Seeing this, the man rushed towards Zhao He with a switchblade in his hand.


, a gunshot rang out, and Zhao He took out his gun without any hesitation and pulled the trigger.

A bullet shot directly into the thigh of the second child.


This gunshot made everyone in the car scream again and again, and they were so frightened that they all hid under their seats, holding their heads, and did not dare to move.

"Don't move, get down! or shoot!" Zhao

He pointed his gun at the other two men, especially the yellow-haired young man who threatened the driver with a knife, aiming at his head, "Put the knife down, the driver will stop immediately, otherwise, I will shoot you in the head." "

The yellow-haired boy is only a teenager, although he often fights with a group of social gangsters, but when he sees this battle, he is so frightened that he immediately throws the dagger on the ground.

"Don't, don't shoot, don't shoot, I'll surrender!" he immediately squatted on the ground and raised his hands in surrender.

The driver was also smart, immediately stopped the car, and then pounced directly on the yellow-haired boy and pressed him to the ground.

Zhao He immediately pointed his gun at the last man, who was obviously frightened, and immediately raised his hand to surrender under Zhao He's threat.

The two masters immediately pressed him to the ground on the left and right.

These four robbers are only in their teens and twenties, and their minds are not mature, they belong to the kind of street gangsters, and they look ruthless.

But in fact, they are all pretending, and if they really let them kill, they can't do it.

Facing Zhao He, who was armed with a gun, they were immediately shocked and raised their hands to surrender.

From Zhao He's sudden punch to knock down the man in the cap, a shot shocked the scene, but it took about ten seconds.

It turned out that there was also an arrogant robbery quartet, and they were immediately subdued at this moment.

"Don't panic, everyone, I am a people's policeman, these four robbers have been caught by me, you all sit in your seats, don't move. Zhao He shouted at the people.

"Yes, yes, the police agreed, thank you so much this time.

"Young man, good job, he was so handsome just now!"

"Alas! Today's young people don't study well, and they run out to rob at a young age, and I'm afraid they will be ruined for the rest of their lives." While

praising Zhao He, the common people sighed for the four robbers, who were too young.

"Director Zhao, how are you? At this moment, the driver Xiao Li ran over in a panic, got into the car, looked at Zhao He and said worriedly.

It turned out that after he called the police, he had been driving the car and following behind, before he suddenly heard a gunshot, his soul was frightened, if Zhao He has three long and two short, he can't get out of it, I'm afraid he won't be able to keep his job.

"It's okay, don't worry, you call 120 quickly, there are people here who need first aid!" Zhao He looked at the man who was shot in the foot.

Zhao He didn't aim at the key point of this shot, but after a long time, I was afraid that it would also cause amputation and other sequelae.


Xiao Li answered, glanced at the man lying on the ground screaming, and immediately dialed the phone.

"I'm a barefoot doctor, I can help take a look. An uncle suddenly spoke.

"Okay, then it's troublesome uncle. Zhao He's eyes lit up.

"It's not troublesome, it's not troublesome, just give him some medicine to stop the bleeding, and if you want to take out the bullet, you still have to go to a big hospital. The uncle said, and he had come to the man, "Help me press him, don't let him move."


the two men answered, and then held each other down, one of them was curious, so he directly took off the mask on the other party's face, revealing a young and immature face, looking no more than twenty years old, his face was slightly pale, obviously painful.

"Huh? This, isn't this the little overlord Wu Hao? It's actually him. Someone exclaimed.

Hearing the name Wu Hao, the uncle, who was still looking for hemostatic medicine in the medical box, suddenly stopped moving, looked up, and when he saw Wu Hao's face, he immediately said: "No, no, even if I treat a dog, I won't cure him." "

Yes, don't treat him, let this little beast live and die, he didn't bully my son a lot, he broke the bridge of his nose last time, he couldn't save him, let him die." A grandmother also stood up and chimed in.

"It's unlucky, I sympathized with him before I was blind, I knew it was this animal, I, I would ......"

A man scolded, not only did not have the slightest sympathy, but was ready to make up for it.

Seeing this, Zhao He hurriedly stopped him, "What are you doing here?" "

Comrade policeman, you don't know, this kid is the little bully of our town, and he is the big bully, doing evil in our town, bullying men and women, and being very arrogant, we little people are not less bullied by them. The uncle stood up, pointed at Wu Hao and said: "This kid once teased my granddaughter, if he hadn't found out in time, my granddaughter would have ......

all of them" Hearing this, Zhao He's face sank, and his eyes at Wu Hao also showed disgust.

Originally, he was young, and Zhao He still felt guilty when he fired a shot, although the crime of robbery with a knife was not small, but it was not to the point of being shot.

But at this moment, hearing everyone say this, Zhao He's only trace of sympathy suddenly disappeared.

"Is he from Shuiling Town?" Zhao He asked

, "Yes, yes, I am also from Shuiling Town."

"And me, and so do I.

Everyone agreed, in fact, most of the people in the car were from Shuiling Town.

"Then why didn't anyone arrest him?" Zhao He continued.

"Young man, don't you know, this kid's father is called Wu Dakui, and he has a younger brother named Wu Yueying, who is the director of the police station, a relation, naturally no one dares to arrest him, even if he is arrested, he will be released soon. A grandmother said.

"Director, how is it possible?" this is the ......" Xiao Li was surprised, and wanted to introduce Zhao He's identity, but the latter immediately stopped him from continuing, "Xiao Li, didn't you ask you to call the police? Why hasn't the police arrived yet?"

"I have already beaten it, but ......

" "If you fight again, tell the Shuiling Town Police Station that Wu Hao, the nephew of their director, was arrested." "Zhao Daodao.

"Yes, yes, I'll call. Xiao Li reacted, and hurriedly took out the phone to call the police, he also reacted, Zhao He didn't want to explain his identity, and after he called the police, he naturally wouldn't explain.

Zhao He looked at the grandmother and asked, "I heard that the director of the Shuiling Town Police Station has been absent for a long time, why did a director suddenly appear?" "He

is a deputy, a deputy director, but he has always emphasized that he is the director of the police station, and soon the appointment will come down, and the people are afraid of him, so they all call him the director." Uncle said.

Zhao He nodded

!"Grandpa Liu, I was wrong, I, I was really wrong, please, save me, I don't want to die

, I'm in so much pain!" "Uncle policeman, can't you see death and not save it!I'm still young, I, I promise you, I will definitely reform well in the future!"

"Please, save me, woo woo woo ......"

At this time, Wu Hao suddenly cried and pleaded, he was really scared! Feeling like he was going to die, a feeling of swelling in his thighs made him faint in pain.

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