Claire and the others were all dumbfounded when they looked at the large refrigerator in front of them.

Although Qin Moyu was in the form of a motorcycle when he first met him, seeing him turn into a large refrigerator with his own eyes was still very shocking.

LJ opened the door of the refrigerator and touched the inside. Sure enough, a chill came from his palm.

"Hey, don't touch it, it's a little itchy..." After being touched by LJ, the entire refrigerator that Qin Moyu was in shook. At the same time, Qin Moyu's voice sounded angrily.

"Awesome, you turned into a refrigerator, but it can be used without electricity?" LJ said in surprise while putting the cold beer in.

"I am an artificial human. If I don't have a chip, I still need a battery or a charger. But with an analog chip, my energy will be endless!" Qin Moyu's voice sounded from inside the refrigerator.

"This is simply unscientific!" Carlos said in surprise as he circled the refrigerator twice.

"Yes, I think it's unscientific, but that's the fact!" Even though she was the person involved, Qin Moyu also expressed her agreement with Carlos.

After a while, the beer cooled down. After LJ took it out, he took a nice sip.

In this hot desert, it is self-evident that you can have a nice sip of cold beer, sour and refreshing.

"Hey, Qin Moyu, what else can you turn into?" At this time, Claire seemed to be very interested in Qin Moyu and asked curiously.

Naturally, Carlos and LJ next to him also stared at Qin Moyu curiously, thinking that he was very magical.

"There are so many things that can be changed! For example, in combat, I can change pistols, Gatling guns, swords, flamethrowers, and even artillery shells. Because the energy will not be exhausted, these guns and artillery shells are even unlimited. of!"

"In addition, I can change a lot in terms of life. Motorcycles, cars, and other small vehicles are okay, but of course, large ones such as airplanes and tanks are not! After all, the size is very different!"

"Finally, there are also household appliances, such as refrigerators, electric ovens, vacuum cleaners, rice cookers, and even water fountains..."

"In short, as long as it's some conventional electrical appliances and weapons, I can do it! There are too many, I can't even count them!"

Regarding his abilities, Qin Moyu roughly listed some of them and took a rough inventory.

Claire and the others next to them were all dumbfounded as they listened.

Can you change so many things? This is almost everything, right?

"Currently, it seems that the weapons are very practical, with almost unlimited firearms and artillery shells. In terms of combat endurance, there is no need to worry about bullets!"

"However, household appliances are a bit useless. For example, refrigerators are used to store fresh food. However, we don't have much food, and most of it is canned products! No need for refrigerator refrigeration!"

Carlos interrupted at this time and commented on the things Qin Moyu could change.

Hearing this, LJ next to him also nodded and said in agreement: "Especially the faucets that spray water are not practical. Even the water we usually drink..."

Halfway through the conversation, LJ couldn't continue what he was going to say.

Not only him, but also Carlos and Claire all had their eyes widened, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.

Qin Moyu was seen sitting with his other hand raised and facing into the distance. His arm turned into something similar to a fire sprinkler gun.

Then, turbulent water spurted out from the water pipe.

The water flow is very fast and can shoot out seven or eight meters.

"This, this, is impossible..." Although he had just complained that Qin Moyu's situation was unscientific, Carlos was even more dumbfounded when he actually saw him spurting out so much water out of nowhere.

"Wait, stop it, stop it!" The survivor team was very economical in drinking water. Suddenly they saw that so much water from Qin Moyu was wasted on the sand. Although she was very shocked, Claire hurriedly shouted cried out.

Not only Claire and the others, but a little further away, seeing Qin Moyu's waste of water, the members of the surviving team were all attracted to her, their eyes were attracted like a magnet, no longer Can't move.

A little girl even reflexively licked her dry and peeling lips, and whispered in her mouth: "I'm so thirsty!"

"What's wrong?" Qin Moyu stopped, smiling secretly in his heart, but on the surface he looked confused.

"This water is very precious, why did you waste it all?" Claire said hurriedly.

"Didn't I say it before? My energy source is endless. If I turn it into a gun, my bullets are unlimited. Similarly, if I turn it into a water spray pipe, my water source is also unlimited!" Qin Moyu explained.

"Stop talking, if that's the case! Then hurry up and fill up our domestic water tank!"

This is the truth, but seeing so much water being wasted directly on the sand, Claire still felt extremely regretful.

Naturally, Qin Moyu did not refuse the effort, and directly opened the faucet and filled the water tank in the car.

Seeing the endless water source with his own eyes, Claire also spoke up so that everyone can drink as much as they want. From today on, the water supply is unlimited!

After Claire's news came out, all the members of the surviving team cheered together.

The most important things for human survival are water and food!

Nowadays, there is endless fresh water for drinking. As long as Qin Moyu stays with everyone, at least the problem of drinking water is solved. This is naturally a very exciting thing.

"Sure enough, it was indeed a very correct choice for me to invite Qin Moyu to accompany me!" Claire even secretly praised herself in her heart.

Seeing the apocalypse of the Resident Evil crisis, these people's faces showed sincere smiles, and Qin Moyu also felt good.

Sacrifice one's own interests to help others, Qin Moyu is not so noble, that is what a saint would do!

However, Qin Moyu is still willing to do this kind of thing that benefits others without harming herself, and can help others without sacrificing her own interests!

After eating dinner and drinking water, as the sky gradually darkened, the survivor team slowly calmed down and hid in the car to rest for the night.

It is worth mentioning that because there was no limit to drinking water and everyone had a full meal, there were a lot more people going to the toilet tonight than usual.

"Qin Moyu..."

As the sky gradually darkened, Claire's voice suddenly sounded in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Qin Moyu, who was also resting in the car, opened his eyes.

"Can you still turn into a bathtub? If possible, let's take a hot bath? In this windy and sandy world, I haven't taken a bath for more than half a year..."

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