknown is always the most frightening.

Recalling the sudden abnormality of Meng Huxiu yesterday, and then saying to himself that it was okay, and the words that came out of his mouth, the strange tone was like a stranger standing in front of him, which made him think. Yesterday's Meng Huxiu was not the Meng Huxiu I knew at all, but another person. He was not him, it was it!

There was a cold war all over his body. At this time, the non-commissioned officer next to him had already greeted him. He hurriedly followed, and came across his companions who were guarding in other places yesterday. But the shadow in his heart lingered.

It's like watching a particularly scary movie. The appearance of the ghost in it can't be forgotten. It is deeply imprinted in my mind. I remember it when I eat, when I study, and when I sleep, I give myself the feeling that the ghost is by my side. .

   Soon, all the soldiers in this group of vigil have been assembled, and the next group of soldiers on duty has also been classified. As long as the non-commissioned officer is dismissed, the day will end, but there is one less person in his dormitory.

   At the same time, he also thought about it, and when he returned to the dormitory, he would immediately change the dormitory matter with the housekeeper.

   (end of this chapter)

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